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I thought we was suppose to feel powerful?


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There is a lot of different things being said in this thread here are my observations so far.


Warriors in general seem to start of weaker but from where I stand they get stronger as they are leveling up.


I'm not sure why the OP says they get worse as time goes on, I'm getting more and more confident taking on harder and harder targets/groups. There was a real sore part at the early 20s at first, but that was about it.


I'm finding I tend to do better with DPS companions rather than Quinn personally, he makes the fight longer (due to less damage) but he doesn't really seem to guarantee me a victory where another companion wouldn't. This may change but we will see.


I'm sure that some classes do have an easier time soloing than others, that's usually the nature of the beast, but when I can solo my Class Quest line when it's orange at times I have to think it's not that big a problem, if I had to constantly out level my class quest in order to complete it then yes I would think there's an issue.


I'm sure different people have different problems I know for me one of the biggest issues I had initially was being an idiot and not interrupting gold level mobs casts, can't tell you how big a difference this made, especially when you figure out which cast causes the biggest damage.


The other mistake I made was not spending my commendations and some of my credits to keep gear current, I'm not saying you need to have the very best epics for your level, but wearing the green gear you got 5-10 levels ago isn't helping you.


Now do I think everything is hunky dory? Not really there are some issues here that should be looked into, but the class is far from broken and it's certainly fun (for some people).

Edited by Dharagada
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There is a lot of different things being said in this thread here are my observations so far.


Warriors in general seem to start of weaker but from where I stand they get stronger as they are leveling up.


I'm not sure why the OP says they get worse as time goes on, I'm getting more and more confident taking on harder and harder targets/groups. There was a real sore part at the early 20s at first, but that was about it.


I'm finding I tend to do better with DPS companions rather than Quinn personally, he makes the fight longer (due to less damage) but he doesn't really seem to guarantee me a victory where another companion wouldn't. This may change but we will see.


I'm sure that some classes do have an easier time soloing than others, that's usually the nature of the beast, but when I can solo my Class Quest line when it's orange at times I have to think it's not that big a problem, if I had to constantly out level my class quest in order to complete it then yes I would think there's an issue.


I'm sure different people have different problems I know for me one of the biggest issues I had initially was being an idiot and not interrupting gold level mobs casts, can't tell you how big a difference this made, especially when you figure out which cast causes the biggest damage.


The other mistake I made was not spending my commendations and some of my credits to keep gear current, I'm not saying you need to have the very best epics for your level, but wearing the green pants you got 5-10 levels ago isn't helping you.


Now do I think everything is hunky dory? Not really there are some issues here that should be looked into, but the class is far from broken and it's certainly fun (for some people).


You are correct, the key is in keeping your gear up to date, AND the gear of your companion. I have been taking the gear rewards for Quinn consistently when they are offered, and he's been doing great as a healer. I also have been using commendations to upgrade my own stuff, with a focus on getting modifiable gear so that I can continue putting item mods in it to keep it up to date. Right now, all but one or two of my gear slots are filled with modifiable gear.

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Currently I am a level 27 Jugg, I love it so much. Great class for me it is challenging and also rewarding to beat elites and groups. I mostly play with Vette out and when i goof up or don't watch my CD I have issues yes but mostly its just timing my Defensive CD and utilizing her abilities. I switched over to Quinn to see how he was and its not bad to have the healer I need to gear him up though. But For "ME" I love the class, even rolled another SW so I can go DPS marauder to experience that too.
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Good to know I've been hearing vengeance is underpowered. But I think alot of these post have to do with not executing their rotation properly.


No it's not underpowered. Vengeance Jug 36 - it's very good, but seriously lacks CC. For example Sorcerers or BH can CC mobs for quite some time and doing other stuff, obviously this does give them edge. But in 1 on 1 - I even defeated champion once, though 2-3 levels lower then me.


But I do believe Mara's does not have such utility as Jug's, because even if you DPS specced as Jug you still competent in tanking department and have taunts which is amazing in group pve.


As for PVP i regularly take golden medals, so it's obviously not bad there too.

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On my sith warrior Mara, I'm jealous of almost every class. I see people soloing things and being ******. This class is hard...


I mean not in the hard that most people think. My hotbar is full of skills, and the wind blows I take damage. I've tried both specs and it was hell to get to 25 compare to the other classes i've tried in beta.



Now, my only hope is to just get done with chap 1, and work on twinking him out so much that I can destory everything.



I can see why one of the most played classes is the lighting god <.< I see them soloing 3 things at the same time that I can't even solo by myself.



