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BW should start manual server transfers


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Because it's not a problem they created, it's a problem that the player base created, by griping about queue times when it first launched, that there weren't enough servers. Bioware crumbled to their demands, and now we have too many servers.


I, for one, agree that server transfers/mergers are most certainly needed at this stage. But I, will be more than willing to wait. There's still plenty of stuff for me to do, and I am fortunate enough to be in a fairly large guild that I don't have trouble finding people to run content with, even on a light server. I don't PvP, either, so that particular worry is not on the list anyways.


If I have an early choice to pay to move my characters to a server of my choice to begin with? Provided my guildmembers were willing to do the same I probably would. If I were by myself, I probably still would. If I didn't want to pay, then I would simply just sit patiently by, and wait for the free ones to occur. I don't want it to happen this Tuesday, because I'm fairly certain that the automated version of the server transfers/merging, is not ready, and would cause unending problems, far more sever than these so-called gamebreaking bugs that exist. I'm talking on a level of, logging in and all your characters are gone, or loot is gone, or you've been reset to level 1 or something crazy like that, where all of your hard work has vanished without a trace. I'm not willing to take that gamble, if they (Bioware), feel forced to push it out, to appease the (small) masses.

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My point is that they are working on transfers and will offer them when they are ready. Making a billion of these threads will not make transfers any sooner.


So, again, my suggestion is to find something else to do instead of wasting time making threads about transfers. They will happen when they happen no matter how much guys cry and scream like 5 year old children.


Why do you even care? No one in this thread has posted anything crying or screaming except you trying to belittle everyone. Did it occur to you that BW might not have even considered doing something like I mentioned in the OP? If you have a problem with the idea in and of itself, go ahead and we'll discuss it. Otherwise, please keep your snide comments to yourself, no one cares.

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Why would you pay them to fix a problem they created? BW needs to be proactive. The community needs a goodwill gesture. Right now everyone is frustrated and they're bleeding subscribers. This would help ebb the flow of unsubscribers.


You would pay because you want the transfer earlier than it will otherwise be available. That probably comes with a cost. Without subscriber data, the issue is that you have no idea how many possible requests they might receive for manual transfers.


Do you understand that it's possible they could announce free manual transfers and wind up with 750,000 people requesting in a single week to transfer servers? Do you have any idea what kind of a nightmare that would be for them in terms of customer service and handling all those in a manual format? It could possibly create such a backlog that it would take them longer to manually process all of those transfers than it would to have just waited for the automated processes to be completed. What's the point? Those stuck in the backlog would be even more ticked off than they already are, and simply come back to the forums and complain even more.


In addition, as I said, those wanting free manual transfers "to anywhere they choose" would be exacerbating the problems that exist, by not being able to collate the player numbers down onto specific servers that then become more populated.


The entire point of having free transfers if you go to one of their target servers and paid transfers for everyone else is that most people will use the free option, and therefore start funneling into the servers that have been targeted for growth. This effectively starts a "server merge" process by request rather than by force, and is a great plan to solve the issues people have been complaining about since BioWare added more servers to appease the people complaining about heavy queue times.


Otherwise the free transfers will be available within the next few/several/many weeks or so, and you can move for free, as they've announced. Or you can re-roll for free and be on a starting planet with 60-80 people 5 minutes from now. Pretty good options from where we sit.

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I'm curious do you mean merge , is it 235 servers into 15 - 20 servers? Also would these merges be for pvp only servers ? Or how many servers would you give the bullet ?






I would give the Bullet to as many servers as it takes to make the remaining servers as lively and active as the fat man. The mergers would be for all server types not just pvp servers.


Because it's not a problem they created, it's a problem that the player base created, by griping about queue times when it first launched, that there weren't enough servers. Bioware crumbled to their demands, and now we have too many servers.


I, for one, agree that server transfers/mergers are most certainly needed at this stage. But I, will be more than willing to wait. There's still plenty of stuff for me to do, and I am fortunate enough to be in a fairly large guild that I don't have trouble finding people to run content with, even on a light server. I don't PvP, either, so that particular worry is not on the list anyways.


