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(From Taugrim.com)SWTOR Has Repeated RIFT’s Mistakes in Endgame PVP


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the gear progression is what make PVP in MMO intresting because it feels that the game change...


the problem is mixing ENDGAME gear with new people in PVP


the progression has never been the problem and GW2 remove the progression like if it was the problem


the problem is NBA team playing with Middle-school team.


GW2 fail in my book because remove the problem instead of fixing it... yeah it's hard to balance gear/composition/class/skill let's remove 90% of it


no gear no different class everybody can do everything and 10 abilities only (at same time)... fine GW3 will be 1 class 1 ability 1 button so it's easier to balanca.


it's fun i had a blast in the beta event like i have a blast in EVERY DECENT GAME FIRST WEEK

do it over and over again for 2 month and then we will see if u still think it's a blast i need advancment to enjoy a game if i stay always the same after one month i look for something else that why i will wait the trial of GW2 because i am not sure it's worth to buy it new if it deliver only 1 month fun

Edited by Pekish
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World pvp is not an option for competitive pvpers. It is for casual fun only


First, you say you don't like the out-of-the-box structured PvP in GW2 because it isn't "RPG" enough. Then you say you don't like world PvP because it's not competitive.


You see, to me, you sound crazy because my definition of competitive doesn't include any system which allows for advantages based upon gear progression (gear choice is another matter completely). It seems that gear advantage based upon gear progression falls inside your definition of "competitive" gameplay.


I'm not going to say you are right or wrong, but it's not likely we'll have any kind of meaningful exchange since we are working from two different definitions and viewpoints.

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GW2 fail in my book because remove the problem instead of fixing it... yeah it's hard to balance gear/composition/class/skill let's remove 90% of it


You either haven't played the game or you have and are somehow completely ignorant as to how it works. The GW2 sPvP sets offer far more customizaton through builds, weapon choice, and GEAR choices than another other game on the market.


It's not even close. In fact, it's somewhat laughable.

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You either haven't played the game or you have and are somehow completely ignorant as to how it works. The GW2 sPvP sets offer far more customizaton through builds, weapon choice, and GEAR choices than another other game on the market.


It's not even close. In fact, it's somewhat laughable.



I did play beta and as i said I DID have fun but customization and skill connected to weapon of which only 1 or 2 are really effective


i say give 1 month and since everybody can do everything you will have 3 template used by evreybody and his dog for a 4 people team ALL THE SAME consider that there is no progression it will be the most boring thing ever.


differently from beliver i dont stop to the first impression and try to understand how the mechanic will develop over time and the mechanic of GW2 unless they change them (and they can... i am not saying the cant) are pretty pretty stale.


the only real customization is THE GROUP but this kind of kill the solo playing style and casual player out...

it's totally a FPS and people that like that type of game will love it I personally prefear MMORPG

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yep and after 1 month beeing exactly at the same point where u were day one and after 2 month beeing still there nothing changed and after 6 month still doing exactly the same, same gear same pvp same warzone WvWvW nothing change nothing last everything reset no real effect no the world no real effect on ur guild no real effect on your character


you get bored on SWTOR in 1 month of doing the same stuff WHILE GEARING UP and changing spec/gear every time


and you praise a game that wont change in 6 month (thats why there is no monthly payment don't you get it???)


GW2 will be very very big the first 2 month 3 for the PRO-pvper that will mix max THE GROUP (no the gear since they are all the same)


after that nothing i personally without all the math and the fun in changing gear and testing this and that would have already gone from SWTOR so probably wont last more then 1 month in GW2


every pg can do everything everybody geared the same it's a FPS and i dont like FPS



Wrong wrong wrong. Good pvpers crave even playing fields so they can showcase ability, not gear. The idea of not getting new gear does not affect a pure pvper because they don't pvp for gear. What you are talking about is called pve. GW2 has that as well.


GW pvp was some of the most fun I've ever had. GW2 beta has shown me nothing other than improvements on the og system. Oh, and rvrvr. Don't forget about that kiddo.

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You either haven't played the game or you have and are somehow completely ignorant as to how it works. The GW2 sPvP sets offer far more customizaton through builds, weapon choice, and GEAR choices than another other game on the market.


It's not even close. In fact, it's somewhat laughable.




Stop trashing games you know nothing about. There is literally nothing this game does better than gw2 or Secret World for that matter. You can give a turd a light saber and a soundtrack if you like, it is still Darth Turd.