I don't know about high levels, but leveling up with this class does not make me feel like the power house.


If you spent half as much time learning your class as you do whining about it, maybe you'd improve.


If you ever played an MMO before (or really any class based game) there are going to be areas where you excel and areas where you don't. The Sith Sorcerer gets her tank pet earlier, has a heal, and strong AOE--of course your wife is going to PvE and clear trash mobs faster. I guarantee you she isn't killing single target elite champions faster than you, and if she is that's a you problem.


Duel your wife sometime, 1v1 you should be mopping the floor with a Sith Sorcerer. They don't have enough CC to deal with your Unleash/Force Camouflage and Disruption. You should be slaughtering her in duels. Does that mean her class sucks in PvP? No, it's just a matchup/area where you excel.


As much as I hate replying with simple internet memes, learn to play.

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In beta I played as a Marauder until lvl 15 and I was always worried about having a spot on rotation when engaging mobs. I learned very early that Vette was stronger then me and if she dies I'm dead.


Come launch I played a dps juggernaut. I noticed that my dps felt better in terms of I wasnt worried about every pull. I still think twice about elite pulls and dont go anywhere without medpacks. I spend money on my lvling gear and I try to stay on a planet as long as I can to out level everything. My heart is with the Mara but the Jugg is going to have to suffice because I felt very very weak... as a Mara I dont feel like Anakin or Darth Vader, I feel like my slave companion does considerably more work killing then me.

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I've played my Marauder all the way to max lvl.


I had ZERO problems. I felt the Marauder was an animal when played right. Long as your using the correct companion for the heals. At lvl 30+ my marauder could solo a Elite with no healer or companion. In PvP.. you will DESTROY any class that is dumb enough to challenge you 1 vs 1. I've killed 1 vs 2 in a quite a few battles.


But don't expect the Marauder to sit there and take damage from 2 Elites or even 2 Strong mobs for long. You will DIE. Period. Your in Medium Armor with no shields.


You can solo 2 elites only if they are driods since you can cc one.


Also don't forget you HAVE TO GEAR YOUR COMPANION as well.. or you won't get heals worth a crap. AND you have to turn his DPS abilities off or he will sit there like a tard and shot at the enemies instead of healing you.


Your profession makes a BIG difference as well. Bio helps a TON. Gives you free Oh crap heals and power boosts.


Still the Marauder is one of the hardest classes to master. 2nd to maybe BH healing which is tricky to get used to.

Edited by Blaaine
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... I have made it far enough to know that this class is going to require a lot of micro managing.






I have played tons of classes in various MMOs over the years and I've gotta say, this is the most difficult class I've ever played, hands-down.


It seems as if every class (to an extent) gives the player the ability to do well even if they don't play well. This class is unforgiving in that respect.


I am currently carnage and my god, I applaud the person that said we're glass cannons without the cannon. Amen. I am embarrassed that Vette out-DPS's me and I have better gear.


I am sure part of my problem is rotation, combined with the craptastic carnage skill tree. I am 26 and of the mindset that, "I've gotten this far, may as well finish it off."



Story is fantastic.



You have to kill things. :/




edit: I am curious - do other Maras think that this class is extremely gear-dependent?

Edited by sleepygirl
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Dont you guys see it? The BH and sith inc is OP and will get nerfed. think about it guys,solo quest is scaled to be easy and hard . Heroic is a grp quest and is suposed to be just that. So if you can solo them you ar op as hell. Calm down the game is 2 days old. they will patch things up.


sry for bad spelling

Edited by graymane
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weak compared to other classes? perhaps, i havent played others far enough to compare


but marauders are absolutely capable, ive yet to encounter a fight i couldnt beat while soloing (29 atm, 34 in a previous beta and its is absolutely better now than it was in the october beta) and from everything ive heard from testers things just get better from 30+


furthermore, the only times, literally, that i have died while leveling (not counting pvp) was twice when i tried to see if i could solo group content


we may not be able to solo as well as other classes, but we certainly are perfectly capable of soloing solo content


if you are having problems then i suggest finding help with your rotation or something



as for pvp ... marauders are beasts, understand what the class is and you can wreck things, what the class is, is a rogue without stealth, kill people on the edges of the battle, target low health enemies with your hardest hitting abilities, then back away and find someone else


marauders are NOT front line wrecking balls (like most people assume because their base class is a "warrior") if you play like one you will get stomped, hard




Mediaum armour/medium DPS technically are suppose to be front line wrecking balls ..


stealthy light armour/heavy DPS are suppose to be the "kill people on the edges"

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I picked juggernaut and at first I was immortal spec'd and while I didn't have issues besides aoe tanking (with cc it's fine obviously) it was just very boring so I went vengeance spec and now I'm having so much fun. I can take on elites my own level fairly easily and with Quinn helping to heal me up downtime isn't that bad.