If I have an early choice to pay to move my characters to a server of my choice to begin with? Provided my guildmembers were willing to do the same I probably would. If I were by myself, I probably still would. If I didn't want to pay, then I would simply just sit patiently by, and wait for the free ones to occur. I don't want it to happen this Tuesday, because I'm fairly certain that the automated version of the server transfers/merging, is not ready, and would cause unending problems, far more sever than these so-called gamebreaking bugs that exist. I'm talking on a level of, logging in and all your characters are gone, or loot is gone, or you've been reset to level 1 or something crazy like that, where all of your hard work has vanished without a trace. I'm not willing to take that gamble, if they (Bioware), feel forced to push it out, to appease the (small) masses.


And when a child is throwing a temper tantrum in the super market, would you be one of those parent who gives them what they want so they stop crying? Bio-Ware/EA are the ones with their fingers on the buttons, and there is nobody to blame for any changes made to the game but them.


They caused this problem, and they have the power to start fixing it, but i sure as hell am not gonna give them more money to do so. If they want my subscription fee then they will provide me with a vibrant and lively server to play on, and if they don't, then they wont get it, its that simple. I played on the server they assigned me to, and now that server is dead.


Nobody logs on because nobody logs on.....


Yes, i know they are offering free server transfers to specific servers in hope of increasing the population on them, but that is going to be too little too late.

Edited by Baneberry
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I personally wouldn't use this but I think they should start with paid transfers now and be very open about when free transfers will happen.


They shouldn't charge. This should be a goodwill gesture to those of us that have stuck around. Making a blatant cash grab at this point isn't something that would earn BW any goodwill, which they sorely need at this point.


The point of the $$$ is to limit demand. They don't have an efficient system of transferring players yet so its basically a hassle to move a character. Hence the $20 now for those who are desperate and don't wanna leave.

Edited by Zilrota
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I personally wouldn't use this but I think they should start with paid transfers now and be very open about when free transfers will happen.




The point of the $$$ is to limit demand. They don't have an efficient system of transferring players yet so its basically a hassle to move a character. Hence the $20 now for those who are desperate and don't wanna leave.




I am confused as to why we should have to pay because of their screw ups.

Edited by Zilrota
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I think this would do more than BW realises. If they could open it for one server a week or something, get emails out there to everyone saying "Look, they're open on server X this week!!!" It would show the community that they are trying. & that they can do something without screwing it up.


It would be a "Charlie-Foxtrot" of a job to do, but I'd have faith... I think. :p



Do you understand that it's possible they could announce free manual transfers and wind up with 750,000 people requesting in a single week to transfer servers?


Oh, & I doubt there would be that many. Do the math sir.. there are 1.6'ish million subs all up atm. If they open it to a server a week, there would be hardly 10,000 requests. They have plenty of departments to deal with that. If not, then there will be a delay.. is that the end of the world.. if the BW employees work for a change & not just play the game all day?


There would be more support tickets per day than that too. I can't imagine a transfer to take any longer than it would to fully sort out a standard inquiry with a ticket.

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Some of us do that anyway, but we still want to play the game we love when we have time. Unfortunately, even when we have time for it, the game is unplayable in endgame on most servers because it is impossible to get a PvP pop, or a group together for an Operation.


Could we roll alts? Sure, some of us have done that already for the stories we wanted to experience. Some people simply don't want to roll alts, because they want to play the class THEY like.


So, tell me, why should we go and do more of what we are already doing in real life, and wait idly by just because BW can't get their act together? We have schedules, we know what we want to do when. Sometimes we go and hang out with our friends, sometimes we work, sometimes we go catch a flick or go out to dinner, or just go and get hammered. But sometimes, we want to play the game, and nothing else. Because that is part of our wide array of entertainment choices.


