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Edit: h wait youre a girl.. nuff said...


Wow, really reasonable and adult answer. I bet it will only add to the integrity of your statements...;)


No, seriously guys: implement pvp lvl brackets. Every MMO has them with a reason!


+ i hope you're working on class balancing as some classes ( Including mine ) deserve a rather serious nerf; Sith Inquisitor/Jedi Cosular, Imperial Agent/Smuggler. Guys already mentioned everything that's wrong about those classes in previous posts!

Edited by Wrakk
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my main issue with pvp or world pvp i should say is the companions, they should not be able to attack other players. if you are one of those who like world pvp you dont really focus too much on gearing your companion and that is a real disadvantage too someone that does. companions should be PVE only. me and a buddy tried to kill some republic players but got ***** because we didnt have our companions up and they did. its player versus player not player versus companion Edited by uzurper
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I'll start by saying YES we all want open world PVP rewards,

however consider this scenario:


lv50 killing lv40 players to get his rank up.... we all know lv50 pvp gear is dimensions away from lv40 pvp gear. no matter how skilled the lv40 is he doesn't stand a chance at winning such a conflict, unless the lv50 is totally unskilled at PVP what are the odds of that :p ?


I'm all up for open world pvp rewards, but with the following change:


Open World PVP Reward system:

from lv 10-49 you can get rewarded for killing any player within 5 levels of your level.

Lv50 players only get rewarded for killing other lv50 players.


Penalty system:

if you do kill players 6 or more levels below you the following applies:


Empire: lower your highest dark/light score by 100

Republic: lower your highest dark/light score by 100


with this I mean we all know some republic players go darkside and some empire players go lightside, this way the system would choose to lower the highest of the two, which in most cases is the one the player wouldn't want to lose.


This in my opinion solves a lot of issues like ganking, ranking up on the expense of low level players, unskilled players winning simply becasue of level difference and mainly it discourages gankers which is my main point.




World bounty:

When a certain level of lower level player killing has been reached, than everyone will be after his head for a reward now how cool would that be ? for the penalty needed keeping the number random would prevent them from let's say killing just enough to not get a bounty and get away with it. today the penalty max would be 50 but tomorrow it may be 40 catch my drift.....!


I know some will scream (oh you want to ruin my pvp, don't try to change the pvp ruleset, go role on a PVE server) I say to you, you're an unskilled ganker that likes the rules of the past and don't want them to change because than you wouldn't be able to compete, and we don't want you here, you give PVP players a bad name, get OUT !

Edited by Latinkuro
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My wish is to get it balanced. With so many players in one given PvP match it means a lot of shut downs. I tried PvP'ing with my Commando but, its like why bother? When I went in the last few times I got shut down so hard I had no skills to fight back with. From there I got the usual sith on me and I died. The issue isn't just in PvP.. The monsters in single player do it too. Sucks being reliant on Channeled Abilities.
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I think my biggest concern is it's very easy to see Battlemaster gear and want it. It takes a lot of time to obtain, but give it another couple of weeks, and you'll see people sporting that stuff.


Heroic gear is worse, and operations are on par with Champion, but Battlemaster still sits there, attainable, and there's no reason to do pve content as a result.

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Thank you, and thank you for the suggestion. :)








Thanks Asp!


Scardoom, as for your post, I do see some threads floating around which talk about your issues. I haven't seen anyone really arguing that certain classes are OP, but certainly about CC. If you think a particular class is overpowered, please make a thread to argue out your points. However consensus I have seen so far says that there are no OP classes, just good and bad players - which is how PvP should be!


If you are talking about a specific class/tree being underpowered in PvP, that would certainly be something to talk about. Is your spec not good for PvP? Show us why not. :)


People levelling via PvP aren't levelling that quickly compared to quests, and one of the devs - StephenReid I think? - tweeted that everything is working as intended as far as PvP exp goes. People were level 50 via questing before they were level 40 via warzones + questing. And vendors don't really have anything to do with PvP specifically - you might want to try out one of the market threads in General Discussion.


** Dead wrong these classes are way OP and everyone is talking about them. If there not that means they are that OP class and just hope no one notices. One for example the damn sith Inquisitor and his damn lighting spell that thing must reach about half way across a map not only does it do that it greatly slows your movement speed to the point you cant even get half way to him before he nukes you down with that crap by spamming it. THey are about to loose me as a customer also this is just getting very old with the blatent imbalance between classes.:mad:

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I didn't realize you posted this, so I will post it in your thread as my dream PVP system.


