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patch 1.3, savior or RIP?


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Yeah, kinda sucks for you. But hey! At least there are LOTS of plenty of alive servers you'll be able to transfer to soon. ;)


Actually, theres about a dozen healthy servers, which, to me at least, doesn't really qualify as "LOTS", but thanks for your constructive input! I'm sure I'll get to pay for transferring from my dead server to an active one! Great news!


Well, at least transfers and X-server PvP queuing is coming soon.


Yes, transfers are coming soon, but there is still not ETA on x-server pvp, so I'm not sure why you're trying to hype something that could be months away.


I can see how you would think it looks like that from the narrow window of a dead server only.


News flash, during prime time there are 0 servers at full, roughly 2-3 at heavy, and around 10-15 at standard, the rest of the 100+ US servers never even breach light, so stop pretending like the "narrow window of a dead server" is such an uncommon viewpoint on this game. *Most* of the servers have a below healthy population. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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I don't know about America, but in Europe SWTOR is almost dead. We have only one "heavy" server and several "standard" at peak time. And you need "heavy" or "very heavy" to be somewhat comfortable with GTN, heroics and flashpoints (because the game doesn't make you do all those things, you need a lot of people to actually do them with).


This is a chain reaction. People are leaving. Server goes "standard". I don't feel comfortable. I leave. My friend doesn't feel comfortable without me. He leaves. A bit later the server goes "light", and than no one is comfortable. Even if they are OK with playing solo.


Of course, there is a Diablo effect, and some people may return after beating that game. But then there will be Secret World (very enticing for story-holics like me) and GW2. And others. And two new game modes in World of Tanks. And Tera. And everything. While SWTOR will still be "competing with WOW". While praising itself to be slightly better than STO.


Also, I am writing this in great pain, because I want to see all the storylines. But I just don't have a server to do them comfortably.

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But then there will be Secret World (very enticing for story-holics like me)...


All I know about TSW is that EA is involved which means I'm not even considering it.


At this point, my friends and I have been burned out on the genre (MMO) for a few years and finally quit WoW over 2 years ago. We tried other MMOs while patiently waiting for TOR but just found that we were getting tired of the genre and all the associated guild politics and drama. After 10 years you see so much crap (I bet nearly EVERY vet MMOer has a story or two) you start to stay away from joining guilds and keep among yourselves for the most part.


We probably are going to do D3 (one friend is already playing) since all three of us can play together and our main reason why we game together as it is how we stay in touch over hundreds of miles and years of separation.


Either way, not going to be trying TSW or even GW2 most likely at this point...I think we're done with MMOs...at least for a few years.

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I don't know about America, but in Europe SWTOR is almost dead. We have only one "heavy" server and several "standard" at peak time. And you need "heavy" or "very heavy" to be somewhat comfortable with GTN, heroics and flashpoints (because the game doesn't make you do all those things, you need a lot of people to actually do them with).


This is a chain reaction. People are leaving. Server goes "standard". I don't feel comfortable. I leave. My friend doesn't feel comfortable without me. He leaves. A bit later the server goes "light", and than no one is comfortable. Even if they are OK with playing solo.


Of course, there is a Diablo effect, and some people may return after beating that game. But then there will be Secret World (very enticing for story-holics like me) and GW2. And others. And two new game modes in World of Tanks. And Tera. And everything. While SWTOR will still be "competing with WOW". While praising itself to be slightly better than STO.


Also, I am writing this in great pain, because I want to see all the storylines. But I just don't have a server to do them comfortably.


I have heavy doubts on TSW. From the beta it clearly looks unfinished, yet the release date is June.19th.

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Secret World is great for Story-holics. It has great "detective" quests where you have to think and to guess. It's nothing like "go there, kill them". Combat, on the other hand... Meh. And your character never speaks or reacts in meaningful way (choosing answers etc).


I think that Secret World will go the way of SWTOR. Because it has no replay value whatsoever (no classes, no morality system etc) and no reasons for grinding. But the first runs (and the first months) will be great. After that all the cool quests would be solved, and the game would be reduced to "go there, kill them according to the guide".


Also, I hate "running towards your corpse mechanic". SWTOR is obviously better in stuff like that. I would very much prefer quest system of SW with the world, "full voice acting" and game mechanic of SWTOR (with tweaks and such).

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I have heavy doubts on TSW. From the beta it clearly looks unfinished, yet the release date is June.19th.


I am not saying that TSW is a great game. It sucks in many ways (as of now). I am saying that it has great story pieces for story-holics. And SWTOR was designed as a game for story-holics. Therefor, direct competitor.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the mixture of the OP having like 50+ negative posts on this forum alone about SWTOR and the fact that we don't even know what is coming in 1.3 for sure yet means that we are supposed to come to the conclusion that SWTOR is dead because the OP is upset.
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the mixture of the OP having like 50+ negative posts on this forum alone about SWTOR and the fact that we don't even know what is coming in 1.3 for sure yet means that we are supposed to come to the conclusion that SWTOR is dead because the OP is upset.


"Dead" is not a thing to dispute. "Dead" is a fact. "No heavy servers" = "dead or dying". Of course, this could be reversed with mergers and transfers. But for how long? Do we have an influx of new people? I don't see it. And the veterans are leaving. And they still be leaving after transfers and mergers.

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Another of the GW2 fan posse salesmen hawking their merchandise.


I still am subbed to this game also. I do enjoy SWTOR. I am not saying GW2 will kill SWTOR but was just adding a clarification.


So, yes, I am both a SWTOR fan (for my Sci-Fi) and GW2 fan (for my fantasy).

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Yoda had it right all the time, people are worried that they waste their money on playing something they feel are crap. Their fear led to anger, and their anger to hate (which the forums now feel). All the hate led to suffering for Bioware and the game population.


I think Bioware and EA are the true empire...... Like King Arthur so famously said when facing the fierce rabbit:



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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


GW2's terrible btw but yeah, they've screwed up none the less. lol

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


Hope your now killing time while Diablo 3 shovels more coal into their broken servers.

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GW2 doesn't suck but I'm not convinced it's got long legs either, I'll still be playing it though.


1.3 is not the savior, sadly Bioware is taking far too long with merges/transfers to keep people around another 2-3 months and next quarters sub number will reflect that. Sadly, I'll probably still be here logging on every now and then since I don't have a #2 game yet.

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BW will never win. No matter what they do, aside from putting out that super duper end all be all, sliced bread patch or update that only you all (yes I am generalizing based off forum posts lol) can come up with in your own heads, it STILL won't be enough for some.


Patience and common sense should be considered a super power these days since many don't seem to have any! :D


OP, this is not an attack on your directly. It is pointed at many other internet heros though. I am sorry but I had to say it. lol :D


This I agree with.


I for one was not let down by 1.2, and have pretty much enjoyed the new content it delivered.


Given I may one of the minority on this, but it delivered what I expected for the most part. This could also be because I kept my expectations pretty moderate compared to some. Not directed at anyone in this thread.

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MMO Players are not forgiving. Once an MMO has "failed" in their mind and they leave. They do NOT come back.


BioWare really can't do much to get many of those that have left back.


they NEED to focus on first keeping those of us still around...around...fix bugs...server merges..etc.


keep the free weekends to try and bring NEW (it WON'T bring back hardly ANY of those that left) subs. But otherwise you need to focus on keeping what you got.


Remember SWG? yah...that CU and NGE? was because they dramatically changed the game to get more people playing rather than stopping the sub hemoraging and keeping those they had happy.


let's see if Bio makes the same mistake

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