With all this said I do feel that other classes perform better, sure some of it is skill but I have a feeling that other classes especially tanks are having a much easier time then I am.

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I can't speak for marauder's but currently I'm a lvl 32 Juggernaut and am having NO issues whatsoever leveling. I feel like dps is a bit lower then I would like but since I'm specced as a tank that comes with the territory. Using certain CD's I have no trouble taking on a Gold with adds or 2 Silvers. I'll end up with maybe 25% HP but a quick channel hatred and you'll be on your way.


The lack of long term CC is a bit annoying but I think Force Push, Force Choke and a few other abilities make up for it. When taking on groups people need to make sure they are utilizing all their cooldowns and not expect to face roll through all content. You have to play smart as a Warrior and you'll have tons of fun.

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I bet other classes do have it easier. But so what? Juggernaut story is AMAZING and we get by just fine. Yeah we could use buffs but it's not a disaster.


I suspect the people that are having problems do not upgrade their gear or their companion's gear. Take the time to keep your gear up. Use Quinn and stick him with +heal gear, and a good blaster. If you do that then whether you go tank or dps spec you'll do fine.

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Not really, the lack of CC is the main problem. I'm talking about silver mobs mostly. Some group mobs as well. My wife solos 2 golds :( I can hardly take one.




I'm just going to twink him out I think, out of all the classes i've tried, low level mara is by far the worse.

we have a lack of long cc, but you can use your short cc to great effect and keep from taking damage. i am a dps jugg, and don't take that much damage because we have a ton of interrupts.


just don't run in and spam moves because you have the rage for them. force choke, force scream, smash and your traditional interrupt should all be times to keep enemies from casting/channeling. if you do it right, you can easily end a fight against a strong + 3 normals with 90% health.


just make good decisions. it's more engaging and fun this way anyway, mindless faceroll is extremely dull.

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i love how people keep saying "i used both specs and its broken".


there is a 3rd talent tree. its very good for leveling and for pvp.


the first two trees are pretty complex and most ******* will be retarded with them. rage is pretty easy, if your QQing, play rage until we get a bit of a buff or they make it easier for *******.

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I find it rather disturbing how alot of my fellow Sith Warriors are complaining about being too weak! 18 Vengance Juggernaught. I'm perfectly fine in PvE (haven't tried PvP yet). I'm able to take groups of mobs easily and can solo an elite mob. I can't comprehend how you are so weak, are you undergeared perhaps?
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I find it rather disturbing how alot of my fellow Sith Warriors are complaining about being too weak! 18 Vengance Juggernaught. I'm perfectly fine in PvE (haven't tried PvP yet). I'm able to take groups of mobs easily and can solo an elite mob. I can't comprehend how you are so weak, are you undergeared perhaps?


Give it time. By the late 30s I was forced to use Quin for heals and eat health packs pretty much any elite encounter (or encounters with 2 silvers) as vengeance. Some encounters i would have to blow saber ward, call on the force, saber ward and pop a health pack to live. Only to find out the next encounter I needed those cooldowns again. Some two pack silvers are nearly impossible due to their damage and channels. You simply don't have enough CC to deal with the incoming damage.


Immortal has it tons easier with a lot more mitigation a CC and relatively little loss in dps.

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I played Sith Sorcerer, IA Operative and BH Mercenary in beta, then the first thing I rolled on live was a Sith Warrior who went Marauder. Compared to the others, he feels much stronger in PvE up to 30. So much so that I found it a bit boring in places because I began to feel immortal.

I had a few carelessness issues with groups where all but 1 or 2 ppl were hidden from view (so I thought aha, a group of 2 at my level, no need to heal or prepare... oh ****, where did the Strong and Elite come from?).

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I just hit 27 as a Carnage Marauder, and I've had quite an easy time so far. Granted, I'm a couple levels above my class quests most of the time, but they're so easy that I have trouble believing they'd be difficult with just a couple of levels of difference. And I do fine in Heroics and flashpoints. I've got no reason to complain about the class' ability to keep in PvE content.


I will say, though, that SW definitely seems like it has a lot less margin of error than other classes. Use a few abilities at the wrong time, and you'll be ending a fight against a couple silvers with only like 10% of your health left. I wouldn't say the other classes are more powerful, per se, but I would say that they're more forgiving.

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