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I'm just having trouble trying to understand why people keep dropping like dead flies from this game and especially this server. It's STARWARS! c'mon. what's not to like about that in itself. You have Jedi and wookies and Darths and slave girls and romance with companions and npc's and your own space ship that you can do missions on. You have awesome class storylines the likes of which I've never seen in any other game. ANd altho I'm not a real big PVP'r I'm beggining to like that too, except for Huttball, but once I figure out the layout it'll get better there. After playing WOW for 6 years, and playing the BETA here on SWTOR there was no way I could ever go back to that or anything else Blizzard threw out at me.


I just don't get it! Everyday I see less people on the who list.


I personally love this game and everyone in this server and it's really making me sad when people move on.


Sorry for the whine I just needed to get that off my mind.


Darth Didi of Master Zhar Lestin server

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One of the problems, dude, is this is not Star Wars...

STAR: space (NO)

WARS: PVP, 2 factions... (NO)


So maybe is: "Road Encounters" the video game, or when you hit 50: "Standing Alone" the mmo.


Ey here is a fun game what of StarWars is in this game and what not...I start:


Fun: No

Aliens: No

Iconic Characters: No

Lightsabers: Yes

Space Battles: No

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Trust me I love the game as well I am on Shien and the population has gone from Heavy to Standard and now we are Light 90% of the time so the level 50 pvp bracket is dead the only Warzones that pop are sub 50 and those are around 10 to 15 minutes apart at prime time and during off hours about a hour apart. if Bioware does not do something quickly to consolidate the players they will lose even more subs the game has a healthy population they just happen to be across 100 servers so they all feel empty Edited by Painted
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at 50, there's still lots to do! I find the raid mechanics on some fights quircky and challenging still on most fights. I still do dailies most evenings because I like the credits and have a new 50 (my second) I'm getting geared. I'm still exploring a lot about this game that I missed when I leveled my first 50 and finding I did miss a lot. Getting social points and dark side points and light side points on the other, seeing how the choices are different.
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A game's post-launch slump can be difficult period for folks. The title has yet to attain its mature state, and many components are still being designed, implemented, and modified. Some throw around the idea that we're paying for beta access at this point, intending it as an insult, but they're not entirely wrong. No MMORPG can complete its initial development process prior to launch, because the live environment generates variables and issues that cannot be addressed in a controlled beta environment.


Generally, once the game attains its mature state we'll start to see an upswing in subscriptions. That is the point when the 'live beta' period should be complete, when the revenue generated from initial sales has been expended and the game has to stand on its own from month to month. If the developers have properly addressed the various game play and content issues by then, the game will start to thrive. If not, it will begin to collapse under its own weight.


At this point I don't expect SWTOR needs to attain its mature state until the game's one-year anniversary. We might see it achieved, though much sooner. Early fall is very possible at this point.

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I'm just having trouble trying to understand why people keep dropping like dead flies from this game and especially this server. It's STARWARS! c'mon. what's not to like about that in itself.


This might be YOUR type of game and evidently it's not for many other players. It all comes down to different tastes, a pleasurable experience and expectations for gamers. It seems SWtor isnt what many expected it to be and are leaving in droves. Personally for me, the Pvp side of things is horrendous and totally closed off. Wazones with rewards should have NEVER been added because this totally kills World pvp. Secondly the game was released partially finished and therefore many problems have arisen. Finally, because of the two above reasons along with many other problems, all the servers across the board are suffering a major popualtion bleed which in itself is a viscious circle. In other words, continuous low pops are have a major negative impact on players morale/experience as communities continue to deteriorate. Gl to you friend

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I'm just having trouble trying to understand why people keep dropping like dead flies from this game and especially this server. It's STARWARS! c'mon. what's not to like about that in itself. You have Jedi and wookies and Darths and slave girls and romance with companions and npc's and your own space ship that you can do missions on. You have awesome class storylines the likes of which I've never seen in any other game. ANd altho I'm not a real big PVP'r I'm beggining to like that too, except for Huttball, but once I figure out the layout it'll get better there. After playing WOW for 6 years, and playing the BETA here on SWTOR there was no way I could ever go back to that or anything else Blizzard threw out at me.


