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(From Taugrim.com)SWTOR Has Repeated RIFT’s Mistakes in Endgame PVP


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Fact of the matter is SWTOR has indeed repeated RIFT's mistakes in endgame PvP. Trion is owned by most if not all of the same group that owns Blizzard, so at least the player base kind of expected a bit of what Trion did, what is BioWares excuse?
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That would be quite a feat, considering that MMOs didn't exist 20 years ago (i.e. 1992).


Thats actually not true. Neverwinter nights on AOL started in 1991 and was the first MMORPG. I started playing it in 93.


Its actually probably my fondest gaming experience, although you had to like turn based PvP (think Xcom but with ADD rules)

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Thats actually not true. Neverwinter nights on AOL started in 1991 and was the first MMORPG. I started playing it in 93.


Its actually probably my fondest gaming experience, although you had to like turn based PvP (think Xcom but with ADD rules)



Edited by taugrimtaugrim
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1-Swtor pvp is terribad compared to ANY..but i srsly mean ANY other pvp option in the online gaming universe.

2-the skillcap/skillflor of this game is ridiculously low..simple mechanincs..3-6 buttons usable in pvp for every class..wz zerg...ps-Wz coordination over TS/Skype/W.e IS NOT ANY FORM OF SKILL whatsoever,if anything its the bare minimum to actually play pvp in any game..



3-There is NOT a single Pro player playing swtor pvp..At all...no matter what gamming background..wow,dota,lol,etc...NONE is actively playing swtor pvp and thast pretty self explanatory (pro players,as in good enough he is actualy payed to play)



4-Swtor pvp is amusing at best...far from being any good pvp wise...anyone still playing it "for real" is just doing it in falce perception/hopes of actualy being good....but you cant be good in a game where all the good players left can you?



5-Ranked Wz mighgt...MIGHT make it better...highly doubtfull



6-(and personal rage moment)..To all the swtor pvp heros out there...your either 1-playing your first mmo or online game ever....or...2-u failed miserably at other online games pvp after several rerrols into the fotm class(and still failing) so you finally rerolled THE GAME...Swtor is getting F2p by xmas,by then some people might come back..and this might be fun again


well still beats rift, i was 1 button smashing, literally, didnt even know what exactly i was doing, only thing i knew was that i was getting killing blows.

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