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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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You keep RE the blue "overkill" to get a different T2 purple schematic, The 30+ was poor luck and I had to RE over 50 Overkill Force Master Sash to get the purple, and when I RE my Overkill Force Master Headgear I got the T2 purple after the second one.


Excellent, well im upto 10 reverses so far trying to discover a second T2 variation...

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Hello everyone!


2 things:


1) The Level 400 vendor learned Artifice Advanced Crystals (Level 49) from what I have seen do not hit Mastercraft. I could be incredibly unlucky, but I am I think 0/36 right now. I have yet to see one in the GTN nor has our server famous Artificer had any luck with the crit either. In Beta these required BoP mats from HM FPs, perhaps they drop in ops. /shrug I have not tried with the Orange Crystal which starts at Blue, but I am guessing its the same thing.


2) Do NOT attempt to RE the Daily Commendation 23 Hilts sold in Ilum. You will get the "There is no information about this schematic etc etc" message. So save yourself the 8 daily commendations by not attempting that.


3) I have NOT seen any correlation with Companion message and RE crits. Actually, I have learned the next schematic most times after a NEGATIVE message. I am guessing that at level 50 they just do not have a VO message that corresponds to being at the end of the line.



Lastly, a HUGEEEE shoutout to Morsexy for Critting on his Orange Saber. You have brought a smile to every Artificers face with that screenshot. Thank you!!!!!

Edited by Rephlexie
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3) I have NOT seen any correlation with Companion message and RE crits. Actually, I have learned the next schematic most times after a NEGATIVE message. I am guessing that at level 50 they just do not have a VO message that corresponds to being at the end of the line.


A user in my bug list reported that the success/failures messages from companions are actually reversed. So that would explain your results.

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OK, OK, wait a sec here :D So, green goes to purple in droids, right? And we can't advance blues to purple? That will be a stupid thing to do, no? I mean, from the OP guide, greens go to blues, blues to purple, if I go from green to purple, what's the point? Can I advance my Overkill purple if it's a Tier 1?


Also, thanks, for the info, mr.flippy, checked wrong in the OP list :rolleyes:


No, I meant there are no green droid schematics in the first place. All (regular) schematics you buy from the trainer are blue to begin with, so they go to purple straight away.


The only green schematics on the trainer are the fully moddable ones. These are comparable with orange schematics on other professions.

Edited by Rhaphael
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Great post! Thanks!


Ive one question... For any smart cookie armstech out there. Im trying to unlock the epic recipe for the lvl50 vibrosword. So ive far reversed greens and unlocked the blue "redoubt" prefix, i then continued reversing greens to unlock the blue "overkill" prefix.


I then started reversing the blue "overkill" prefix in an effort to discover an epic version... With any prefix lol. Problem is, after 30 odd reverses ive yet to discover anything. Im wondering if the inability to discover epic versions of the vibroknife and scattergun also apply to vibroswords?


Any help is appreciated!


[edit] The next reverse after posting this i unlocked the pattern for the "Vehemance" prefix... Aclarity... On a mellee weapon... So do i continue reversing blues to get another prefix or do i have to reverse epics now?


Keep RE'ing the blue version until you get the desired T2 mod. To all the people doing 10-30 RE and wondering what's wrong. Keep trying. As a cybertech with a lot of time and a case of OCD. I'm trying to monopolize the earpiece market and have been relatively successful. I've discovered most good combinations for all specs/classes and now trying to get the optimal for all spec/classes. I've probably RE'd at least 1000 or so blues trying to get certain schematics and with RNG sometimes it doesn't take long and sometimes it takes forever. Sometimes I get the right T2 prefix right away and sometimes it's the 4th one I'm looking for (haven't had the 5th one the one I want).

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Am I correct in assuming all this? If I am, I think it would be info worth putting in the OP.

The increase in the Critical rating you were seeing was the 4th Stat bonus already. If the Prefix gives +Stat to a stat already on the base item, it's combined, not listed separately.


I'm pretty sure that it's been mentioned in the OP, but it might need to be put into the Q&A part, Slaign?

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Very interesting discussion.


I am a cyber tech, and I am crafting an green earpiece which already has defence as a stat. I have got 2 tire2 blue items with Critical and Overkill prefixes. I am wondering if it is possible to get a Redoubt upgrade even if the item has defence already?



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New FAQ question:


12. What happens when I discover a prefix that adds a stat an item already has?


The amount of the stat in question goes up substantially. In other words, if reverse engineering an item for the Redoubt prefix would normally give +6 defense, but the item already has 6 defense on it, it will end up with 12 defense.

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Fantastic first post, thank you for taking the time to maintain it. :)


I have one question, and forgive me if it's stupid. But I was wondering where the purple slotted armors come from. Typically these seem to just have an armoring slot, and a mod slot, but no enhancement slot. Are these just drops/loot, or are they part of the crafting process in some way?

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First of all, thanks for an amazingly detailed thread.


Secondly, dam you for your amazingly detailed thread! I never realized just HOW MANY stacks of mats I'd have to burn through to have ALL the variations of weapons for my Armstech. I'm barely able to type this through the tears of pain... :p


But in all seriousness, very informative and a big help!




