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If 1.3 Does not Come With ...


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Umm .. you do know even blizzard said in a Q&A session that they felt they made a huge mistake putting in the x-server LFR tool right? As in, we aren't speculating on this, they actually said that ....


I am all for a LFG tool, that is same server with either server merges or server transfer, x-server PvP, that is awesome. I don't have to worry about getting some idiot in my group that repeatedly gets my group killed because they pull extra MOBs, act like a moron and/or waste my time in PvP, hence, I am all for x-server PvP tools, they make sense.


In a x-server LFG thing, there are no consequences, players are not held accountable and/or people know they can act like idiots because they can get away with it. In a same server LFG, when people that act like that, they get a bad rep, before you know it, they are getting kicked from groups, even random ones because no one wants to group with them. X-Server does not have that check and balance.


Huh? I have heard some mention that before..but noone has been able to show with a link to prove it is true. I do know it would be silly to improve upon and expand a feature which has not been successful. And it has been very successful. Reason they are expanding it even more....duh..logic?

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I do play WoW and did TOR for months. Both are great games and nothing says you cannot play two MMO's the same day is there? TOR is better than WoW in some ways and WoW is better in other ways. Getting access to end game content is far superior in WoW than it is in TOR....fact. :cool:


Tell you what...in a few weeks when server transfer are here...look me up on Jedi Covenant have a pretty succesful guild that run s 16m HM\Nightmare 3-4 nights a week. we have dedicated Pvp's and run Fps most times of the day.

Its will be fun...and Im willing to bet...you prob won't need LFG same-server or x-server.

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Omg...I think I pee'd myself. so let me get this straight. You ran a Raid that is over six months old(really hoping you didn't run LFR) and heroic's that are older then that or are lame re-treads? Never mind now I know why your here.:D


I did use the LFR tool ..why?...because I can experence end game content at a time which is best for me and not worry about having to use Vent and mods/addons..etc. And do it in a timely manner. And I know why you are here too. :cool:

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Huh? I have heard some mention that before..but noone has been able to show with a link to prove it is true. I do know it would be silly to improve upon and expand a feature which has not been successful. And it has been very successful. Reason they are expanding it even more....duh..logic?


It's was successful in a technological sense...it failed because it destroyed community's:(

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Tell you what...in a few weeks when server transfer are here...look me up on Jedi Covenant have a pretty succesful guild that run s 16m HM\Nightmare 3-4 nights a week. we have dedicated Pvp's and run Fps most times of the day.

Its will be fun...and Im willing to bet...you prob won't need LFG same-server or x-server.


Well well...your true self is revealed. :) thanks, but I have no plans on transfering.

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Do people just choose to ignore information or are people really this blind? Yes, there will be Cross Server Warzones, but no Cross Server LFD. They are going to be giving FREE character transfers to specified servers to load up servers and then close down the extra ones that the community really thought we needed. Thanks a lot for that guys. :rolleyes:
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Many people are stating that they need x-server because their server is a ghost town, Valkirus for one.


As Goldsack says they need to address the population issues then cross server should not be needed


Even on a server with the Fleet having over 100, there are people not wanting to do any FPs or OPs. Why are people just idling on Fleet???? Its stupid.


Or say you're on a planet with 40+. You can't tell me no one wants to do heroics?


*** are people doing in this game? Don't you want gear to help get through the story at least? Let alone doing HM FPs or OPs to get end game gear???

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It's was successful in a technological sense...it failed because it destroyed community's:(


This is why they said it was a fail, not because they didn't have the technology for it. Absolutely, as a tool and only as a tool, it was great implementation, for the communities, it was terrible.

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It's was successful in a technological sense...it failed because it destroyed community's:(


Yeah i miss the wow community, never ending chuck norris jokes and a non stop stream of (anal) put in front of every piece of equipment they can find. Wow ruined the mmo community by allowing you to level completely solo. "wow vets" dont seem to realize this. Your guild is your community now. Quit trying to remember a time when strong mmo communites existed, you werent there.


