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Which romance is best written?


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Means you did not read previous posts. Andronikos mentioned at least twice. Personally think his letters are the best among all others.


As for the OP question - the best romance is one you did not get (because that companion or NPC is unavailable). This way the romance is in your head only and runs the way you want it. Without gaps, missing lines and other stuff we have in every romance line now.


Personally one of my favorites was one not that you couldn't get, but you don't get as a companion. Though they did make it a non required mission out of it, the going back and seeing Jaxo on shore leave was great. It holds pretty true to what might happen in real life with some of our single soldiers and sailors. A bit of nostalgia for me if you will. I was really hoping I'd get her as a companion too, as she really is the kind of woman Im attracted too anyways.

Edited by Hyfy
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I am the OP, and one of those that mentioned Andro, the other person said that she liked it but it wasn't her fav :p


Then sorry and have to tell all of this (about attention) to myself. Still, Andronikos was mentioned :p

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i guess i've got a reputation to hold....


*puts on cheerleader outfit and start raving about vector *


his membrosia brings all the girls to the yard

to resist his charm is just too darn hard

i don't care if my in laws are bugs

for this little joiner shal get all my hugs

hes manly enough not to care about his skirt

and he held his cool with every flirt

an entrancing voice that will make you all melt

we fade to black so hard, half the hive it felt

eloquent tact and a smile that brings you to your knees

he lives to serve and is eager to please

so femsmug got sparkles, i don't care

an heirloom gemstone is much more rare

a freak in the sack, he's got to be

if he can taste your aura, as you can see ;)

you all have seen me vandalise these threads

so agents; keep an eye on your vectors, or i'll drag them into your beds :cool:

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The only romance Ive approved so far is BH+Mako. Maybe cause my other characters werent romancing type so it just felt wrong. Also, afterwards Mako sends this mail:


So, you know how we "made it official"? Well, I made it official official. I slipped our names into the imperial and republic marriage databases last night. Quit making that face, there's nothing that can be traced back to us and it makes me happy.


I may have also vandalized the ten highest traffic sites on the holonet. Hearts were involved. Kind of a lot of them. Don't judge.

- Mako


Today I got a mail from her in which she said

she felt sad that she didn't get to use Blizz as a flower girl



You bet I ROFL'd.

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I really thought this romance was pretty fantastic and realistic too. I mean, it's great that there's finally a Bioware romance option where guy isn't totally emo, has a bunch of issues that need to be fixed, or just flat out boring. There's tension that comes from a personality clash (mostly with Jorgan being such a grumpy hardass in the beginning) and the circumstances of their meeting. Really well done and totally the most underrated romance in the game because people seem to be put off by the fact that he's a Cathar.


This has been my favorite so far (although I'm really curious to see how the Doc/JK one goes). And you hit it dead on, he's not the wounded sort and nor is he perfect. I really enjoyed the progression of the relationship and how he starts out as that grumpy hardass (perfect phrasing, btw) and a deep respect builds. The relationship just feels so solid and based on really really good things. And the way he responds to teasing with those intense predatory grins is awesome.

Shoot, I should just buy the I Heart Aric t-shirt, shouldn't I?

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Shoot, I should just buy the I Heart Aric t-shirt, shouldn't I?


You know I would be right there with you in wearing that shirt. Now where can I buy one? Come on Bioware, I would pay good money for merchandise like this! Haha. Aric plushy toy? Come on! Time to write a note to the marketing department. :p

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You know I would be right there with you in wearing that shirt. Now where can I buy one? Come on Bioware, I would pay good money for merchandise like this! Haha. Aric plushy toy? Come on! Time to write a note to the marketing department. :p


only if i get an advice animal theme T shirt with vector on it that says

" the electrons are singing




rub forearms"

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i guess i've got a reputation to hold....


*puts on cheerleader outfit and start raving about vector *


his membrosia brings all the girls to the yard

to resist his charm is just too darn hard

i don't care if my in laws are bugs

for this little joiner shal get all my hugs

hes manly enough not to care about his skirt

and he held his cool with every flirt

an entrancing voice that will make you all melt

we fade to black so hard, half the hive it felt

eloquent tact and a smile that brings you to your knees

he lives to serve and is eager to please

so femsmug got sparkles, i don't care

an heirloom gemstone is much more rare

a freak in the sack, he's got to be

if he can taste your aura, as you can see ;)

you all have seen me vandalise these threads

so agents; keep an eye on your vectors, or i'll drag them into your beds :cool:


^Vector's #1 Fangirl right there.


I lol'd. :D

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I looked up Vector's line on Youtube once and was favorably impressed. He's an adult, a busy adult with what really sounds like two full-time jobs, and while he is strong and confident in who he is he's also a somewhat less than popular, oddly more than human guy. There's a lot going on, but he handles it. And he's honest and genuinely affectionate to boot.


