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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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No because it just gives the elitists something else to try and shout at players about who play it like it's a job rather than a game...


this will blow your mind...


mmo's are jobs...


grinding mobs for items to sell or craft for sale, is the same thing as going to work for 8 hours to get money to buy/repair stuff... your guild or what ever are like co-workers.... the guild leader is like your boss.

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Man, you are lost in the sauce... stop getting so upset.


I'll break it down Barney style for you.


Self progression is NOT NEEDED for the game to function.

Meters ARE NEEDED in order to have self progression.


Therefore self progression is WANTED but not NEEDED for the game to function.


It gets trickier however when you take into account the game's longevity. Casual players will drop off faster than hard core, progression based players, provided that end game content is good. That means the number of players who will ultimately stay are composed primarily of progression minded players. IF no meters ever enter this game than the drop off rate of players will be accelerated past that of a game WITH meters (and equally good content). I probably shouldn't have ever gone there :p


And your proof for this opinion is where?


BTW, I am not getting upset. I am too busy laughing at you as you argue yourself in circles.

Edited by copter
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Um, the tool in this thread is meant to illustrate your performance, not to create it.


Are you thinking of some other thread or tool?




You don't need recount in order to improve, you need yourself in order to improve. That is for those with an ability to grasp that simple concept, and less inclined to warp the intent, or content.



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He isn't sure, needs a meter to determine the effectiveness of his thread.


However, I support meters. All things in life have measurements, parenting, job performance, ability to drive, ability to function as a productive member of society, etc. If one feels the need to avoid being evaluated, they're afraid of the outcome.


^^ Exactly this and well phrased:


"If one feels need to avoid being evaluated, they're afraid of the outcome."

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Man, you are lost in the sauce... stop getting so upset.


I'll break it down Barney style for you.


Self progression is NOT NEEDED for the game to function.

Meters ARE NEEDED in order to have self progression.


Therefore self progression is WANTED but not NEEDED for the game to function.


It gets trickier however when you take into account the game's longevity. Casual players will drop off faster than hard core, progression based players, provided that end game content is good. That means the number of players who will ultimately stay are composed primarily of progression minded players. IF no meters ever enter this game than the drop off rate of players will be accelerated past that of a game WITH meters (and equally good content). I probably shouldn't have ever gone there :p


This is weird. I had an image of a cow when reading this post. Are you doing anything with a cow nearby? Are you... sitting on one?

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Third party addon support has already been confirmed, so this thread is moot.


Addon support has been confirmed, but that doesn't give us any information at all about what can or can't be done with them. For instance, Blizzard intentionally broke several addons that they didn't like. I don't know how they would manage to break a DPS meter if they have a combat log in the game, though.

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I kind of feel like there's something missing without a Recount.


Today in the Esseles, I was dpsing as a Sage and it was disturbing not knowing if my spell cycles were more or less effective than other variations.


Okay, it's still low-level so it doesn't matter much but how will we do to improve in endgame content if we don't even know if we are effective or not?

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You don't need recount in order to improve, you need yourself in order to improve. That is for those with an ability to grasp that simple concept, and less inclined to warp the intent, or content.




So when presented with two different spell rotations or a spell rotation and a priority list...


How do you know which one is better without some sort of meter?

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Yes, but for some people, that *IS* the thrill of the gameplay experience.


There is no reason to deprive either type of player from what gives them enjoyment.


I hear ya man, the only reason why I am against it is because of cocky idiots and turning MYSELF into a cocky idiot, I will say this, add a damage meter, but not RIGHT away...give it some time

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I kind of feel like there's something missing without a Recount.


Today in the Esseles, I was dpsing as a Sage and it was disturbing not knowing if my spell cycles were more or less effective than other variations.


Okay, it's still low-level so it doesn't matter much but how will we do to improve in endgame content if we don't even know if we are effective or not?


You survive? How do you keep breathing? You just do. Or you don't. Are you having trouble breathing?

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So when presented with two different spell rotations or a spell rotation and a priority list...


How do you know which one is better without some sort of meter?




Are you serious? Just use the same type of mob as a guide. Whichever way works for killing it faster. Not a hard concept to grasp.

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It gets trickier however when you take into account the game's longevity. Casual players will drop off faster than hard core, progression based players, provided that end game content is good. That means the number of players who will ultimately stay are composed primarily of progression minded players. IF no meters ever enter this game than the drop off rate of players will be accelerated past that of a game WITH meters (and equally good content). I probably shouldn't have ever gone there :p


I actually believe it's the reverse, although I have no data to support that notion. Progression -minded players clear content quicker than casual players, and therefore get bored easier, as being on the bleeding edge of the game's content is what drives their interest.

