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Subs down 25%


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are there any Official info on the number of subscriber from all over the world including the newly released oceanic and middle eastern subs ?


No info on those subs. If you look at the population trends though the APAC servers are flat suggesting that 3 is the right number of servers, whilst the EU and USA server popualtion continues to decline across all servers, despite the 38 country Europe/Middle east 'expansion' where they were advised to play on the existing EU servers.

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There are 10 MMOs that did better than SWTOR: Aion, WoW, EQ1, UO, Lineage 2, LotRO, SW:G, EvE, EQ2, DAoC.

There are only 3 MMOs that did worse than SWTOR: Rift, AoC, Warhammer.


Is this a percentage remark?

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They could right the ship somewhat with either cross server ques or merges.


As someone that LOVES the game, Im ready to fold up because I play alone most of the time.


This 100 times over. I really like the game, but without other people, it's just an MO, not an MMO.

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People will ignore this to the ends of the earth. Just watch. They already have. They'll tell you that TOR is the first MMO in history to lose this many and that the sky is falling.


If I could have Fried Chicken Littles for dinner, I'd feed an entire nation on as many Chicken Littles as are here. OM NOM NOM!!


You make a good point in an enjoyable way.


Yeah I am ignoring the end of the world thing. It is another case of science gone nuts.

Edited by Romiz
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Oh, it can be viable there but definitely not where Bioware/EA would like it. Furthermore, if they would change tier attitude about server transfers followed by mergers and making them available before the end of May it would go a long way to stitching back together the community. However, it doesn't seem to be that they grasp how grave the situation for this game is. At this point Aion has a better reputation and that is very, very sad.


I think they grasp the situation. I agree that they should have had the automated transfers ready by now, especially since they were able to do the APAC transfers within a short amount of time after they opened up those servers. But again, how many threads here complain about the bugs and patches causing more bugs (which is normal for each and every game, even ones that have been out for years), and the constant complaints about the game being released too early.


BW made a mistake on how quick they would need transfers. They are currently attempting to rectify that situation, but not before the tool is ready - releasing before it's ready could cause a whole lot more issues than it solves, so I will patiently wait until that time when I can get my chars to a better server without having the headaches (or worse) that go along with it. Not an ideal situation, but one I can live with because I enjoy this game and the community on my servers (and in the forums, for the most part - at the very least, it's offers a lot of entertainment for when I can't be in the game).


It's Jeramie, first of all...


Secondly, let me reiterate what I've already posted several times ad nauseum. TOR's current numbers are well above the typical MMO curve. Just last year, Rift's 6-month decline was 58%, a far cry from 24% that we see now.


This is all typical, and even EA stated that it's "on target".


What is atypical, however, is an increase from this point on. I'm not optimistic that BioWare can achieve this atypical trend of increasing subs. It'd be nice, but it would depend on several things:


1) A server transfer/shut-down culling of servers THIS MONTH

2) Implementation of Ranked Warzones THIS MONTH

3) Endgame solo content added soon

4) At least let us know what's being currently revamped for open-world PvP.


This would go a long way to not only keep subs from declining, but maybe even help them to increase.

It would be nice to have 1 and 2 this month (quite frankly we should have had 1 sooner, since they already had base plans in place and the APAC manuals ready to go, and 2 probably should have been in the original design, but I don't think that's practical. They said the transfer tool would be ready by early summer - I am hoping at least that means by the end of June, but fear it might not be until July.


I don't know about solo endgame content - this is supposed to be an MMO after all, and the true end game content is really supposed to be the continuation of the overarching storyline. I am primarily a SP gamer, so have no problem with solo content (heck, I pretty much played all of GW1 as a single-player game), but would like to have more of the camaraderie feel of a true MMO game (never really got into Vanguard or STO for various reasons). Other threads have suggested adding sandbox features, which might help give players something to do, but I don't necessarily want those types of things to overwhelm the game.


