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I thought we was suppose to feel powerful?


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I've had problems with my Marauder as well, mainly cooldown on abilities being ridiculously long considering I have to resort to default attack a lot because everything is on cooldown. In a mob of 3 or 4 I can Battering Assault + Rupture + Force Scream the first one to death, Ravage the second one, and then everything is on cooldown and I'm forced to hack away at the remaining one or two. My hp drops fast and healing from bleeds doesn't do anything, I've never noticed my hp actually go up from it because the damage the mobs do severely outstrips whatever healing you get. I'm geared pretty decently as well, although at this point I might have to spend a few hours Slicing and hunting on the GTN trying to find better gear. Right now I'm playing on other characters and just doing space missions on my Mara, hoping to eventually overlevel myself so I stand a fighting chance at completing my missions. Edited by Melnahara
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I had huge problems between 30-36lvl with marauder. But for some unknown reason, after that I have been rushing through enemies without problems, and almost zero downtime. At the moment 41lvl, Carnage tree and healing companion. Gear fully from quest rewards.


I have been taking down elite + strong without any problems or more than 1 strong mob + weak mobs without problems. What I have noticed. "Backbone" of being effective with marauder is to control rage and learn to tab tab tab tab between enemies to control fight and minimize damage you take. Also using interrupt makes a real difference.

Edited by Volfric
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I dont think Sw marauder is broken. Ye if you compare to sniper the burts dmg is crappy, but still we do Alot of dmg.



I can solo 3 silver or 2 gold mobs fine by myself. My best pull was 10 normal mobs and one silver mob, that was time to use all of my CD's and i did survive... (Quinn FTW.)


What you need to solo? red gear if you want, but basic know what your skill do and Quinn.


You can solo normal 5 man pack whit jaesa too, but 1 silver whit 3 normal it's pretty hard mode, but can be done.


And if you want this to be game like WOW atm, please go away from here, there is no point to this be so casual game. like every class have every *********** cd on the game, that is't fun.


To Dps i dont comment anything, because every time when i have been on Flaspoints i have been tank, because i survived better that our tank, dunno why, but still you need to read your skill and studie what they do.


Everything else is just L2p issues. I don't want this game to come like wow, charge and target is dead. Make it harder so i can wipe to normal mobs too.


i'am lvl 40 mara and using carnage speck.

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In short, you're not a very good player.


Doesn't matter the player, they have a disadvantage by default from lack of cc/rush.



If you want to play vs. bad players and think you are good, thats fine. But fact remains that on equal skill Maurauder fails hard and Juggs is average.

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this really should not be happening.to solo 1(ONE) strong mob i need to waste approx 30secs and another 8-10 to gain my health back. quinn is useless even though he is geared. he often starts shooting at mobs instead of spam healing.if i go with tank companion he will also die to fast. my best bet is to go with vette and pop every single cd. she hits harder them me anyway.. as you can see in this video i did not use any defensive cooldowns for a reason, AAAND before you say anything like "LOL DERP NO DEF CDS LQL" i want to add that i DO use them every time they are off cd. only reason i didnt is to demonstrate how awful and time consuming leveling a marauder is. it really saddens me when i see BH just roflpwning through 2 packs of mobs and and i struggle like this. :/


anyway that all i have to say. prolly gonna delete char(i failed with jaesa anyway) and start leveling BH or assassin.


my gear is almost fully up to level even with few epics.


Oh and in PvP i dont have any problems with killing stuff. just wanna say leveling at later levels is horrible.and to all of you who are saying:"I YUST PRESSSS 1 BUTTEN AND THEI DYE EZ LOL DERP". you are lying. try killing something that is few levels higher then you and later in game.




this is absolutely pathetic and exactly what happens to me! i get down to 1/4 HP with a silver and normal mob. every time i see these threads i see ppl say bioware said they're gonna fix it. where is this source ?

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Been playing a Marauder lately. It's no fun at all. If its a class that's built to only be worth much at 50, well...power to those that wanna work hard to be gloriously mediocre.


I'll be on my BH or SI, which are fun, until this class eventually gets some kind've useful overhaul. In its current state, well...power to those of you that find it fun. Really, I'm not here to call you stupid for having fun with it if you like it.


I do not, however. Feels anemic and weak, no amount of mucking with rotations helps, no amount of respecing points around changes the facts at hand and if what I hear and read here so often is true?


Yeah, no. There are fun things to play that are enjoyable and faced with a reasonable challenge in solo play as well as competently useful in team/pvp play.


SW? If the class as a whole were deleted from the game, would there be any kind of hole in the mechanics map of anything, ever? Who needs an SW? Need a tank? They sure bloody ain't worth much for tanking until rather high levels, and then you've got a dork that's used to playing an anemic DPSer trying to out-tank someone, with a narrower and crappier toolbox, than someone that's been tanking since level 11 and has a much better toolbox to do it with.