Dream list:


1. Objectives that cannot be easily taken and held by opposing forces, they require effort and large numbers to take. Additionally, instead of providing a set arbitrary reward, why not scale the reward for taking an objective with the number of defenders (read: deincentivize objective swapping). Give the defenders a reason to defend, when the enemy is all clear give defenders a reward granted to the area.


2. Give bonuses to taking certain objectives: instant travel to the objective that is closer to the a republic base of operation is an example. It is a good reward for pvp seeking adventurers that rewards both defenders and attackers with more PVP.


3. Not all objectives in open world PVP should have to do with taking or holding a point. In a war aren't you supposed to defeat the opposition? Give rewards to players, credits, valor, and experience, that scales to their level as well as their opponents level of PVP prowess (a brand new 50 would not be worth the same credits/valor as someone with a ton of valor).


4. Finally, no world PVP for the sake of world PVP. What I mean is that you have an incredible IP to work with here. Jedi artifacts, Sith relics, Hutt treasure. Give people a reason to fight on Ilum. The Empire can find and take an artifact back to their base to give them a damage bonus or healing bonus (nothing outrageous), but the Republic should be able to come knocking and take it back. Basically, make it a giant warzone that is constantly active that people don't have to queue for, we have the datacore at our main base, but that base can fall temporarily to the Empire/Republic and we are left at the dropship point instead of an outpost, we have to reclaim the base and then push out to try and down the Empire/Republic. It might take us a week to gain a good foothold on their side and another week to finally get the numbers and take their base, but it is better than a system of instant reward that discourages real interaction.




remove expertise from the game, there is no reason for a PVP specific stat: PVP armor should have vastly better endurance compared to its PVE counterpart. A slight boost that will make PVP better than PVE armor when playing against others, but not absolutely game breaking (cough 6k crits in warzones to sub-50s).


Also I feel like expertise is a gimmick stat brought over from WoW to get people to sink more time and thus more money into the game, but at this rate all it has done is make people quit and discourage new players. Why would I continue to play if I enjoy PVP and at level 15 get matched up with 50's that one shot me and even with the stat buff I can't kill them? Additionally, even after I level to 50 my gear will not be the same as someone who has been 50 for ages and is decked out in purple armor. It makes the top end of the game ultra-exclusive and extremely hard to break into, whereas a system that made them marginally better and a hard fight to new 50s or bolstered sub-50s is rewarding to the long-time player and acceptable to new players. It also relies on skill more than an arbitrary stat.

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Why in gods name isnt there a "Remove the RNG from Champion bags" in the wish list ?




I find it super frustrating to open 25 bags and get 1 item. Thats alot of wasted time, and the a guildie gets 3 items from 6 bags.


This system needs some tweaking of some kind

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Why in gods name isnt there a "Remove the RNG from Champion bags" in the wish list ?




I find it super frustrating to open 25 bags and get 1 item. Thats alot of wasted time, and the a guildie gets 3 items from 6 bags.


This system needs some tweaking of some kind


100% agree as well, a game shouldn't reward players based on random luck, as is a great player could get almost nothing from 25 bags and a terrible player could practically get decked out from 10. It might not be likely, but it can happen and that is stupid.

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Hi, this is my first post and I'm just here to give my opinion on the situation of PvP in this game, which we can hopefully improve. This improvement will result in more enjoyment when playing the game and more competitiveness and drive to get better - this ultimately keeps players on the game subscribed who have that aspect about them.


I have played Starcraft 2 and League of Legends competitively and the addicting things about those games were the fact that the time you put into the game paid off. When I started Starcraft 2 I was a mere Silver League player, but just from playing and having that competitive mind I got to high Diamond rank. SWTOR needs this in PvP because it fills it in every aspect BUT PvP and this is because of 2 things, game types and brackets. Yes we gain gear in PvP, but the enjoyment of having skill and being good at a game type is far more rewarding.



Minor changes that need to happen:


1. Leaving a Warzone would not end party. This is fairly annoying, after being in a party and grouping as a queue, when you leave the Warzone the group is disbanded and you have to remake it.


2. Higher rewards for World PvP, including Ilum. But this has been mentioned many times. Ilum I've heard is great but the rewards need to be better to get more people going there.


3. Being able to see what your KDR is during the game by pressing a button.


4. Being able to PICK which Warzone you want to queue for. Huttball might rarely be chosen, but that just should show the developers they need to improve it or remove it.


5. The ability to turn off Warzone commentators. After playing through numerous amounts of PvP the Warzone commentators get very annoying and the ability to turn them off would be a huge plus.


6. Remove the required speeder animation after dying in the Alderaan Warzone. The first animation when starting the Warzone is fine, but continually taking that thing after dying is annoying. Just have the character spawn at the location after the first death.