More communication at this point, I think, is necessary in regards to PvP. For the most part, I don't think the devs should have to continually repeat themselves when there is nothing to add, but retaining a solid PvP playerbase is going to be a must if we want this game to hold strong at 1m subs (the target I think we'll hit when the next quarterly figures are released). I am not a hardcore PvPer, (but disagree when players complain about the recent nerfs - they were much needed to try to get things back into balance) but understand the need for a solid PvP element in the game, and actually look forward to some nice RvR battles in the future. At this point, I think the next Q&A should have some commentary on the state of the PvP part of the game - hopefully your question will be one that is answered, so we can at the very least get a feel for how far along they are in the repair process.


Whatever, I tried to put in some figures but its like bouncing against a rubber wall with you guys. Just believe what you like. EA said that? Good, unfortunately the analyst didn't agreed. Strangely the anaylst are the one that drives the stock markets not the companies issuing their shares, at least in my world.


Analysts are kind of like those expert witnesses in trials. You can bring a dozen analysts to the table that agree on one set of circumstances, and I can bring a dozen to the table that have the opposite viewpoint. All that stuff has to be taken with a grain of salt.



Edited by BJWyler
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A heart attack news for all WoW haters in this thread :):


Activision Blizzard's press release states that World of Warcraft is still at 10.2 million subscribers as of 3/31/12. This is the same amount of subscribers from Q4 2011. A few other interesting points:


  • Battle.Net has 10 million users.
  • 1.2 million people bought the Annual Pass.
  • 2 million people played the Diablo 3 open beta.
  • Pre-orders for Diablo 3 have set a new record for Blizzard. This number includes units pre-ordered as part of the Annual Pass promotion, as well as retail and digital pre-orders.



PS: a "dead game" WoW, 7.5 year old (like a grand-pa in MMO ages), still goes 10 time better, than brand new\next gen\most expensive\most expected MMO RPG on marked.


WoW is the "McDonald's" of the MMO

It's chain produced, served fast. It's feature attract the youngster and the yound adult. It's also very succesful, serving millions of burger per day.

Anyone want to argue it's actually high quality meal?


As much as i enjoyed a burger from time to time, i am not in college anymore, where i'd go to a burger place nearly everyday.


WoW, like McDonalds will always have a high volume of sale. This is not a warrant of quality content in my eyes.

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WoW is the "McDonald's" of the MMO

It's chain produced, served fast. It's feature attract the youngster and the yound adult. It's also very succesful, serving millions of burger per day.

Anyone want to argue it's actually high quality meal?


As much as i enjoyed a burger from time to time, i am not in college anymore, where i'd go to a burger place nearly everyday.


WoW, like McDonalds will always have a high volume of sale. This is not a warrant of quality content in my eyes.


And there it is, the mcdonald comparison. when will you fans of bioware start to look at the game you currently playing and understand that it`s in trubble? Instead of pointing at other games? Some of you are playing on such a low lvl that it is just sad. Try to help your game instead of wandering around with your rose-colored shades.

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WoW is the "McDonald's" of the MMO

It's chain produced, served fast. It's feature attract the youngster and the yound adult. It's also very succesful, serving millions of burger per day.

Anyone want to argue it's actually high quality meal?


As much as i enjoyed a burger from time to time, i am not in college anymore, where i'd go to a burger place nearly everyday.


WoW, like McDonalds will always have a high volume of sale. This is not a warrant of quality content in my eyes.


So what is TOR? Burger King?

Edited by Dokar
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just incase you forgot, the 1.2 million buying annual pass in WOW is for getting the DIABLO III for free , which also entails then the access for Mist of Pandaria Beta and some kind of free flying mount.


its the same like BIOWARE planning to give you a free MASS EFFECT 4 if you subscribe SWTOR for 1 year.. or FREE Dragon Age 3 or .. you got the idea..


dang if LOTRO can survive for years before goin free2play , i bet SWTOR can survive much longer..

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Whatever, I tried to put in some figures but its like bouncing against a rubber wall with you guys. Just believe what you like. EA said that? Good, unfortunately the analyst didn't agreed. Strangely the anaylst are the one that drives the stock markets not the companies issuing their shares, at least in my world.


Bold statement is False


im all for bw hate but dont talk about stuff where you lack the know how.

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So what is TOR? Burger King?


Last I checked you can't by SWTOR collector cups and the local gas station. You couldn't buy SWTOR plush toys in the toy store.


