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Smuggler needs a buff.... Badly...


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Sup lads and gents i currently have a lvl 21 Smuggler (Gunslinger) who frankly seems very underpowered compared to other classes of the same level. I'm aware that you would prefer more of a mathematical example (Bioware) but i dont know how im going to do that... What i do know is that the smuggler is one of the most underplayed classes (most probably because of how underpowered it really is). When I play that class I feel extremely weak in war zones. For example the other day I was in a war zone and i was up against a lvl 13 Sith Marauder. It was one on one and it took an absolute eternity to kill him... I was level 20 at the time (a whole 7 LEVELS HIGHER!) so I shouldn't of had too much of a problem. Defensively I barely took any damage... He could barely touch me but my offence was terrible. Even in PvE against lvl 17 Rakghouls on Taris it takes awhile to kill them at lvl 20, making it hard as hell to level due to low dps... I am loving the class and love the story but it feels really hard to play... I have to be massively over lvled to do missions that other classes could do at the recommended level. It would be great to even get a bit of a damage buff and to see more people playing the class. Any thoughts on the subject would be Super, Greatly, Apreciated.

Thanks. :)

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Gunslinger/Sniper is exactly in the spot where it needs to be. It doesn't need a buff nor a nerf or it will completely ruin the AC. How can you even complain about a class that you only discovered for a rough 25%?


You're complaining that you had troubles taking a lvl 13 Marauder down while you were level 20?... Sorry, but that seriously sounds like you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. All the classes get bolstered in the 10-49 bracket to level 50. The only difference why higher levels are better there is because they have acces to more of their abilities and have unlocked more of their class' potential. With 'higher', I'm referring to 40+. So yes... It is completely normal that you took some time killing that Marauder and I wouldn't even be to surprised if he managed to kill you.


Sniper/Gunslinger dps is phenomenal and one of the best out there. Both on low level and high level. So if you're having trouble killing mobs and find that your dps is low, I have no clue to what you are comparing. So either you have a weird idea about the 'common' dps in this game or it would do you good to have another look at your class' basics as it looks like you don't really know how to play your Gunslinger.

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Gunslingers are fine. They do crazy damage, we're actually starting to slightly favour them over Sages for Operations now (2 Gunslingers, 1 Sage when previously we usually did the reverse.) Similarly in PVP, Gunslingers are capable of putting out a lot of damage and some of the strongest DPS characters on our server are currently 'slingers. It is true that Marauders are a bit crazy, especially in terms of survivability, and they get their key damage abilities early enough that they can slice through people straight away but that is an issue with them rather than with 'slingers.


Scoundrel DPS has big issues, especially in the level range you're talking about, but Gunslingers aren't too bad since those 5% damage increases a couple of weeks back. It is only relative to Pyrotechs and Marauders that they look bad and the issue there is with the two builds being too strong rather than everyone else being too weak.

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I disagree, when I hit 10 and chose gunslinger as my AC I immediately went into a WZ. I was #1 overall. I racked up the most defense and attack points along with topping damage done and total kills.


It all depends on how well you play the character.

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Any thoughts on the subject would be Super, Greatly, Apreciated.

Thanks. :)


If you're underperforming that badly it sounds like you need to look at your build, your gear, your playstyle or some combination thereof. If you're wearing quest greens you'll struggle. if you're wearing good gear with the wrong stats, if you have a random build, if you have a good build that doesn't suit your playstyle, you'll struggle. If you're not gearing Corso properly (because you don't have anyone else yet) etc. etc.


So details would be nice.

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I thought this might be a Scoundrel DPS thread (they still need some love), but Slinger? No way. You can mez/Sabo/Aimed Shot burst people 1v1 from an absurdly early level.


Just make sure to rush Trickshot if you're leveling as SS.

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I know you're mostly talking about PVP, which I can't comment on because I'm strictly PVE, but I can say that out of the classes I've played (Gunslinger, Sith Juggernaut, and Jedi Shadow to 50; Agent to 25) the Smuggler is far and away the strongest in PvE.


In my opinion it would be balanced for them to do a little less well in PvP, considering how monstrous they are in PvE.

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I think Scoundrel isn't as powerful as an Operative personally, or maybe the Operative using melee backstabs just sounds more powerful than a massive shotgun going off behind someones' back O_o. The shotgun should be more powerful lol.