This has probably been mentioned already on here but I figured I'd give my take on it. The most annoying thing me and my friends have encountered when PvPing is continually playing against premade Level 50 Groups who just roll us. We have absolutely no chance and just run in to get slaughtered then respawn again, no enjoyment what so ever comes out of my PvP games when playing against level 50's.


Solution: Create brackets. First of all get the 50's out and in their own Bracket. This could be called Tier 3 bracket. Tier 2 would be 29-49, Tier 1 would be 10-29.



Better Gametypes:


The gametypes Bioware has come up with are decent but better ones are required to be added to create the competitiveness PvP needs.


1. Capture the Flag - 2 Flags are spawned, 1 at each base. 3 captures by the team wins the game.


- To make this fun, base it on routes teams can take and the timings it takes to get from 1 base to the next. If the opposing team cannot catch up to the flag carrier team route they took, they can take short cut doors that will open after killing a couple elites. The elites would be different levels depending on the brackets.


- Flag carrier gets a minor Endurance boost.


- You can drop the flag but not pass it, your other team mate can pick it up, much like warsong gultch mechanics in WoW.



2.Base Defense - Each team has a base they must defend against the opposing team AND mobs that spawn from each of the bases. Objective of the game is to destroy the opposing teams main base.


This is much like DOA, AOS, LoL, HoN etc... except in 3rd person perspective. Can this game type transfer over to 3rd person in an MMO you might be asking. and I say hell yes it can and here's how.


- Each team consists of 5, so 5 vs 5. There are 3 lanes in this game type to travel down to the opposing base. Teamwork will require 2 players per outer lane and 1 for the middle lane. Each lane has team towers that must be defeated to further progress along the lane towards the opposing base, these towers do high damage and can only be taken down if the enemy Pvpers on that lane are weak or dead by you and your team mates.


- Items and Skills remain but every player is reset to level 1 only within this game type. You level by attacking mobs each team continually spawns from their base towards your base. You gain more experience by killing a enemy PvPer.


- You gain mob aggro when attacking an enemy pvper, so taking down enemies is a organized feat. Mobs do not gain levels, they are hard to kill at the beginning but as the game progresses and you level up, enemy pvpers are more of a threat and are concentrated on more than the mobs.


- You also gain a small amount of credits for killing enemy mobs and a lot of credits for killing an enemy PvPer. You can use these credits at your base to purchase stims and med packs that will aid you.


- the "M" map will show your team mates position on the battle field and if any towers have been destroyed yet.


- You could also press "H" to bring up a quick holo image on your arm that displays a quick image recap of the battle field so your team is always aware of what is happening.



Other Additions that are a good idea but some might not enjoy:


1. Have a PvP Rank Leaderboard in game or on the Forums people can look at per Server. To see who's the best and try to beat them.


2. Have a guild PvP option for tournaments.


3. Have a weekly PvP unlock item for the highest 5 Pvpers on the Leaderboard.



In conclusion, in my opinion these are the additions that need to be added into SWTOR PvP to make it a continuously enjoyable and competitive experience for everyone. The game type ideas might not be completely polished as of yet, but they are a start and I hope you guys will give your opinion and help to add things you think you'd want in those game types. I hope the readers on this forum and Bioware take a serious look at this post and are able to at least implement some ideas or improve on them.


Thank you for your time,

May the Force be with you

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100% agree as well, a game shouldn't reward players based on random luck, as is a great player could get almost nothing from 25 bags and a terrible player could practically get decked out from 10. It might not be likely, but it can happen and that is stupid.



I totally agree !

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I went on pvp for the first time today i am a lvl 16. I was fighting lvl's 30 and up whats up with that? it should be at least a 9 lvl difference 10/19 /20/29 /30/39 40/49 and 50 thats would at least give everyone and myself a more joyable gameplay at lower lvls.
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Please dont reward zergers in WF more, than teamplayers (and sorry for my horrible english,

i learn it from internet :p


it is allread nice thing, that tanks are geting medals for guarding, but still, some1 who zergs all the time in midle allways gets more medals, than the 3 players that outplay others and make 6:0 posible.


please think about also rewarding those actions :

you coud get metal for 1/5/10/15 and so sucsefull following actions


Huttball :


Good Passplay and making points shud become ove medaltype, (but bouth actions in same group!) so that peoples woud still throw balls insteed of trying to make it themself and die (throw, catsh and touchdown)


Killing the enemy Ballcarier ! (insteed of zerging in midle)


