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Everything posted by SchwartzMaster

  1. I was gonna suggest what this fine gentleman said!
  2. Assassin is more wooo lightsaber acrobatics fun and the playstyle allows you to tank or melee dps if that is your cup of tea. Sorcerer is more spam heal buttons/shields or lightning lightning but the playstyle allows you to heal or ranged caster dps if you like that role. I'm a 50 sorc. I suggest trying assassin though.
  3. Ah Loot Rules. If you are grouping with people you don't know, and with no rules set before hand, then everyone is putting in time and effort for loot. Loot has a monetary value, and as we know, time is money. Technically everyone is entitled to a fair share of that piece of loot. The expectation in most(all?)MMOs however is that if a piece of loot is useable and an upgrade it should go to the player/class/spec that can use it. This is why I don't advocate pugging unless it is a last resort, and for players to try to lay down groundrules if they are put in to a situation where they have to pug. However one should not be surprised if ninja looting happens(swiftly ungroup with the player and look for a substitute) and go on your merry way. Just remember, don't expect everyone to adhere to the unspoken rule of I won't roll need unless my player needs. SWTOR has companions and all gear is up for grabs. If you want specific rules in a random pug make sure you're crystal clear beforehand, otherwise, do yourself a favor and group with friends.
  4. Beauty is subjective, but let's be fair, twileks have human form with just different skin colors and two tumors coming out of their head. The lekku(the technical name for the "tentacles") really doesn't detract from that.
  5. Absolutely, go check tatooine there are a few different mounts and I believe Alderaan as well.
  6. I play a force user, besides a resolve buff or something, only thing that annoys me is being gripped into poison/fire out of no where(and then stunned in it). At least the knockbacks you see coming as you have to be in melee range....
  7. Far be it from me to tell anyone how to play, but for me personally I'm lvl 30 and just playing the game like a Single player game. I'm enjoying the hell out of the story, the planets are huge and highly immersing, and I'd be higher level but I sometimes help run my friends through BT or HS to help them catch up.
  8. Thank you. Then what terrible luck that i'd fail a purple...good grief.
  9. Quick story, with slicing I found a purple Slicing Mission Discovery for 250. I was 266. I spent 2k and my companion went away for 1 hour and 34 minutes. I was expecting a great reward. But he failed. :/ Anyway my main question is, with mission discoveries, is it a one time thing? or does it unlock the quest and it shows up at random?
  10. Best way would have been to stagger based on when deployed guilds were created so that people could play with their friends. As it stands 2 of my friends are already 20+ and I won't start til tomorrow. I still support staggering, but splitting up of friends was kinda...yikes.(yes yes i preordered late i've no one to blame but myself)
  11. Pugging caused ridiculous problems in wow. If you don't want to play with those you would label as "jerks" then please play with friends OR play with people on your own gear and skill level, and don't be surprised when people don't wish to carry you.
  12. I love Recount it's a great tool to help you become a better player. Players that are elitist will still be in game if Recount is allowed or not and find other ways to harass or grief others and are not a valid reason to not have a useful tool in the game.
  13. I've been supporting the staggered launch and still do, but i'm not gonna deny that some of what is quoted in the OP makes sense. Majorly the point on the new server smell, starting even on a new server with everyone else is VERY fun, and i loved rushing to max level for each expansion of other games( i wasn't gonna rush swtor but i also didn't want max levels before i was able to play either) At the very least, they should have staggered it by guild deployment's, not pre order dates. Just my opinion. 2 of my friends are playing w/o me. :/ I have patience to wait for the game, but it just seems silly that they will be level 20+ when i begin :/
  14. Oct 11. didn't get in. See you all bright and early tomorrow at 6.am. central, give or take a few after dropping my gf at work.
  15. You'll thank them when you get in and there's no lag or server crashes.
  16. People that got in "This is the best and smoothest launch ever." People that didn't "This is the worst launch ever." As soon as they get in the whiners will be all happy and too busy enjoying the game to QQ on the forums. Only true complaints should be if there are any + 40s at this point due to some bug/exploit that people are mentioning, and my personal favorite, friends not getting to play at the same time. Deployed guilds should have gotten in at the same time in my honest opinion, but no butthurt here. Staggering was a great idea and even if they were overcautious today it's still day 7 of happy free gaming time that we are not entitled to, and is a nice gift on BW's part.
  17. This really isn't an exploit or a bug. Just a bad oversight on Bioware's behalf. Definitely not banworthy. They could rollback the XP from it though, or if not, at least turn of WZs until things are more populated. Even so, I imagine most people are questing and enjoying the story, and since the servers are under populated not too many people are queing up for WZs... so the ones that are....yeah....oh well, I haven't gotten in yet cuz i preordered waaaay late, but I will still be pretty miffed if i get ganked on the 3rd planet by a lvl 50. Grrr. PvP servers all the way but damn....I didn't want to be on that big of a disadvantage on the first week of gaming....
  18. Not sure what to tell you. :/ My friends tested it, guess I'll just have to find out for myself tomorrow, cuz i really want my names :/
  19. My friends have tested it, and as soon as its deleted another account can pick it up.
  20. Didn't get in today. Looking forward to trying for tomorrow! Keep up the good work Bioware, my friends who got in say it's a smooth launch so far, so you guys get my 2 thumbs up! Luckily I have patience and things to do!
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