I don't know about Gunslingers, but my Scoundrel does feel totally weak (I am Sawbones) but on a healing Operative I was still a lot stronger than my Scoundrel :<. Right now I am just heals as my Risha gets all the mobs down lol XD. A little bit boring :<.


I do think Scoundrels need a little look at though, especially comparing them to the Imperial equivalent the Operative.

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I do think Scoundrels need a little look at though, especially comparing them to the Imperial equivalent the Operative.


The classes are mirrors and most of the animation issues have been resolved. In terms of damage and healing output there really aren't any differences between them. If you are having issues while leveling up a Scoundrel compared to an Operative it is probably because Corso and Bowdaar both kind of suck.

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If you're underperforming that badly it sounds like you need to look at your build, your gear, your playstyle or some combination thereof. If you're wearing quest greens you'll struggle. if you're wearing good gear with the wrong stats, if you have a random build, if you have a good build that doesn't suit your playstyle, you'll struggle. If you're not gearing Corso properly (because you don't have anyone else yet) etc. etc.


So details would be nice.


Thanks I was thinking it might be my gear but I'm not sure I have been going through my stats and am trying to work out what's best for me with the abilities that I use most I am going Sharpshooter spec so I have been mainly concentrating on my shooting abilities. So for my armor am I mention to be increasing my aim stat or my cunning stat I occasionally use my gadgets so I don't think I need cunning. Yes I have been gearing up Corso every chance I get and he dies really easily compared to me. Any tips on how I can balance my stats would be great. Thanks.

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Gunslinger/Sniper is exactly in the spot where it needs to be. It doesn't need a buff nor a nerf or it will completely ruin the AC. How can you even complain about a class that you only discovered for a rough 25%?


You're complaining that you had troubles taking a lvl 13 Marauder down while you were level 20?... Sorry, but that seriously sounds like you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. All the classes get bolstered in the 10-49 bracket to level 50. The only difference why higher levels are better there is because they have acces to more of their abilities and have unlocked more of their class' potential. With 'higher', I'm referring to 40+. So yes... It is completely normal that you took some time killing that Marauder and I wouldn't even be to surprised if he managed to kill you.


Sniper/Gunslinger dps is phenomenal and one of the best out there. Both on low level and high level. So if you're having trouble killing mobs and find that your dps is low, I have no clue to what you are comparing. So either you have a weird idea about the 'common' dps in this game or it would do you good to have another look at your class' basics as it looks like you don't really know how to play your Gunslinger.


Ok thanks for the feedback it was mainly what I was looking for. I'm new to MMO's this is my first one so I'm still getting used to how they work. I was aware of the PvP buff they give you that raises all your stats to lvl 49 but I was saying that at such a higher lvl my abilities should of been more up to par then what the Marauders was if I'm not mistaken. I'm pretty sure I'm playing my Gunslinger correctly I don't think it's that hard to work out that your mention to just stay back and give cover fire and not get too amongst the fighting. So yer any other useful feedback would be great rather than yelling at me and pretty much calling me an idiot. I kind of know what I'm doing but all I'm asking for is some help on how I'm going to get back on track. :)

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Thanks I was thinking it might be my gear but I'm not sure I have been going through my stats and am trying to work out what's best for me with the abilities that I use most I am going Sharpshooter spec so I have been mainly concentrating on my shooting abilities. So for my armor am I mention to be increasing my aim stat or my cunning stat I occasionally use my gadgets so I don't think I need cunning. Yes I have been gearing up Corso every chance I get and he dies really easily compared to me. Any tips on how I can balance my stats would be great. Thanks.


You're a Smuggler. ALL your gear should be Cunning rather than Aim. You don't need Aim at all, just Cunning. Cunning effects all your attacks and heals. If you were wearing Aim gear... that would explain a lot of your problems.

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Ok so reading through the thread people seem to have some good feedback on what I am saying so apparently I need to fix my gear and the Smuggler doesn't need a patch. So from now all I what to know is how do I balance my gear out what stat should I be trying to increase. I'm going with the Sharpshooter spec so should I increase Aim or Cunning? My companion is up to par with gear I am consistently upgrading his gear so there shouldn't be much of a problem there. So PvE wise i'm versing lvl 20's (max) and I'm lvl 23 now is it because I need to fix my gear that I am occasionally running into issues surviving in PvE or what? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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You're a Smuggler. ALL your gear should be Cunning rather than Aim. You don't need Aim at all, just Cunning. Cunning effects all your attacks and heals. If you were wearing Aim gear... that would explain a lot of your problems.


