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Subs down 25%


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I just played through the D3 first act in a man group with 3 buddies. I can honestly say i havent had this much fun playing a game for years, its sooooo good. And the cinematics blew my mind.

Dont wanna sound bitter towards swtor, it has given me some light enternaiment. Its just compared to what i just experienced in D3 was so awesomesauce i would not dream of touching swtor again.


Thus i bid the swtor community adieu, good luck all and have fun all.


dang you, must be european. I have to wait 3 and a half hours.

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I just played through the D3 first act in a man group with 3 buddies. I can honestly say i havent had this much fun playing a game for years, its sooooo good. And the cinematics blew my mind.

Dont wanna sound bitter towards swtor, it has given me some light enternaiment. Its just compared to what i just experienced in D3 was so awesomesauce i would not dream of touching swtor again.


Thus i bid the swtor community adieu, good luck all and have fun all.


Wish I was able to find Diablo 3 just as much fun for the $60 price. I'll buy it one day, when I can get it for less then $30. Action RPGs like Torchlight and Diablo just aren't worth the $50/$60 price, but when they sell it for $20/$30 price (like Torchlight) it is worth it for me.


Anyways, have fun with Diablo 3. Right now I am playing my epic single player games like Batman Arkham Asylum, The Witcher 2, Legend of Grimrock, and Kingdom of Amalur to hold me over till Guild Wars 2 releases.


SWTOR was fun for a few months, but has no lasting power for me, and mainly because of the dead servers.

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Wish I was able to find Diablo 3 just as much fun for the $60 price. I'll buy it one day, when I can get it for less then $30. Action RPGs like Torchlight and Diablo just aren't worth the $50/$60 price, but when they sell it for $20/$30 price (like Torchlight) it is worth it for me.


Anyways, have fun with Diablo 3. Right now I am playing my epic single player games like Batman Arkham Asylum, The Witcher 2, Legend of Grimrock, and Kingdom of Amalur to hold me over till Guild Wars 2 releases.


SWTOR was fun for a few months, but has no lasting power for me, and mainly because of the dead servers.


Hmm, I'm the other way around, I find a an action RPG I can co-op with people that has some replay value to be well worth the $60 price over a single player game I beat in 12 hours or so. Haven't bought batman yet, waiting for next years steam christmas sales for that, cause that's the only price I consider worth putting up with games for windows live.


Plus I like that Diablo III is very friendly about its coop, everyone gets their own loot (unlike the first two games where the person with the lowest ping who could click the fastest got a majority of it and you can't see other people's loot, so, no squabbling over it.


PVP in Diablo games never really appealed to me so.. not bothered there's no PVP in it atm. I'm generally not happy with PVP where gear is the main determining factor in how successful you are in it.


I think SWTOR is worth a $60 price tag, just not a $15 a month subscription.

Edited by DarthVindictus
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What kind of pathological mental condition do you people have that brings you to the forum of a game you don't like to gloat to other people about how a game they like is dying (which you know because you are omnipotent or impotent or something like that) and how much better you enjoy spending your time playing your game? People have been saying every game is dying from the start of MMOs, WoW is dying (Apparently WoTLK, Cata, and now Pandaren killed it), Rift is dying, SWTOR is dying. How about you do the forums a favor; keep your overinflated egos and opinions to yourselves and have fun at whatever it is you enjoy.


Me, I'm gonna split my time between SWTOR and weekends on The Secret World (which I hear is dying).

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1- Every game since the one that shall not be mentioned loses like 1/3 of it's subs in the first 6 months. Chalk it up to whatever reasons you like. I'd like to think the main one is addicts going back to the previously alluded to game when they see the new game is the same old stuff. They don't want to start over doing something they feel like they've already done before.


2- You have MMORPG players and you have people that play MMORPG's, and first-person shooters, and RTS, and hack 'n slash...etc. The aforementioned will be playing Diablo 3.......and Bioshock, Metal Gear, Borderlands, HL 2 EP 3, the next Starcraft...etc, when they come out as well. Don't underestimate how many MMORPG players play them exclusively. Most people don't nonchalantly hop around games and genres.

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*Peeks into thread*


I played in the last weekend Beta (big whoop, I know). I was there right when the servers went live (another big whoop, I know). I played that first month and enjoyed it. Re-subbed for the second month and enjoyed it. Got hit with some nasty medical bills and had to un-sub for a month or so. Re-subbed this month... still enjoying it.


Does the game have a few issues here and there? Yeah all games do, even games that have been around for years like EVE Online still has some issues. But am I enjoying it? Yup.. and I plan to continue enjoying it for a long while. Might not always be able to keep my sub up as I have no medical insurance and my medical expenses come out of pocket (and gods do I have a lot of them lol).. but I see myself being one of the last people to leave the game... and then, only when they unplug the server and kick me out screaming and fighting and denying the eventual inevitable in 10 years or soish.


So.. are subs down? No clue. My server has a decent population near as I can tell (Vrook Lamar). But then again... I also don't pay much attention to that. I just play the game, enjoy myself, and call it good.



Edited by Saitada
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I watched it. Thanks for the link :). I think he made some good points except were he said TOR needs to be a lot different than WoW and offer something unique from what WoW does. They allready do in the rich story, voice overs, companions, customizing UI and the Star Wars Universe. Where they failed however was to copy the advance features WoW does have. To name a couple would be the cross server LFG tools and the transmorging ( char gear customization for looks ). In WoW now, you can look totally different than any other char of the same class and race if you so desire. But you will not see any tanks wearing bikinis. :cool:


They should have had more differences, they should have nicked the best bits from SWG.