DPS? Bahahahahaha, ahahahhahahahaha, lawl. Yeah, ok. That joke tells itself. Moving right along.


Utility? They're supposed to be DPS as their utility, so...they're kinda one trick ponies.


Except their one trick, they're not really all that great at. Solidly mediocre if you try hard. Good enough if the stars align and they aren't being 3-shotted by anything worth killing.


Glass cannon, melee, with no meaningful cannon in the equation. They're heal absorbers. Add one to your party if you want to make your healer waste time keeping something that's half dead if sneezed on up.


If you want to hurt things, take...pretty much anything else.


Simple, really; SW sucks right now. It's a new game; they got -almost everything right- on most of the classes.


Still, SW sucks right now. This is ok; we're at the start of a long and unceasing nerf/tweak game. I reckon we'll have flavor of the month builds for every class before too long; nature of the talent tree balance beast.


Didn't learn much from vanilla World of Warcraft. But! For the only class I've yet rolled that feels distinctly broken and in dire need of being made to be actually good at -something-, 'cause right now, they're just garbage-y.


I'm confident that they'll get fixed eventually, and hopefully by SW getting some tweaks and much-needed buffs, or an outright overhaul, rather than nerfs to everything else.


So sayeth I.

Edited by Uruare
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Don't see what the issues are. If you can't solo 1 gold you fail horribly at this game...


Cloak of Pain

Force Charge

Deadly Saber

Battering Assault


Force Choke


Vicious Strike


if the mob isn't dead you have crap gear.


People complaining about pvp simply run in like headless chickens and get *** pwned..


Sit, wait, watch when that Ranged is dealing with a big juicy tank you pounce and kill them before they have a chance to cry emu tears!!

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Since we're on the topic of Sith "Warriors" I do kind of feel like the Immortal seems off.


A few hours ago I tried to solo a lvl 40 Elite as a lvl 40 Immortal with Quiin, Jaesa and vette.


This Elite did one of those AoE's that drops a droid and shoots fire in a radius. This quest was not Heroic or anything yet I was only able to get it down to 15%-20% before dying. I used every defensive cooldown and semi defensive cooldown available.



I understand more of what people are saying; though this is my view. Sith Warriors are supposed to be more battle hardy than the other Empire classes yet does not have a significant advantage than them in combat. Marauders are supposed to literally smash targets to pieces and Juggernauts are supposed to withstand assaults that would normally kill everyone else without cooldowns.


I am confident that this will get looked at soon however.

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This Elite did one of those AoE's that drops a droid and shoots fire in a radius. This quest was not Heroic or anything yet I was only able to get it down to 15%-20% before dying. I used every defensive cooldown and semi defensive cooldown available.



Did you try getting out of the fire?

Edited by Faolon
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Did you try getting out of the fire?


This can be troublesome as a melee class. There are many elites that drop those droids that aoe yet are ranged you cannot pull them around. Circling around them can work, but some drop the droids so often you can run out of room fast.

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I rolled a warrior, got to 10 and decided on a marauder. I levelled some more, got to 15 and decided to read up a bit on what others have been experiencing with this class. There's a lot of people out there saying the class is too hard to play, there's too many buttons, you need to be situationally aware etc. And then there's an element to the conversation that says otherwise, that if you read your tooltips and actually get to know the class instead of spamming vicious slash that you'll do fine. It's hard to sift through these threads to find nothing but responses from bad players, trolls, easymode nabs, force lightning spammers or players that don't really want to play - just win.


I can't, for the life of me find anyone in any of the threads about this class / AC that doesn't completely ruin their credibility via one of the following methods:


  1. Being low level. Your opinion doesn't matter until 50. Level 20 characters aren't fleshed out and aren't meant to be competitive.
  2. Whiners that keep saying BH merc spec is sooooo much better because it has more dmg mitigation and straight up dps. Bull, just because it's easymode - doesn't make it better.
  3. Those that don't have specs to show, thus making all of their "I'm win at this" bullcrap useless.
  4. Trolls that just say everyone that's having trouble sucks. Not everyone has your daddy issues, stop trying to prove your manhood. Go home and talk to him instead - it might actually help. Or get some damn therapy.
  5. Defensive whiners. It's not an attack, we're just talking here.
  6. Useless "I agree with the person quoted above" responses that add absolutely nothing to the conversation.


In between all this there's a couple of you that actually seem to have figured out this stuff. Some of you are actually running content, tearing up PvP and having a ball with it. Sure, the class still lacks CC and BW needs to address that if they want to keep people playing the SW but we're on post-ship right now. There have been no patches and we're sure to see some balancing. Someone mentioned that between the final beta and launch there was some tweaking that made the mara harder to play.


