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What's a good pvp server to make a republic toon on?


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I love my Juggernaut (tried out the other classes but just love the style, was a prot warrior in my wow days), but I have thought about checking out the other side and rolling a Jedi. Where can I find a server with a good republic presence (and that still has alot of empire players, so i will have world pvp foes). Dont want to get on a server that is dead on either side, or dead completely. Also not wanting one so full it has server Qs, though not sure if any of em are that full right now with the server problems. I remember early on The Fatman was one, but it filled up. what is the situation with it right now? And are there some others that are good picks. PVP, or RP-PVP whichever (though in lots of MMOs the RP servers tend to have less players than regular ones).
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Come to Veela, we're thriving. 15 people in the Fleet during primetime. WZ queues only popping for a couple of hours every night, and 30 minutes to hour long queues when they are "popping". We are the pvp server to beat. And if you want a dead economy? Forget about it, we got that in spades. Did I mention that half the server only speaks French? Good times.

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Fatman is pretty much the only choice.


I'm on my second dead server in a row now. I got a Gunslinger to 50 on Hedarr Soongh, and abandoned that because there were literally not enough people for endgame content. I started a Jedi Sage on Infinite Empire, which was one of the most populated PvP servers at the time. Now, at level 47, it's just as dead as my last server, after the Australia transfers and general population decline, there's rarely more than 15 on the Fleet, and I've been the only one there late at night. On leveling planets, my questing partner and I are often the only ones there all day. The global /who search usually shows less than 70 people on the Republic side in the entire server.


For sh*ts and giggles I rolled a Jedi Knight on The Fatman, to see just how big the difference in population was on this Very Heavy server, from Infinite Empire (which hasn't even been at "Standard" in weeks)...all I can say is, holy crap.


On Tython, there were 125 people. I could actually see other players, and people were talking in general chat! For the first time since I started playing in January, for those 15 minutes I spent fooling around on Fatman, it felt more like an MMO than any of the months I've invested in fully leveling two characters on other servers. 125 on Tython, 100+ on the Fleet and on Coruscant, 80 on Tatooine...hell, even Voss and Corellia had over 10.


So please, don't make the same mistake I did. Don't join a server that's reasonably populated but not quite full, because odds are it will eventually empty out just like Infinite Empire did.

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2 many servers. not enough people. And this whole "lag" issue on the fatman cuz it has 2k on it.....is bull. That dosnt make any sense. They just need to migrate the servers, make them bigger n better. Have this many servers with so little people on them, and still having lag issues is bullox. hate to say it but look at WoW. When they started, less servers, higher capacity, no lag. SWTOR will die if they cant fix this crap.


It feels like we're playing with our selves when we're paying 15 a month to play with others.


Edited by Thugee
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