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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW should start manual server transfers


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BW has said they're waiting on automating the transfer system before they let it go live, but they've already shown they can do manual transfers with the Oceanic servers. Just start with the 4 least populated servers, open it for a week to whatever servers BW wants to cluster people in, and then move on to the next 4 servers the week after that. Anyone who misses the transfer window will still be able to transfer once the wide release server transfers become available. Be proactive BW, start doing this now, you have the ability.
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Why? were all just complaining about it, unsub and stop giving them money they are not going to fix the issue anytime soon.


I'm done waiting personally I get more enjoyment out of these forums then the game now.

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Why? were all just complaining about it, unsub and stop giving them money they are not going to fix the issue anytime soon.


I'm done waiting personally I get more enjoyment out of these forums then the game now.


They have until the end of my 30 free days to win back my subscription. I just don't understand why they haven't started target manual server transfers to the lowest pop servers. They could easily do 4 every week. If they'd started after the Oceanic transfers instead of sitting there on their hands like there was nothing they could do, they could have already alleviated a lot of the issues with low pop servers.

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I'm okay with this. $20.00 per manual transfer of each character, to whichever server you want. If you want to wait for the free transfers, wait for the automated system.


Someone at BWHQ should really examine this for feasibility. Could be a way to cash in some extra flow to fund that 3D space combat project and so forth. I'm sure those who are screaming the loudest would gladly pay to transfer their characters.

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Why? were all just complaining about it, unsub and stop giving them money they are not going to fix the issue anytime soon.


I'm done waiting personally I get more enjoyment out of these forums then the game now.


and what can i do if i love the game but i do want server transfers i won't stop playing it maybe in 1 or 2 years i will but i love this game and i want server transfers asap

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I'm okay with this. $20.00 per manual transfer of each character, to whichever server you want. If you want to wait for the free transfers, wait for the automated system.


Someone at BWHQ should really examine this for feasibility. Could be a way to cash in some extra flow to fund that 3D space combat project and so forth. I'm sure those who are screaming the loudest would gladly pay to transfer their characters.


They shouldn't charge. This should be a goodwill gesture to those of us that have stuck around. Making a blatant cash grab at this point isn't something that would earn BW any goodwill, which they sorely need at this point.

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Ya know what I don't understand?


Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.

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They just did. Australia and certain countries could move their characters to the 3 new asia-pacific servers.


That's why I made this post. They should start manual transfers on the lowest pop NA servers in the interim until their automated transfer system is ready.

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Ya know what I don't understand?


Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.


Its raining here or I'd be outside. Amazingly I'm eating lunch and watching a movie while I'm posting. Crazy, right?

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The thing is that with all the things that may need fixing in this game, the population is the biggest problem right now.


I am sure that if there were enough people on servers people wouldn't feel like there's nothing to do for example. All in all, we know subs have dropped quite a bit. This happens. People try out a game and not everybody likes it. So, then Bioware should realise that they need to do something about this because bringing in new people is only part of the issue. Think about it. What are you bringing new players into? Half deserted servers....not encouraging for new players at all.


What needs to happen is bringing people together and character transfers is a way to do this. I do think that Bioware should act on this sooner than later.

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The thing is that with all the things that may need fixing in this game, the population is the biggest problem right now.


I am sure that if there were enough people on servers people wouldn't feel like there's nothing to do for example. All in all, we know subs have dropped quite a bit. This happens. People try out a game and not everybody likes it. So, then Bioware should realise that they need to do something about this because bringing in new people is only part of the issue. Think about it. What are you bringing new players into? Half deserted servers....not encouraging for new players at all.


What needs to happen is bringing people together and character transfers is a way to do this. I do think that Bioware should act on this sooner than later.


Well said. Almost everything else that people have problems with in this game are pretty typical MMO stuff like class balance and bugs. If they are proactive and simply do everything they can to start fixing server populations that will make a lot of people happy and willing to stick around while BW works on the rest of the issues in this game.

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Yeah I am sure Bioware has the manpower to do this:rolleyes:


Also you do know the free aussie transfers were only three servers worth of people right?


