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The Force Café: A Community Hangout


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hulk smash?


also, would you happen to have anything from korriban, by chance? because if you have it, ill take a tuk'ata steak, and for the drink... eh, surprise me. im sure i can handle it. or my guildmates can drag me back to my fury after i pass out.

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hulk smash?


also, would you happen to have anything from korriban, by chance? because if you have it, ill take a tuk'ata steak, and for the drink... eh, surprise me. im sure i can handle it. or my guildmates can drag me back to my fury after i pass out.


Yes yes! M1X-A77, give him a drink on my tab!

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Before this place gets too crazy, let me just say that we DO NOT want this establishment to go all Starbucks on us. We do not want a third faction in TOR - Republic vs Empire vs galaxy-spanning super franchise.


Let's do our best to keep it (as someone alluded to already) a Cheers-style place where we can have a quiet drink and think after a hard day's grinding, where everybody at least knows your alias, if not your actual name. If I start hearing M1X say "Would you like fries with that?", I swear I'm going to pop Freighter Flyby on this place :mad:




what would be a good name for a bounty hunter team?


"No Disintegrations"?

Edited by DarthRobert
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Does anyone here have a "Star Wars" story?


I only got a small one. I must have been 11 or 12 maybe and I went to the movies - this was in a north-african country, when Luke kissed Leia everyone stood up, whistled and clapped. Not all to common to see something like this where I was.


That was sort of my first Star Wars impression :jawa_tongue:

Edited by iRouven
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I have a little story too. In 1980-81 just before the release of. ESB they showed "A New Hope" so i got to see them both with in a couple of weeks of each other. I was like 5 or 6 years old and Darth Vader was the scariest thing i could imagine! He scared the crap out of me! But Han Solo was the coolest dude ever I am now almost 40 and Han is still one of my all time favorite characters. I guess his example of coolness under fire and over all swagger really made a big impression on my young mind and has stuck with me even now.......lol


That is also when i figured out the bad guys and.the cool ones (like Han) get the best toys and gear!

Edited by BuckShotSchell
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Heres my Star Wars story :) My first exposure to Star Wars was the Ewok movie.. which made me a firm Star Trek fan! That was up until one day I was chatting to a friend on EQ2 and he told me about Star Wars Galaxies and how much he thought I'd enjoy it. Logging into SWG I wasn't too impressed till my friend logged in on his account and took me for a spin on his gunship, letting me man one of the turrets, instantly hooking me on the game.


From there it was all downhill, I played SWG, finally rented all the Star Wars movies and became a fan decades after the movies were released lol. Now I'm here, loving the game, loving the story, though I still miss SWG on occassion, especially my starships and homes.

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Does anyone here have a "Star Wars" story?


I only got a small one. I must have been 11 or 12 maybe and I went to the movies - this was in a north-african country, when Luke kissed Leia everyone stood up, whistled and clapped. Not all to common to see something like this where I was.


That was sort of my first Star Wars impression :jawa_tongue:


My mother swears up and down my third word was "Vader". I'm 23.

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My mother swears up and down my third word was "Vader". I'm 23.


That's adorable!


Ahem. Was adorable.


Obviously you're all growed up now.


ObSW story - SW was decried from local pulpits when it was first released (all that talk of the Force was clearly Satanism), and because my parents were going through a rather Fundamentalist phase at the time, I wasn't allowed to see it. They took me to see Grease instead. So instead of an age appropriate tale of good vs evil, with amazing effects, I had to sit through a lame musical the moral of which was if you want a boy to like you, you'd best turn into a floozy.

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ObSW story - SW was decried from local pulpits when it was first released (all that talk of the Force was clearly Satanism), and because my parents were going through a rather Fundamentalist phase at the time, I wasn't allowed to see it. They took me to see Grease instead. So instead of an age appropriate tale of good vs evil, with amazing effects, I had to sit through a lame musical the moral of which was if you want a boy to like you, you'd best turn into a floozy.


That is one of the funniest things i heard this week! I actualy remember all that stuff about the force being "magic and sorcery ",........ lol

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Ah, the good old days, where songs were banned because if played backward, they contained messages of the devil :rolleyes:


I sat through Grease as well, btw. And became a huge fan of John Travolta, or rather, even more of a fan since I already adored him in Saturday Night Fever. Grease Lightning! :csw_redsaber:

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glad to see it came over from the "insert catchy title here" thread....


congrats on opening the cafe, ive been offline for a while, but now i know where to hang my hat when i want to chill.


now where did i put that mug of jawa java?