I just don't get it! Everyday I see less people on the who list.


I personally love this game and everyone in this server and it's really making me sad when people move on.


Sorry for the whine I just needed to get that off my mind.


Darth Didi of Master Zhar Lestin server

Not sure people are moving on per se because the biggest drop happened almost overnight - cooincidentally when D3 was released. I think WoW burned people out to the point where many just can't stay in one place anymore, and the consistent market flood of new titles is assisting with that.. The subs aren't really down, it's just that players are dividing themselves between multiple games and aren't online as often as a result.
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Another factor could be the current low population state of many servers and the fact that transfers are still on the horizon, but not currently available. Many people might be thinking "I'll take a break until transfers are available, then I'll come back and see what the situation is. That way I wont' get burned out because I can't play the way I want to play." And there are also the folks that are taking time off of SWTOR to check out other new games or game beta's that are available.


I think a fair number of people will return when server transfers become available and even more will come back when the LFG/LFD tool (patch 1.3) goes live. That will give folks a decent chance to see what the game is like with a higher population and should boost the amount of things they can do. Until then, things are just going to be slow in SWTOR.


It might be time to focus on things like hoarding mats, learning/making all those purple/orange crafting recipes, and buying extra storage space to hold all the credits you can make selling your stuff to all the returning players who'll be eager to buy the best stuff they can in order to start running dungeons and warzones as soon as they log in. (disclaimer: they may not buy a bunch of stuff, so stock up at your own risk)

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One of the problems, dude, is this is not Star Wars...

STAR: space (NO)

WARS: PVP, 2 factions... (NO)


So maybe is: "Road Encounters" the video game, or when you hit 50: "Standing Alone" the mmo.


Ey here is a fun game what of StarWars is in this game and what not...I start:


Fun: No

Aliens: No

Iconic Characters: No

Lightsabers: Yes

Space Battles: No



I agree with this man


This is NOT StarWars, its a very bad MMORPG that uses StarWars themed skins and names.

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I played this game a lot for months after release. Now, I have no incentive to log in anymore beyond my 2 scheduled raid nights, and even those have become hit or miss as less and less log in. The only thing I'm really missing are the 6 class stories I haven't seen to completion, but they are such a small percentage of the leveling curve that it would be easier for me to youtube the cutscenes at this point.


Certain things should have been ready for launch, the most important being the tools to manage server populations. Transfers would also allow for meaningful PTS testing.


There is a large chunk of us unsubscribers who plan on coming back when the game is a bit more polished. I'm one of them. When I see enough of the features that are important to me implemented, I'll happily continue my sub.

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I agree with this man


This is NOT StarWars, its a very bad MMORPG that uses StarWars themed skins and names.


Jokes on you for getting a 6 month sub then ^^


And I dont agree with him because there are iconic characters, just not from the movie. And there are Star Wars aliens and there is space combat...so yeah that just leaves fun which I am sorry you are not having. But most people are, or they wouldnt be here....

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I'm just having trouble trying to understand why people keep dropping like dead flies from this game and especially this server. It's STARWARS! c'mon. what's not to like about that in itself. You have Jedi and wookies and Darths and slave girls and romance with companions and npc's and your own space ship that you can do missions on. You have awesome class storylines the likes of which I've never seen in any other game. ANd altho I'm not a real big PVP'r I'm beggining to like that too, except for Huttball, but once I figure out the layout it'll get better there. After playing WOW for 6 years, and playing the BETA here on SWTOR there was no way I could ever go back to that or anything else Blizzard threw out at me.


I just don't get it! Everyday I see less people on the who list.


I personally love this game and everyone in this server and it's really making me sad when people move on.


Sorry for the whine I just needed to get that off my mind.