That is why I suggest they start with the 3 or 4 lowest pop servers that way it doesn't require any more manpower than the Aussie transfers took (thanks for not bothering to read my post). Heck, they could start with 1 or 2 if that is going to be a big issue. Honestly though, if BW doesn't have the manpower to do this then they're seriously misallocating their resources. This is THE biggest problem with the game right now and honestly most of their resources should be put toward fixing the issue. If they did 4 servers per week starting this Monday, they could save the people on 28 servers from being stuck on low pop servers by June 30. Anyone who misses their window would then only have to wait until the automated system goes live, supposedly by June 30.

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The thing is that with all the things that may need fixing in this game, the population is the biggest problem right now.


I am sure that if there were enough people on servers people wouldn't feel like there's nothing to do for example. All in all, we know subs have dropped quite a bit. This happens. People try out a game and not everybody likes it. So, then Bioware should realise that they need to do something about this because bringing in new people is only part of the issue. Think about it. What are you bringing new players into? Half deserted servers....not encouraging for new players at all.


What needs to happen is bringing people together and character transfers is a way to do this. I do think that Bioware should act on this sooner than later.


Since I find it difficult to believe that a company like BW are completely stupid (regardless of what all the arm chair DEVs on these boards might want to think), I am confident they know the state of their own game. I would also hazzard a guess they are not sitting around joking and drinking a coke and ignoring the issue as they want to make money, they are a business after-all.


Because I have half-a-brain and can see this, it makes me think that they have not merged the servers for other reasons than the conspiratorial "they are trying to get more money". They want the game to last, they know they need to let people move on servers, they have even said it is a priority and they are working on it. I am sure the very moment they can do it, without it getting all wrecked, they are going to.


Now, I know there is going to be posts of "they are doing this on purpose" which is pretty dumb and just shows that those that post that, have little to no business knowledge or sense with the extent of their business savvy coming from whatever part-time fry-cook or bag-boy experience they might have.


To even begin to think that they are just worrying about the short-term of this MMO with the hopes of sucking cash from people only in a burst, borderlines on such absurdity, it is hard to comprehend that that those that think this can even dress themselves in the morning ....

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Since I find it difficult to believe that a company like BW are completely stupid (regardless of what all the arm chair DEVs on these boards might want to think), I am confident they know the state of their own game. I would also hazzard a guess they are not sitting around joking and drinking a coke and ignoring the issue as they want to make money, they are a business after-all.


Because I have half-a-brain and can see this, it makes me think that they have not merged the servers for other reasons than the conspiratorial "they are trying to get more money". They want the game to last, they know they need to let people move on servers, they have even said it is a priority and they are working on it. I am sure the very moment they can do it, without it getting all wrecked, they are going to.


Now, I know there is going to be posts of "they are doing this on purpose" which is pretty dumb and just shows that those that post that, have little to no business knowledge or sense with the extent of their business savvy coming from whatever part-time fry-cook or bag-boy experience they might have.


To even begin to think that they are just worrying about the short-term of this MMO with the hopes of sucking cash from people only in a burst, borderlines on such absurdity, it is hard to comprehend that that those that think this can even dress themselves in the morning ....


The guy posts a well reasoned non troll part and you troll him.

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Ya know what I don't understand?


Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.


Some of us do that anyway, but we still want to play the game we love when we have time. Unfortunately, even when we have time for it, the game is unplayable in endgame on most servers because it is impossible to get a PvP pop, or a group together for an Operation.


Could we roll alts? Sure, some of us have done that already for the stories we wanted to experience. Some people simply don't want to roll alts, because they want to play the class THEY like.


So, tell me, why should we go and do more of what we are already doing in real life, and wait idly by just because BW can't get their act together? We have schedules, we know what we want to do when. Sometimes we go and hang out with our friends, sometimes we work, sometimes we go catch a flick or go out to dinner, or just go and get hammered. But sometimes, we want to play the game, and nothing else. Because that is part of our wide array of entertainment choices.

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Nothing short of mass server mergers will save my subscription a this point. It runs out in just over a month, and I wont be renewing any time soon if they cant fix this population issue.


