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romance scenes... kind of a letdown.


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I swear America seriously needs to grow up about this stuff, here in the UK you can walk into a local store and buy newspapers with topless women, nevermind sex scenes in a vidya game, if they can pull it off in ME far more than once, why the hell should SWTOR have to conform to that kiddy-friendly US rubbish? .


because in america, violence, genocide, racism, torture, sadism, and cold blooded murder is a lot less disturbing to people than sex.

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I swear America seriously needs to grow up about this stuff, here in the UK you can walk into a local store and buy newspapers with topless women, nevermind sex scenes in a vidya game, if they can pull it off in ME far more than once, why the hell should SWTOR have to conform to that kiddy-friendly US rubbish? in-fact I don't see why they bother trying to conform to it when all the kids will just play the Clone Wars MMO or whatever, like they have the patience to play a game like this in the first place AND don't give me the LucasArts rubbish about no Mature content now we have Star Wars 1313 with an M rating.


I agree 100% that America is uptight about stuff the rest of the world doesn't really care about. I've seen the Spanish commercial with Eva Mendez in it. ;)


But seriously, the ESRB was created because lazy parents don't want to take responsibility for their kids' actions, and prefer to blame videogames, movies, television, and adult magazines. They can't be bothered to actually police what their kids play, watch, or read. So it falls on the government to take up the slack. Luckily, the ESRB is still the best self-regulating system in the world, since the government hasn't interfered with it or taken it over yet. Having worked in retail for a while, most stores have strict penalties for selling a Mature rated game to a minor. It works as best it can with the parents too self-absorbed to actually care about what their kids are doing.


At least, that's my view on it.

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Is Dragon Age 2 M or T? I think the love scenes in that one are tame enough but a little more than what we see. Would be a good compromise.

Look what they did with Mass Effect sex scene. With ME there was nudity, and they were shown. In ME3, all of them, except 3 (the 2 homosexual and the 1 bisexual), is just a black screen.

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because in america, violence, genocide, racism, torture, sadism, and cold blooded murder is a lot less disturbing to people than sex.

How did I miss this post until now? YES!

Edited by Khalhazar
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Look what they did with Mass Effect sex scene. With ME there was nudity, and they were shown. In ME3, all of them, except 3 (the 2 homosexual and the 1 bisexual), is just a black screen.


I think the romance scene with Tali was about 10 seconds long.




OT: They'res not much that can be done when your game has a T rating and it's star wars. This is Americuh! In Americuh our children can only shoot and mutilate people in a game, no sexy time!

Edited by Callmeboba
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The game is rated "Teen" which you would think would equate a more PG-13ish romance, but no SWTOR romances are more in line with a G rating. I personally am upset my main's romance option was limited to the most worthless companion to date in LT. Iresso (hate the dude so much I won't even check the spelling). I would have much perfered to have gotten some lizard love goin with Qyzen.
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The game is rated "Teen" which you would think would equate a more PG-13ish romance, but no SWTOR romances are more in line with a G rating. I personally am upset my main's romance option was limited to the most worthless companion to date in LT. Iresso (hate the dude so much I won't even check the spelling). I would have much perfered to have gotten some lizard love goin with Qyzen.


So it's ok in a T rated game to kill a woman's husband, proposition her in front of her son, then make your slave watch while you "socialize" with her? I think BioWare was pushing that a bit. lol

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So it's ok in a T rated game to kill a woman's husband, proposition her in front of her son, then make your slave watch while you "socialize" with her? I think BioWare was pushing that a bit. lol

yeah... lots of innuendo hinting at promiscuity, threesomes, S&M ( shock collar ftw), infidelity, ect, but no making out, pushing onto beds, afterglow talks, even non-foreplay cuddles

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yeah... lots of innuendo hinting at promiscuity, threesomes, S&M ( shock collar ftw), infidelity, ect, but no making out, pushing onto beds, afterglow talks, even non-foreplay cuddles


My cynical side says that's because many Americans are perfectly a-ok with things you can (truly or falsely) identify with violence or wrongness, but not with actual sexy sex. This is a shame, because most people could use a little more exposure to actual sexy sex, and not with what our media tells them it is.