That, and I thought the choice in the bedroom scene was astonishing. You can take it two different ways -

"He loves me enough to be human with me entirely" or "I love him-plus-Killiks enough to fully accept both" -

for two very different RP vibes, and I love that.


So, yes, Vector's line is remarkable and just about every word he says is gold. Too bad I hated most of the femme Agent [Flirt]s. She sounded too manipulative and demanding for my taste.

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So, yes, Vector's line is remarkable and just about every word he says is gold. Too bad I hated most of the femme Agent [Flirt]s. She sounded too manipulative and demanding for my taste.


Yeah while the writing doesn't take away from Vector's appeal as a romance... the romance itself is terribly written. At least the Agent's half. When she says 'I love you, Vector' in the end, I didn't even believe her.


But I'm on team Jorgan. I played my Trooper after my Agent, I was actually grateful I wasn't given the chance to skeeze on Jorgan early on, which probably just would've made him uncomfortable and destroy any respect I had built. Jorgan's a nice slow roast. Establish my leadership, build some trust, get to Nar Shaddaa and finally get to flirt... with someone else. Jorgan doesn't like it, but is he mad we're wasting time or perhaps... jealous? Probably not...


By the time Jorgan's romance finally opened up I was ready.


But I've only done 3 romances to completion. My rating of the writing (note: WRITING):


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Yeah while the writing doesn't take away from Vector's appeal as a romance... the romance itself is terribly written. At least the Agent's half. When she says 'I love you, Vector' in the end, I didn't even believe her.

Her flirts are hilariously awful, yes. (Part of this is the writing, and part of it is the acting. She nails most of the character, but she is just really bad at this sort of thing.) His stuff mostly makes up for it, to me, and I have RP'ed away the rest so it makes sense. On the whole, it's still really great. (Although often better if you don't take the actual 'flirt' options.)


However, the writing in the 'eyes' scene is maddening. My agent has been stuck there for months now, because I can't deal with it. You have the option of:


a) Being a weird selfish b***h and telling him you don't like to share, spending 'private time' together for your first time, getting the tenderest sounding 'I love you' from him, and then telling him you love him like you are humoring him. Of course, by going this route you are basically telling him that who he is maybe isn't good enough, because who he is involves sharing, pretty much all the time.


b) Telling him, 'the man I care for isn't human,' getting your lovin' on, and then no 'I loves you's at all.


or c) Freaking out on him and getting all upset by his really sweet and heartfelt gesture, yelling at him, having him explain himself, and then (then) getting to tell him, 'you don't have to prove anything to me, I love you.' To which you get normal black-eyed vector to tell you he loves you too. Which is so close to good, except for the part where you make him almost cry by kind of stomping all over what he has done.

Why she couldn't just tell him that she loves him and he doesn't need to prove anything to her in the first place I just do not know. I also don't know why she can't tell him that she appreciates the gesture, but that it's not necessary (unless it is for him, in that he wants their first time to be private). Whyyyyyyyyyy?

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On Vector:


Hear hear Celacia, I don't understand those options on Vector's love scene either. Why can't I tell him that I love the gesture AND that I love him the way he is too? Like, "Hey I'll take this wonderful thing you are offering me, but don't feel like you have to do this all the time," you know? And what's up with her basically putting down his marriage gift as well? Seriously? I stayed away from that one too. She says something like:



"Oh, you've finally figured out what I like." You've got to be kidding me. :confused:



Vector is an incredible character and my favorite companion so far, but the writing of the romance line leaves much to be desired when it comes to the agent's part. I really cannot stand how she is apparently unable to say any of her lines without sounding sarcastic and condescending. I would have stayed away from all the flirts if I could have, but the way things are set up, you have to do them (or most of them for sure) for fear of not triggering the romance in the first place.


It's one thing for the lines to be cheesy - but quite another for her to sound like she is insulting him. The guy's the nicest companion on my ship, my agent would put her life in his hands, can't she just be nice to him??


Vector's romance is like that nursery rhyme, "When it's good it's really really good, but when it's bad it's AWFUL."


Vector's regular storyline is great. Much better than Corso's in my opinion. It's surprisingly involved, and has a real plot, whereas Corso's is like a random series of vignettes.


On Corso:


My smuggler got along fine with Corso, but she put him away if she wanted to do any serious flirting with anyone else, and took all the agreeable options with him. His romance comes out sounding sweet and not stalker-like at all. Some great kiss scenes with Corso as well. My favorite is one where he releases her and she just kind of sways on her feet with this dazed look in her eyes. :p I tried to catch it in a screen shot but never could get it just right.