Extra points for CC kick/Stun Ballcarier / enemy and then he dies on the Firepoints (Whitsh woud add more skill to the game :) atleast peoples woud try it



Alderaan (Domination) :


Give points for Interrupt the caping of the gunnconsoles, but cap it like : if you interuptet the same player, you will not get interuptpoints from him again in next 1 -2 minutes (to stop abusers)


Cap the consoles also shoud give points, its the moust important thing in this mode




Voidstar (Rush)


Give points for Interrupt the caping of the doorbombs, but cap it like : if you interuptet the same player, you will not get interuptpoints from him again in next 1 -2 minutes (to stop abusers)


Set up the bombs also shoud give points, its the moust important thing in this mode,

and interupt the "defusing, with same time limit as the interupt for seting them)


Kicking the enemys from the bridge to the dead







like was told often enaugh, dmg dealers are geting medals for " killed 10 player" and so staff, healers are not geting "healed 20 players and saved them from death, so they coud get those 10 kills"


please give to the healers the assist systhem. IF healer heals, and his target kills enemys, give the Healer "assist" rewards from that player.


i hope you got the message, if you woud like to support those ideas, please fix my bad english and post it at the first side of this thread.


thx !



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I just want to add a few things and clarify a few things as well.


1. The stream Lightning skill we Inquisitors have is the same thing as the Jedi Sage Stream Pebble throw. (sorry too tired to remember the skills names). i agree it can be annoying to be against either end of those, but they are certainly not OP. they work as intended. if you really want something to complain about check up the Bounty Hunter and Merc Rocketeers. they will just launch Rockets all day critting you almost every shot regardless of class/armor type. But hey, maybe thats working as intended.


Healing however i think needs a balance check sum. You have Commando's running around doing a bunch of damage and healing right through 3-4 people trying to take him out. All their heals are instants unless they spec into their offensive cannons tree, but then they have these crazy shields. they become very difficult foes especially paired with sages. of course the opposite for the empire side. (again i cant remember the classes)


2. It doesnt really matter what level and how many skills a player has. Might matter on the skill of the player, but not his skill bar. ive played with and against skilled low levels, and the bolstering system works well in the warfronts/games, check your character window before and after you enter a warfront, you see most of your primary stats may have increased by 50-500 points! However its not really the skill ranks that effect the damage/healing output, but rather its the fact that its based upon the GEAR we wear and the modifications that are in it as well as the gears item level balancing with your own levels stats. i.e. a lvl 30 piece of gear with lets say 15 to all stats is weaker in its stat multiplier than a piece of gear that is level 50 with the same 15 to all stats.


3. I agree with giving the 50's their own bracket but... we should still verse 50's in normal brackets till a certain point. There are some people who jsut dont pvp till they get to the top level of the game. i think the gear if it hasnt already been ranked shouldnt be available till certain Valor ranks. so any 50 that hasnt gotten that first lvl 50 Tier rank should still be able to verse any level player. Obviously after that, they will be in their own bracket after exceeding that Rank Tier. it would be a simple fix, its just like our progression with Social and Light and Dark side points. cant use or do certain things without certain level/rank.


4. Open world pvp is always a great request to have. its already open, but i guess most people with for incentive for doing it. i guess earnign more Valor points, looting the opponent for trophies and credits. You know what would be awesome since we have bounty hunters and bounty quests in the game? Add a player bounty system part of the open world pvp, who ever has the most world PvP kills in certain planets/zones becomes the hunted or just do what DCU did and have some World PvP dailies. that was always fun. You never knew what you went up against.

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As someone who until this game hasn't really enjoyed to much PvP I have been really enjoying PvP in swtor.


i know people say about brackets but so far the only bracket I can see that needs implementing is lvl 50's having their own PvP fights as people less then level 50 really can't compete vs people in full or near full PvP sets. it's not even close, at least if a lvl 15 is fighting a lvl 45 his stats and damage are boosted enough that the lvl 45 can't just win out without any issue.

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I'd like to see you be able to set your AOE target up while running. Once you get to the spot you want to be just stop and let go of the button to start the AOE. Problem now is once you stop the target disappears. This effects all aspects of the game, not just PVP, to be honest.
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Probubly the best compalation I've seen in a very long time!! Well done


And ya PLEASE add open world pvp accomplishments and rewards. I love the fuzzy feeling you get when you beat another person out there but seeing something show up acknowledging it would be nice. At least titles. A ranking system. And rank rewards only attainable with enough kills

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I am sure these have already been said.. but want to keep bringing it up..


Please add full ops ques (full premade).. Also let us pick our maps we want to play then Bioware you will see if people actually like the maps you have put in..

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