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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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Think the only way to save this game is that the two in charge at bioware need to fire everyone in

charge for the deperatments working on the game. And then get in some help from LUCASARTS

when it comes to getting the STAR WARS feeling into the game.LA must set down very clear rules

on how the world should be.When it comes to armors looking like star wars, ingame things that will

keep people around wanting more. What bioware is doing is trying to hard for too long to make wow 2.


And that failed bigtime.People came to thing game wanting the star wars experience.But in the end

i blame LUCASARTS for not setting down the ground rules. But i think LA thought that bioware knew

what they were doing, and now they know better.Something the next ones who get the star wars IP will

have to learn from.Sadly it tok two star wars MMOs to learn it all on how to succeed.


Question is, how many more subs do they have to lose before they wake up and change course.


DEAR GOD NO The company LA lost it's soul a long time ago if you look at it's portfolio and history it shows.


LA was also the reason why galaxies was literally killed most mmos go f2p but they didn't want that. There hasn't been anything good to come out of them ever. Sense Jim Ward left corruption has destroyed anything good out of that company.


If you want proof here are two links jim steps down and employees fired

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The fact that you think that a 25% drop since launch is "bad" for an mmo is also hilarious.


Get some perspective.




That 25% (400,000 subs per BioWare) represents, best case, $4.8 million US in monthly revenue. Worst case is $6 million US. How is that for perspective?


Judging by server populations I see ingame and posts on these forums, the exodus is still underway. What happens when it's 50% in half a year?


I don't think the game is necessarily at a point that it needs "saving", yet, but I think it's going to come really, really close to BioWare's stated profit "line" of 500,000 paying subs soon.

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Server transfers alone would bump up subs by at least 10%.


This plus the fact that there are people who buy games, try them and if it doesn't suit their need they quielty let it go. Some probably unsubbed after checking it out and are most likely waiting for stuff to get fixed in the game.

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DEAR GOD NO The company LA lost it's soul a long time ago if you look at it's portfolio and history it shows.


LA was also the reason why galaxies was literally killed most mmos go f2p but they didn't want that. There hasn't been anything good to come out of them ever. Sense Jim Ward left corruption has destroyed anything good out of that company.


If you want proof here are two links jim steps down and employees fired


Say what you want atlest they know STAR WARS !!

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That 25% (400,000 subs per BioWare) represents, best case, $4.8 million US in monthly revenue. Worst case is $6 million US. How is that for perspective?


Judging by server populations I see ingame and posts on these forums, the exodus is still underway. What happens when it's 50% in half a year?


I don't think the game is necessarily at a point that it needs "saving", yet, but I think it's going to come really, really close to BioWare's stated profit "line" of 500,000 paying subs soon.


The assumption that sub loss is linear shows your lack of experience and knowledge about the genre.


As for perspective.


Swtor's sub numbers have followed the launch of WoW pretty closely.


Believe it or not, when WoW suffered a large sub loss half a year after launch the EQ players were laughing about how it was dying.


WoW's launch was significantly worse then Swtor as well, with repeated server crashes and emergency maintenance, and problems that continued to plague the game years later (You can not loot that right now.)


The fact that you think a 25% sub loss a few months after launch is 1: abnormal 2: something to be worried about is quite comical.

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Say what you want atlest they know STAR WARS !!


Do they? No force unleashed was bad it was pretty but it was some stupid when I played it. Have you heard of battlefront 3 yet? Nope that moment when jim step down was when that got axed too. Infact there was another article on that stating how the company was helping and making sure that both parties could make the best battlefront 3 yet.


Nope not anymore or how about rouge squadron they would always release one of those on consoles haven't seen that sense gamecube. What about the sequel that should have been republic commando 2? I still want to save sev what about jedi academy?


Take the rose glasses off bud LA died when jim left when they fired most of their team and decide to outsource.


Look at tor here that should have been a home made engine with the two best companies LA and bioware and EA with their truck load money approach.


There are no more heroes, I miss galaxies and I'm only here for friends and I'm using my time to at least see if I can see if my comments will help shape this game. It did for galaxies in it's end days. But I'm no fool, when the sub ends it ends.

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The fact that you think that a 25% drop since launch is "bad" for an mmo is also hilarious.


Get some perspective.


Its not 25%, its closer to 50%. They sold 2.4 million boxes and they are down to a supposed "1.3" million subscribers.


That's a hell of a lot closer to 50%.

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Its not 25%, its closer to 50%. They sold 2.4 million boxes and they are down to a supposed "1.3" million subscribers.


That's a hell of a lot closer to 50%.


If you are going to count sub loss that way then WoW has probably lost about 80% over the past 7 years.


See how that's misleading?


And no one would count subs in that manner?

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The assumption that sub loss is linear shows your lack of experience and knowledge about the genre.


As for perspective.


Swtor's sub numbers have followed the launch of WoW pretty closely.


Believe it or not, when WoW suffered a large sub loss half a year after launch the EQ players were laughing about how it was dying.


WoW's launch was significantly worse then Swtor as well, with repeated server crashes and emergency maintenance, and problems that continued to plague the game years later (You can not loot that right now.)


The fact that you think a 25% sub loss a few months after launch is 1: abnormal 2: something to be worried about is quite comical.


Read your own post.


WoW's launch was worse than SWTOR (and it was by a long margin as you described) but they both lost the same percentage of players. What does that tell you about SWTOR?


