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Fatman The last Stand Server...Already?


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Why do you think a lot of us are on PvE servers. For the very reason you stated (good PvPers don't go around telling people they are good, btw, just the ones who think they are good do this).


I can only imagine what the playerbase on The Fatman (especially Imperial side) is like. Cesspool of 4chan internet memes and "your mom" references.

Sorry we aren't allowed to have a choice.

Top 5 reasons to roll PvE server(reroll nowadays!)

5. I don't gank and don't care to be ganked.

4. My PvE gear is zomg so much better than PvP gear. Even in pvp.

3. I use a 3 button rotation with minimal movement and like to win.

2. I am a care bear!

1. I am bad at PvP and consider myself a PvE hero.

Miss anything? Like I said. Only Fatman is a legit option to most of us.

ps - insert mom joke here :(

pss - you just proved d bags are on PvE servers also

Edited by mikedee
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I want to play this game so bad but I can't - I literally can't.


I have it installed... I have a paid subscription... but by the time I get home from work around 6PM, I have a 2-3 hour window where there are enough people online my server (Hedarr Soongh) to get a few warzone pops and, if I'm lucky, a flashpoint or two put together.


After that point, the server becomes extremely quiet, so normally I'll go level an alt.


I want to play with other players so bad. I want to enjoy all the game has to offer... I just can't believe how empty my server is. I'm holding out 'tril transfers (so glad they are doing those) but until then I suppose I'll keep playing most of my time on here alone.


I know BW is working on transfers as we speak, I just can't believe this hasn't been the #1 priority over the past month or so. At first I thought that even though people were unsubscribing they would come back when transfers got here. Now I'm not so sure - I'm worried many people may be done for good.

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At first I thought that even though people were unsubscribing they would come back when transfers got here. Now I'm not so sure - I'm worried many people may be done for good.


This is true. Many of us holding out say that when we quit. We are done forever. Only the people that won't stay long will come back. :(

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This is true. Many of us holding out say that when we quit. We are done forever. Only the people that won't stay long will come back. :(


Yea, I'm holding out 'til transfers. I may even foregoe the free transfers and pay to transfer to the most populated server they'll allow.


I just don't want to take anymore risks. I'd love to be able to login during the daytime and do a warzone or a flashpoint if I wanted to... but as of now, that only occurs from about 5pm until 9 or 10. I have a very restricted time window where I have to play.

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I'm close to my 2nd 50 on The Swiftsure we have pretty fast queues in the 50s bracket as well as the lowbie bracket. I did make a toon on Fatman though just don't know if I have it in me to grind up another toon at this time.
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The Maw sometimes shows as standard but the number of republic on the fleet is like 20 people. Ajunta Pall also shows standard, yet there are 80 republic on the fleet. TORstatus.net's numbers can be misleading because of this.


I left the Maw a few weeks ago and it was a really good decision. I have toons on both Ajunta Pall and the Fatman, but the only one I don't perceive a declining pop. on, is Fatman. Now is a great time to reroll on the Fatman, as there are lots and lots of others doing it. There are many guilds forming of just immigrants from dead or dying servers, large guilds already. As another post stated, it does feel like it did back at launch.

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There is no opinion there, i log in various time periods and check. The only opinion here is yours. Fatman is far from the last viable server.


A lot of the viability argument also depends on the faction you play. Pub-side players on most servers are hurting really bad since Imp Wars 1.2 and are suffering long queues even if they are on a Standard pop server.


For instance, I have no desire to transfer my Imp on AP. The WZ queues there pop with regularity and the population is relatively good and steady, even though it has dropped in the past month or two.


My Pub on DR, on the other hand, I certainly will be transferring. Pub Fleet is a ghost town now except for primetime and the majority of my Guild has taken a break to play D3 and Tera.


In the end, peeps just want a home away from home. We are playing an MMO for a reason. We want to play with and compete against other players. It's a real bummer when you can't get a WZ pop in 15+ minutes. I say 15 minutes because I don't stick around longer than that. If I don't get a WZ pop in that amount of time, I simply log off and play D3.

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Irony is that people were compaining on launch week that they couldnt log in because the servers were too busy and now are the same people complaining that there are too many servers that spread out the population.


Its simple supply and demand:


You provide as many servers at the beginning as possible because all hyped games have a huge influx of people at launch. Every game developer (WoW included) knows that after the huge influx that people will start leaving en mass. Thats just they way it goes.


Was 1-50 leveling too fast? Probably


Do they need to add more end game content? Definetly


Do they need to merge servers? Yes


Do they need to allow transfers? Yes


Most of the people who have already left did that because it has nothing to do with server populations, its just because they played 24/7 for 3 months straight and now have nothing else to do.