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FPS pvpers crave even playing fields so they can showcase ability, not gear. The idea of not getting new gear does not affect a pure pvper because they don't pvp for gear. .


I am not a FPS pvp player I like RPG and GW2 felt wrong i know is not the game for me and i will not buy it


i only wonder why you bought SWTOR if u are that type of player you knew from start this was not that type of game


so i know what i buy and i buy what i like you buy random and come on the forum to whine and cry to try to change the game in the way you like


why do you buy a car simulator if u want to fly an airplane? honestly get a grip before you buy.

Edited by Pekish
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I did play beta and as i said I DID have fun but customization and skill connected to weapon of which only 1 or 2 are really effective


Just weapons? I think you might be missing a few things like amulets, jewels, runes, sigils, utilities, elites, and traits.







How many different endgame PvP gear sets and weapons does SWTOR offer exactly? Are you honestly going to try to argue that SWTOR offers more endgame customization via builds and gear?

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Stop trashing games you know nothing about. There is literally nothing this game does better than gw2 or Secret World for that matter. You can give a turd a light saber and a soundtrack if you like, it is still Darth Turd.





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and how do effect on PVP? from what i know u pvp on even stats didnt the guy right here said so? that's was my experience of GW2 just in PVP and that's it i honestly didnt do PVE the beta was short (as my free time) and did only PVP
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I am not a FPS pvp player I like RPG and GW2 felt wrong i know is not the game for me and i will not buy it


That's cool. I'm only arguing that some of the reasons you have stated that it isn't the game for you are not factually correct. However, there are plenty of valid personal reasons to prefer one game over another. I'm not trying to convince anyone to play one game over another. I'm just clearing up misconceptions and factually incorrect statements.


i only wonder why you bought SWTOR if u are that type of player you knew from start this was not that type of game


The answer to that is rather simple. A game like GW2 has never been released before. Trust me, if GW2 was available at the same time as SWTOR I would never have played this game. I've enjoyed aspects of SWTOR PvP but still felt constrained by it's system (which has been pretty standard for MMORPG PvP across the board until now).

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Stop trashing games you know nothing about. There is literally nothing this game does better than gw2 or Secret World for that matter. You can give a turd a light saber and a soundtrack if you like, it is still Darth Turd.


This game has better raiding and dungeons that guild wars 2 and secret world.

In fact, guild wars 2 will never have good crafting, dungeons, or anything remotely good that is worth $15 a month which is why it is free 2 play.

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and how do effect on PVP? from what i know u pvp on even stats didnt the guy right here said so? that's was my experience of GW2 just in PVP and that's it i honestly didnt do PVE the beta was short (as my free time) and did only PVP


There is a vast amount of customization involved to change your stats, armor set bonuses, weapons procs etc. I'll admit I found the game shallow at first as well until I discovered just how much customization is possible. Look at the links I posted from the GW2 wiki just to get an idea of how much variety there is in gear choices alone.


And the choice you make there will synergize with your weapon, utility, and trait choices. It's very robust.


So, yes... a person can have an advantage over another person due to gear. BUT, that advantage will be because of gear CHOICES not gear PROGRESSION. That is a huge difference, and it personally means everything to me.

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The answer to that is rather simple. A game like GW2 has never been released before. Trust me, if GW2 was available at the same time as SWTOR I would never have played this game. I've enjoyed aspects of SWTOR PvP but still felt constrained by it's system (which has been pretty standard for MMORPG PvP across the board until now).


Fair answer i accept that... I wouldn't do so if i don't have a game i like i don't buy a game i think i may not like just because i cannot way.


But most of all if i buy a game with a certain type of mechanics and i know i won't like them and if i really end up playing it maybe because my friends play it and i want to play with them... i wont go whine on forums saying this game is wrong because of this this and that (beeing this this and that never suppose to be in this game the way I like it)


I dont like bread but i buy bread because my friend like bread i eat bread then i send a complaining letter to the bread manufactury because the bread doesn't taste like a cake.

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The answer to that is rather simple. A game like GW2 has never been released before. Trust me, if GW2 was available at the same time as SWTOR I would never have played this game. I've enjoyed aspects of SWTOR PvP but still felt constrained by it's system (which has been pretty standard for MMORPG PvP across the board until now).


