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Heavy Armor for Jedi

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I can't stand that all the heavy armor for Jedi Knights is Jedi robes with the damn hood up. What's the point of choosing a hairstyle if you never see it? This has been pointed out before, I know. But until something gets done i wouldn't mind if half the threads in the forum were about this. They're all ugly and all horrible. Even in the movies, all the Jedi remove their cloaks completely before fighting anyone. Never mind the hood. So why don't we get the same choice here? It just seems daft that Empire players get a whole selection of different things to wear and all we get Republic side is robes. You can't even tell if someone's male or female unless you look right up close at them.

It's not a big deal. So why can't it just be fixed? Introduce some new armor or change some existing ones, just do something. It can't possibly be hard. Please, Bioware?

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they have also said multiple times that they are going to add a hood up/hood down option for jedi. Hang in there. it's a comin.


I have a feeling the hood down option is going to be the broken way it is now when you wear a helmet.


What i mean by that is, the hood is removed rather than put down behind your back. The current hood removal looks horrible and makes you seem more like you are wearing a trench coat than a jedi robe.


I am pretty sure hood down will be this cop out. >.>

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I have a feeling the hood down option is going to be the broken way it is now when you wear a helmet.


What i mean by that is, the hood is removed rather than put down behind your back. The current hood removal looks horrible and makes you seem more like you are wearing a trench coat than a jedi robe.


I am pretty sure hood down will be this cop out. >.>


Dont care if it is. Shoulda been done at release, the coding is already in game should take all of 5 minutes to add, mind boggling that they didnt just throw in a player controlled toggle like hats...

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It's not just the hood, it's the whole down-to-the-floor robes thing that irritates me too. Not as much for male characters but definitely female ones. It's about as fashionable as a spiky helmet in Poland.

I'd just appreciate the option of not having to wear either an armor plate with a backpack or a full jedi robe...sith can.

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I'm anticipating the hood down feature, but I hope it doesn't just make the hood disappear. I'd like to see the hood down like they have on the Jedi Knight character creation models. If the hood disappears entirely, I won't even bother.
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It's not just the hood, it's the whole down-to-the-floor robes thing that irritates me too. Not as much for male characters but definitely female ones. It's about as fashionable as a spiky helmet in Poland.

I'd just appreciate the option of not having to wear either an armor plate with a backpack or a full jedi robe...sith can.


Especially sucks for Twi'lek females...about any armor that doesn't have the full robe has some attachment that clips through the Lekku.


As a dps guardian I have been tempted to say screw it and just use the Aspiring Knight's Vest, would lose some armor but at least don't have to worry about anything clipping.

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I never thought about the twi'lek thing. That would really suck, having to look at the clipping all the time.

Best chest piece seen on a female guardian was one of the white republic smuggler chest pieces, i think. But it has pockets all on the front and it looks really out of place. It looks like Victoria Beckham going hunting. It's nowhere near as good as the stuff the Empire players get for heavy and medium armour. Admittedly, i don't think they get robes at all, only capes. But why have no variety? It's cutting one of the biggest personalisation options in the game, and there doesn't seem to be any point.

I suppose you could argue that Jedi aren't supposed to wear anything but normal robes. But I don't remember the council ever saying Ahsoka Tahno and Aayla Secura had to change clothes because they were dressed inappropriately.

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Overall the gear in this game is crap. The designs as well as the implementation along with the customization options are just plain poor and restricting.


Bioware needs to make an appearance tab AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so we can use the few decent pieces regardless of stats, armor type or class restrictions.

Edited by justadude
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When i was trying to decide which oranges I wanted to aug for my tanking set I was disappointed in the lack of good heavy armor oranges that isn't trooper gear. I ended up going for valor 60 to wear the battlemaster war hero oranges that I crit crafted for an aug slot, and I just hide the helmet. Its the first time I can remember since making my char that other people could actually see i'm a Zebrak and not a human with tattoos on my face.
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