Oh ok cheers I thought aim was shooting and cunning was gadgets I didn't realize they we're just class specific I only just started to put aim on but maybe I need to upgrade my cunning instead.

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Ok, I played a sniper engineer (Centre tree), but when 1.2 rolled around with a free respec, I went marksmanship (Left tree). I can tell you straight out, you need cunning, not aim, in your gear.


Aim, on any character, will slightly boost ranged attack damage and crit chance

Cunning, on any character, will slightly boost tech attack damage and crit chance


Cunning, on a smuggler, will also greatly boost all your attacks and crit chance.

If it's anything like my sniper, you'll want to stack plenty of crit.. Unlike my sniper, I think gunslingers benefit from having a ton of accuracy as well. Surge is pretty good, seeing as you can get a guaranteed crit on your mirror of snipe.


Finally, don't forget that the higher you level, the more tools you have to control a battlefield. Marauders will not enjoy getting into close range, because you:

a) disable their leap ability by being in cover

b) are immune to pushbacks and interrupts

c) Can be immune to CC for a short time

d) have plenty of tools to get people out of melee range

e) Can root them

Really, any melee will have something with roots that can't be pulled/leaped.


Just like you, they get lots of tools in higher levels. But in the low levels, it shouldn't be too tough to take them down in short order. Just learn your rotations, and what situations call for what ability. The other thing to learn are all the best places to set up. When set up in the right place, the opposition will loathe you. If they come after you, it just means you're doing your job right, and they don't like it!:D

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Ok, I played a sniper engineer (Centre tree), but when 1.2 rolled around with a free respec, I went marksmanship (Left tree). I can tell you straight out, you need cunning, not aim, in your gear.


Aim, on any character, will slightly boost ranged attack damage and crit chance

Cunning, on any character, will slightly boost tech attack damage and crit chance


Cunning, on a smuggler, will also greatly boost all your attacks and crit chance.

If it's anything like my sniper, you'll want to stack plenty of crit.. Unlike my sniper, I think gunslingers benefit from having a ton of accuracy as well. Surge is pretty good, seeing as you can get a guaranteed crit on your mirror of snipe.


Finally, don't forget that the higher you level, the more tools you have to control a battlefield. Marauders will not enjoy getting into close range, because you:

a) disable their leap ability by being in cover

b) are immune to pushbacks and interrupts

c) Can be immune to CC for a short time

d) have plenty of tools to get people out of melee range

e) Can root them

Really, any melee will have something with roots that can't be pulled/leaped.


Just like you, they get lots of tools in higher levels. But in the low levels, it shouldn't be too tough to take them down in short order. Just learn your rotations, and what situations call for what ability. The other thing to learn are all the best places to set up. When set up in the right place, the opposition will loathe you. If they come after you, it just means you're doing your job right, and they don't like it!:D


Thank you thats the feedback i've been looking for, your a champ i look into that and see what i can do. :)

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I think Scoundrel isn't as powerful as an Operative personally, or maybe the Operative using melee backstabs just sounds more powerful than a massive shotgun going off behind someones' back O_o. The shotgun should be more powerful lol.


I don't know about Gunslingers, but my Scoundrel does feel totally weak (I am Sawbones) but on a healing Operative I was still a lot stronger than my Scoundrel :<. Right now I am just heals as my Risha gets all the mobs down lol XD. A little bit boring :<.


I do think Scoundrels need a little look at though, especially comparing them to the Imperial equivalent the Operative.


I think your talking about the animations. If so yes Operatives knife stabs have faster animations allowing them to move faster while they work. Gunslingers and Snipers should be inline though. and Gunslingers should support instead of trying to 1v1ing. You'll get more medals that way. Blowing down peeps while they're focused on other players is your strongest ability since you can do it form a safe distance.

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The classes are mirrors and most of the animation issues have been resolved. In terms of damage and healing output there really aren't any differences between them. If you are having issues while leveling up a Scoundrel compared to an Operative it is probably because Corso and Bowdaar both kind of suck.