Everyone looks at WoW numbers and forgets a few things, when WoW was released their numbers were nowhere near what they are now, a HUGE portion of those numbers are in Asian markets which in reality don't have any effect on your play here and now excpet arguably in a negative way since Asian markets seem to play MMOs so differently, WoW is free to play up till a certain level and you if you unsub they just automatically can shoot you up to within 5 levels of max level and that people are buying things like Get Diablo 3 for free if you buy a one year sub to WoW. Yea if EA told people you could get other EA games for free if you sub to this one they would get more subs also.

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PS: a "dead game" WoW, 7.5 year old (like a grand-pa in MMO ages), still goes 10 time better, than brand new\next gen\most expensive\most expected MMO RPG on marked.


Yet you are here?


Do you know what that does to your credibility?


Honestly, I've never seen so much interest from so many that hate a game. ;p

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And there it is, the mcdonald comparison. when will you fans of bioware start to look at the game you currently playing and understand that it`s in trubble? Instead of pointing at other games? Some of you are playing on such a low lvl that it is just sad. Try to help your game instead of wandering around with your rose-colored shades.


I am not a bioware fan, never play KOTOR, ME or DA. (i have started mass effect though since)

I am more a fan of ubi soft (splinter cell, prince of persia) and bethesda (fallout)


That being said, i enjoy the game. The game could have 10k subs and only one server, i would enjoy what i do, the story. Quantity != Quality. I do not feel the need that my choice need to be validate by the larger number not that my choice are wrong simple because subs are dropping.


I stand behind what i said. WoW does feel like a lobby (stormwind) where you can sign up for minigames (dungeon finder, LFR, battlegrounds, arena) and soon more mini games added (your farm, pet battle, challenge mode). My last day of wow (i wa raiding until i killed heroic DW), i only log at 20h30 for the raid, never before.


Now i completely admit, this is my opinion and other opinion are as valid as mine. But i like better SWToR. It may be kitch but i like better being engage in a massive story about galaxy at war and they need my help to save/crush the republic.


Game is different than wow for me, it doesn't focus on endgame raiding, but telling story, regardless of level. Raiding is a side dish, not the main course (that doesn't stop me from being 10/10 nighmare T1 and 1/4 HM T2). That is probably why

1. i don't enjoy wow fast-food approach

2. i don't care for my playstyle that the game has 10k or 10M subs.



So what is TOR? Burger King?

PS: SWToR is Pink's Hot Dog (check it out, it's in LA)

Edited by Vankris
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24% is above the typical MMO curve. Put away your "hate" and look at it objectively. It's actually good news.


As I've stated previously, in yet another thread full of "expert analysts", there was a post presented by a person with actual expertise in the area of finance and investment. He demonstrated conclusively, using correct data, that this game projected to continue and grow, with no risk at this time of ruin.


It was blown past and ignored while armchair financial expert, after expert demonstrated their imagined skill and knowledge fabricating silliness upon silliness based on facts as they rained down out of thin air.....and it will continue as long as people have convinced themselves that they have greater knowledge and education then they actually have.


I still admire you patience and persistence in attempting to educate some of them. Far more daunting a task then the rights of a sith.... ;p

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Well Im on the 6 month plan so thats 6 +1 from launch for 7 months


add in the 30 days free (not all got but enough)


So the answer is (not on bottom but accurate numbers) your looking at the 3rd quarter investor filing


Provided EAoware doesnt continue to reup people with trial accounts days before and then count those accounts in its numbers.


month 9 is when we see the real condition of the player base


or at least the most accurate they will show.


I agree with this. I think more players did the 6 month sub than some realize. I am one of those , but unless some additions /changes are done by the time my sub runs out, I will be gone.

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As I've stated previously, in yet another thread full of "expert analysts", there was a post presented by a person with actual expertise in the area of finance and investment. He demonstrated conclusively, using correct data, that this game projected to continue and grow, with no risk at this time of ruin.


It was blown past and ignored while armchair financial expert, after expert demonstrated their imagined skill and knowledge fabricating silliness upon silliness based on facts as they rained down out of thin air.....and it will continue as long as people have convinced themselves that they have greater knowledge and education then they actually have.