Look at the bolded part. Now I ask you, If you bought this game and paid for the subscription, then as a informed person who spends their money wisely, why would you only play as 1 character? The game has/is promoted itself as a story based MMO that prides itself on the content between levels 1-50. It has never said we have awesomely long endgame content. That will be later down the road. So if you only play as 1 character after you have maxed him/her and finished all there is to do, why not enroll a new character from the opposite faction? It would be a brand new storyline and all new locations.

Edited by WoodChipper
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I think this would do more than BW realises. If they could open it for one server a week or something, get emails out there to everyone saying "Look, they're open on server X this week!!!" It would show the community that they are trying. & that they can do something without screwing it up.


It would be a "Charlie-Foxtrot" of a job to do, but I'd have faith... I think. :p





Oh, & I doubt there would be that many. Do the math sir.. there are 1.6'ish million subs all up atm. If they open it to a server a week, there would be hardly 10,000 requests. They have plenty of departments to deal with that. If not, then there will be a delay.. is that the end of the world.. if the BW employees work for a change & not just play the game all day?


There would be more support tickets per day than that too. I can't imagine a transfer to take any longer than it would to fully sort out a standard inquiry with a ticket.


Yeah but at a server a week, in 3 months you will have only made it to barely 10% of the entire number of servers in North America, right? By then the automated transfers will be out.


Face it, no matter how you guys spin this, unless they opened it up to all of the players at once, or significant enough portions that they could get a potential CS disaster on their hands, they're still going to end up having the automated transfers ready by the time your piece-by-piece manual plans are even part-way finished.


That's why... they are working... on the automated transfers... instead...

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BW has said they're waiting on automating the transfer system before they let it go live, but they've already shown they can do manual transfers with the Oceanic servers. Just start with the 4 least populated servers, open it for a week to whatever servers BW wants to cluster people in, and then move on to the next 4 servers the week after that. Anyone who misses the transfer window will still be able to transfer once the wide release server transfers become available. Be proactive BW, start doing this now, you have the ability.


The problem in manual transfers is that the tool the customer support people will be using to do the Oceanic transfers is probably some hack script with hard coded values. It probably will not work for everyone.


There are a lot of conditions even for the Oceanic transfers so I would say the following values are hard coded:


- You must have your account address being in a pre-defined country list (orginally only Aus, NZ, HK or Singapore).

- You character and account must have existed before 28th of Feb.

- You only have 3 servers as you destination.

Edited by Bocek
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I'm not going to be paying for transfers to get it early, I rather wait and see what bioware's plans are to fix the population problem.


From the looks of it their plan is to wait as long as possible and hope it fixes its self ..

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The problem in manual transfers is that the tool the customer support people will be using to do the Oceanic transfers is probably some hack script with hard coded values. It probably will not work for everyone.


There are a lot of conditions even for the Oceanic transfers so I would say the following values are hard coded:


- You must have your account address being in a pre-defined country list (orginally only Aus, NZ, HK or Singapore).

- You character and account must have existed before 28th of Feb.

- You only have 3 servers as you destination.


If thats the case then its just another sighn of incompetence on biowares part. As they knew the transfers was going to be needed for the us servers as well as oceanics. So why not lay the ground work for both instead of hard codeing it.


Seems to me where programming and future uses/implementations are concerned they cant see past the end of thier keyboards.

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If thats the case then its just another sighn of incompetence on biowares part. As they knew the transfers was going to be needed for the us servers as well as oceanics. So why not lay the ground work for both instead of hard codeing it.


Seems to me where programming and future uses/implementations are concerned they cant see past the end of thier keyboards.


Maybe, maybe not. If only the data input was hard coded then its not too much time wasted. I suspect the actual work of doing the transfer used for Oceanic players was some sort of prototype which will be used in the open transfers.


Doing transfers is not a simple thing, maybe it should have been from the get go, but it wasn't. People just need to deal with it and stop crying and stop asking about it. It is coming.

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Yeah but at a server a week, in 3 months you will have only made it to barely 10% of the entire number of servers in North America, right? By then the automated transfers will be out.