I'm also telling you that it's going to be much more than 25% on the next quarterly report. If the exodus showed any sign of slowing or stopping, I might buy the argument that it's "normal". But it seems to be carrying on at a steady pace or maybe even accelerating.

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If you are going to count sub loss that way then WoW has probably lost about 80% over the past 7 years.


See how that's misleading?


Its misleading because you are comparing two things that aren't similar. Show me how many sales WoW had at their launch coupled with how many people were subbed 5 months in. And even then, its an invalid comparison because this is 2012, and the market is more saturated then it was in 2004.


You don't get the honeymoon period you used to, not when there are 15-20 other or more MMO's out that are competing, as opposed to 3-5.

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If you are going to count sub loss that way then WoW has probably lost about 80% over the past 7 years.


See how that's misleading?


And no one would count subs in that manner?



Has WoW really sold 240 million (240,000,000) boxes? :eek:

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Read your own post.


WoW's launch was worse than SWTOR (and it was by a long margin as you described) but they both lost the same percentage of players. What does that tell you about SWTOR?


I'm also telling you that it's going to be much more than 25% on the next quarterly report. If the exodus showed any sign of slowing or stopping, I might buy the argument that it's "normal". But it seems to be carrying on at a steady pace or maybe even accelerating.


It tells me that Swtor has as much potential as WoW did 7 years ago. As to exact numbers year or half a year from now? No clue. But based off most trends the sub loss after launch slows, it does not accelerate. Where you got that idea I have no idea. Its completely unfounded.


And what exactly do you base your sub estimation on? Do you have a PHD in economics and a decade of experience in the gaming industry? Most likely not.


Unless you are qualified its best to stay away from predictions about sub numbers and just go off past trends and current numbers.

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It tells me that Swtor has as much potential as WoW did 7 years ago. As to exact numbers year or half a year from now? No clue. But based off most trends the sub loss after launch slows, it does not accelerate. Where you got that idea I have no idea. Its completely unfounded.


And what exactly do you base your sub estimation on? Do you have a PHD in economics and a decade of experience in the gaming industry? Most likely not.


Unless you are qualified its best to stay away from predictions about sub numbers and just go off past trends and current numbers.


I get the idea that player exodus is continuing at the same pace or accelerating from:


1) My own observations of populations on servers that I play on.

2) An evaluation of data collected by sites that collect data on relative server populations.

3) Anecdotal evidence from posts on these forums.


All seem to show that the number of players in the game overall continues to decline.


I don't need a PhD to know that the number of players on my server has fallen by about 10% over the past 2 weeks. If you choose to deny what readily available numbers tell you, that's your issue, not mine.

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1) My own observations of populations on servers that I play on..

The sky is falling, I've seen it with my own eyes

2) An evaluation of data collected by sites that collect data on relative server populations..

Because they are so accurate

3) Anecdotal evidence from posts on these forums..

Yes, the forums make up 80% of the players playing :rolleyes:.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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I get the idea that player exodus is continuing at the same pace or accelerating from:


1) My own observations of populations on servers that I play on.

2) An evaluation of data collected by sites that collect data on relative server populations.

3) Anecdotal evidence from posts on these forums.


All seem to show that the number of players in the game overall continues to decline.


I don't need a PhD to know that the number of players on my server has fallen by about 10% over the past 2 weeks. If you choose to deny what readily available numbers tell you, that's your issue, not mine.


As 1 and 3 are both anecdotal evidence I am unsure as to why you broke them into two points.


Data collected on "populations" is poorly correlated with subscriptions as they measure concurrent users which has obviously decreased since launch because people are settling into a normal gaming scheduled.


You are also assuming that the players who have left your server have quit and not rerolled on a more active server. Judging by the 100+ players in the starting zones on Fatman every night, I think ignoring that possibility is rather stupid.


The best part about your post is that last bit. You attempt to use an incorrect measure for one of your points and the other point is anecdotal... And you try and hold that up as facts about subscription loss. Priceless.

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Its not 25%, its closer to 50%. They sold 2.4 million boxes and they are down to a supposed "1.3" million subscribers.


That's a hell of a lot closer to 50%.


Just because they purchased the game, does not mean they subscribed. When I activated my account I immediately canceled just so I didn't have the reoccurring fee.

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Its sad to attempt to tell people that what they see with their own eyes is wrong.


Juvenile rants brought on by people who are not experiencing the same issue due to playing on a full server. Basically it translates into IDC about you or your server my server is the leet your are lies and WoW troll lol lulz.


It is stupid. I just hope the Devs fix things before the only people that are left are the ones that play on the handful of servers with no issues.

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Active subs numbers are down way more than 25%, that isn't hard to figure out.


1.) More than 90% of servers have gone continuously to light status.


2.) Most importantly, EA sacrificed $8m-$15m in a month's revenue as an investment for a reason. Quite simply, there is no other reason for this than to prop up the actual subs numbers at the time of reporting. Q1 and Q2 numbers both benefit from this.


3.) EA is now officially trying to deflect the importance of the title, first in the investor's call and now through other media channels. For those who follow EA's track record, this is a clear indicator they are moving emphasis AWAY from a title and thus their interest as a corporation goes with it.


I still have fun in the game with guildmates and haven't unsubbed (yet) but I am also not putting blinders on to what I see happening on a weekly basis with the steady decline of players.

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The sky is falling, I've seen it with my own eyes


Because they are so accurate


Yes, the forums make up 80% of the players playing :rolleyes:.


Is that denial or are you just selective about the reality you accept?

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