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Do you wish the Fleets never existed?


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Were in the biggest IP we know of, with a huge galaxy of information, with so many planets, species, etc......


And what does Bioware do, to help us immerse ourselves in this galaxy, with all its beautful planets?


Force them in the Fleet!!!!


I hate the fleet, i hate how pretty much everything is centerized in that one floating metal ship. Its alienated us from letting US choose where we would like to make our "home" base of operations.


I mean at least pick a planet, thats popular among SW fans to do this....but know, you dont pick any planet, you pick the fleet.



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I see where your coming from and in a way agree!

If the fps were planet based you would have a greater immersion as you linked a fp to a planet and what not.


But still I think Fleet was a good idea just grossly under developed and underutilized for what it could have offered.


But thats a complaint through out game isnt it

Almost like EAoware said

"ok guys we need a hub"

dev "how about a space fleet of linked ships and we could"

EA "woooooo slow down killer, space fleet idea good but lets not go filling it up with advanced ideas, we need to leave ourselves open"

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The fleets suck. They are obviously a soulless band-aid for fps problems the cap worlds would have if Pop got too high. So we get stuck in the skymall.


Keep them if you must, but duplicate the services there so that players dont have to go to the fleet if they dont want to.

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If it wasn't in the fleet, then you would have one or two worlds that would be centralized as well. People tend to congregate in areas that other people congregate, so your complaint would still be there if it was on planets. You'd find some planets empty and others full of people. What is the difference? At least the planets aren't filled with people standing around, now you have one central hub for people to stand around and not taking up space on planets.
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The only reason we congregate is because:


  • There is no LFG System
  • All OPs and FPs have to go through Fleet to get into them
  • There is no optional server wide channel to chat, hence, you run to fleet because there its the biggest chat channel where people are


So we are "forced" into fleet, not that we WANT to all congregate into fleet.

Edited by Megaloz
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I think it is a plot to ensure there will be no pvp invasions.


Why? I am sick and tired of all the new gamers out there who want everything handed to them. In Star Wars, heroes didn't sit around on a ship, they traveled. Some died for it, some lived... It's the nature of the game. (no pun intended)

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The fleet idea goes hand in hand with the idea to reward social gear via forced group farming of social points.


It would seem the heads at Bioware do not know a thing about role playing in role playing games or how communities form in MMOs.

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The problem isn't lack of content but a reason to do it at level cap.


The gear progression is based on 3 armor sets not mush else. The likes of EQ2, LOTRO and Rift had armor sets but there other things people could get from instances there really very good.


There is invidiual loot like other MMOs such as alternate lightsabers with procs etc.


The flashpoints should have been about aquiring Tionese token and with bosses dropping Energized(124 rating) armor with Normal mode drops being Columi and HM ops being Retaka. Nightmare ops should been different drops again with different armor set that acutally looked the best.


Even the new armor have the old set bonus when they should have a better set bonus or maybe added more.


Item progression needs an overall for the FP's to be worth it.

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I mean at least pick a planet, thats popular among SW fans to do this....but know, you dont pick any planet, you pick the fleet.




First, I think the word you are looking for is "no", not "know".


Second, is everyone just really kind of looking for anything to complain about? This is such a petty, useless point to discuss that it really is mind numbing.

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First, I think the word you are looking for is "no", not "know".


Second, is everyone just really kind of looking for anything to complain about? This is such a petty, useless point to discuss that it really is mind numbing.


I don't have anything better to do. I'm bored standing around on the fleet atm.

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I was always under the impression that Coruscant and Dromund Kaas would be the "go-to" planets to hang out on and do business, considering they are the Capital planets for each side.


The Fleet idea sounds great on paper but, like most of the things in this game, it doesn't do much for a true Star Wars immersion. Personally, I think the world would have felt more alive if you actually had to travel to a planet to do the Flashpoints/Operations. Being able to see their entrance portals while leveling would have been pretty cool.


With 99% of everything being instanced and needing to be accessed via the Fleet, I think that was one of the game's biggest mistakes in terms of creating a living, breathing world. To be honest, I think it reminds people of sitting in Orgrimmar and Stormwind all day; we thought we were escaping that when we bought this game.

