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10 Good

1 Follower

Personal Information

  • Location
    Tython atm.
  • Interests
    Spend time in the Great Library, have philosophical debates, etc.
  • Occupation
    Student at the Jedi Praxeum on Tython.
  1. Personnally, to increase my awareness of how the fights are going and how the players are behaving, I increased the health bar's height and width and put them just left of the middle of the screen. So I can heal and be sure if I'm healing stupid or healing smart players.
  2. Is it just me or these scam creators really get stupider? I mean, look at this, it's not even believable. xD What the hell were they thinking mentioning Blizzard's EULA. It made me laugh and I thought I'd share it with you forums lurkers.
  3. Tatooine looked amazing. It really was an immersive scenery. I thought "can't wait to see what it looks like at night". Then I felt sad.
  4. While waiting for my queue to end (not so long so it's not really a big deal), I've been reading the new server names. Senator Constipex. Really? Who'd want to play on a server with that kind of name? Just a laugh before being thread locked.
  5. This is so true. When they don't, you end up casting small heals between fights while trying to keep up with their aimless wandering. Then they launch into fight while you're using Meditation (or whatever else) and you end up with 78% of energy bar... I love healing. But spending my time "healing stupid" and "healing lazy" is quite infuriating.
  6. I kind of feel like there's something missing without a Recount. Today in the Esseles, I was dpsing as a Sage and it was disturbing not knowing if my spell cycles were more or less effective than other variations. Okay, it's still low-level so it doesn't matter much but how will we do to improve in endgame content if we don't even know if we are effective or not?
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