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Which romance is best written?


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I have been reading this thread and I am curious what is all about this Quinn guy? Do you ladies find him really that handsome? Do you like his "imperial values"? Do you like uptight guys? :)


I think an awful lot of it is that he's cute and wears a uniform. (And has a voice that a lot of women like.)


I'm entertained by the romance (although I wouldn't get involved with him IRL) because it seems so obviously like a set up. (I'm playing DS, though, so LS is going to be wildly different in view, although I suspect that Quinn remains the same.) Here's this cute guy who from the moment you meet him is obviously scornful to those who are beneath him and absolutely panders to those above him in the chain of command. He sees you as the up and coming sith warrior and is all "Let me attach myself to that". It's freaking hilarious. (And I love playing my SW as kind of this dumb brute with a sword, so in my mind, she's totally oblivious to the fact that Quinn is only after her because she can promote his career/give him force sensitive kids to lord it over the other officers.)


Considering that I don't think a real "romance" can exist between a total psychopath and almost anyone else, it's about the best compromise I think the game could come up with in giving someone who basically kills kittens for amusement a "romance" option. She gets man-candy, he gets a good career move. They're absolutely vile and oh so perfect for each other. YMMV, though, on this being an awesome reason for a romance.



(And, yeah, that he betrays me does not surprise me in the least. Like, duh. He's doing this for his career. I highly doubt he is madly in love with my SW as she's a repellent human. Even most of the LS choices are pretty ghastly for that class, but darkside goes into "wow...this character needs to be killed in her sleep at the first available opportunity".)


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I don't get why people like Quinn. He looks a little well...too girly. (If I say the other word I'll get reported) His kiss-butt attitude is also rather annoying. Anyway my personal favorite is Mako, she tries to put work before you and her so much and in the end she gives in to you. Pretty romantic.
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I have been reading this thread and I am curious what is all about this Quinn guy? Do you ladies find him really that handsome? Do you like his "imperial values"? Do you like uptight guys? :)

I take Quinn because I can't have Grand Moff Kilran :(


Quinn looks pleasant, at least. For looks he's competing with the likes of Andronikos and, well, cat-boy...not a high bar. I realized much later on that he has the general coloring, job, and social awkwardness of Firefly's Simon Tam, and that was devastating even before I consciously picked up on it.


Me, I love the uniform, I love the way he gets thrown off balance by the SW's attentions, and I love the intense attitude. Some characters are fun just for their incredibly exaggerated aesthetic. Do one thing (Evil Officer), do it with all your might.


Plus I just love Quinn's mind. Cold, analytical, practical - he wasn't blindly pushing me to Always Save Puppies or always make money or always blow stuff up. His concern was the mission, which was a refreshing change. Watching the long slow shift in priority weights on his cost-benefit analysis for any possible relationship was...okay so I find this endearing, shut up.


Considering that I don't think a real "romance" can exist between a total psychopath and almost anyone else, it's about the best compromise I think the game could come up with in giving someone who basically kills kittens for amusement a "romance" option. She gets man-candy, he gets a good career move. They're absolutely vile and oh so perfect for each other. YMMV, though, on this being an awesome reason for a romance.


I lol'ed. I've actually seen one worse human being as a romance option in a game (Neverwinter Nights 2, Bishop, for those who are curious), but it's a close thing. I played Quinn as an ideal supporter for Team Evil; I did moderate his harsher recommendations, since I was mostly LS, but I thought he was a great partner in Crusading For the Empire. Even if he is a frothing murderous maniac.


I don't get why people like Quinn. He looks a little well...too girly.

I'm not sure where the effeminacy hate for Quinn comes from. So he's on the pale side and he isn't a mess of scars; I don't see either as a downside. I do think the designers made the right call slapping on a five o' clock shadow, because it's the only shot of raw masculinity they put in the entire character. (They saved the rest of the testosterone for Pierce...what a fantastic contrast that was!)

