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ToS Violation for name ????


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Question: Do any of the policies address the use of reporting as a form of greifing? Do the CS reps keep track of patterns (like perhaps a given person does an awful lot of reporting, or maybe reports someone after they've lost a loot roll to them?)


While I think it is important for there to be mechanisms in game to report players for abusive behavior, it is equally important to punish players for using reporting itself as an abusive behavior.



The easiest way out is to stick with the policies to begin with. Being reported by ******es does not exonerate you in any way.

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Lets face it, the Star Wars universe doesn't really have any naming conventions to speak of. Crazy and off the wall is the norm.


The rules for the movies/tv/books are different than for an MMO.


Though I'm sure somebody at Legal will vet the names just to be sure.

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Comparing anemia to a serious disease is as weak as this person getting a violation for it.


If the name was sickle cell anemia, I would understand it more, but still find it like calling a character asthma.


I'm offering to send some B12 supplements to the touchy folks behind this.

You too can get over your iron deficiency!

Edited by umbongoumbongo
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You would think that they would have more things to complain about.


I guess the Devs have a little free time. I haven't had a single complaint or in-game comment that I was offending anyone. I also play well with others and have been in a few groups. Not a single player gripe.


You still have picked anemia which is a disease...i dont call my character cancer, aids or something religious like koran.

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Actually, the ToS specifically says you can not have any name at all.


Lets see you can only give a first name, combined with no names from history or popular culture. Well, that accounts for every human name ever created in any language, since history is a long time and a lot of people.


You are also not allowed to use jibberish names, which means all the alien names are not allowed either.


That is it, they just mutually excluded every name, real or imagined.


Therefor you are not allowed to play star wars if you want to hold true to the ToS. Therefore I see the ToS as invalid.

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Actually, the ToS specifically says you can not have any name at all.


Lets see you can only give a first name, combined with no names from history or popular culture. Well, that accounts for every human name ever created in any language, since history is a long time and a lot of people.


You are also not allowed to use jibberish names, which means all the alien names are not allowed either.


That is it, they just mutually excluded every name, real or imagined.


Therefor you are not allowed to play star wars if you want to hold true to the ToS. Therefore I see the ToS as invalid.



Google, turn the internet off now.

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The easiest way out is to stick with the policies to begin with. Being reported by ******es does not exonerate you in any way.


I don't think you quite get what I'm after here. Offensiveness is such an ambiguous and subjective standard that greifing is still quite likely when you think you're in line with the rules. My point was, do they keep an eye to the context in which a report occurs so that they may judge if someone takes genuine offense or is lying and using the ambiguity of offensiveness as a means to greif.

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Actually, the ToS specifically says you can not have any name at all.


No, it doesn't.


What it says is that Bioware reserves the right to institute a name change, and gives you no right to anny in particular.


Lets see you can only give a first name, combined with no names from history or popular culture. Well, that accounts for every human name ever created in any language, since history is a long time and a lot of people.


You'll note that it says significant. So Julius Caesar wouldn't fly. Julius Romero is another story. Unless there's somebody famous named Julius Romero that I don't know about.


You are also not allowed to use jibberish names, which means all the alien names are not allowed either.


No, if you read it, you'll see it says "Gibberish/unintelligible character names" which is meant to cover things like Qcvvdrdsdssrf as opposed to Qulusoro which would be ok.


That is it, they just mutually excluded every name, real or imagined.


Hardly. It's your tortuous reasoning that is at fault, not theirs.


Therefor you are not allowed to play star wars if you want to hold true to the ToS. Therefore I see the ToS as invalid.


Go with that. I'm sure they'll listen to you. Oh wait, no, they won't, nor will anybody in authority.

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I don't think you quite get what I'm after here. Offensiveness is such an ambiguous and subjective standard that greifing is still quite likely when you think you're in line with the rules. My point was, do they keep an eye to the context in which a report occurs so that they may judge if someone takes genuine offense or is lying and using the ambiguity of offensiveness as a means to greif.


If somebody is able to articulate a reason for the name to be offensive, then what is the point in worrying about any conflict that might have occurred between the parties?


Offensiveness is certainly an ambiguous standard, but then, that's why the description in the TOS is clearly examples, not definitive, and why they aren't necessarily going to punish you just for choosing a name that might be offensive.