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Addons and LFD tool will be in after launch.


16:42 "Addons? We're working on that right now. Will be a post launch feature."




"IGN: Moving forward might there be something like a group finder or something like that? An auto-finder implemented into the game?"


"James Ohlen: Some people ask for a dungeon finder system but the thing about those systems is they're really for more of a mature online game. If you put a system in early on it really takes away from the exploration of the level up game. If you have people all just basically waiting around their dungeon finder and all being grouped up together, they're going to actually take the time to explore all the worlds that are available in the Old Republic galaxy. So it's definitely a feature that we want to put in, we just want to put it in at the right time. However, the looking for group feature is something that we continue to work on, we want to make that more robust and more powerful. "



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I will answer interpretations without a problem. Facts I can't recall claiming.


Completely different is a statement I consider you to have claimed without justification.


You stated the 'every game' and I resorted to the one I had experience of, didn't mean to incline that you were referring to WoW.


As it has become quite clear, I do not wish to involve myself with a game that needs a parser as a performance tool. I have experience on multiple MMORPG's and WoW is the only one that has had a parser as a central tool for determining performance. So to this, no I wouldn't want to try other games such as WoW. :)


What I said, and what you're not seeing is:


Actually, every game needs a lot of it, it keeps the game fair and balanced. Otherwise people will be breaking it, because it won't be set up properly.


The part you're not getting is that the "it" was "theorycrafting" more than parsing. Though parsing is important to parsing.


You really didn't get what I said at all, but went into a digression.


Me? I've played a fair number of games that weren't designed with a good understanding of the theory behind gaming or in the system at all, but were just a mish-mash of ideas. Fun did not describe it at all. Sometimes they were corrected.


Other times, they just withered and died. A few times they got strangely popular because everybody got used to it and a better way was kept back from a stubborn reliance on the familiar. That's another problem/


This I did not mean as a personal attack, just a random observation and truth be told, I can't be sure it was you. I remember the avatar and nickname without multiple capital letters and starting with a C. Apologies for that.


Just avoid doing it. It requires a conscious choice at first, but it works very well.


True, but you are talking to someone who has said that their only descriptive counterpart for recount is the actual recount addon from WoW.


You might want to try looking up some other games and their theorycrafting then.


Doesn't fit my character to be picky. And I have to admit I enjoy wiping multiple times when it's not apparent that someone is screwing it up every single time. It means everyone is trying harder the next time or quits.


I don't mind a few wipes myself. I do mind wiping though, when it's because people won't get their act together, but will try to blow off any attempt to do it better.


I enjoy playing with people who have character. Skill is a plus. Not the other way around because like I said, it's not a performance test for me or from my point of view to anyone else. Jerks will always be jerks and that I don't really believe the recount makes a whole lot of difference.


I agree, it makes no real difference in the character of jerks. It really does help improve performance and completion though.


My opinion was only that I do not wish to see any kind of mods in this game, including recount. If it was dev-added, I'd take it, sure, but I'd prefer not to.


We're not talking about Recount as a Mod. Wrong thread for that.


Oh please, it was kinda the whole point of the last paragraph. That is what ultimately I recognize I'd 'hope for' because I believe it would lead to a truly friendly community. But as I also said, I don't really wish for it to happen, but rather try to find ways that more people could be satisfied with the game and the community.


I don't think your way would lead to a truly friendly community, but rather to a less happy and content one. I find myself more satisfied when I don't try to go do something I don't enjoy and when others don't try to force themselves on me when our desires aren't compatible.


It's why I wear headphones when I listen to music instead of using a speaker system.

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I actually believe it's the reverse, although I have no data to support that notion. Progression -minded players clear content quicker than casual players, and therefore get bored easier, as being on the bleeding edge of the game's content is what drives their interest.


^^ this, to a T!

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Are you serious? Just use the same type of mob as a guide. Whichever way works for killing it faster. Not a hard concept to grasp.


Are YOU serious? Sustained DPS on a boss is what you care about not killing a single trash mob... if you don't understand that fundamental difference and how it effects boss fights then this conversation is out of your league.

Edited by MortisMortavius
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You don't need recount in order to improve, you need yourself in order to improve. That is for those with an ability to grasp that simple concept, and less inclined to warp the intent, or content.


I like knowing where I stand based on objective measurements, not just how I feel.

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