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At the very least I would rather they have just moved the fleet functions to the capitals.


The fleet, in my mind, should server as the place to spend fleet commendations, the launching point of the Black Talon/Esseles flashpoints, and they could keep a couple of other ships docked there that can harbor some secrets and be used for special occasions and/or expansions.


I would move the CE vendor to Nar Shaddaa.


Flashpoints and operations would launch from the planets that first made the most sense (where the flashpoint is supposed to be located or a moon thereof, for example), but if that didn't really apply, then just start them on the level-appropriate world.


If you want to spend planetary commendations, you would have to go to the planet in question to buy those items.


Every planet should have a PvP contact. When I log in on a planet and have missions to do there, it's a pain in my neck to have to go to the fleet to get my PvP daily, and then I get to decide whether I want to stand around doing nothing or get back to doing my missions, but if I choose the latter, after my queue finally pops, I have to go back to the stupid fleet to turn the mission in.


More, but not necessarily all, planets should have a GTN terminal.


As near as I can tell, the fleet was supposed to replace the LFG tool.

Well, it didn't work, but I am willing to bet that the LFG tool can easily replace the fleet if they will just move some of those functions to other planets.


I am pretty sure that I wouldn't miss it.

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Dromund Kass was the "Hub" in beta pre-fleet.


It's too bad that they didn't work to optimize the capital planets and make them more inclusive for the entire 10-50 crowd. By making them FP and OPS hubs as well as the hubs for 50 dailies along with their already established purpose as the "first taste" of the larger game world, BW may have been able to foster a larger sense of community.


That and having a global LFG channel.

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Sure, fleets are ugly... and Republic players still have to see the reflection of the Imp fleet on all shiny surfaces on their fleet. The fleet has it purpose (on the few more or less healthy servers one can find folks there to group with)... maybe BioWare will give us in the future a better social hub, but right now the game has bigger issues than that.
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The only reason we congregate is because:


  • There is no LFG System
  • All OPs and FPs have to go through Fleet to get into them
  • There is no optional server wide channel to chat, hence, you run to fleet because there its the biggest chat channel where people are


So we are "forced" into fleet, not that we WANT to all congregate into fleet.


well said...and so true

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What's even worse...it's identical on both factions only flipped. Inspired.


lol it's mirrored. Actually it's probably the only thing they mirrored correctly in the game, since the classes actually aren't mirrored that well due to resource management, animation and delay issues.


I feel more comfortable in the Republic Fleet for whatever reason, the Imperial one feels even colder and lifeless.

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I agreed. Is awesome to have a central hub to not be wasting time all over the galaxy but I wish it was in another place Or at least have aside function to the fleet itself. I always thought the ''hub'' was going to be Dromund Kass and Coruscant , I mean come on those were the logical and frankly the coolest choices in my honest opinion.



Still having the fleet would be awesome if it served another purposed , like having to quickly defend a planet from an Imperial siege and needing to board a starfighter with a big group of players from the fleet to said conflict in x place in space.Having the fleet to have more options for spaceships.Idk something like mass capital ship fights or something ( I see all those ships parked around the fleet and just ''cry'' because they are there for nothing. The fleet could had been used by players to do strategies and manage pvp battles in space like a central hub for the ''soldiers'' (aka PvPers) of each faction to deployed from.



The other thing is removing the fleet social focus would be nice if the planets didnt feel soooo fake. I cant tell you how much I hate that damn carton background in the sky over each planet talk about ruining immersion , like it wasnt already ruined by the constant green or red instanced wall or the linear path of question.

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If it wasn't in the fleet, then you would have one or two worlds that would be centralized as well. People tend to congregate in areas that other people congregate, so your complaint would still be there if it was on planets. You'd find some planets empty and others full of people. What is the difference? At least the planets aren't filled with people standing around, now you have one central hub for people to stand around and not taking up space on planets.


This is what would be awesome, Hanging out on the planets.


I think Courscant and Dromound Kass should have been these hubs instead of the fleets.

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