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D3 killed the PvP Queue


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I played D1 and especially D2 hardcore so I was very interested in D3. I went into the beta with tempered expectations because I wanted to judge it for its own merits. It still turned out to be disappointing. It's a repainted version of D2 with watered down mechanics, clunky interface and the game world looks very myopic. It lacks the usual polish and intangible fun factor that I'm used to from Blizzard games.
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D3 isn't meant to be sophiscated. There are enough sophiscated games out there and a dearth of games where you can just beat stuff up. That's why D3 is going to sell quite well. Diablo's charm is always about coming up with stupidly broken characters that instant kill everything in your path, and there's nothing wrong with that kind of gameplay either.


But it doesn't really overlap with the MMORPG genre beyond the fact that both games have loot and have character based on stats.

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So many Diablo 3 experts for a game that's been released less then 24 hours... lol


And for those of you who said that D3 will not appeal to PvP'ers, all I do in this game is PvP and im looking forward to playing D3 very much. I was in vent with my pvp crew this morning logged in Imp Fleet waiting on a PvP queue for over 2.5 hours.... alt tabbed playing D3 (till they had to do maintenance) had to go back every 5 min or so to "w" a little as not to get afk bounced but... 2.5 hours for a match, that only ended being 6v6. Had to wait for my buddies who were doing dailies to say 'pop' to alert to me that it was ready to go.


Need merges or transfers badly.

D3 is not an mmo, but it very well could be a place holder for people who are tired of this and waiting on the next MMO.

Edited by uncommonsavior
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So many Diablo 3 experts for a game that's been released less then 24 hours... lol


And for those of you who said that D3 will not appeal to PvP'ers, all I do in this game is PvP and im looking forward to playing D3 very much. I was in vent with my pvp crew this morning logged in Imp Fleet waiting on a PvP queue for over 2.5 hours.... alt tabbed playing D3 (till they had to do maintenance) had to go back every 5 min or so to "w" a little as not to get afk bounced but... 2.5 hours for a match, that only ended being 6v6. Had to wait for my buddies who were doing dailies to say 'pop' to alert to me that it was ready to go.


Need merges or transfers badly.

D3 is not an mmo, but it very well could be a place holder for people who are tired of this and waiting on the next MMO.


How can D3 appeal to pvp players when it has no PvP?


Oh yea...dont forget the servers have already been down for maintenance and it hasnt even been out for 24 hours.

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With a shovel.


Or at least that's the rumor around.


Personally, i have played both D1 and 2, and don't have the slightest interest in D3, not even as a single player experience.


D3 can **** off for all I care, lucky for me i'm on the Asia-Pacific servers so population is never a prob for PvP (except at like, 5am.. lol).


Saying all ^^^ : I will still buy D3 eventually .. :p

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D3 is not an MMO.

d2 to d3 is like starcraft to starcraft 2. no ground breaking gameplay changes.


but I gotta say this, instant tele to " cities", no load screen, no lag is quite refreshing.


Uh, if you don't think SC->SC2 had groundbreaking gameplay changes, you're not a real SC2 player. Perhaps in the little Single Player Campaign you didn't see much, or perhaps, like most sheep, you only look for changes in the graphics or other superficial indicator.


In fact, it had massive gameplay changes in multiplayer, which is the only reason people play SC2. The meta game required completely new strategies, each race required new builds, each map needed different tactics, almost every unit required different micro, and the list goes on.


The point of this post is, I believe you have no credibility.

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Uh, if you don't think SC->SC2 had groundbreaking gameplay changes, you're not a real SC2 player. Perhaps in the little Single Player Campaign you didn't see much, or perhaps, like most sheep, you only look for changes in the graphics or other superficial indicator.


In fact, it had massive gameplay changes in multiplayer, which is the only reason people play SC2. The meta game required completely new strategies, each race required new builds, each map needed different tactics, almost every unit required different micro, and the list goes on.


The point of this post is, I believe you have no credibility.


StarCraft: You harvest raw materials, construct buildings, which in turn let you construct combat units. Use combat units to defend your base while moving across a map to attack and destroy the enemies base. All in real-time.


StarCraft 2: You harvest raw materials, construct buildings, which in turn let you construct combat units. Use combat units to defend your base while moving across a map to attack and destroy the enemies base. All in real-time.


