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Who's your favorite companion and why?


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I am reminded for some reason of a quote from Romeo and Juliet, "You kiss by the book." I've never had any idea what that means, but if anybody would ever do so it'd be the likes of Quinn (or Elara Dorne). Bet you five dollars Pierce could do better in his sleep.


Quinn remains my favorite companion simply because of the roller coaster that is his romance arc. Nobody's ever riled me up like he did. :confused:



If Quinn is 'by the book' I know some good ones he should study ;)

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My favorite is Torian because... dat voice. *swoon* :cool: Other than that, he's sweet, hot, and he is a very nice *ahem* companion to my Mandalorian BH.


Then Vector, then Quinn.


Non-romanceable has to be Blizz. I love that little guy. I think he has an arsenal bigger than all of Havoc squad under his robes. XP

Edited by Ellyria
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is there a video of the pierce fling where you tell him he stank in bed? XD


I'm assuming you mean the Pierce conversation? Probably not, I haven't been able to find it and I didn't record it because it was completed before I got my recording program, just like MOST of my SW conversations with Quinn. The secondary options for "A Better Man" omg... sooooooo freaking awesome, I played that one over and over again by hitting escape till my husband came home one day.


I'll keep looking for it and if by chance I happen to find it I'll link it for you.

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Naaww, that's a shame :( I've read some hints that it can be patched up and maybe in future content they can reconcile it better. But it begs the question whether at the end of it all is it even a genuine romance like the other classes can get, guess I'll have to find out and judge for myself.


Marriage happens when YOU want it to happen. After killing option was removed BW forgot to brash the story and at least lock conversations in the right order. Here, look at this post:



And the whole thread from page 30 http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=4384252&postcount=296


This is the order you have to save your conversations to feel the story run at least no so awkward.

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lmao so if you tell pierce he failed, he actually says he figured he'd be better than quinn? priceless :D


It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it!


/slaps self


If Quinn is 'by the book' I know some good ones he should study ;)

Oh my :>


Marriage happens when YOU want it to happen. After killing option was removed BW forgot to brash the story and at least lock conversations in the right order. Here, look at this post:



And the whole thread from page 30 http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=4384252&postcount=296


This is the order you have to save your conversations to feel the story run at least no so awkward.


Brilliant, thank you :)

Edited by AelixVII
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Too hard to say best since I havent played all of the classes. I guess I could my favorite for a couple of classes.


SI: Khem val. At first I hated him to no end, he died a lot and talked a lot of trash. Then I bought him a new sword and shortly after that he backhand crit killed someone. The bromance started there, I geared him up and haven't looked back.


Runner ups: Ashara, Xalek. Really the SI gets all good companions except andronikus, summoning/dismissing him and hearing crap like "Your gonna miss me" and etc. It made me dismiss him and never use him again, they made one of the two brothers a "needy" companion. I don't want a bro like that rolling with me.



SW: I like em all from Broonmark punting repubs off cliffs for me to Vette's jovial approach to gunning them down. Ahhh..what's not to love ?? I have more of an attachment to Vette because she's the first you get but they ruined her about halfway through for me and Jaesa replaced her.


Winner: Jaesa Willsaam


BH: Gault, nuff said. I wish I could slap a shock collar on Mako and shock her until she eats. Unattractive, skinny and bugged(heals a couple of times and starts fighting)

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I think I've finally found the words to say what I originally wanted to say about my favourite companion...


For me, it's Quinn. He has the looks, the personality, sure, but the thing that does it for me is that, he's believable.


His appearance isn't anything out of the ordinary from who you could see walking down your street tomorrow and his personality is far from perfect. But this is what makes him stand far out from the other companions for me.


I've been playing swtor since the day the servers opened, I've played a Bounty Hunter, Trooper and Jedi Knight and dabbled with a Consular, Smuggler and Agent but Quinn is the first and probably only companion I'll ever feel like I've connected with and grown with over tme. Bioware truly has a gift for storytelling and character development :)

Edited by AelixVII
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My favorite would have to be Lieutenant Felix Iresso. He's the consular's personal soldier, willing to die for said consular, but he also adapted to be my Consular's friend. He's pure, down to earth, and does what needs to be done. If any of the companions would sacrifice themself for the Consular and his crew, it would be Iresso.

Might as well give honorable mentions.


Consular: 1st - Lt Iresso, for reasons stated above.

2nd - Tharan Cedrax. Great to work with such a genius and hearing his snobby comments along with his romance with Holiday is great entertainment.


Knight: 1st - T7. So eager and enthusiastic, there for the Knight at all times.

2nd - Sgt Rusk, a soldier to the core who takes risks that no mild person would.


Smuggler: 1st - Corso Riggs. Corso is like the smuggler's homie, always supporting him/her and sharing laughs all the same.