Darth Didi of Master Zhar Lestin server


This is Star Wars, not as good as KOTOR, but it is good. They need to put people like you and me in the same server. I am holding out and waiting for the server merge/character transfer because what we will have left is a solid community. Once they get wxpansions going and we see what direction this game is going in, then we will see new people rolling in. But maintaing 1.3 mil subscribers just is not happening, think we would be fine with a million.

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For me personally, its just really lacking in fun...


You can put all the Star Wars you want in it, but if you forget the main ingredient of gaming, then i won't last too long.

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Ask yourselves a very simple question:


To Star Wars fans - If this game wasn't Star Wars, would you still play it?


To Bioware/EA fans - If this game wasn't made by Bioware/EA, would you still play it?


I think, if you're being honest with yourselves, the majority of you will answer 'No' to both questions. People leaving the game, unsubbing, not logging in etc. Are people with no horse in the race. They don't care that it's Star Wars. They don't care that it's made by Bioware (Very debatable anyhow). They want a good, solid game. This isn't it, sadly.


We all waited for this game. Some of us in WoW. Some of us in Aion. Some of us in other games. We were excited (Well, at least those of us not in beta). The reality is here now and staring us in the face - This isn't a good game. At it's very core it's designed badly. The foundation for which it sits upon, is rotten. You can't fix that without a complete overhaul. The Engine is horrible. Tera runs 1000x better while looking 200x better. The planets and environments are dead and lifeless. Full of corridors, cardboard NPCs, and horrible painted/2d Backgrounds that stand out like a sore-thumb. The atmosphere of the game is non-existent. You are basically on a train, going one way the entire time or, as some put it; "On the rails".


And that's just the fluff, that's not even discussing the issues with the gameplay. The bland combat. The pointless PvP. The Boring and vintage 2004 PvE. The horrible simplified crafting system that is largely useless. The lack of exploration.


This game had one thing going for it -Story-. But the multiplayer aspects take away from the story a lot. The stories are stretched out, and to be quite honest, they aren't that good. There's no suspense, or emotion. Things that should be emotional (Jedi Knight

Master being killed in Act 1

) fall to the way side because of bad character development, bad story-telling and horrible childish graphics.


Every quest is the same template with differing voices. But every NPC looks pretty much identical because of the lack of character customization. You will be doing the same quests on Tatooine as you will be doing on Hoth, and pretty voices do nothing to save you from the repetitiveness. Considering a huge part of this game is rolling Alts, that's terrible design.


Honestly.. This game really has nothing. The one thing it does have (Personal Story, Voice-overs) is being done by other MMORPGs coming out (The Secret World; Guild Wars 2 etc.).


My opinion.

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yeah the problem is not with the game itself, its with gamers who play mmos. There is PLENTY to do at 50, more so than most games that come out. But players who play mmos want six years of content at launch so its ruining these games. Age of Conan, Vanguard, Warhammer Online, and LOTRO were all good games which had some flaws at the beginning, a year later they were rock solid titles that are enjoyable to play. But the mmo population these days dont want to have to work, they dont want to wait and grow with a game, they expect all the content WoW has after so many years immediately.


I dont care if people leave, they will do it on every mmo, every three months looking for the "next big thang", and will always end up leaving after 3 months. What I care about and in my mind Biowares biggest mistake was to not plan for players leaving and having server merges/transfers ready. I dont know who is running the game, but whoever it is is extremely arrogant.

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I agree with this man


This is NOT StarWars, its a very bad MMORPG that uses StarWars themed skins and names.

It's actually not an MMORPG, it's an RPG that can be played single player or in co-op mode. There is nothing "massive" about this, nor was it designed for it.

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Ask yourselves a very simple question:


To Star Wars fans - If this game wasn't Star Wars, would you still play it?


To Bioware/EA fans - If this game wasn't made by Bioware/EA, would you still play it?


I think, if you're being honest with yourselves, the majority of you will answer 'No' to both questions. People leaving the game, unsubbing, not logging in etc. Are people with no horse in the race. They don't care that it's Star Wars. They don't care that it's made by Bioware (Very debatable anyhow). They want a good, solid game. This isn't it, sadly.


