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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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DO prefixes apply to every item, because I have RE'ed many of of my Cybertech created items, getting Prototype and and Artifcat Schematics for a few and not a single one has any of the prefixes in the guide. For me it's been:


Standard item name -> Standard Item name in blue -> Advanced Item Name in Purple.


Am I missing something or does this guide not apply to all items.


Also I'm noticed as far as Cybertechs go Explosives and Ship Mods can not be RE'ed for a prototype or artifact versions.


Also has anyone found use in RE'ing Purples? I have tried a few and have yet to get a new schematic drop, just curious if I'm wasting mats.

Edited by Magaman
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DO prefixes apply to every item, because I have RE'ed many of of my Cybertech created items, getting Prototype and and Artifcat Schematics for a few and not a single one has any of the prefixes in the guide. For me it's been:


Standard item name -> Standard Item name in blue -> Advanced Item Name in Purple.


Am I missing something or does this guide not apply to all items.


Also I'm noticed as far as Cybertechs go Explosives and Ship Mods can not be RE'ed for a prototype or artifact versions.


Also has anyone found use in RE'ing Purples? I have tried a few and have yet to get a new schematic drop, just curious if I'm wasting mats.


As far as I can tell, only the earpieces that cybertech makes can get the prefix/suffix. the Armours and Mods follow the first linear path (1 green name > 1 blue name> 1 purple ADVANCED name)


And so for, nobody has really confirmed whether there is another level beyond the purple. I personally don't think there would be.

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First of all, one big thank you for this amazing guide, it really helped me a lot!


I do however still have a question, can anyone confirm that you can Reverse Engineer (RE) a blue crafting item twice to get the double prefix?


I wonder because I have the following base item from a recipe:

http://www.torhead.com/schematic/e7MdHHZ (Prototype / Blue)


I RE it in one try to an 'Overkill Primeval Paragon's Greaves' (Artifact / Purple)


and I tried to find a higher version of the artifact by RE it 16 times now and having no luck. So far I spend around 200k and was wondering if anyone managed yet, I don't mind to try longer but a little reassurance would be nice :)


I did it 5 more times and on my 21 try it worked! Got [Hawkeye Primeval Paragon's Greaves [superior]]

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It seems as though this guide is definetely build more towards that of a Synthweave or Armourmech.. I can try and add a bit to the artifice side because it does seem to work a little bit differently.


When it comes to artifice the progression of an item works pretty well the same way with once you get lucky (or just do more than enough RE) you learn the higher sides to items. However there is one plus that also comes of it. As of my current skill level (some where around 200) I have noticed that I am able to Reverse Engineer Lightsabers as well as just the simple mods.




As of yet I'm not too sure if I can RE sabers that don't have mod slots but I will get back to you shortly on this!


Edit- Also, As of yet I haven't seen any prefixes or suffixes on any artificed gear as well...

Edited by holybeardman
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Thank you for this guide, I have been tinkering with Armstech figuring out things as I go and you've confirmed most of my theories about RE for the higher quality recipes!


I have been having a horrid time trying to learn the next tier recipe for the "Combat Shotgun." I was starting to think there wasn't any upgraded recipes for it, but I think I'm just really not lucky with it right now, I've probably made at least 30 of them with no new recipe learned lol. I'll keep at it and let you know, and keep up the good work!

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ok... question then. If you can't learn the basic recipe of a modification from REing say Guardian Armoring... then why the heck isn't Guardian type modifications sold at the trainers like Might Armoring? I mean unless I just need to find a specific trainer to get those types of crafts, then it seems Bioware/EA screwed over our Tanks.


Am I mistaken? If someone knows where I can learn the recipes for Guardian type armoring and Mods I'd really appreciate it... Otherwise I'm respecing to Vigilance/Focus skill trees because then I can craft good armoring and mods for my gear atleast.


Please someone tell me I'm mistaken that we tanks got screwed... I love being a tank and if I can't craft my own mods then i'm probably gonna rage quit this game after all day dealing with PVP afkers and now to find out I can't craft my own mods without some really extreme luck on REing.

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there was npc aviable only to pre-order users that was selling artifact yellow-black crystal for 10credits. I was abusing it for crystal+fragments, later i noticed that i have artifact schem of yellow artifact stone. I RE'd about 90 of them :D

Dunno if it gives u any helpfull info.


They removed npc after a couple of hours

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ok... question then. If you can't learn the basic recipe of a modification from REing say Guardian Armoring... then why the heck isn't Guardian type modifications sold at the trainers like Might Armoring? I mean unless I just need to find a specific trainer to get those types of crafts, then it seems Bioware/EA screwed over our Tanks.


Am I mistaken? If someone knows where I can learn the recipes for Guardian type armoring and Mods I'd really appreciate it... Otherwise I'm respecing to Vigilance/Focus skill trees because then I can craft good armoring and mods for my gear atleast.


Please someone tell me I'm mistaken that we tanks got screwed... I love being a tank and if I can't craft my own mods then i'm probably gonna rage quit this game after all day dealing with PVP afkers and now to find out I can't craft my own mods without some really extreme luck on REing.