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On Vector:


Hear hear Celacia, I don't understand those options on Vector's love scene either. Why can't I tell him that I love the gesture AND that I love him the way he is too? Like, "Hey I'll take this wonderful thing you are offering me, but don't feel like you have to do this all the time," you know? And what's up with her basically putting down his marriage gift as well? Seriously? I stayed away from that one too. She says something like:



"Oh, you've finally figured out what I like." You've got to be kidding me. :confused:

It's one thing for the lines to be cheesy - but quite another for her to sound like she is insulting him. The guy's the nicest companion on my ship, my agent would put her life in his hands, can't she just be nice to him??

That is just what I wish she could say there. I would also really like

a better line for 'what is happening to you?' than 'how can you look.. normal?' because that doesn't convey what my agent at least meant to ask there. How about , 'what is happening to you?' or 'what have you done?' or even, 'are you ok?' and then having him go into his explanation from the freak-out conversation path (minus the heartbreak). Because the other stuff is so messed up.

I get that my agent is really stupid about having honest-to-god feelings about someone, and I am glad that Vector doesn't seem to think she is an a*****e (she is, though, not just to him, either, although somewhat less so since she started having the aforementioned feelings), but just really. It doesn't make sense. She loves him. I haven't even seen the marriage conversation because I just can't get past this one.

On Corso:


My smuggler got along fine with Corso, but she put him away if she wanted to do any serious flirting with anyone else, and took all the agreeable options with him. His romance comes out sounding sweet and not stalker-like at all. Some great kiss scenes with Corso as well. My favorite is one where he releases her and she just kind of sways on her feet with this dazed look in her eyes. :p I tried to catch it in a screen shot but never could get it just right.

My smuggler flirts right in front of him. She warned him that if he loved her she would break his heart. He said he knew she wasn't ready to settle down, and that that meant other men most likely, and that he would love her anyway, and wait. Poor boy is in for a world of hurt there, because he is going to be waiting for a long, long time. His bad luck that he got the commitment-phobe amongst my ladies. I don't mind letting him express his displeasure, he deserves the chance.

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That is just what I wish she could say there. I would also really like

a better line for 'what is happening to you?' than 'how can you look.. normal?' because that doesn't convey what my agent at least meant to ask there. How about , 'what is happening to you?' or 'what have you done?' or even, 'are you ok?' and then having him go into his explanation from the freak-out conversation path (minus the heartbreak). Because the other stuff is so messed up.

I get that my agent is really stupid about having honest-to-god feelings about someone, and I am glad that Vector doesn't seem to think she is an a*****e (she is, though, not just to him, either, although somewhat less so since she started having the aforementioned feelings), but just really. It doesn't make sense. She loves him. I haven't even seen the marriage conversation because I just can't get past this one.



My smuggler flirts right in front of him. She warned him that if he loved her she would break his heart. He said he knew she wasn't ready to settle down, and that that meant other men most likely, and that he would love her anyway, and wait. Poor boy is in for a world of hurt there, because he is going to be waiting for a long, long time. His bad luck that he got the commitment-phobe amongst my ladies. I don't mind letting him express his displeasure, he deserves the chance.




my smuggler exactly. she only agreed to let him TRY and win her over, and at the marriage, her vows were...less than ideal for him...but hey he agreed to them.


i'm glad i went mostly with the non-flirts (with vector), but still receptive to him approach, it made the arc feel a lot more natural.

on a sad note, my agent has rubbed off on me, and i;ve learned to flirt just as horribly as her on vent XD

as for that scene, my agent would have just stood there, blissfully mesmerised, barely able to mutter " your eyes......"



as for my BH.... torian is a trophy husband. young, attractive, not stupid, but certainly not the smartest. a real prize gained from her hunts. she still respects him greatly as a mentor to help her fit into mandalorian culture, even if they get distracted EVERY time he tries to give her lessons... she wouldn't have anyone else really. He can keep up with her in every way that someone not in her business couldn't manage.


pity on those that kidnapped him... there wasn't much left of them when she was done. NOBODY lays a hand on her most treasured prize.


Edited by Crezelle
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Am I the only one who was disappointed with the Kira romance? I just looked it up to check if I had triggered it or not. (Apparently I haven't, since the starting Flirt requires the Knight to be waaaay more forward than my awkward-around-females Guardian could possibly be.)


But... seriously, the way it starts is this?

Kira: The Force makes me all tingly.

Knight: Let's bone.

Kira: Okay.


That's just... sad. I really like Kira, too. I have a soft spot for sassy redheads.


Just needed to rant about that. Feel free to continue discussing how awesome Vector is.