We all waited for this game. Some of us in WoW. Some of us in Aion. Some of us in other games. We were excited (Well, at least those of us not in beta). The reality is here now and staring us in the face - This isn't a good game. At it's very core it's designed badly. The foundation for which it sits upon, is rotten. You can't fix that without a complete overhaul. The Engine is horrible. Tera runs 1000x better while looking 200x better. The planets and environments are dead and lifeless. Full of corridors, cardboard NPCs, and horrible painted/2d Backgrounds that stand out like a sore-thumb. The atmosphere of the game is non-existent. You are basically on a train, going one way the entire time or, as some put it; "On the rails".


And that's just the fluff, that's not even discussing the issues with the gameplay. The bland combat. The pointless PvP. The Boring and vintage 2004 PvE. The horrible simplified crafting system that is largely useless. The lack of exploration.


This game had one thing going for it -Story-. But the multiplayer aspects take away from the story a lot. The stories are stretched out, and to be quite honest, they aren't that good. There's no suspense, or emotion. Things that should be emotional (Jedi Knight

Master being killed in Act 1

) fall to the way side because of bad character development, bad story-telling and horrible childish graphics.


Every quest is the same template with differing voices. But every NPC looks pretty much identical because of the lack of character customization. You will be doing the same quests on Tatooine as you will be doing on Hoth, and pretty voices do nothing to save you from the repetitiveness. Considering a huge part of this game is rolling Alts, that's terrible design.


Honestly.. This game really has nothing. The one thing it does have (Personal Story, Voice-overs) is being done by other MMORPGs coming out (The Secret World; Guild Wars 2 etc.).


My opinion.



You know you make some real good points. I think what keeps me playing is because its Star Wars. But taking out the equation, I think I wouldnt play. I dont like the lack of customization, games like Vanguard who are years older who have very good graphics, had the ability to customize your character way more than SWTOR. As someone who played City of Heroes and Champions Online, I sort of expect a decent character customization from the mmo I Play. SWTOR comes up VERY short in this department, their customization is ancient back from the old EQ days.


The game is very linear, but I dont mind that to be honest, I dont like too much open world options because I will end up trying to find the most efficient way to level because I really hate pve, in any mmo. I would rather pvp all day, even though sometimes it will frustrate me.


In any case its pretty evident that any mmo EA touches is sure to take a dump, and I will not be buying anymore mmos they back or are involved with. I think most of the arrogance about this game (lack of server merges, no transfers for everyone, no cross server ques, stupid non essential useful things like Legacy) all come from EA brass.

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at 50, there's still lots to do! I find the raid mechanics on some fights quircky and challenging still on most fights. I still do dailies most evenings because I like the credits and have a new 50 (my second) I'm getting geared. I'm still exploring a lot about this game that I missed when I leveled my first 50 and finding I did miss a lot. Getting social points and dark side points and light side points on the other, seeing how the choices are different.


I would have to disagree. I am not a raider and at 50 there is absolutely nothing to do. My wife, who is new to mmos, asked me if this is it when she hit 50. Although it is early Sunday morning there are currently eight people on the Imp side of fleet, not a lot of raiding going on. The prime evening times do not really provide critical mass for raiding on most servers.


Crafting is poor at best and the economy is non existant. The dailies are so poorly done and limited that after a few run throughs you can do them while reading a book and playing with your dog although the travel time and load screens do have the benefit of providing time to fix a snack or run the internet. The only thing that the dailies seem to give is credits and there is nothing to buy with them of any value on the GTN and commendations which can be used to buy gear / mods so that the non raider can reach the point of nothing to do with a little better gear that is still well below anything a raider can get.


The planets are so limited and linear and dead, exploring and discovery are not options. I have never seens so many never ending walls and mountain chains in any game.