What bio-ware needs to do is relies that they ****ed up putting out soooo many servers, and fix the problem before they look any more stupid. Every day the goes by with this absurd number of servers live is another day closer to me never playing this game again.


In the end, we need to have 15 or 20 servers with a population to rival the fat man. i sure as hell will not be paying them $20 to move my main to another server, and until my main is on a healthy population server i will not be giving them another months subscription.


And yes, my server was one of the full servers during launch, and i did sit in the hour long q's hoping that it would even out with time, but this is a bit extreme don't you think?

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I wholeheartedly support this idea as we need a few more good wo(men) on The Fatman and the other 3 or 4 servers that have real populations. However, I doubt Bioware will listen but in hopes as always they do open it this week.
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I'm already paying for the game monthly and it's not my fault that the SERVER I WAS ASSIGNED TO has died and got no population.


Not gonna pay Bioware one more cent just because they are too lazy to fix a crucial problem.

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Nothing short of mass server mergers will save my subscription a this point. It runs out in just over a month, and I wont be renewing any time soon if they cant fix this population issue.


What bio-ware needs to do is relies that they ****ed up putting out soooo many servers, and fix the problem before they look any more stupid. Every day the goes by with this absurd number of servers live is another day closer to me never playing this game again.


In the end, we need to have 15 or 20 servers with a population to rival the fat man. i sure as hell will not be paying them $20 to move my main to another server, and until my main is on a healthy population server i will not be giving them another months subscription.


And yes, my server was one of the full servers during launch, and i did sit in the hour long q's hoping that it would even out with time, but this is a bit extreme don't you think?


I'm curious do you mean merge , is it 235 servers into 15 - 20 servers? Also would these merges be for pvp only servers ? Or how many servers would you give the bullet ?





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But that's just the thing, they've already announced FREE transfers, if you'll just be patient and give them the time to complete the automated mechanics so they don't have to take all of those customer service calls and blast the CS department into oblivion.


The free transfers will also be targeted to specific servers so that they can FIX the population problems, rather than just letting them metasticize across to other servers in a haphazard way.


So if you don't want to wait, and you don't want to help them fix the issues (that you've been complaining about, BTW) then you ought to be prepared to pay for the manual process.


I'd pay to have my 3 characters transferred over. It's worth $20 for my Bounty Hunter and Agent each so that I don't have to go through Hutta again LOL.

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But that's just the thing, they've already announced FREE transfers, if you'll just be patient and give them the time to complete the automated mechanics so they don't have to take all of those customer service calls and blast the CS department into oblivion.


The free transfers will also be targeted to specific servers so that they can FIX the population problems, rather than just letting them metasticize across to other servers in a haphazard way.


So if you don't want to wait, and you don't want to help them fix the issues (that you've been complaining about, BTW) then you ought to be prepared to pay for the manual process.


I'd pay to have my 3 characters transferred over. It's worth $20 for my Bounty Hunter and Agent each so that I don't have to go through Hutta again LOL.


Why would you pay them to fix a problem they created? BW needs to be proactive. The community needs a goodwill gesture. Right now everyone is frustrated and they're bleeding subscribers. This would help ebb the flow of unsubscribers.

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Some of us do that anyway, but we still want to play the game we love when we have time. Unfortunately, even when we have time for it, the game is unplayable in endgame on most servers because it is impossible to get a PvP pop, or a group together for an Operation.


Could we roll alts? Sure, some of us have done that already for the stories we wanted to experience. Some people simply don't want to roll alts, because they want to play the class THEY like.


So, tell me, why should we go and do more of what we are already doing in real life, and wait idly by just because BW can't get their act together? We have schedules, we know what we want to do when. Sometimes we go and hang out with our friends, sometimes we work, sometimes we go catch a flick or go out to dinner, or just go and get hammered. But sometimes, we want to play the game, and nothing else. Because that is part of our wide array of entertainment choices.


My point is that they are working on transfers and will offer them when they are ready. Making a billion of these threads will not make transfers any sooner.


So, again, my suggestion is to find something else to do instead of wasting time making threads about transfers. They will happen when they happen no matter how much guys cry and scream like 5 year old children.

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