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The Best things in life you have to wait for

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me
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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


Amen brother.

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Well I for one am sick of this game. How dare Bioware release their first MMORPG as anything but perfect. I too shall be leaving based on the assumption that my opinion is the only opinion about how this game should be, and how dare they not be able to fix all mistakes in a much lesser time than what is humanly possible in conjunction with their limited resource and capabilities. For shame BW, for shame. Edited by DiabloDoom
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Well I for one am sick of this game. How dare Bioware release their first MMORPG as anything but perfect. I too shall be leaving based on the assumption that my opinion is the only opinion about how this game should be, and how dare they not be able to fix all mistakes in a much lesser time than what is humanly possible in conjunction with their limited resource and capabilities. For shame BW, for shame.


And how DARE Bioware not answer every last complaint they have about this game in under 5 minutes!!!!!! They need to realise that not taking their time to listen to every last complaint that they have heard 1000 times shows just how terrible their customer service is!!

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


Amen I'm with you

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Oh im sticking around,this is the first MMO i have ,,,,,wait,,,crafting lol yup in all the others it was far too tediuos for me and i am glad i can make something for once for my toon that he is wearing.


Also i am making a Darkside Shadow,there has been some very funny parts so far,into the FIRE! lol.

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there isn't much point staying when there's nothing to do/can be done, and yes some servers are THAT bad.

in any case, there's nothing wrong in leaving now and coming back when things get better/could be made better, save that subscription money for something else more productive, or charities even.

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im Astounded by the amount of Positive Threads here, Sure theres this one guy, But really, This Thing is normal in a Rookiee MMORPGS lifetime, Bioware did Surprisingly Well for being the First time they made an mmorpg, And WoW didnt exactly fare any better, 2 years of Server lockouts, Bugs, Whining Players, People bashing on the Game cuz its an EQ clone, its like that all over again, the fact that SWTOR still has over one million subs is surprisingly well, and that was Before they launched in 38 new countries, Keep up with the Good Work Bioware, Dont let these people Discourage you:rak_03: Rock on!
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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


We could do without raids, it is too WOW and there is nothing really Star Wars about a bunch of jedi or sith teaming up to fight giant monsters. I am waithing for improvements to everything else as well as more Star Wars themed entertainment not WOW crap.

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Staying, leaving, who cares there is always a re-subscribe button, so what.


I just don´t want to pay for waiting until they put things in I want.


If they add space exploration/combat, vehicle battles, housing and minigames I´m resubbed in an instant, so will be many others who already own the game.


Also the game performance and look will improve over time, can´t imagine they are not constantly improving the graphics engine as well...

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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We could do without raids, it is too WOW and there is nothing really Star Wars about a bunch of jedi or sith teaming up to fight giant monsters. I am waithing for improvements to everything else as well as more Star Wars themed entertainment not WOW crap.


What? The books just finished a story arc where they had to fight a big monster.

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And how DARE Bioware not answer every last complaint they have about this game in under 5 minutes!!!!!! They need to realise that not taking their time to listen to every last complaint that they have heard 1000 times shows just how terrible their customer service is!!



You just need to read the Q+A or As i like to called it Answering the same questions over and over again.

And just normal Bioware commuications.


But I beleve you to be a dev so this doesnt matter.

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The game definitely has some strengths, and some very large weaknesses, but...


If they just did the server merges (literally) ASAP, they would get rid of many of the most common complaints right now.



OP: The internet, cell phones, etc., have conditioned people NOT to wait.



Thee are many F2P options out there in terms of MMORPGs, or other options.


Any company which doesn't recognize and deal with this reality nowadays is not thinking smart.

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there isn't much point staying when there's nothing to do/can be done, and yes some servers are THAT bad.

in any case, there's nothing wrong in leaving now and coming back when things get better/could be made better, save that subscription money for something else more productive, or charities even.


I know someone irl who unsubscribed a while ago. He explained to me his reasons and I understood his decision. Then, he asked me to keep informing him about the new developments and the state of the game, on a regular basis. That way, he could decide if it would worth it to resubscribe in X months from now. I think that keeping door open for coming back to SWTOR is a better thing to do than telling everyone in the forum that "I hate EA! I hate Bioware! They are Satan's minions! This game is the worst thing I ever played in my entire life! I'm done with this! I leave now! I'll never come back! Never until I die! Arggggg argggg!!! Rawwwwrrrrrr!!! *ripping shirt*".

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


Plenty of downs, but i haven't noticed any ups as yet.

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Staying, leaving, who cares there is always a re-subscribe button, so what.

Yeah, I'm not sticking around and waiting while having nothing to do in the mean time.


Can always come back... but I refuse to feel like I'm wasting my time instead of having fun.

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I came for the long haul. Ain't going anywhere any time soon.


Keep up the good work, BW!


Same here.

Even with the couple of issues that BW is working on fixing, this is the best MMO I have played and I enjoy it very much. Best questing I have seen, great graphics, very good game play and interesting End Game content.


Thanks Bioware

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