Anyways, you guys have a good night, tired of battling the anti improvement cultists, Time for some DayZ. when the same server lfg tool comes out we will see who was right, and then we can all pray together that bioware fixes their mistake faster than rift did, and faster than swtor has fixed anything so far. So that we have a game with actual subs that can support new content.

Edited by Mallorik
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Yeah i miss the wow community, never ending chuck norris jokes and a non stop stream of (anal) put in front of every piece of equipment they can find. Wow ruined the mmo community by allowing you to level completely solo. "wow vets" dont seem to realize this. Your guild is your community now. Qui trying to remember a time when strong mmo communites existed, you werent there.


Was there. Was there for SWG and before that EQ and before that UO. But if you equate general chat to a community, I now understand...you are doing it wrong.

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It's was successful in a technological sense...it failed because it destroyed community's:(


Actually, what truly destroyed communities are the types of people that play MMOs these days.


Believe it or not, there was a time in MMOs where people actually typed in the correct channels, or everyone was nice enough to help the newbies. Where server communities would work together, where if you were a douche, everyone on the server knew who you were causing you to re roll or leave. Those were the good days. That was also EQ.

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Actually, what truly destroyed communities are the types of people that play MMOs these days.


Believe it or not, there was a time in MMOs where people actually typed in the correct channels, or everyone was nice enough to help the newbies. Where server communities would work together, where if you were a douche, everyone on the server knew who you were causing you to re roll or leave. Those were the good days. That was also EQ.


Only if we allow it. once or twice a day i go to lower level planets and help where I can. On Jedi Covenant..there is a grp of GM's who communicate at least on a daily bias. Its still there...sometimes...it just takes a little more work then it use to...but the rewards are truly epic:D

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Fixes for ALL currently KNOWN ISSUES and...


- Companion lightsaber bug (Kira, Nadia, Jaesa, etc. will not sheath their lightsabers properly if their stances are on)


This bug has never made it to the known issues list, but has cropped up from time to time since July. They'll fix it in one patch, break it in the next, etc. Since it's currently broken, I'm hoping 1.3 is the toggle back to unbroken.

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Fixes for ALL currently KNOWN ISSUES and...


- Companion lightsaber bug (Kira, Nadia, Jaesa, etc. will not sheath their lightsabers properly if their stances are on)


This bug has never made it to the known issues list, but has cropped up from time to time since July. They'll fix it in one patch, break it in the next, etc. Since it's currently broken, I'm hoping 1.3 is the toggle back to unbroken.


I feel ya. But in the over scope of things...even you have to admit...its pretty low on the list.

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I feel ya. But in the over scope of things...even you have to admit...its pretty low on the list.


Not my list. That's the only list that matters.


That may sound selfish, but I'm really not too concerned with what goes on in a community I'm not a part of. If they don't fix all of the bugs that I see as dealbreakers, then I won't be around to care what else they do for the rest of you.


I'm not on a low population server, so character transfers and server merges can only, at worst, hurt me. At best, they will not affect me at all.


I'm currently happy with everything about the game except for the BUGS. The new content in 1.3 sounds nice, but I don't need any of that to keep playing.


ALL I need is for the bugs to be fixed.

Edited by EJedi
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Actually, what truly destroyed communities are the types of people that play MMOs these days.


Believe it or not, there was a time in MMOs where people actually typed in the correct channels, or everyone was nice enough to help the newbies. Where server communities would work together, where if you were a douche, everyone on the server knew who you were causing you to re roll or leave. Those were the good days. That was also EQ.


I don't deny that such people haven't always existed with in the MMO community. However, certain tools and features such as character name changes, race changes, server changes and largely the LFG / LFR system enabled people to act in the most undesirable way, aka act like total douchbags. The moment you remove all accountability and responsibility on the part of the player by providing unlimited anonymity is the moment you take a shotgun to your community and pull the trigger.