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I really liked Doc and my Jedi. Everyone is busy kowtowing to her with "yes m'lord" "no, m'lord" "whatever you want mi'lord", and he's like "Oh, check out this gorgeous chick". He was so irreverent, it was hard for my jedi not to eventually fall for him.

I loved her line when she agreed to marry him. Something along the lines of "In a strange twist of fate, you're the one I trust most to have my back". And it was so true.



Andronikus and my inquisitor work out well, too, since she hates the sith and the empire. It's because of them that she became a slave, so she serves them only because it serves a purpose. But like she's told Andronikus, she'd run off and become a pirate with him if she could. Too bad there isn't the option.


My male IA is just too screwed up to have any kind of relationship, so Kaliyo is just an ***** whoopin' drinkin' buddy, and likely to stay that way. I'm female and this is the first time I've played a male toon, and with him I feel that anything more than a one night stand doesn't seem true to his character.


P.S. dumped my female IA for the male because Vector is just yucky.

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as for my BH.... torian is a trophy husband. young, attractive, not stupid, but certainly not the smartest. a real prize gained from her hunts.


Trophy husband?! Just from that comment alone I have to make a female BH when I'm done with my IA. From what i hear you don't get Torian until Taris? Ouch.

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So, yes, Vector's line is remarkable and just about every word he says is gold. Too bad I hated most of the femme Agent [Flirt]s. She sounded too manipulative and demanding for my taste.


That was my main problem with the romance. I really like Vector as a character. He's an adult, mature, dealing with some tough stuff and still mostly being a decent person about it all. There's a lot to be said about him. He's grounded, which is kind of weird as he probably shouldn't be.


But about 3/4 of the flirts with him were just so...skeevy. And it wasn't him. It was my agent who somehow seemed to be vaguely tolerating his bug-talk while waiting for the chance to demand that he go back to her room and satisfy her desires. It was just very eww. I highly suspect that it's because the class was written for a male agent (with f!agent sort of added in not quite as well), so a lot of the conversations are the male agent convos with a few flirts thrown in. (hence why they're so awkward). But...yeah. The romance sort of fell apart for me for that reason.


(With that said, Temple is still the trainwreck romance of that class. And that's saying something, considering that Kaliyo is also an option. I'm personally loving Aric and Doc. Elara is really sweet, too, just too flufftastic for my taste.)

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On Corso:


My smuggler got along fine with Corso, but she put him away if she wanted to do any serious flirting with anyone else, and took all the agreeable options with him. His romance comes out sounding sweet and not stalker-like at all. Some great kiss scenes with Corso as well. My favorite is one where he releases her and she just kind of sways on her feet with this dazed look in her eyes. I tried to catch it in a screen shot but never could get it just right.


Same here, I never got any weird stalkery stuff and it turned out really sweet. Ayang, my smuggler, is kind of a broken girl with no real family so they suited each other really well, and I played her as having a crush on him since day 1. It helps that I really wasn't feeling any of the other flirt options you get. I definitely thought it turned out adorable, but I agree it was more like vignettes than being really involved. I hope that later on we see some stuff that ties his story together more. He is one of my favorite companions so far but I wouldn't say the best written romance line, which is too bad.


I rolled a trooper and I'm really looking forward to seeing Jorgan loosen up!

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But I'm on team Jorgan. I played my Trooper after my Agent, I was actually grateful I wasn't given the chance to skeeze on Jorgan early on, which probably just would've made him uncomfortable and destroy any respect I had built. Jorgan's a nice slow roast. Establish my leadership, build some trust, get to Nar Shaddaa and finally get to flirt... with someone else. Jorgan doesn't like it, but is he mad we're wasting time or perhaps... jealous? Probably not...


By the time Jorgan's romance finally opened up I was ready.


But I've only done 3 romances to completion. My rating of the writing (note: WRITING):



Yay another one for team Jorgan! I knew there had to be more of you out there :) Those flirts on Nar Shaddaa...I found that dialogue very entertaining.

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Feel free to continue discussing how awesome Vector is.


*sigh* it's a dirty job...but someone's got to do it



You know, it's hard thinking up words that rhyme

but he can rub my forearms any time

some are squeamish at being "watched" by the nest

but can you blame them, considering his lovvin's the best?

you watch when he kisses you, just where his hand goes

for femagent booty is awesome, as everyone knows. ( seriously, look it up on YT )

so quinn is cute to fluster and tease

but then he * SPOILER * , so yeah, b*** please

hes got a bromance with some crazy scientist dude

he wears clothes under his armor, what a prude :(

he smites my foes with a steel Q-tip

as giant sticks are rather fun to equip

he kept a cool head during that time on voss

cause he knows he rocks all the femagents, like a bawss

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