Seriously if you read my post you'd see I use RISHA >.>... and I'm healing ***** for her...

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You're a Smuggler. ALL your gear should be Cunning rather than Aim. You don't need Aim at all, just Cunning. Cunning effects all your attacks and heals. If you were wearing Aim gear... that would explain a lot of your problems.


Yep - bingo. You need to gear for cunning. You do not need any aim. Beyond that there's still some discussion on the value of power versus crit. Personally I've gone whole-hog cunning/crit on my 'slinger, but he's DF spec, which will play pretty differently than sharpshooter. If you have decent aim gear left over, give it to Corso.

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I looked up TORhead so I could get the names right, and I'll give you a quick rundown of what I think your rotation should be like. There's likely someone better than me to explain it, so by all means go ahead, this is what I learned levelling my sniper to level 38.


Your basic rotation should be this:

Smuggler's Luck-> Enter Cover -> Charged Burst -> Aimed Shot

Use your bomb attack on cooldown. If it's a stealth class you target, be sure to land your bleed on them, to make their combat stealth riskier.


As you level the left tree, this becomes a heck of a lot more destructive. Entering cover will grant you an instant charged burst, critting on charge burst will give you a 1.5 sec cast on aimed shot. Which can also knockback people getting into melee range.


If there's no one attacking a target heading for you, and they don't have a stealth power, hit them with Leg Shot. Gives you a bit longer for your attacks. Timing leg shot correctly can be extremely useful in warzones.


Pulse Detonator is mostly for keeping a melee off you, but this also has other uses. Get into position, hit this, and you can ruin someone's chances at running for the goal, knock them into a pit... the possibilities are endless. Centre tree gets an instant snipe for each use of this power, but it takes a few too many skill points to get.


Quickdraw is pretty self-explanatory. Still useful. When up against high level marauders, time this right, otherwise they hit their final defence power and gain 6 seconds of near immortality. Against all else, use as often as you can.


Hunker Down is an incredibly useful power. All classes get a mez breaker. You're the only class that gets a mez protect (Except for a certain tree of vanguard, I think, but let's ignore that for now). This is what keeps you in cover. Warriors and Agents are the only classes that have to get in melee to land their control power. Use Hunker down, and either it's wasted, or they have to hold off for the duration of the power. Giving you plenty of time to land attacks without threat of a CC interrupt. High in the left tree reduces the cooldown and turns this into an AoE defence as well.


At level 22, you get sweeping gunfire. For the energy it costs, there's only two uses for it.

A) Hitting someone trying to cap, when they try to LoS you. Just put this down on the edge, and you interrupt them.

B) Target an area a lot of enemies are in or going to be in. Either the damage over all of them makes up for the cost, or they stop and wait for the attack to end. Either will benefit your team.


At level 28, you get Flourish Shot. Inflicts trauma(reduces healing recieved), and an armour debuff. On the left tree, this is crucial to your damage. Make it your first attack on a fresh target. Make it an attack on someone with a pocket healer. It will make your job easier.


And that's about it.

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You got a nice litthe thing in the game. It#s called the Codex. There is listed every information about your class and your cpmpanions, and what kind of armour and stats you/they need. Smuggler needs Cunning as a primary stat, nothing else (don't know why Gunslinger Campaign gear has loads of endurance, I'm taking the Enforcer Set for cunning... set bonus is crap anyway).
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Im a gunslinger and i do fine in pvp and pve,

often in the top dps players in pvp and always in demand for dps for pve.

I read that you use aim, thats not a very usefull stat for smugglers, that is mainly for commandos

and certain melee like techblade or so.

Go for

#1 Cunning,

#2 Endurance,

also Critical & Power are very important for you.

Crit im finding more effective in pve and power abit more in pvp,

just my opinion, but im sabotage so i use mainly tech damage with some sharpshooter.

It takes a while for a smug to flourish.

When you start getting the high level gear at 50 you start seeing a big difference.

I think people dont play smug alot mainly because its abit more complicated,

and most star wars fans want to swing sabers and use the force,

but the force can be overrated lol :)

There are still a few mini bugs i find with the cover system, but there working on fixing it.

I hope you enjoy your first mmo, ive always loved playing smugs in star wars mmos.


Hey whos scruffy lookin? :rak_03:

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