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I have been reading this thread and I am curious what is all about this Quinn guy? Do you ladies find him really that handsome? Do you like his "imperial values"? Do you like uptight guys? :)

The way he gets flustered and upset by the SW's attentions is adorable. He brings out the sadist in me (and she doesn't really get a lot of play otherwise), and I don't have to have any mixed feeling about it, because a) he deserves it, and b) he likes it.

I take Quinn because I can't have Grand Moff Kilran :(
I'm not sure where the effeminacy hate for Quinn comes from. So he's on the pale side and he isn't a mess of scars; I don't see either as a downside. I do think the designers made the right call slapping on a five o' clock shadow, because it's the only shot of raw masculinity they put in the entire character. (They saved the rest of the testosterone for Pierce...what a fantastic contrast that was!)

I really like more effeminate men, mostly because I find people whose gender is more towards the middle of the spectrum to be much more attractive than those who fit perfectly into the traditional gender binary. Pierce's raging manliness is cute, but I am glad his is a one-off thing, because that's all I would be interested in with someone like him anyway.

Edited by Celacia
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The way he gets flustered and upset by the SW's attentions is adorable. He brings out the sadist in me (and she doesn't really get a lot of play otherwise), and I don't have to have any mixed feeling about it, because a) he deserves it, and b) he likes it.


Ah, how could I forget my favorite part: Malavai Quinn is literally the only man in the galaxy the Warrior can [Flirt] with prior to level 30, and one of four men she can flirt with in the entire game to the best of my knowledge (2 in the class line, 2 on planetary lines on Nar Shaddaa and Hoth).


By the time I hit Act 3 I would've [Flirt]ed with a rock if I only had the chance. Failing that, Quinn it is :rolleyes:


Lucky for me, I genuinely liked the man. Even so, you can bet I went for a male Agent as my next playthrough. BW has conditioned me to expect a little action as I run through RPG campaigns!

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People's interpretations of Quinn's personality and motivations tend to be vastly different from each other. I think he is a very subtle, conflicted man, caught in a bad situation. His mannerisms remind me quite a bit of Mr. Darcy: the stiff, uptight exterior hiding a warm, passionate man underneath. His look didn't appeal to me at first, but it definitely grew on me. And I can't get enough of his honey sweet voice. Sadly Richard Teverson hasn't published any poetry readings :(


My son thinks my post needs some "zombies" :rak_03::rak_01::rak_04::rak_02:

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i just wish they gave a mod that let jorgan have a real mane like the other cathar males :D

then again, i might have a thing for lions >.>


The closest one I've found is the "Elvis" style customization for him. Gives him the sideburns and actual hair on his head. He looks like a Cathar Elvis impersonator. :D

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Eh. I actually call my husband my trophy husband, because he is a significant number of years younger than I, and I married him when he was 20 (and awfully pretty, yum). The Torian romance is extra sweet for me because it reminds me a good bit of what he was like way back when, with that intensity; serious-mindedness about life, the universe and everything; and sense of awe for the woman who loved him. They did a good job of capturing that. Also? The pretty. Mmmm, pretty boys.


(This is also part of why I love the Vector romance so much, because I see a lot of him in Vector as well.)


I'm just finding the humor in it.

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I take Quinn because I can't have Grand Moff Kilran :(




If he and the SW play their cards right, in a few years time he'll be the new Grand Moff Kilran :) Hooking up with an ambitious up and coming military officer is a pretty good power-base building move for her, as well as for him. It may be the most 'suitable' hookup in the game.


ofc the SW just happens to be the type of person to whom these things happen, she doesn't have to go looking for power. It falls into her lap. So to speak.

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I suppose the main draw Quinn has for me is that he was oddly enough the most interesting romance option I had found after completing the JC story. Iresso is sweet but he's really quite boring and seeing as gameplaywise, I was already a tank, having another tank out was just plain silly so he didn't see much use. Furthermore, I got Iresso late in game and didn't have much time to really interact with the character outside of the main class quest on Hoth.