Im not 100% sure about these mods and cant really check on them for you at the moment since im at work... however.. An easy way to learn a base mod level is to buy the lowbie armor or whatever and just RE the mods until you learn the base mod.. then you can create those freely and RE those into the upgraded forms so on and so forth... Not to mention schematics are also a possibility.. Not to sure about the schematics though... Hang in there! Keep in mind that this is still a new game so they may have overlooked some mods.

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there was npc aviable only to pre-order users that was selling artifact yellow-black crystal for 10credits. I was abusing it for crystal+fragments, later i noticed that i have artifact schem of yellow artifact stone. I RE'd about 90 of them :D

Dunno if it gives u any helpfull info.


They removed npc after a couple of hours


From what I understand they are going to be reimplementing the vendor.. that way people like me who only got the one crystal can have atleast another. My marauder is kinda off balanced.. I just cant remember where the vendor was..

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Yay! Everything turns out okay! Like I said I wasn't too sure but I doubted that they pushed tanks to the wayside for modding. Crappy that it's a high skill level but not a huge issue I guess because with a bit of focus you can hit 400 in a few hours tops. Specially if you have nothing better to do! PVP leveling makes skills fly by.
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yup at higher level you can make the tanking armouring but there are NO tanking mods you can make. Its really bad. These mods are only on pvp/badge/looted gear.


Just talked to someone else in a thread about this.. The mods are available. Just think they are done by an artificer. They are trained roughly around the 240 skill level.


Edit - Never mind... Im an idiot and realised this is the same post...

Edited by holybeardman
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I can confirm that at least during the stress test weekend beta you could RE orange gear since I got an Overkill version of a synthweave schematic gotten from UT. The game crashed when I tried to click it though so it might have been something they'd forgotten to remove.
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I have a question about RE Cybertech nades, just how can you do that? I have enough skill( says it needs 110 to RE, I have 170), and when I'm hovering my mouse over nade icon it says to push the right button to RE, but the icon itself is Breyer out, like it's not RE eligible.


Do I need to have a certain amount of nades per stack in order to RE it or ssomething?

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Hey Folks, great guide! I've looked through here for an answer to my question but I have yet to find one that directly answers it. I am Artificer and just found an Advanced Yellow crystal [a purple quality item] in a random drop. It is a crystal I do not have the recipe to make, but I can RE it. Should I? Is there anything to be gained by this other than the mats? In other words could, I possibly learn how to craft this kind of crystal? Thanks a lot.
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Hey Folks, great guide! I've looked through here for an answer to my question but I have yet to find one that directly answers it. I am Artificer and just found an Advanced Yellow crystal [a purple quality item] in a random drop. It is a crystal I do not have the recipe to make, but I can RE it. Should I? Is there anything to be gained by this other than the mats? In other words could, I possibly learn how to craft this kind of crystal? Thanks a lot.


yes you could, but it's a small chance.

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I'm still trying to fit all of this into what I'm doing with Artificing. I'm just starting out (skill about 43). I already have two purple schematics. I have an "Advanced Resolute Hilt 2" and an "Advanced Might Hilt 2". Is that about as far as those go? Is there any reason to RE those once I make them to get anything else?


Also, I've RE'ed several dozen crystals so far and not gotten any upgraded schematics. Do crystals give upgrades?




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I'm still trying to fit all of this into what I'm doing with Artificing. I'm just starting out (skill about 43). I already have two purple schematics. I have an "Advanced Resolute Hilt 2" and an "Advanced Might Hilt 2". Is that about as far as those go? Is there any reason to RE those once I make them to get anything else?


Also, I've RE'ed several dozen crystals so far and not gotten any upgraded schematics. Do crystals give upgrades?




Yes crystals give upgraded schematics, but in practice it seems to take more REing of crystals to get them. Could be just bad RNG on my part, but I've REed dozens of green to get a blue, and more than a few blue to get a purple. Schematic that is. Have yet to get a purple color crystal anywhere. I was hoping to find a source of low level purple color crystals to RE in the hopes I could learn the schematic. I have yet to find such a source.


Cmon guys, let me have a dinky green purple color crystal! I don't care about the stats!

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Yes crystals give upgraded schematics, but in practice it seems to take more REing of crystals to get them. Could be just bad RNG on my part, but I've REed dozens of green to get a blue, and more than a few blue to get a purple. Schematic that is. Have yet to get a purple color crystal anywhere. I was hoping to find a source of low level purple color crystals to RE in the hopes I could learn the schematic. I have yet to find such a source.


Cmon guys, let me have a dinky green purple color crystal! I don't care about the stats!


Well, imagin that. I got a purple "Advanced Yellow Fortitude" Crystal on my very next RE.

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Not sure if this was already touched upon in the thread somewhere, but I haven't seen it (at least in a fashion that I understand). If I learn a basic blue schematic directly from the trainer, will REing that item yield an artifact? For example the Beskar'gam heavy armor in synthweaving. Or will REing only yield upgraded schematics from greens -> blues -> purples?



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