I still admire you patience and persistence in attempting to educate some of them. Far more daunting a task then the rights of a sith.... ;p


It's in "negative growth" at the moment. Who said it was growing (which I take to mean "postive growth")? :confused:

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And there it is, the mcdonald comparison. when will you fans of bioware start to look at the game you currently playing and understand that it`s in trubble? Instead of pointing at other games? Some of you are playing on such a low lvl that it is just sad. Try to help your game instead of wandering around with your rose-colored shades.


You mean help the game like this:

Just let it die, mmkay? Games always gets what it deserves and this one in particular deserves to die. Its already an joke out in the gamingcommunity, even more then Entropia Universe wich i didnt thought was possible.


Yeah, that's what I thought. If you weren't so busy spouting hyperbole, you might have noticed that a great many of us are offering suggestions and doing what we can to ensure that the game can be improved. Part of that is calling out the people who make asinine comments on the forums. I know this comes as a great shock to many people (http://winning-teams.com/recognizenarcissist.html), but not everyone hates this game, and not everyone was gullible enough to buy into the obvious hype that is typical for any big game release. SWTOR delivered on exactly what the devs said they were going to deliver - but as is normal for any software with coding of this magnitude, there have been quite a few bugs and broken elements. Thus far, BW is doing what it can to rectify them. In the mean time, many of us are enjoying the game as delivered, helping to root out the bugs, and are patiently waiting for the bigger fixes to be ready for release, so that we can enjoy them as bug free as possible.


It's perfectly understandable that the game is not going to appeal to everyone, but perhaps that should be a wake-up call to players to perhaps do a little research into the games they plan on buying before spending their hard-earned money. That's been working for me for quite a long time now.



Edited by BJWyler
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No way man Arby's is "good mood food" and no one on these forums ever seems to be in a good mood.

No really, think about it. I like SWTOR. I like Arby's. My friends like Arby's and sometimes we'll grab lunch there. Put an Arby's in space, say, on the moon, and that would be really cool. Arby's on the moon. Problem is, nobody would go there. So even if you managed to make it to Moon Arby's, you'd be there alone. Just like the fleet.

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WoW has over 10m subscribers, has been going strong since 2004 and Activision ONLY counts paid subscriptions that have been active in the last 30 days.


SWTOR has dropped to an alleged 1.3m subscribers, is 5 months old and EA are cynically including trial accounts and free gametime promotions as 'active subscriptions', including the free month they gave away (by SHEER COINCIDENCE) immediately prior to the quarterly report.




....and the point of all this? Neaner, neaner? My daddy is better then your daddy? What? I see no argument here beyond that.

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I don´t think there are that many WoW haters, just people who don´t care about WoW because they


a) want something fresh and new in the MMO genre

b) can´t stand medieval fantasy settings, a.k.a WoW, Tera, Guildwars 2 and a dozen others


a) and b) applies to me, therefore neither TOR nor WoW are much appealing.

-> The Secret World for the win :D


There are a lot of WoW haters on these forums. And it is refreshing to throw some facts at them and feel thier bewilderment and flustration.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. If you weren't so busy spouting hyperbole, you might have noticed that a great many of us are offering suggestions and doing what we can to ensure that the game can be improved. Part of that is calling out the people who make asinine comments on the forums. I know this comes as a great shock to many people (http://winning-teams.com/recognizenarcissist.html), but not everyone hates this game, and not everyone was gullible enough to buy into the obvious hype that is typical for any big game release. SWTOR delivered on exactly what the devs said they were going to deliver - but as is normal for any software with coding of this magnitude, there have been quite a few bugs and broken elements. Thus far, BW is doing what it can to rectify them. In the mean time, many of us are enjoying the game as delivered, helping to root out the bugs, and are patiently waiting for the bigger fixes to be ready for release, so that we can enjoy them as bug free as possible.


I believe this is, contrary to the constant river of fallacy we see here, the position of the majority of the player base.


Some quick (and generous) math will make the determination that the negative few are just that, minute, representing approximately .01% of the entirety to the player base. I am certain that they have no idea of this, which is expected. What I don't understand is how the development team allows them a platform from which to spew that hatred, and quite frankly, nonsense. When I look into the post history of some of them, it is staggering the amount of threads they have created, with the same sophomoric silliness we have become accustom to on this board.

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