Guild wars 2 has been done so many times already. People are just buying the hype or advertising hoopla. Game is very much like SOE planetside but more rpg. People that bought guild wars 1 will never buy that game.

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Guild wars 2 has been done so many times already. People are just buying the hype or advertising hoopla. Game is very much like SOE planetside but more rpg. People that bought guild wars 1 will never buy that game.


I played Planetside and enjoyed it quite a bit, but comparing GW2 to Planetside? Uh, no. It's a different style of game. It's like comparing apples to oranges. GW2 still falls under an MMORPG category while PS falls under an MMOFPS category.


I would never compare PS to SWTOR, for example. That would be...well, stupid.

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not sure why he only bought the warhero main hand....... he would have gotten a much better return on expertise if he had bought 5+ pieces of battlemaster gear


did anyone answer this? the fact that he did this pretty much invalidates everything he wrote.

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I played Planetside and enjoyed it quite a bit, but comparing GW2 to Planetside? Uh, no. It's a different style of game. It's like comparing apples to oranges. GW2 still falls under an MMORPG category while PS falls under an MMOFPS category.


I would never compare PS to SWTOR, for example. That would be...well, stupid.


They both are the same. No gear, 3 sides fighting. All the features of guild wars 2 is copied from planetside. They just put RPG in the title. That game will suck just like guild wars 1.

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i do agree with most of his perspective/opinions on PvP.


pre 1.2 was MUCH, MUCH better in terms of balance and class distribution. BW is making a mess of this, the same way every other MMO (minus WoW, i played too little to comment) has done in the past, regarding class balances and adjustments...


expertise has a place, albeit, a small one. it should weed out PvE gear trumping PvP gear...that's it.


better WZ's, more WZ's, different game modes (ctf, tdm, etc.), content!!


i'm not getting paid to think for BW, altho i have many ideas and suggestions. it is their hole to plug.


but, this game has HUGE potential...


the Devs and decision makers need to take an MMO history lesson and pull their heads out of their dark place, and start getting things done...


p.s. idk who they got to test this game...but, something's not working. or those people aren't "testing" and playing the game with any non bias. there is no way some of the "adjustments" should have went live. (1.2)

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Stop trashing games you know nothing about. There is literally nothing this game does better than gw2 or Secret World for that matter. You can give a turd a light saber and a soundtrack if you like, it is still Darth Turd.


I hate to poke my head into this troll thread, but being in the Secret World closed beta I think I need to temper everyone's expectations (as people seem to be lauding that game in this thread for some reason). There are massive problems with that game at this stage that go beyond polish. I'm not gonna say it will be horrible, but people really need to temper their expectations of that game in particular or else they're gonna be very disappointed .

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They both are the same. No gear, 3 sides fighting. All the features of guild wars 2 is copied from planetside. They just put RPG in the title. That game will suck just like guild wars 1.


yeah guild wars 1 sucked so much it sold 8m copies ... enough to fun a sequel.

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To PvP for 20 years, and never rise above average status. Is the epitome of fails.


That alone is reason enough for not caring what he has to say about balance in any game related issues.... ever


Look to think that is crazy. It could be a time commitment or real life schedule keeping him from being able to get to the top 3 spots in any game. Ive been in a top 50 world guild in wow since tbc, ive made glad multple times on 2 seperate toons, i was in the top rift pvp guild before the ranks went from 8 to 40, i am playing in one of the best if not the best pvp guilds in swtor and had one of the top 3 bh healers pre 1.2 and now top 3 op healers since 1.2 and i have used taugrims blog for a long time. Its not about his position itshis understanding of mechanics and of way games work. He was spot on about rift and swtor future. His guide for cleric dps/healer hybrids was so good that i used it to kill him in rift on daybllind server before i was r6 and he was in r8 gear.


Its not about being the best no one can ever be #1 forever and to think you ever know it all is to only become orse by refusing to listen and learn. I read blogs and get excellent info from different views and it all works when put together correctly.


I trust Taugrim but u know who i dont trust the bioware devs and no one can prove the opposite since the proof is in your server population. Taugrims blog to one articel has more replies then 90% of bioware servers have players logged in. Taugrims is a great blogger who knows his stuff and i would only hope a company like bioware (who by the way invited him to be one of the first peple to test swtor pvp because they trust his opinion) would hire him to consult them on how to make pvp better.

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