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I Miss Georg Zoeller


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Georg Zoeller is an amazing asset to BioWare. His posts on the forums have always been spot-on and gave us a really good look at how BioWare manages the game, what they think about, what metrics they use... very cool and interesting stuff.


I miss his posts (he last posted on 20 April). :(


I am supposed to miss the lead combat designer that doesn't seem to understand mmorpg combat mechanics? Right.

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After he defended the healer nerf I have 0 respect towards him, unfortunately.


After he nerfed the life out of operatives over and over again, I have no respect for him. Maybe he left because the higher ups didn't let him remove them from the game outright. :p

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I'm sure they'd love to hang out & play with the forum kiddies but they're probably under a tiny little bit more pressure than normal, doing somebody else's job as well as their own already pretty demanding work.


Re: complaining about nerfs - welcome to MMO's. It's part of how they work, get over it.

Edited by Kynesis
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I kinda like the fact that he comes across as a miserable git. Fair play. Not every human being should be sweetness and light. He's there to do a certain job, not to be a social butterfly. While not entirely personable to a stranger, he does come across as passionate about what he does.


IF he has just had enough of dealing with the forums, I wouldn't blame him.


I personally would have the community forum people bring the questions to me, then I could be as mean as I like about stupid questions and it would be their role to take the facts and convey them in the best pr forum manner.

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He doesn't post because he agrees with all the shi* spewed on the forums. Or some of them.


Not saying he agrees with the mass amounts of over the top QQ, but i bet he sits at the comp thinking "OK these peeps are really pissed about server pop and that seems to consume 90% of the threads........" " Ya, I just might let that one be"

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Lol I would be SHOCKED if this guy still had his job ... anyone of us people who actually PLAY this game can do a better job then him without having to resort to blaming " teams of operatives who camp goal lines in huttball "
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Lol I would be SHOCKED if this guy still had his job ... anyone of us people who actually PLAY this game can do a better job then him without having to resort to blaming " teams of operatives who camp goal lines in huttball "


Oh, the naivety.

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Oh, the naivety.


You do understand how his pvp math is done right ? This guy does not play every class nor does he have an idea on how to balance them properly, if anyone needs to be let go its him ...


Changes he made to the game after release only contributed to its decline & this is not me pulling things out of thin air, people who have more experience with pvp & mmos then him said this ... things should have stayed the way they were in the end of beta / release, game was amazing.


Good people were doing good, bad people were doing bad ... now everyone is so incredibly close it is almost impossible to distinguish the difference.


You may have a different opinion, or prefer the current ezmode situation of gearing up from fresh 50 to full WH, but calling someone naive when you really do not understand the damage this guy has caused just makes you look silly.



Good day!

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I agree that the devs dont have a clue about game balance when it comes to classes but those of you here who whine abvout gtting your Operatives nerft is just to funny.That class were beyond OP and were in fact causing players to leave games.Now i understand there is alot of bad fotm PLAYERS WHO NEED THESE CLASSES because they dont have real skills.But still going on and ranting about this is just plain dumb.Either learn to play a class were you use more then 1 button to winn in 3 seconds while the other players is stunnlocked, or be quiet.The most crappy players/dumb players on my server all play operative and all you hear from them in a fight is that blade sound because they are to dumb to actually play their class in another way.
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I agree that the devs dont have a clue about game balance when it comes to classes but those of you here who whine abvout gtting your Operatives nerft is just to funny.That class were beyond OP and were in fact causing players to leave games.Now i understand there is alot of bad fotm PLAYERS WHO NEED THESE CLASSES because they dont have real skills.But still going on and ranting about this is just plain dumb.Either learn to play a class were you use more then 1 button to winn in 3 seconds while the other players is stunnlocked, or be quiet.The most crappy players/dumb players on my server all play operative and all you hear from them in a fight is that blade sound because they are to dumb to actually play their class in another way.


Maybe because being a Concealment Operative, there is no other way to play the class? Nearly all the main attacks are based off a knife animation.


It's also a big complaint about being a DPS operative. They killed the burst, killed the sustained, and then killed the energy consumption. All without giving anything back. And yet, that falls within their metrics of how well the class is performing. I just refuse to believe it.


My gunslinger friend consistently dishes out a lot more DPS than me, and yet we're equal geared. He can hit for 5-6k most matches, while I struggle to break a 5k hit. And gunslinger is a lot simpler to play in some regards, since it requires no positioning, and no reliance on stealth.

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Maybe because being a Concealment Operative, there is no other way to play the class? Nearly all the main attacks are based off a knife animation.


It's also a big complaint about being a DPS operative. They killed the burst, killed the sustained, and then killed the energy consumption. All without giving anything back. And yet, that falls within their metrics of how well the class is performing. I just refuse to believe it.


My gunslinger friend consistently dishes out a lot more DPS than me, and yet we're equal geared. He can hit for 5-6k most matches, while I struggle to break a 5k hit. And gunslinger is a lot simpler to play in some regards, since it requires no positioning, and no reliance on stealth.


Actually in pvp for a gunnslinger positioning is ev erything.Operatives and scoundrels do have stealth/combat stealth

that can be a huge advantage,along with more then one stun. But i do agree the AC should hae something to bring to the table raid wise etc, like a good group buff something that will make them more atractive to ring along.Like the marauder/sentinel have.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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what I read here:


healers got nerfed to death

scoundrels/operatives are useless




me, the heal specced scoundrel, IS AMAZING




but yeah, who knows, no official statement that he's one of the people 'fired', so it's all speculation. we'll see eventually, I guess



edit: what is really inexcusable about the scoundrel/operative changes is THEY TOOK OUR GIGGLE!!

Edited by amnie
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You do understand how his pvp math is done right ? This guy does not play every class nor does he have an idea on how to balance them properly, if anyone needs to be let go its him ...


Changes he made to the game after release only contributed to its decline & this is not me pulling things out of thin air, people who have more experience with pvp & mmos then him said this ... things should have stayed the way they were in the end of beta / release, game was amazing.


Good people were doing good, bad people were doing bad ... now everyone is so incredibly close it is almost impossible to distinguish the difference.


You may have a different opinion, or prefer the current ezmode situation of gearing up from fresh 50 to full WH, but calling someone naive when you really do not understand the damage this guy has caused just makes you look silly.



Good day!


I think you're confusing Georg Zoeller for Gabe Amatangelo...

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I remember a lot of hateposts and even accusations beeing a liar thrown at him right here at the forums. After that i would not post anything else here myself too.


Hmmm, I wonder why some folks called him a liar? The following is from the Darth Hater interview he gave after the guild summit, but before the 1.2 patch notes were revealed.The snippet is his quote from a discussion about class balance:

We did some improvement on the Sage and the Sorcerer as well, but we also identified some bugs/exploits that we fixed that caused the class to over-perform.


Ask how many Sage/Sorcs felt like there were *any* improvements done to that class in 1.2 -- the only thing that happened to Sage/Sorcs were bug-fixes and nerfs (bug-fixes needed to be done, some nerfs were deserved, some nerfs were not). The above statement by Zoeller about 'improvements' was simply not true. You can either call that a lie or a mis-statement, your choice.


I don't miss him at all. I felt that he was arrogant and misleading.

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The Dev team is horrible and the management responsible for launching 1.2 should never post on the forums again unless it's a tearful apology begging for players to allow them to keep their jobs.


LOL!! Like you have any sway or power over that. :rolleyes:


Seriously, this attitude that just because you pay $15/month makes you Chief and CEO of the game development has GOT to stop...


We're gamers. End users. Nothing more.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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