I'm sure there's a policy to cover frivolous complaints, but I wouldn't bother worrying about it, since chances are it won't come up anywhere you can do anything about it.

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I don't see how that is offensive to anyone, even if they have anemia to be honest!


It is offensive because people want an immersive game and someone running around with a stupid name or some reference from RL stuff, is going to break that immersion.


It doesn't have to be Hitler to be offensive.

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Simple truth is that when it comes to diseases, people who actually suffer from these diseases might very well be offended. As long as you don't know how badly certain diseases can affect people, I think it's rather ignorant to say that a name like that can't be or isn't offensive.


That aside, it's a common thing in games with MMO to come up with diseases as names because then in the game, when someone is killed by you, their chat channel will say something like "you were killed by anemia" in your case.


Some disease are worse than others, but I think as a rule of thumb, choosing an actual existing disease or condition is at least in poor taste and can be offensive to people.


I am not shocked or offended easily, but I do think names like this (and many others) are childish and ignorant at best. Even if it doesn't phase me, I can see how people might find it offensive.


Don't forget that there are some general filters for name creations, but mostly aimed against profinaty, which can be easily circumvented with spelling alterations. After that, they don't go out and check all names. They just check incoming reports and that's it. So don't be surprised when some people haven't had their name changed...guess they just haven't been reported, that's all.

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It is offensive because people want an immersive game and someone running around with a stupid name or some reference from RL stuff, is going to break that immersion.


It doesn't have to be Hitler to be offensive.


Yeah tell that to all the Jedi i have seen running around with many differnet forms of Bater just so they can think they are funny when they get the Master title.

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I don't get it.


How is anemia all that offensive? Seriously? The mods must be mucho bored.


Did you read the post above yours? Very clearly explains why the name was reported.


Rather than picking a name out of a dictionary or being childish - how about people actually use some imagination and create a unique name that fits within the Star Wars universe.

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Did you read the post above yours? Very clearly explains why the name was reported.


Rather than picking a name out of a dictionary or being childish - how about people actually use some imagination and create a unique name that fits within the Star Wars universe.


Yeah, nothing stupider in my opinion than someone who goes around rating people's names in an mmo and flagging them for "unoriginality" or some idiotic crap like that.


If you're happy with your own name, why not just go on and play your own game? You people concentrate way too much on things that are so very unimportant, it seems.

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Anemia is not offensive,hell,I have a type of it and I would pick the name,if anything those with Anemia should be considered survivors cause it is a harsh disease,although its not as bad as some names i've thought of,such as Typhoid,hell,if Comics can have characters named after diseases why cant Star wars?


Anemia can be quite mild too....

I find it hard to believe many people haven't had at least a mild touch of it from time to time, at least half of all people.

It is the most common blood disorder.


Its a shame diseases get all the good sci-fi womens names. The eating disorders especially sound like evil space queens.

Edited by umbongoumbongo
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Yeah, nothing stupider in my opinion than someone who goes around rating people's names in an mmo and flagging them for "unoriginality" or some idiotic crap like that.


If you're happy with your own name, why not just go on and play your own game? You people concentrate way too much on things that are so very unimportant, it seems.


If names are so very unimportant, why this multi-page thread about somebody being made to change their name?


I've seen some names that were a lot more offensive than this example, and I've reported them, other people were like "Why are you reporting that name?" and I answered "Because I feel it's a bad attitude to encourage indifference" and I kept on reporting it till it got changed.


I'll refrain from giving examples, since they'd probably be filtered too.

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If names are so very unimportant, why this multi-page thread about somebody being made to change their name?


I've seen some names that were a lot more offensive than this example, and I've reported them, other people were like "Why are you reporting that name?" and I answered "Because I feel it's a bad attitude to encourage indifference" and I kept on reporting it till it got changed.


I'll refrain from giving examples, since they'd probably be filtered too.


Just because this thread has a lot of pages doesn't really prove that it's important to judge and rate people's names in an mmo. I'm pretty sure that a number of the pages on this thread are full of statements from people who are expressing how stupid it is that someone would spend time in an mmo reporting names for what they feel is "lack of originality".


My point is this: This mmo is full of fun activities and has an engaging story for each and every class. Lots to do without having to spend your time acting as the "Name Police".

Just my humble $0.02.

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