Its already been stated that transfers are being worked on (and are technically in place due to the APAC transfers) so its not like they are ignoring anything.


Stop speculating on subscriptions, number people leaving etc. Theres only one group of people who know the true numbers and its none of us.

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I rolled some toons on Fatman but have 7 others on a slow server. I'ts not that bad pre 50 tbh. Yup you have to hit the right time of day however there's lots to do in game. I'm gonna work away at the Fatman server too thoough. I don't really consider it work...i love the game and so don't really mind. I think the game is great except for 50 pvp. I'm actually avoiding it till the game puts some content out there other than WZ.


There are lots of players with 50's on the other pvp servers who re rolled their alts on Fatman for obvious reasons....however i know many are waiting on 50 pvp content and balance. Once that is happening we can see if they come back to thier 50's.

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Not to mention there is zero point to do any open world pvp!


Not for nothing, but it's been said already a million times. If you really need rewards to do world pvp, then you don't actually care about world pvp, you just care about rewards.

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I am just not understanding the wait... or why they would let people sit on dead servers in hope of finding something to do.


Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?

Well with the most expensive mmo ever made they should of had tho options from the start along with cross server action like almost all new mmo's coming out and they have crap budgets compared to this game.

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This part right here irks me, on Helm of Grausch the GTN is almost empty and anyone with items that are needed drive the prices through the roof because there's practically little to no competition.


Yeah, but nobody is going to buy them, so they'll lower their prices eventually when they realize they'd rather actually sell their stuff instead of re-listing it every day.

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Well with the most expensive mmo ever made they should of had tho options from the start along with cross server action like almost all new mmo's coming out and they have crap budgets compared to this game.


It was probably wayyyy down on their list of things to do since all the servers were full and they had no reason to think this was going to happen. Of course, they did the stupid thing and made more servers in addtiion to increasing the capacity on the servers they already had, rather than just increasing the capacity by more and not making more servers. Because of the problems they caused, we're in the situation we are now, and are now having to reevaluate their priorities.


it's easy for you or I to say "well they should have done this or that" now, but none of that is going to solve the problems that are out there now. We know the population is spread too thin. People ***** about it every day to the point where I'm sick and tired of it spamming up the forums. Why people think that their 100th post that their server is empty is all of a sudden going to make a difference is beyond me. They'll fix it when they fix it. If you don't like it, stop playing or unsub. But the constant whining is annoying as hell.

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Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?


I wouldn't expect it in 10 minutes, I expected it in 2 months though. How long now have they known this is an issue so far? We're looking at "early summer" for this right now, which is still another month away (and then it'll get pushed back 2-3 more times so it actually happens at the end of september).

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Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?


No, but I would have expected this "meeting" to have already taken place to solve the biggest issue the game has that is also GAME BRAKING.


The pops did not die yesterday... it has been getting worse and worse as the days go by. So no, I do not expect a 10 min fix... but a month long fix seems excessive. And I work in I.T.


If I were to go to my CIO and tell him we have a major problem but will delay the fix for early summer. Use vague words like "soon" and "in an upcoming update/patch" without a timeline, I would not have a job after the conversation.


Honestly... people on dead servers could not care less about "upcoming events" or "new legacy features" they want to be able to play the game they paid for. Everything else is just fluff.

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I was thinking of rerolling there as well. I would prefer a much less drastic solution than giving up all of the effort I have already put into my existing toons, but there is next to nothing else to do. No players = no pvp = no pve. I like this game and don't want to unsub, but there isn't much point in playing a MMO with no people.


This is exactly why I already rerolled on Fatman. The experience so far has been very promising. But, being only level 26, it does suck to have to start all over again after putting so much time and effort into my Assassin.

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I wouldn't expect it in 10 minutes, I expected it in 2 months though. How long now have they known this is an issue so far? We're looking at "early summer" for this right now, which is still another month away (and then it'll get pushed back 2-3 more times so it actually happens at the end of september).


Just because you expect it in two months doesn't mean that's a realistic goal, though. You have no idea how complex it is for them to get working. Hell, we're talking about a company that already changed the look of this web site twice in the last 7 months. They've already proven their evaluation and decision-making skills aren't exactly awesome. I'd like to see them get it right, but like you and everyone else, I do expect that they have made this a priority. Whether it IS a priority or not for them, none of us know for sure. We already know they're NOT going to do server merges. It's going to be transfers only.

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No, but I would have expected this "meeting" to have already taken place to solve the biggest issue the game has that is also GAME BRAKING.




I'm sure the meeting already took place, but again, that doesn't mean the problem automatically fixes itself when the meeting is over. I've been in enough meetings to know that when all is said and done, more is said than done. Especially for something that requires programming work, there's no telling how long it will actually take them to implement. All we can do is let them know with our comments and wallets that we're not pleased with their decisions and their pace/time frame.


