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10 Good
  1. I think my biggest concern is it's very easy to see Battlemaster gear and want it. It takes a lot of time to obtain, but give it another couple of weeks, and you'll see people sporting that stuff. Heroic gear is worse, and operations are on par with Champion, but Battlemaster still sits there, attainable, and there's no reason to do pve content as a result.
  2. Watch the health meters carefully when you're in the next Civil War WZ. When the Republics capture a turret, it takes a full 5 seconds before damage is dealt to the Imperial ship. However, when the Imperials capture a turret, damage is dealt IMMEDIATELY. This small advantage doesn't necessarily add up to much in the long run - it's certainly nothing impossible to overcome, but as I haven't seen any topics on this in the first few pages of the forum, I figured it would be smart to bring it up. It looks really bad and shows favor to Imperials when your Republic team captures something first, and Imperials capture one second, but you're already 5-10 points behind. In a game where the last (usually middle) turret can take a while to capture, that little early advantage can be discouraging. EDIT: To add to the above, in very close games where turrets exchange sides multiple times, Imperials immediately shave precious seconds off their win time because their capturing causes the damage to occur immediately.
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