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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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It really is time to get a server merge going on.


While I understand the technical aspect of moving legacy names over as well as first names with those legacies is challenging, I'm sure developing the game alone was a challenge. If you guys could figure that out, please figure out some server merges.


I personally am willing to forgo my legacy name and even first names (though chosen during early access period) and some pretty awesome names like Ghost, Phalanx, etc. (names that are often taken right off the bat) to simply play with friends.


This is all we're asking of you guys. I would think the majority of the community would sacrifice character identity just to be able to play the game as intended: with other people.


As it is, for the last week, I've seen 10 people in fleet on Anchorhead during "peak hours", and have yet to form a group with any of them save for WZs. It's even furthermore disparaging to hear the fleet chat of "my subscription is up in x days, this game sucks, can't wait to go." speak because we're losing morale at a rapid rate for this reason alone.


The time really is now to start merging.


If you're testing loyalty, you're going to be disappointed in the results. Single player games don't have a fee, and some pretty amazing single player games have come out lately. If I wanted a single player game I'd be playing those, but instead I'm paying you guys $15.00 a month to play this. All that your community is asking is that you put us in the same servers to enjoy the game that we want to play. Thanks.

Edited by Darkrite
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The problem is Bioware had the idea in their heads that 1.2 was going to bring lots of people back or keep them playing.

The server issue could have been sorted prior to the introduction of the legacy system was introduced and broke it.

Now they have left it too late.

I cancelled my sub a week ago but had just been charged for 3 months which was annoying but my own fault.

At the moment i can`t even be fussed to log in and this is similar to a lot of people.

This is a pretty decent game and had a good launch but i feel like they have blown their chances by messing this up and dragging their feet.

They should have been focussing all their resources on bug fixing and merging/free transfering people so that the servers were a vibrant environment instead of the morgues they are at the moment.

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The answer is never. Free transfers, paid transfers, closures.




Mergers are messy, complicated, and cause bad press (yes, more bad press than a few forum posters whining about dead servers). It's a no-brainer why, until the game is on its death bed, that there will be no mergers.


Let's not perpetuate this thread any longer. Bioware, let it cap this time, then leave it closed.

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This game needed server mergers months ago.


The republic side is getting hit even harder by the issue due to being the lesser played faction.


Frankly, people should lose jobs over this. As a paying customer and a shareholder, I am sickened by the amateur hour level of handling this game is receiving. I honestly think at this point they are dragging their feet so they don't have to announce mergers so soon after launch. It already is a black eye to a MMO to merge, but to do so only a few months out of the gate is a disaster.


TOR needed at least another year of development time and a massive rework of many of the planets so that they weren't so railed and that world pvp could actually happen.


I honestly think this game is perilously close to being dead in the water and I have little hope now that EA/Bioware will even be able to move forward on an expansion.

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Mergers are messy, complicated, and cause bad press (yes, more bad press than a few forum posters whining about dead servers). It's a no-brainer why, until the game is on its death bed, that there will be no mergers.


Let's not perpetuate this thread any longer. Bioware, let it cap this time, then leave it closed.


Transfers specifically should have been considered (or in the works atleast) prior to launch and Bioware should have had the foresight to know that the ability to have a feature like that would be needed by their customers in some way in the future.


Unfortunately combined with:


1.Placement of guilds in early access by Bioware


2.Early access and too few servers available (Queue QQ on forums)


3.Then they raised the server caps and added far too many servers.


4.Now people are simply not playing, leaving for D3, not happy with endgame, not happy with the fact that theres no one on their server (there are several valid reasons where one could see the services we are being provided with are less than adequate at this point).


I'm sorry this game without transfers/merges and possibly even after that does happen is most likely still going to be on life support simply because this issue wasn't handled in an appropriate timely manner. This problem didn't happen over night and now with the emergence of every new game *cough D3 cough* it's going to get worse.


The actual launch and the first few months were great, the after math of watching the population on my server drop to the point that it has is tragic and leaves me wishing that I could play an MMO with people again.

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i agree we wont see a server merge or transfer untill the supscription base falls below 500K and since that has not happend no one will take action .

And even if they take action by that time it will be too late .

If Bioware would have been not so slow with their decisions witch at this point is even more slower then before 1.2

What I am asking is did they not took a look at the market and expected such things can happen.

I mean realy if you do not plan ahead your done for and that's exactly what has happened

And a weekend pass will not help .

They must analyse the problems solve them and not repeat them but sofar they did not analyze their competitors in the mmo market and if they did they picked the wrong company

fact is if the bugs are not fixed faster and the pvp queueing is not been dealt with soon nothing will save SWTOR


If Daniel Erikson and Co care about this MMO then its high time to take action and not postpone the decision to a later point .

because Bioware does not have the luxury to delay such choices cause Time is Up

and the sooner the Bioware Management realize that they have a serious problem and action is not advised its recommended and that yesterday

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i agree we wont see a server merge or transfer untill the supscription base falls below 500K and since that has not happend no one will take action .


So when the devs say that transfers are their highest priority and that they will implemented early summer, they are lying through their teeth?

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So when the devs say that transfers are their highest priority and that they will implemented early summer, they are lying through their teeth?


The Devs for this game have lied before... I mean - straight up lied to our faces. You think they wouldn't do it again?

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So when the devs say that transfers are their highest priority and that they will implemented early summer, they are lying through their teeth?


Which servers will be eligible for transfer and where will they be eligible for transfer to?


Will there be mergers and if so, from where to where?