Edited by Khalhazar
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I'm fine with them as-is; I know what's happened, and that's enough to serve its purpose in the plot.



I don't really get what a lot of people get out of those scenes anyway, all the character stuff happens in the dialogue, so that's the bit I'm interested in. I know that if I'm replaying Mass Effect or Dragon Age, I just skip over sex scenes by now; if nothing else they're cheesy, and often awkwardly animated to the point of being jarring, and given that they can be pretty much interchangeable from one character to the next (at least in DAO and ME1, the rest did better on that front I thought) I don't see the value.



To be honest I think if the sex scene is the "reward" for the romance, it's probably not all that well written anyway. In none of the SWTOR romances I've seen (about 5 so far) has the sex bit been the "Well done, you've finished this plot!" moment; the 'payoff' (if there is one) comes in the later dialogues I'd say, when you see what impact -if any- you've had on their character.

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yeah... lots of innuendo hinting at promiscuity, threesomes, S&M ( shock collar ftw), infidelity, ect, but no making out, pushing onto beds, afterglow talks, even non-foreplay cuddles


The SW and Vette's "wedding night" shock collar "American Pie" style comment still has me going :eek: on occasion. Just the nonchalant way she says it.... Giggity :D

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I don't really get what a lot of people get out of those scenes anyway


There are all sorts of perverts these days :p


How would you feel if your final showdown with you rival or final boss had the two walk offscreen to the right and then have a black screen?


If your not into the romance genre or romance in video games thats fine, but there is a climax to every story and plot that we all look forward to. So there should be a climax to the romance sub-plot as well... no pun intended.


I'm also on the bandwagon with all this. I don't need to see some alien ****** but atleast a scene of the two on a bed or sitting together.


There have been so many 'exit stage right' romances. They look dumb IMHO and it looks like you are watching a play.

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How would you feel if your final showdown with you rival or final boss had the two walk offscreen to the right and then have a black screen?


If your not into the romance genre or romance in video games thats fine, but there is a climax to every story and plot that we all look forward to. So there should be a climax to the romance sub-plot as well... no pun intended.


I'm also on the bandwagon with all this. I don't need to see some alien ****** but atleast a scene of the two on a bed or sitting together.


There have been so many 'exit stage right' romances. They look dumb IMHO and it looks like you are watching a play.


^ this

and funny thing is, my buds on my server who are all gaga over thier male LI comps..are all females who have long term male mates irl, so it's not that we're lonely o_O

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I couldn't care less if you had a wife or a husband IRL or were lonely or not.. you can still be a perv, fantasizing weird stuff ;) (oh, and I am speaking generally, not targeting anyone here). Some people are just really obsessed with this stuff and it is creepy. Just take a look at the Bioware Social Network forums and look at some of the stuff they write there (Tali fans for example).. gives me chills :eek: Edited by Skorz
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I couldn't care less if you had a wife or a husband IRL or were lonely or not.. you can still be a perv, fantasizing weird stuff ;) (oh, and I am speaking generally, not targeting anyone here). Some people are just really obsessed with this stuff and it is creepy. Just take a look at the Bioware Social Network forums and look at some of the stuff they write there (Tali fans for example).. gives me chills :eek:


oh come on..who doesn't want a life sized blizz cuddle pillow?

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I couldn't care less if you had a wife or a husband IRL or were lonely or not.. you can still be a perv, fantasizing weird stuff ;) (oh, and I am speaking generally, not targeting anyone here). Some people are just really obsessed with this stuff and it is creepy. Just take a look at the Bioware Social Network forums and look at some of the stuff they write there (Tali fans for example).. gives me chills :eek:


Mmmmmmmm Tali.... she's HOT under the mask. Love the pic she gave me of herself without her envirosuit on. ;) giggity

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Forget the 'fade to black' being disappointing, I will never forget the way my Jedi Sentinel wiggled his eyebrows when delivering a 'Flirt' line. I was almost embarrassed for him, even BEFORE he proceeded to get shot down. That's the last time I'm doing that.


Also, more on topic, I bet the main reason for the 'fade to black/walk off' suggestive romance scenes, is because they can't be bothered doing the extra animations for it that will only be used once or twice. :3

Edited by Zaxuku
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