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Thanks for such a great guide! I made it to 400 Synthweaving (yes, I know most would say it's a wasted profession) before reading the guide on REing, I'd found the 3 tier 1 types on my own, but thought it ended there. This is going to be a total money sink for me... I'm not sure whether you should be thanked or beaten :). We'll start with the thanks... when I'm broke, then we'll see.
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In the first FAQ question, you say an item is an Artifact when it gets a tier 1 prefix. Those items are blue, not purple. Purple items have the tier 2 prefix.


At least that's how it works for Biochem implants.


It's confusing because it currently reads like you should RE the purple items to get the other prefixes.

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In the first FAQ question, you say an item is an Artifact when it gets a tier 1 prefix. Those items are blue, not purple. Purple items have the tier 2 prefix.


At least that's how it works for Biochem implants.


It's confusing because it currently reads like you should RE the purple items to get the other prefixes.


The FAQ is not meant to be taken on it's own, that's why it's at the end. It's meant to address questions that may be left lingering after reading the guide. Honestly, all those questions are answered in the guide itself too, but many people seem to miss them, so they are reiterated in the FAQ.


The guide itself points out that Tier and quality are not directly related. An item of a certain Tier in theory could be any quality. In practice, what qualities we see for each Tier are limited by the current schematics available to us.


For example, yes, most Tier 1 Prefix items are Prototypes, but this is only because most base items are Premium. When a base item is Prototype, the Tier 1 Prefix items that come from it are Artifacts.


If we were to learn a schematic that teaches how to craft a Common (white) item, it would become Premium upon gaining Tier 1 Prefixes. Of course, crafters don't make white items, so this never happens in practice.


The FAQ question you are referring to deals specifically with when it is possible to gain new schematics from reverse engineering an Artifact. When an item is Prototype at it's base level, the Tier 1 Prefixes make it Artifact, and in these cases, those items can be RE'd to lead up to Tier 2 Prefix Artifacts.

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As to critting on orange gear, you can gain an augment slot on crafted orange armor pieces. I crafted the jedi initiate's robe for an alt and procced an aug slot.




Also, an unrelated question to everyone, is it not possible to RE schematics with +Absorb then? Just +Defense and +Shield for tanking stats?

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If an item already has the defense stat on it, will REing to obtain the defense Tier 1 purple result in even more defense on the item, or will one overwrite the other, or what? Edited by Degini
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If an item already has the defense stat on it, will REing to obtain the defense Tier 1 purple result in even more defense on the item, or will one overwrite the other, or what?


It will have even more :-) Atleast that is what happens when I go for crit on already critted armor.

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First off, thanks so much to Slaign for an incredible guide that has really crystalized the crafting and reverse engineering process. I had made some minor discoveries on my own now feel like I can RE with a lot more confidence in what I'm trying to achieve!


I didn't read through the entire thread (just too many pages and I actually want to play some tonight!) but one thing I never saw an answer to was what makes the difference on how many attempts you'll need to learn a new schematic from RE. So far, I'd say I've been very fortunate. I do have a couple of theories and would love to know if anyone might have similar ideas.


From what I understand, 'cunning' can increase aptitude with technological abilities. Since reverse engineering does seem to fall into this category, would it be fair to assume that might be a factor? I happen to play a Gunslinger with quite a high rating on cunning and have never once had to RE an object more than 8 times to get my next schem. Obviously a certain amount of random chance would still be in effect here. Does anyone possibly have any experience to back this up? If we can establish cunning as a direct corelation to success with RE, then perhaps the solution could be to keep some 'crafting gear' in your cargo hold that has exceptionally high cunning bonuses. When you know you want to craft and RE, then throw on that gear to improve your success.


Again, this is just a theory but might be helpful. Oh and on a side note, I have had more success when trying to RE the same item back to back, rather than just a one off or going back and forth between different items. That has just been my experience with it.


Thanks again Slaign and I hope this isn't information that was already discussed on pages 40-65 that I just didn't catch when I was reading through! :)

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From what I understand, 'cunning' can increase aptitude with technological abilities. Since reverse engineering does seem to fall into this category, would it be fair to assume that might be a factor?


I would think that would be VERY or even EXTREMELY unlikely to be a factor, since tying RE into a stat that is primary attribute for certain classes owuld effectively boost those classes as the 'must be' classes for anyone crafting with any seriousity, and Bioware has been expressly addressing issues like that to maintain their "All classes are Equal for given value of Equal." That would fly right into the face of that.


As for the number of REing needed for any schematic discoveries, that one is still under experimenting and research. But the amount of data needed is plenty high before any patterns might be seen, and since the formula is not public, it might even be changed somewhat quietly.

Edited by HopeaRotta
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First off, a big thank you for the guide. It's very well written and made me have at least some idea of what I'm doing with Armormech and what I can get.


As for cunning having any affect in RE I think it has nothing to do with it. It sounds great in theory, but on my imperial operative with over 1200 cunning I'm still going through stacks and stacks of the thermoplast flux alone and still haven't gotten all the blue schematics I want (and that's only for medium armor). Can't wait to go for the purple schematics ;)

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