We are leveling alts, which is not really someting to do with a 50, but the quest chains, except for a few class quests per planet, are so linear with no alternatives that they are not a joyous thing to do.


We are still playing because we love the experience of playing together and are finding our enjoyment in each other. We are also waiting for an alternative to come along that appeals and then we will be gone so fast that half of fleet will be sucked into the vacuum that we create. That is unless we are bored into insensibility first and do come to the end of even wanting to log on because there is such a lack of things to do, then we will go over to WOW or Rift or something else. At least if they are not what we want, they will at least be different and not be the same old same old for a while.

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And I dont agree with him because there are iconic characters, just not from the movie. And there are Star Wars aliens and there is space combat...so yeah that just leaves fun which I am sorry you are not having. But most people are, or they wouldnt be here....


Folowing your coment if they make a game about betray the King Empatojayos or talk with Cigal , would make a cool game because they are iconic too...in some sort of way. I'm sorry but kill 2 times Hk-47 in a flashpoint and talk about Revan ...is not iconic. Ah and Malgus is a waste. Iconic is play to stop the Yuuzhan Vong, gainst the Galactic Empire, with th Republic...meet Yoda , Anakin , fight alongside Thrawn. The only thing almost near cool and starwarsy in this game is the dread lords. And they are dressed as battlemaster players... sad.


Nothing remains of the cool characters once Bioware created, no Nihilus, no Revan, no malak ... just stage mobs that reminds about.



Aliens are not colored humans , that is star trek where you can have a big red point in the nose and you are a alien specie. If you are talking about those static NPCs you can see around or the huge amount of Hutts tha populate this game (as NPCs too)... er sorry , no , is not enough.

Chewbacca, R2( is a droid but is not a colored human), Yoda...sadly Jar Jar too, was main characters not just companions for Luke , Leia and Han, Qui Gonn or Obi Wan. Then go to comics and books... Yes use to be more humanoid species than alien, but this is a video game and a mmorpg (well Im not so sure about this) and like me, who want to play my ithorian again, there is a lot of people asking for a feature OTHERGAMEFROM 2003 used to have from the begining. (Ah i cant ... but I can play a wide range of colored humans instead!!!)


Space combat is one of the main aspects of Star Wars, Lucas was a huge fan of 2nd WW aero combat as you can note from movie shots, here we have a joke... They should think the Death Star trenchs are common in the galaxy, everyone go in rails...


And about fun...lets server population talk, not me.

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I'm just having trouble trying to understand why people keep dropping like dead flies from this game and especially this server. It's STARWARS! c'mon. what's not to like about that in itself. You have Jedi and wookies and Darths and slave girls and romance with companions and npc's and your own space ship that you can do missions on. You have awesome class storylines the likes of which I've never seen in any other game. ANd altho I'm not a real big PVP'r I'm beggining to like that too, except for Huttball, but once I figure out the layout it'll get better there. After playing WOW for 6 years, and playing the BETA here on SWTOR there was no way I could ever go back to that or anything else Blizzard threw out at me.


I just don't get it! Everyday I see less people on the who list.


I personally love this game and everyone in this server and it's really making me sad when people move on.


Sorry for the whine I just needed to get that off my mind.


Darth Didi of Master Zhar Lestin server


Its not dying but only a select few come on here to whine, here take a look from a Guild I joined which is establishing RP-Events. The Guild leaders on here rock and they work well with there players.




The game has been out for little over four months, communities take time to establish themselves.

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It's a game. Games are entertainment, just like movies. Do you sit there and watch the same movie over and over and over? Games are for fun, and when people find fun elsewhere or start to get bored, they move on. I am still having fun, about to get my 3rd level 50, and very much enjoyed the Imperial Agent story.


I am apart of a guild that does Operations 2-3 times a week, as well as special events. I am on Wound in the Force, and yes the overall Population has dwindled, the PVP queues still pop quite often, and not completely stuck with Imp vs Imp. I will still have fun with this for months and possibly years to come. My guild is a bit casual, because tonight will be the first night we're attempting EC.

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