Face it, no matter how you guys spin this, unless they opened it up to all of the players at once, or significant enough portions that they could get a potential CS disaster on their hands, they're still going to end up having the automated transfers ready by the time your piece-by-piece manual plans are even part-way finished.


That's why... they are working... on the automated transfers... instead...


They could do 4 servers a week easily, maybe even more depending on how deserted those servers are. If they said they were going to start with the most deserted servers first, because they're the ones most in need I think it would be a nice gesture. It would certainly show that they're doing everything possible to fix the problem.

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Maybe, maybe not. If only the data input was hard coded then its not too much time wasted. I suspect the actual work of doing the transfer used for Oceanic players was some sort of prototype which will be used in the open transfers.


Doing transfers is not a simple thing, maybe it should have been from the get go, but it wasn't. People just need to deal with it and stop crying and stop asking about it. It is coming.


From their posts it seems like the two things holding up transfers are Legacy being tied to the server and not the account, and they're waiting for the process to be put in automated form.

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From the looks of it their plan is to wait as long as possible and hope it fixes its self ..


I've been thinking they are waiting for all the free time to expire and see how many people are left before worrying about the population. Catch-22 is that waiting is what is killing the population. If they could instantly fix the server populations/transfers right now they might see only 200k subs lost next cycle. As it is with nothing done it will be twice that at least.


Then they hack up the game into F2P and lose 50%-80% of what they have left.


There are too many heavy hitters coming out sooner than "soon" and delay seems tantamount to beating a dying horse.

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I've been thinking they are waiting for all the free time to expire and see how many people are left before worrying about the population. Catch-22 is that waiting is what is killing the population. If they could instantly fix the server populations/transfers right now they might see only 200k subs lost next cycle. As it is with nothing done it will be twice that at least.


Then they hack up the game into F2P and lose 50%-80% of what they have left.


There are too many heavy hitters coming out sooner than "soon" and delay seems tantamount to beating a dying horse.


Yea i agree with you waiting seems to be all they are interested in doing. I seen a dev statement somewhere that said they was going to release info on transfers very soon. But that was like a week or so ago.


So im going to give it till tuesdays downtime to see if they do give some info on it, And if so what that info is. But if its not good info or there is none i will be gone as well.

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They have until the end of my 30 free days to win back my subscription. I just don't understand why they haven't started target manual server transfers to the lowest pop servers. They could easily do 4 every week. If they'd started after the Oceanic transfers instead of sitting there on their hands like there was nothing they could do, they could have already alleviated a lot of the issues with low pop servers.


Why do people keep bringing up this issue? They already know and they are working on important issues with it. Like balance for the PvP servers, and making it possible to transfer guilds it would be stupid to start manual transfers when people have invested 4-5 months with a guild and to just have it all blown away.

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Why do people keep bringing up this issue? They already know and they are working on important issues with it. Like balance for the PvP servers, and making it possible to transfer guilds it would be stupid to start manual transfers when people have invested 4-5 months with a guild and to just have it all blown away.


Most of the players with guilds still active enough to do end game and pvp. Dosnt have a real problem with waiting. But for those of us on extremely dead servers where our guilds have all quit or just not logging in anymore.


We need something to atleast give us hope. To continue to log in for.

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Why? were all just complaining about it, unsub and stop giving them money they are not going to fix the issue anytime soon.


I'm done waiting personally I get more enjoyment out of these forums then the game now.


I stopped giving them money long ago. They have not stopped giving me time.

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Most of the players with guilds still active enough to do end game and pvp. Dosnt have a real problem with waiting. But for those of us on extremely dead servers where our guilds have all quit or just not logging in anymore.


We need something to atleast give us hope. To continue to log in for.


I'm on said dead server we have literally a max of 10-15 people on fleet from 5pm-9 pm said "good hours" and we have about 30 people max on servers this includes weekends. Our guild makes up 85% of that population.

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