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Sad to say, I don't have very many Star Wars stories. However, if anyone is looking for a movie recommendation, I would suggest "Fanboys." It's a touching tale of 5 Star Wars fans who travel to Lucas Ranch to sneak in and get an early look at episode 1 because one of them will die from cancer before its official release. By the title, I expected it to be all "lolbasementdwellernerds!" but it was actually really good, imho.
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When Empire Strikes Back, my older brother and I were visiting my grandmother in a small Northern California town. This lumber town only had one movie theater, showing one movie.


Bless my grandmother who sat through the whole movie with us!! What a saint!! She's a very proper woman and sitting for 90 minutes for a sci-fi movie was unforgettable. I will never forget my first screening of Empire!



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Sad to say, I don't have very many Star Wars stories. However, if anyone is looking for a movie recommendation, I would suggest "Fanboys." It's a touching tale of 5 Star Wars fans who travel to Lucas Ranch to sneak in and get an early look at episode 1 because one of them will die from cancer before its official release. By the title, I expected it to be all "lolbasementdwellernerds!" but it was actually really good, imho.


Awesome movie. I am resisting the urge to start talking about it, but that would ruin it for people who haven't seen it:(


For those of you who had to sit through Grease....you have my deepest sympathies.


Another recommendation. If you (or anyone you know) has the special edition Blu Ray (all 6 movies). I highly recommend watching the bonus disc with the parodies. They are amazing, especially the SNL casting call for Star Wars.

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When Empire Strikes Back, my older brother and I were visiting my grandmother in a small Northern California town. This lumber town only had one movie theater, showing one movie.


Bless my grandmother who sat through the whole movie with us!! What a saint!! She's a very proper woman and sitting for 90 minutes for a sci-fi movie was unforgettable. I will never forget my first screening of Empire!




Empire was actually the first Star Wars movie I remember watching all the way through.


Then, I sat through the credits and noticed Luke Skywalker was played by Mark Hamill.


Then, I sat through a Batman episode credits and noticed Joker was played by Mark Hamill.


Then my world exploded from all the awesome, and I woke up a week later in a hospital.

Edited by Malles
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*Polishes a mug before writing the days specials on the chalkboard*


Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. "The alcoholic equivalent of a mugging...expensive and bad for the head."

Corellian Espresso with your choice of Bespin Biscotti or Muffin.

Hyperspace Hotwings. "Hot enough to make a wookie cry."

Gamorean Guzzler Beer. "A lost weekend in a can."

Quarreni Albacore Tuna on whole wheat.


And as always, the chefs and baristas take requests!

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*takes a manly sip of the local foul swill*


Howdy strangers!


I was minding my own business, crafting some armor, when! Suddenly! I saw a box. A Szerka box, with a name.


Little did I know that this box is a clever disguise! As cunning as a weasel who got a diploma from the university of cunning.


Good job bio ware :)

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That's adorable!


Ahem. Was adorable.


Obviously you're all growed up now.


ObSW story - SW was decried from local pulpits when it was first released (all that talk of the Force was clearly Satanism), and because my parents were going through a rather Fundamentalist phase at the time, I wasn't allowed to see it. They took me to see Grease instead. So instead of an age appropriate tale of good vs evil, with amazing effects, I had to sit through a lame musical the moral of which was if you want a boy to like you, you'd best turn into a floozy.

Ugh, I can't stand Grease for that specific reason. I always hated when Grease themes wound up in schools, especially my own. And there were definitely a few. =/ Even in middle school! D<


Also, I've been gone the past few days working on commissions. D: Good to see this thread survives on its own :D

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*Polishes a mug before writing the days specials on the chalkboard*


Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. "The alcoholic equivalent of a mugging...expensive and bad for the head."

Corellian Espresso with your choice of Bespin Biscotti or Muffin.

Hyperspace Hotwings. "Hot enough to make a wookie cry."

Gamorean Guzzler Beer. "A lost weekend in a can."

Quarreni Albacore Tuna on whole wheat.


And as always, the chefs and baristas take requests!


I lol'd. xD

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