That is the sad truth about the WoW community. No one really cares about how they treat other people. If you act like a total douche on one server; you can pay for a name change, race change or server chance and wipe the slate clean. LFG and LFG enable the same sort of behavior because lets face it, chances are you'll never meet the same people again.


Put simply, condense the population and add the LFG tool to help find a group for a flashpoint but at the same point keep a large degree of accountability and responsibility on the part of the player and we should have a relatively tolerable community.


Lastly, I'm not saying that we shouldn't have race change, name change, faction change or server transfers. I think a large degree of restrictions should be enforced to prevent people from wiping the slate clean on a regular basis.

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Not my list. That's the only list that matters.


That may sound selfish, but I'm really not too concerned with what goes on in a community I'm not a part of. If they don't fix all of the bugs that I see as dealbreakers, then I won't be around to care what else they do for the rest of you.


I'm not on a low population server, so character transfers and server merges can only, at worst, hurt me. At best, they will not affect me at all.


I'm currently happy with everything about the game except for the BUGS. The new content in 1.3 sounds nice, but I don't need any of that to keep playing.


ALL I need is for the bugs to be fixed.


I agree with you on the bugs...truly i do. But can I agree with you and want to help others aswell?

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I agree with you on the bugs...truly i do. But can I agree with you and want to help others aswell?


Don't get me wrong. I want them to fix the things that bother everyone. The issue is that it will require them to add new features (which may contain their own bugs). Adding new features on top of already buggy code is a problem.


If 1.3 fixes all of the existing bugs, then I really don't care what else it does. Whatever else it does, I hope it makes other people as happy as fixing the bugs would make me.

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Talk about comparing apples to oranges....how about if the gas station does not provide you with a nosel to put the gas in your car? Who fault would it be if they lose customers? Use an analogy which actaully compares to a product the customer will not buy if the service sucks..:p


OK, to use your example, it would be more like the gas station has 16 pumps, all but one have nozzles. Pump 16 is out of order, it has no nozzle. Person A sits at pump 16 waiting for the gas station to provide him a nozzle rather than just move his car to another pump.

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OK, to use your example, it would be more like the gas station has 16 pumps, all but one have nozzles. Pump 16 is out of order, it has no nozzle. Person A sits at pump 16 waiting for the gas station to provide him a nozzle rather than just move his car to another pump.


Oh come on now, moving to the other pump would require effort:rolleyes:

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LOL, so let me get this right. The server is my car? no wait how can i fill up my server? ok lets try it again, My charater is my car! cause i own it right!? wait how do i fill up my character? you are horrible at analogies.


How bout this for an analogy, bioware put me on a server at launch with the guild tool, Then added way more servers than were needed (because they were afraid to raise server caps) Then they anounced this game wouldnt have those silly things like a cross server lfg tool, macros or a combat window and that unimportant things like dual specs and server transfers were low priority if they were even needed at all. A mass exodus started, Then they announced the jesus patch, 1.2 released it a month late with half the promised content screwed up pvp and ran off any pvpers still left in the game, my server along with about 95% of all the other servers died. Now the game has just about bled out theres a few sustainable servers left, bioware has done nothing for over a month since they finaly acknowledged the problem and somehow this is all my responsibility.


I never said you were responsible for your server being low pop. But if you refuse to reroll on another server, or transfer servers once that becomes available, then yes, the fact that you CHOOSE to remain on a low pop server is your responsibility.

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I personally am against a cross server LFG tool but the game will need it, more then ever as time passes.




Simple enough because unlike the first 3 months, the more time passes if you are a new player say at level 20 and you want to do Athiss FP the people in that level will be a lot harder to find then today in a single server.

Making a single server only LFG will solve some problems temporary for a month if they merge a lot of servers, if they do not its like a drop in the ocean. Meaning nothing.

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