They also (like SWG) should have had a space expansion in development since before the Live date (space is one area SWTOR can beat WoW hands down AND offer something different).


I also think they should have played up the RvR, again SW is made for RvR.

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They should have had more differences, they should have nicked the best bits from SWG.


They also (like SWG) should have had a space expansion in development since before the Live date (space is one area SWTOR can beat WoW hands down AND offer something different).


I also think they should have played up the RvR, again SW is made for RvR.

There is no super secret space game for TOR in the works. And better move that 25% up more soon.

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Found these numbers, World of Warcraft history. Unfortunately, no details how it went for them during the first year.

You can see the biggest jump is during the year 2.


History of Subscriber World of Warcraft subscriber growth.

According to MMOGData:

5.5 million Dec 2005

0.75 million Jan 2005

0.25 million Jan 2004

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There is no super secret space game for TOR in the works. And better move that 25% up more soon.


There's "something" space-wise.


But whether it's a JTL expansion or a couple more on-the-rail missions, who knows, they haven't said.

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D3 went live and 90% of the players can not even get past the login screen. The aervers have been crashing about 10 times an hour....please tell me how TOR was anything other than a perfect launch? Info and stats were posted by Toms hardwarr.
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"Nothing is off the table when it comes to making sure our communities are strong and active on each server," he explained. He said that BioWare is currently doing "anything and everything" to increase concurrent user numbers.


I suppose doing absolutely nothing and lying about it could be construed as doing something, depending upon who is doing the talking.

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D3 went live and 90% of the players can not even get past the login screen. The aervers have been crashing about 10 times an hour....please tell me how TOR was anything other than a perfect launch? Info and stats were posted by Toms hardwarr.


shhh.. dont start saying stuff like that.. you will be called a fanboi...


but i thought it was hillarious too.. D3 so far is an utter failure for a launch.

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D3 went live and 90% of the players can not even get past the login screen. The aervers have been crashing about 10 times an hour....please tell me how TOR was anything other than a perfect launch? Info and stats were posted by Toms hardwarr.


December, 20th - TOR has a good launch.


- 4 months later -


TOR has about "70%" dead servers in the european region.



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December, 20th - TOR has a good launch.


- 4 months later -


TOR has about "70%" dead servers in the european region.




Yes indeed it was - Current server status of SWTOR has nothing to do with the launch of either game. Oh, it's only 50% by the way during prime time weekdays, and a bit better on weekends. Been counting server status - "dead" is a relative term, Standard servers generally have more than enough players to not qualify as dead. Regardless, hopefully the transfers are coming ASAP to make it a moot point anyway.


LOL, Elder Scroll Online in 2013, SWTOR = dead. :D


Ahh, there you are - found ya!


You do know that no matter how many times you say it, it won't make it true. As much as I enjoyed the ES games in the past, the MMO is not going to be the next savior of the genre. GW2 will kill it before it's even released, but GG on the efforts anyway.



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Ahh, there you are - found ya!


You do know that no matter how many times you say it, it won't make it true. As much as I enjoyed the ES games in the past, the MMO is not going to be the next savior of the genre. GW2 will kill it before it's even released, but GG on the efforts anyway.




Dont compare GW2 or even Star Wars to Elder Scroll. Its fanbase is simply huge. First ES was made in 94, Skyrim sold over 10 mill just first month and they havent even reduced the prices. when they drank up the hype machine its impossible to avoid. :p


Elder Scroll is just huge in game world, theres only a few bigger than it, GTA, Civilization, Total Wars, just name a few.

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Dont compare GW2 or even Star Wars to Elder Scroll. Its fanbase is simply huge. First ES was made in 94, Skyrim sold over 10 mill just first month and they havent even reduced the prices. when they drank up the hype machine its impossible to avoid. :p


Yup just like players will drink up the hype for ESO, but scratch the surface and what do you find? Another somewhat generic fantasy RPG that hodge podges together ideas from other games (a la GW2). I'll bet that 4 months after launch, you will be able to cut and paste these forums into the ESO forums. Unless the game launches with GW2's no sub model or a F2P model, the setting (just like SW for here) will not be able to carry the game past the first year. At least with SW, you have a bigger IP to draw from.


Needless to say, ESO won't be threat here when it's released. Whatever fan base SWTOR will have by then will be established and ESO won't draw that much more from it. And if GW2 is released by the end of the year (which I suspect), very few will find they are willing to put up with another generic fantasy MMO that doesn't try to buck the mechanics trend. As much as I have no interest in GW2, it will be the one game that sets the bar for the genre in the years to come.


Go play some Elder Scrolls then, or do you prefer to troll these forums?

It's OK - there's a few of us playing the "Where's Waldo" game amongst ourselves every day. It kind of amuses us before we need to put the nose to the grindstone.



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I suppose doing absolutely nothing and lying about it could be construed as doing something, depending upon who is doing the talking.


Yes because that is the way that programming and anything having to do with servers work. You do absolutely nothing and then one day the patch magically appears and is working great. There is no development time, testing or making sure it doesn't conflict with other things. Literally the second you want a solution it is done, on the servers and people's computers are patched with no downtime!

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