2nd - Bowdaar. Bowdaar swears eternal loyalty to the smuggler and have a few nice lines, especially on Alderaan... "I hope the pretty lady doesn't explode." and "I want to climb a tree while we're here". Sometimes I forget he's sentient and I want to pet him like a dog.


Trooper: 1st - Aric Jorgan. He comes off as an angry jerk at first, but he's just a determined soldier and friend.

2nd: 4X. His extreme patriotism shows loyalty and is slightly comic at times.


Warrior: 1st - Lt Pierce. Eh, the same old "sarcastic soldier dedicated to the cause blah blah blah" thing I've been saying.

2nd - Vette. She's the perfect opposite to an uptight Sith, just to get on his nerves, never shocked her, never will.


Hunter: 1st - Gault. Always seems to joke about betraying the hunterand making sure he benefits, even though he knows he wouldn't last two minutes with the him.

2nd - Blizz. 'Nuff said.


Agent: 1st - Raina Temple. She seems like the most fitting companion for an agent, along with her general lack of harshness.

2nd - Dr Lokin. Again, I like working with these eccentric scientist types.


Inquisitor: 1st - Andronikos Revel. Generally ******, and he and my sorcerer have the same "I want to kill things" mentality.

2nd - Talos Drellik. His exterior is an old cranky man who enjoys rocks. His interior, however, is a youthful, playful archaeologist with a good heart.


Great thread, I love hearing what people think about companions.

Edited by JusticeCommando
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Ok, ok. I'll go ahead and pick one for each side ingame. :p


Empire: Blizz, of course. My BH's little homie with the HUGEASS ROCKET LAUNCHER! Ladies, my 'lil bud here would like to let you all know, that Launcher isn't compensation. It's advertisement! :cool:


Republic: Guss Tuno. He's a laugh riot, and even his name is a play on words. He introduces himself as Languss Tuno.... Langastino... :D

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1. :jawa_wink: Blizz. He is all kinds of awesome, hilarious and adorable. After I got him on my BH, I've taken him everywhere. "Boss, why ground fuzzy some places?" <3


2. :tran_smile: Qyzen Fess. He's hilarious and adorable too in his own way, but also really damn cool. He's a ******, but not a generic one, he actually has religious and philosophical beliefs that are relevant to his character and make him really interesting to have around.


3. :d_evil: M1-4X. He reminds me of Liberty Prime, his dialogue is some of the funniest in the game, the voice actor really hams it up to hilarious levels and he has a great design that works as a Republic counter to the typical Imperial tripod droids (I wish that model was around more! I've only seen NPCs have it on Imperial Balmorra).

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Well I have many favorite chars so I will put down what classes I have gotten to a high lvl.


JK-T7 He's just so darn cute and chipper and then Scourge in spite of his tendancey to grump =P


Trooper-Aric probably because he's the sort of guy I would be attracted to irl plus I love the damage he puts out (lol) second is M1-4X his "terminate all imp scum" attitude is quite amusing.


SI-Talos is the only one here all the others are either meh or downright annoying, I like the way he gets all schoolboyish when talking about artifacts and history.


BH-I love Blizz,Mako and Torian, the two former are my bff (I mean really who dosen't like Blizz?) and Torian is my honey.


Smug-Another three way here =P Bowdaar,Akaavi and Risha, I actually started out not liking Risha and was in fact quite rude when first meeting her.But as the story progressed I found myself liking her more and more so now she and my smug are thick a theives. Bowdaar is like a big,hairy brother and Akaavi though *****ly at times is a loyal and trusty friend.


SW- The only one I really like is Vette her humour and wit are just so... Well anyone that likes her know what I mean. The others could probably dissapear and I wouldn't notice till I tried to send them on missions XD.

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Blizz hands down, so much that I had a friend run me through the Hoth story missions so I could get him at level 34, when normally he's meant to be acquired at around lvl 41. He is also the perfect companion for my healing spec'd mercenary, with him I have soloed countless outdoors and heroic 2+ champions. Edited by RendValor
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Khem Val. Anyone who asks if he can eat your enemies has my respect and favour! Yes, Khem, of course you can eat that jedi :) /cue Cookie Monster sound effects.


Also Blizz is the man, 'nough said about him

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Only played 3 to 50 so far.


Trooper - M1-4X - He just cracks me up. I really enjoyed his story and his thoughts on how to raise the good guys morale. For the Republic!!


Jedi Consular - Tie Between Lt. Felix Iresso and Nadia Grell - Both are so loyal to the good side. Felix is great when you have to rez him after he falls. And Nadia really makes me smiile when you send her on missions.


Bounty Hunter - Tie between Blizz and Skadge yes Skadge. Blizz is just a small ball of cheer. And Skadge makes me laugh when I send him on missions. Everyone needs that big guy with an attitude on their team, especially a bounty hunter.

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