For both Jorgan and Quinn, it "felt" like I got to know both of them over a significantly longer period of time. Needless to say, for my femTrooper (healer) it's just been her and Jorgan out there saving the Republic, only times I would use someone else is if I was grouped with a friend and we needed a tank or something.


With Quinn, it was in part the uniform that made me weak in the knees and his manner, someone alluded to him being similar to Mr. Darcy and Simon Tam, easily flustered and unsure of what to do when presented with strong women. Oh.. and that 5 o'clock shadow.. mmmm..... Excuse me.. I have to go log onto my marauder now....:D

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ofc the SW just happens to be the type of person to whom these things happen, she doesn't have to go looking for power. It falls into her lap. So to speak.


The fanfic writer in me wants to take that literally really badly.

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If he and the SW play their cards right, in a few years time he'll be the new Grand Moff Kilran :) Hooking up with an ambitious up and coming military officer is a pretty good power-base building move for her, as well as for him. It may be the most 'suitable' hookup in the game.


See, I've always thought the same thing. My warrior would be happy to have Quinn as her own Moff, or even Grand Moff; who else could be clever and devious enough to hold the position? Especially with the Warrior's support...


(Plus, my Warrior knows she practically owns his career now. Granted, I also consider Quinn to be her greatest weakness, but she's perfectly aware of that...)


I do think the designers made the right call slapping on a five o' clock shadow, because it's the only shot of raw masculinity they put in the entire character. (They saved the rest of the testosterone for Pierce...what a fantastic contrast that was!)


Heh, I've always thought that 5 o'clock shadow of Quinn's was more of a product of his colouration than anything else; as in, he's so pale, that even though he's clean-shaven, Quinn looks like he has 5 o'clock shadow. ;)

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ugh that shadow...

my irl bf gets lazy with the shaving sometimes ( is that normal with college students?!)

makes shnugglenuzzle time a lot less enjoyable, and he has a very visible shadow/thick whiskers ( let them go for 3 days, theyl poke thru my shirt and ***** me >.<)


saw that shadow on my male maruader the other day for the first time, and went " ugh "

he better keep a close shave, i don't want a rough face chafeing the back of my delicate pureblood pimphand when it comes for punnishment times.

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saw that shadow on my male maruader the other day for the first time, and went " ugh "

he better keep a close shave, i don't want a rough face chafeing the back of my delicate pureblood pimphand when it comes for punnishment times.


Whoa, hey, if you don't want a guy with a lil' stubble just send him my way. That look (and feel :D) just destroys my will to resist. Thought it was odd on by-the-book Quinn, but then I figured there's no TIME to SHAVE when the ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE are on the loose.


Prior to rolling my warrior I ran one character to 50 and another to 35, but I never noticed the five o'clock shadow complexion/look until I saw it on Quinn. Just one of many extremely articulate "buh..." moments when I was glad my character, at least, had something intelligent to say.

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ugh that shadow...

my irl bf gets lazy with the shaving sometimes ( is that normal with college students?!)

makes shnugglenuzzle time a lot less enjoyable, and he has a very visible shadow/thick whiskers ( let them go for 3 days, theyl poke thru my shirt and ***** me >.<)

My husband has a beard because of this. I prefer him clean-shaven, but the beard is still much better than a face full of needles. (It also means no one else can see how pretty he is under it.)

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My husband has a beard because of this. I prefer him clean-shaven, but the beard is still much better than a face full of needles. (It also means no one else can see how pretty he is under it.)


well different strokes for different folks.. thats why we have discussions on whos thier favourite romance :D

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ok all you crazy cat ladies have persuaded me into rolling a trooper to get my fix of meow mix


i still wish he had a full lion's mane.... i'd pet and scritch and burrow my face in it all day. that little fuzz they have for the mod does not cut it

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ok all you crazy cat ladies have persuaded me into rolling a trooper to get my fix of meow mix


i still wish he had a full lion's mane.... i'd pet and scritch and burrow my face in it all day. that little fuzz they have for the mod does not cut it


Yes!! Mwahah...er...there was no plot. I swear it, uh huh....