Is anyone outside of the forum moderators aware of the population problem? A DETAILED statement from someone with some real power would be nice.

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2 People on my fleet right now.. May 17, 11:30 Central Time



BONUS: The recurring ticket-reminder at the top middle!


No, didn't you know that it is your responsibility as a paying customer to find the populated servers and re-roll on them.


Your Legacy is Not Important. Your Toon is Not Important.


You Chose The Wrong Door. You Wasted Your Own Time.


Didn't You Hear?


"Shut Up. Re-Roll." - Players On Populated Servers Quote Of The Month

Edited by AeSaar
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hate to repeat the same thing but yes we need server merge asap this is sad i have a very geared lev 50 merc and now i have nothing to do i log on and ussually find on 15 or 20 people on my server im trying to be patient but this is horrible im so ready to unsub cause there is nothing to do not even pvp so yea plz do something fast. SERVER MERGE SERVER MERGE SERVER MERGE if not this game will die especially with other games like guild wars right around the corner
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So when the devs say that transfers are their highest priority and that they will implemented early summer, they are lying through their teeth?


Maybe. They just lied to us recently about sub numbers dropping. Wasn't it one day that there have been no loss of subs only less logging in, and then 3ish weeks later 400,000 subs down?


If the tech isn't there, they need to hire some database people with more than a A+ cert under their belt.

Edited by -Dench
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You know whats funny? BiodroneModerators close threads asking for server merges and redirect people to this thread.


They kinda dont understand that people dont care about having one thread or 100, what they care is one answer to the quiestion in the topic.


Answer they fail to give.

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No, didn't you know that it is your responsibility as a paying customer to find the populated servers and re-roll on them.


Your Legacy is Not Important. Your Toon is Not Important.


You Chose The Wrong Door. You Wasted Your Own Time.


Didn't You Hear?


"Shut Up. Re-Roll." - Players On Populated Servers Quote Of The Month


Hold on there Biodrone! Dont you know that servers have been heavy in december and then everyone left?

There is nothing to do, so players leave. Players left, you cant do ops or flash points because there are not enough players, so players leave.

As for the "shut up re roll"... not even worth discussing, you wont get it biodrone.

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We NEED server merges right now! The reasons are that obvious to everyone so please stop closing your eyes and ears my dear devs.


Nevertheless, transfers coming up in summer is fine, too. But as said before: First keep the game alive and get a living foundation and then do some fine-tuning via transfers!


Thanks in advance!




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Server mergers won't work... only transfers will.


Let's say I am a happy player playing on a low pop server. The server being low pop is just fine with me and my friends as we enjoy playing together and don't need a huge pop server to be happy.


Along comes Bioware and says "Sorry, but we are merging your server into another server. You will have to change all of your toon names and legacy name as they are already taken on the server we are moving you to."


My response... /unsub.


This is why they will not do mergers. This is why they will only provide transfers.


No mergers.

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Apparently they can transfer you right now! The only problem is you're likely to lose your legacy and have your class quests completely shut down for those still leveling.


So, yeah, apparently the devs need more time on this. Who can guess why they didn't manually merge the servers, except that they didn't want to inconvenience anyone happy with their low population server :)

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according to torstatuts:


Looks like out of 123 North American servers, only 3 have hit HEAVY in the last week.


Looks like out of all the servers in SWTOR, only 9 have hit HEAVY in the last week.


My server? Lives in LIGHT land :p



Sooo..... um..... can I, like, ummm, move my toon.... to... umm... a server that... ummmm.... has a lot of people on it... soon?





Apparently they can transfer you right now! The only problem is you're likely to lose your legacy and have your class quests completely shut down for those still leveling.


Um, no thats not true.

Edited by -Dench
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Yes please quit dragging your feet and merge the servers! People on the server are not happy about the population. General used to always talk bad about WOW and now they just talk bad about the population of the server. If you do not do something soon i am sure you will loose many more customers.



Dark Reaper

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Server mergers won't work... only transfers will.


Let's say I am a happy player playing on a low pop server. The server being low pop is just fine with me and my friends as we enjoy playing together and don't need a huge pop server to be happy.


Along comes Bioware and says "Sorry, but we are merging your server into another server. You will have to change all of your toon names and legacy name as they are already taken on the server we are moving you to."


My response... /unsub.


This is why they will not do mergers. This is why they will only provide transfers.


No mergers.


But I have friends I like playing with who are not in my guild. If i move server I lose my friends. If the servers merge, you dont lose friends, but get the opportunity to play with them and more new friends. I dont understand your thinking hun.

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So when the devs say that transfers are their highest priority and that they will implemented early summer, they are lying through their teeth?


They HAVE said this and they also were releasing ranked warzones in 1.2 only to "pull" them at the last moment.

This represents a reason for the massive amount of mistrust the player base has for Bioware at the moment and i won`t even get started on the fact they tried to gloss over the huge drop in subscription numbers.

If any person believes that Bioware only knew several hours before releasing a major content patch that they weren`t going to release probably the main feature in said patch, then i would have to seriously question their intelligence.


The reason people don`t believe in these guys is because the Development team have become disengaged with their player base and they shown themselves to be untrustworthy and ambiguous with time frames.


Throw in the fact that their moderators and customer support have with their constant use of copy-paste templates (sometimes not even used in relation to the original query/request for help) and they now find themselves fighting an uphill battle to make this game the success that it should have been.


This is just my opinion but the numbers of posts and the drop in player numbers speak for themselves.


It`s almost as if 400 thousand players all cried out in terror at once and were suddenly unsubbed.

Edited by passio
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