The pops did not die yesterday... it has been getting worse and worse as the days go by. So no, I do not expect a 10 min fix... but a month long fix seems excessive. And I work in I.T.


If you're so knowledgeable about IT then you should go design your own game and obviously it will be the perfect game with no problems where everything that comes up is an easy solution, right? Accept the fact that just because you "work in IT" doesn't mean you know jack about MMO design. Refilling the ink in a printer and getting MS Word to unfreeze doesn't qualify you to have expert knowledge about MMO design.


If I were to go to my CIO and tell him we have a major problem but will delay the fix for early summer. Use vague words like "soon" and "in an upcoming update/patch" without a timeline, I would not have a job after the conversation.


They never said they were delaying the fix. They said that they hoped to have it out by early summer. There's a difference between something not being ready for three months and it being ready now, but you just don't want to release it for the heck of it. Your internet words-lawyering isn't fooling anyone. Surely even you can see there's a difference between "we're delaying the fix for three months" and "we are fixing it, but it won't be done for three months."


Honestly... people on dead servers could not care less about "upcoming events" or "new legacy features" they want to be able to play the game they paid for. Everything else is just fluff.


Then they can rerroll on Fatman and play the game until such time as transfers are implemented, and at that time they can decide then what they want to do. No amount of forum complaining that you or anyone else does is going to get the fix out quicker. It takes X time for them to get it done. You're not going to see a solution in less than X. Doesn't work that way. Yeah, they're made some really terrible decisions, but if you really think they've fixed the problem already but aren't releasing it just to mess with their player base, you're completely delusional.

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Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?


Char Transfers mechanic was nailed down by BW 1 month ago.

How else did they offer all Oceanic players free transfers at the launch of 1.2 from ANY server to one of the 3 oceanic servers? And fyi those transfers went without a hitch.


BW has the means and the know how for transfers and still are not offering them. Its not a matter of them implementing the codes and mechanics as they were done a long time ago.

Edited by Stavroz
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My guild re rolled there last week. I can't be bothered there was 27 ppl on last night on my server . Waited 20 min q 2 times for WZ our intrepid band of puggers were smashed by the same premade. I wished my server well.


I logged out. Will uninstall today even though I have game time till August. I will do a 1 month next februAry next year to see if they have things sorted out. I will probably still lurk forums because it is the most entertainment I will get for my money. I wish you all the best.

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It was probably wayyyy down on their list of things to do since all the servers were full and they had no reason to think this was going to happen. Of course, they did the stupid thing and made more servers in addtiion to increasing the capacity on the servers they already had, rather than just increasing the capacity by more and not making more servers. Because of the problems they caused, we're in the situation we are now, and are now having to reevaluate their priorities.


it's easy for you or I to say "well they should have done this or that" now, but none of that is going to solve the problems that are out there now. We know the population is spread too thin. People ***** about it every day to the point where I'm sick and tired of it spamming up the forums. Why people think that their 100th post that their server is empty is all of a sudden going to make a difference is beyond me. They'll fix it when they fix it. If you don't like it, stop playing or unsub. But the constant whining is annoying as hell.



I believe I pay as much as you for this game so just like you, I am entitled to my opinion... even if it bothers you.

You may not be on one of the dead servers... it is so dead I can not get any dailies done. So instead of me playing the game I am paying for I am posting on the forums... that I am also helping to pay for.


Maybe you should start a QQ thread titled:


"Dead server players are ruining the game"

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Because they're getting the tech working?


Seriously, you don't just expect them to say in a meeting "OK, Bill, go program in character transfers with web site account support and solve the legacy transfer and character renaming issues. Have it done in 10 minutes." Do you?


They could have had less problems if they did merges first then legacy. Their choice their fault no sympathy.

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Char Transfers mechanic was nailed down by BW 1 month ago.

How else did they offer all Oceanic players free transfers at the launch of 1.2 from ANY server to one of the 3 oceanic servers? And fyi those transfers went without a hitch.


BW has the means and the know how for transfers and still are not offering them. Its not a matter of them implementing the codes and mechanics as they were done a long time ago.


And you have 100% reliable information that this is exactly the same procedure and process, and there are no other decisions that they would need to make that might impact some of the technical aspects? You're 100% positive that there's nothing technically limiting them because of the differences between that instance and this one?

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They could have had less problems if they did merges first then legacy. Their choice their fault no sympathy.


They're not doing merges. You all need to give up that fantasy. It's not happening. When someone asked in a Q&A interview "When will there be server merges" and the answer was "Character transfers are coming" that's your sign that there aren't going to be merges.

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