Hmm, seems to be the same thing. Maybe the sheep are the ones that read all the hype and convince themselves that its truly a different game, when in reality, its basically identical.

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It's not D3 that killed pvp, the developers did that all by themselves. I'm not playing D3 or any other competing games right now. My choices are SWTOR or "nothing" so for the past few weeks I haven't been gaming at all. It's just a better option than SWTOR in it's current state. I'd rather not play anything than play SWTOR.
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It's not D3 that killed pvp, the developers did that all by themselves. I'm not playing D3 or any other competing games right now. My choices are SWTOR or "nothing" so for the past few weeks I haven't been gaming at all. It's just a better option than SWTOR in it's current state. I'd rather not play anything than play SWTOR.


Well you have posting as a hobby now... sometimes the PvP on here can be more entertaining than in the game.

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Uh, if you don't think SC->SC2 had groundbreaking gameplay changes, you're not a real SC2 player. Perhaps in the little Single Player Campaign you didn't see much, or perhaps, like most sheep, you only look for changes in the graphics or other superficial indicator.


In fact, it had massive gameplay changes in multiplayer, which is the only reason people play SC2. The meta game required completely new strategies, each race required new builds, each map needed different tactics, almost every unit required different micro, and the list goes on.


The point of this post is, I believe you have no credibility.


woohoo , such a strong defensive reaction.

I'm not the best stracraft2 player, just gold in both 1v1 and 2 v2, cant break silver on random 4 v 4. but i did played it extensively, and many will agree, sc1- sc2 is akin to D2- D3.

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No, the developers are killing SWTOR. No cross server PVP is a total NOOB mistake as well as way way too many servers. the game needs like 6 servers not 60. Of course, at this rate, this game will be dead with no players in 6 months, considering that just after 1.2's release this game lost 1/3rd of the players even though they were getting a free month, they didnt stick around.....
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Uh, if you don't think SC->SC2 had groundbreaking gameplay changes, you're not a real SC2 player. Perhaps in the little Single Player Campaign you didn't see much, or perhaps, like most sheep, you only look for changes in the graphics or other superficial indicator.


In fact, it had massive gameplay changes in multiplayer, which is the only reason people play SC2. The meta game required completely new strategies, each race required new builds, each map needed different tactics, almost every unit required different micro, and the list goes on.


The point of this post is, I believe you have no credibility.


lol starcraft. here is a pro-tip: it isn't serious business unless you are in korea.

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Sad. but, I must admit, on Keller's Void it's taking so long for pvp, I've loaded Aion back on my compy and I'm gonna roll a toon and just mess around. Until GW2 comes out, I'm just getting sick of waiting around and having lame single-player storylines as my only instant adventure options.


It's sad, never thought I'd be posting this.

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Hype sells. Watched videos of it and it looks like a game 5 years old.


The beta videos don't do the graphics much justice. They are set up in the same artistic style as D1 and D2, but very much updated to look a lot cleaner if you have the video card to run them at max settings. Also, the game is actually fun to play, which puts it miles ahead of SWTOR. And that's without PvP, too.

Edited by RobNightfall
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I know some people are excited to play D3.I will never play a game where the lead dev says "shut up PVP guy!"



Having said that SWTOR devs are killing SWTOR without anyone's help. Server merges are needed by Saturday at the latest and I mean no more than 10 PVP servers max. It's just dbase work -hire the guys from Eve if you can't figure it out. You might think Saturday is drastic but it's Titanic lifeboat time for realz!

Edited by Itukaaj
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6:30 PM, logged in. 27 people on the fleet. No one standing near the PvP vendors.... Only one in my guild logged in. Should be prime time gaming; but with nice weather out, other games that just released it seems like a lot of people have something else to do.
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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


Ganers are gamers, I noticed a down tick when ME3 came out (although I'm sure BW was ok with that having made both games) anything with hype will draw people away, sometimes for a few days, sometimes forever.


But it's time for them to merge some servers. I actually like this game, and intend to keep playing it, but even if it had NO problems at all, there was always going to be a population drop since launch. Problem is, since then rather than merging some of the dead servers, they've further diluted them by adding servers for Pacific/Aussies.


No shame in taking the "light" servers and adding them to the medium servers.

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