Anyway, screw all of you guys. I rolled this class, chose mara and I'm sticking with it. If only to see whether all the whine is actually true. At the moment, I get top 5 damage done in warzones, no trouble in flashpoints and I'm peeved at the choice of Vette to be our first comp. I'm running a DH spec like this: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::f3ef4ef5cef4e9fefe7f6ef3df9


But then, I'm only 28 so what the hell do I know right? Glass cannons for the win. Frost DK / Fury warr anyone?

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I'm pretty sure I could give you some analysis that isn't invalidated by one of those bullet points above, if you actually care :)


That said, I'm sticking with the class too - in fact, its a familiar experience. If you've leveled a heavy armor melee character in any MMO, you're used to facing certain handicaps like a lack of CC, healing or utility, and used to dying when you underestimate a fight and just don't have the health to slog through it. However, the fact that we're willing to play it through doesn't mean they can't look at problems and address them. SWTOR is a modern MMO, it should be learning from lessons of prior games and innovating. If the Warrior/Knight classes aren't dynamic, if they don't have a proper skill-to-outcome curve (I think this is actually one of the bigger problems, quite the opposite of the 'wah too many buttons'), if they aren't competitive in all relevant areas of play, then that is an issue.


And to continue with my main complaint that I try to work into most posts: Force pull plz.

Edited by boba_dan
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This can be troublesome as a melee class. There are many elites that drop those droids that aoe yet are ranged you cannot pull them around. Circling around them can work, but some drop the droids so often you can run out of room fast.



1. If you're taking long enough to kill something, that it can drop more than 3 of those probes, it means you need to upgrade your lightsabers immediately. Look into upgrading everything else as well.


2. Back out of melee range and use Force Choke and Force Scream when that ends. The duration of Force Choke should be enough that one of the flame probes stops shooting fire. Move to that location. By the time the elite drops another probe on top of you, the others should be off.

Edited by Faolon
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I am sticking with my Jugg too and I dont care that leveling is horrible cause my friend play healer and we can manage


BUT the issue is this

when we are not on par with other classes in PVP / PVE how are we suppose to get into raids or bg premades

no progress guild or pvp guild will wants us because everyone else can do same thing but better....

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I am sticking with my Jugg too and I dont care that leveling is horrible cause my friend play healer and we can manage


BUT the issue is this

when we are not on par with other classes in PVP / PVE how are we suppose to get into raids or bg premades

no progress guild or pvp guild will wants us because everyone else can do same thing but better....



I've got both a Marauder and a Juggernaut.

My Marauder is 31, my Juggernaut just hit 15. I've PvPed with both. The experience is similar, just a lot more guarding and crap with my Jugg.



I fought a Marauder in Huttball a few minutes ago, with my Jugg. I don't know if this person was just messing around or simply terrible. I killed him. He blew all of his cooldowns at the same time, so I just popped saber ward and kited around him in circles, not hitting him until his saber ward wore off.


Then I owned him.




I think any problem you have with the Sith Warrior class is YOUR PROBLEM. You should find a way to fix yourself before demanding Bioware do anything to the class. Learn from people who know what they're doing. Watch as many videos as you can.

Most importantly, turn your brain ON.

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you did not understand my point also you said you owned MARAUDER so your post is INVALID when 2 broken classes own each other also if you are tank you should always been able to kill melee dps


lets see from tank view


other 2 classes got better CC / sooner

they do more dmg

they have no problems with holding aggro (I don't have this issue but problem is that I need tab every target hitting my keyboard furiously just to have them stay on me while other classes do 2 aoe spells and don't care about it) so its much less fun and even less rewarding

also pulling with juggernaut is terrible compared to other 2 tanks that got ranged abilities


from dmg

is same Issue we got no speed boost

no CC (1 useless CC ) 1 ****** slow and 1 charge ...

Every other class got more CC AND same if not more dmg that we do ...

in case of marauders some ranged classes got even better armor than them


I been on every server first kill in TBC on my server (8 to 30 in world) I can say that no serious progress guild will take us when other classes do our role better and its same with pvp ... In hutball I got feeling that I am that ball and every ranged char just owns me not because of pushbacks or CC but even terrain is on their side ...


and no other classes are not OP if you look at it every class is almost balanced with few small tweaks no other class got problems with leveling tanking or dpsing in general... only juggernauts and marauders and their jedi counterpart complain ...

and its not skill SKILL will not help you if enemy got same Skill but got twice as powerful tools as we do

Edited by Lakshri
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you did not understand my point also you said you owned MARAUDER so your post is INVALID when 2 broken classes own each other also if you are tank you should always been able to kill melee dps



And yet, the only tank I was not able to kill with my Marauder was a level 50 Powertech who was wearing full PvP gear.




Nothing will get better for the majority of the people complaining until they come to terms with the fact that they, themselves, may be the problem.

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