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ok all you crazy cat ladies have persuaded me into rolling a trooper to get my fix of meow mix


i still wish he had a full lion's mane.... i'd pet and scritch and burrow my face in it all day. that little fuzz they have for the mod does not cut it


Just remember, he's Mr. Grumpy-pants to start. Breaking him down is like breaking Quinn only .. different. Now, are Cathar actually furry, cause mmm.... I'd stroke that all day if he was fuzzy atleast until my allergies got the better of me. Probably why Quinn is a "safer" choice for me, no problems breathing due to fur up my nose.

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Just remember, he's Mr. Grumpy-pants to start. Breaking him down is like breaking Quinn only .. different. Now, are Cathar actually furry, cause mmm.... I'd stroke that all day if he was fuzzy atleast until my allergies got the better of me. Probably why Quinn is a "safer" choice for me, no problems breathing due to fur up my nose.


trooper is a foster of my mandalorian, so shes up for a good challenge >:3

as for the fur..i'd go for it :D

soft giant kitty to shnuggle up with and keep warm :D

just... make sure to keep one of those sticky shed remover rolls around, or people will catch onto your "leisure" activities with him if you're constantly caked in fur on your armor

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My M.O. is to level 2 classes at once, basically one class and its opposite faction mirror. So I plan on doing JK/SW next. You ladies have me very much looking forward to meeting Quinn! I'm already planning what clothes he can wear...ha ha. (Kind of like having my own Ken doll I guess?) Seriously, my happiness with Vector went up 10 fold when I gave him a decent outfit, so I've realized now how important it is for me for my companions to look the part.


That 5 o'clock shadow by the way can be found in the character manager buried under one of the human complexion options, for anyone who wants to make a male char of their own with one. I like it too. ;)


I don't understand why poor Aric doesn't have a mane either. It feels seriously lacking to me. I know cathar aren't lions, but you'd think there would be a parallel there in the writers' minds. Mane = male. To me it would make him more masculine. I'm holding off a little bit on playing a trooper in the hopes I can be a cathar too someday when romancing Aric. :D

Edited by CloudCastle
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I'm holding off a little bit on playing a trooper in the hopes I can be a cathar too someday when romancing Aric. :D


chiss all the way. once you go blue: nothing else will do :D


and it's good to see im not the only one who treats vector like a ken doll >.>

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My M.O. is to level 2 classes at once, basically one class and it's opposite faction mirror. So I plan on doing JK/SW next. You ladies have me very much looking forward to meeting Quinn! I'm already planning what clothes he can wear...ha ha. (Kind of like having my own Ken doll I guess?) Seriously, my happiness with Vector went up 10 fold when I gave him a decent outfit, so I've realized now how important it is for me for my companions to look the part.


That 5 o'clock shadow by the way can be found in the character manager buried under one of the human complexion options, for anyone who wants to make a male char of their own with one. I like it too. ;)


Human and Cyborg, complexion 6 (comes with a lot of grime) or 18. You can bet every male character of mine who's even capable of facial hair has the 5 o'clock shadow now.


As for gearing Quinn: If the uniform does it for you, Ismaire was good enough to put up a list of uniform items and where to find them: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=452552

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I totally agree with getting the "right" clothing/armor for your companions, especially if they're the ones you end up running around with all the time. I liked Vector when I got him but had to hold off on swapping his gear because just about EVERYTHING that dropped or was a quest reward put him in a damned skirt. Complained about this out loud and my husband asked me why I didn't just goto Dromound Kass and get the social gear for him :o


Same goes for Quinn, *squeeeeeeeeeee!* atleast once I got the uniform-ish gear for him and kept him in that the whole time. I swear, his gear was better than my actual character's.


The only exception I'm finding to this so far is Jorgan, he's in trooper gear and it all looks good on him. Granted I just kept chucking him my femTrooper's castoffs but hey... it worked.

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