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Is this what pvp has come to?!


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I have been playing warzones during the day and 90% of the matches mostly everyone is a healer. I understand the concept of the flavor of the month, but this is just ridiculous. The point of having different classes is to have diversity. Edited by tiguelinus
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LOL I have been thinking of switching to healing. With my current gear I cant make a dent in the health of the premades I fight most of the time so I would do more good healing then dps.
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On my server the number of healers has dropped significantly compared to how many were in wz in 1.1.5. This is true for both factions. In fact many healers won't enter the queue as a single now. They will insist on grouping with other healers so they can cross heal each other. Or they will queue with a pocket tank/guard. It's not that the dps teammates don't appreciate the healer - healers almost always get the most MVP votes. But most dps don't know how to peel an attacker off a healer and not all those that do are willing to provide constant escort duty.


BH healers are the most rare. Sorc healers can still throw down an AoE heal and then try to defend themselves. But of course Op healers are the most common. Another big difference vs. 1.1.5.

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I have been playing warzones during the day and 90% of the matches mostly everyone is a healer. I understand the concept of the flavor of the month, but this is just ridiculous. The point of having different classes is to have diversity.


That sounds like an aberration. I just pug'd like 10 straight WZs and I think we had heals in 2 of them.

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It's all anecdotal. I'm a healer and I end up in some matches where we have an over-abundance of healers and can't do enough DPS to progress in a match, and other times I'm find myself the only healer and the stomping ensues.
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I have been playing warzones during the day and 90% of the matches mostly everyone is a healer. I understand the concept of the flavor of the month, but this is just ridiculous. The point of having different classes is to have diversity.


I thought everyone played sent now since they are soooooooo OP. I wish my server had healers.

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PUG warzones should really have a class-sorting algorithm.




Last voidstar i played(republic vs republic) both teams had multiple healers, but only one team had all of them guarded because the matchmaking algorith decided it would be cool to give all the tanks to one side.


I mean, i can understand that the system cannot see whether a player is a DPS guardian or a tank guardian, but it should at least make an effort to equally distribute guard-CAPABLE classes between the sides (and same with heal-capable clases and dps).


Right now the system will look at a pool of 16 players then happily assemble a match giving all healers to one side and all tanks to the other. Ugh.

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I mean, i can understand that the system cannot see whether a player is a DPS guardian or a tank guardian, but it should at least make an effort to equally distribute guard-CAPABLE classes between the sides (and same with heal-capable clases and dps).


Right now the system will look at a pool of 16 players then happily assemble a match giving all healers to one side and all tanks to the other. Ugh.


Please don't give them ideas for new patches, coz we might loose not only the matrix cubes this time, but all our gear or chars even.


And @ the OP - u think that we are FOTM (I am playing healer since day one and I am only PvPing - valor 87 right now), I guess that u are playing a different game or u didn't update your game to 1.2 and u are still doing 1.1.5 warzones in some pirate servers. The expertise is scaling so bad for us, that I don't think that BW can make it worse. But thanks for the kind words, today I will play with a little smile on my face, knowing that someone out there thinks that my Sorc is op healer.

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On my server the number of healers has dropped significantly compared to how many were in wz in 1.1.5. This is true for both factions. In fact many healers won't enter the queue as a single now. They will insist on grouping with other healers so they can cross heal each other. Or they will queue with a pocket tank/guard. It's not that the dps teammates don't appreciate the healer - healers almost always get the most MVP votes. But most dps don't know how to peel an attacker off a healer and not all those that do are willing to provide constant escort duty.


BH healers are the most rare. Sorc healers can still throw down an AoE heal and then try to defend themselves. But of course Op healers are the most common. Another big difference vs. 1.1.5.


On my server (The twin spears) out of 8 players 6 were troopers spec on healing. All I'm saying from what I have been experiencing is that it's takes away the fun.

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Please don't give them ideas for new patches, coz we might loose not only the matrix cubes this time, but all our gear or chars even.


And @ the OP - u think that we are FOTM (I am playing healer since day one and I am only PvPing - valor 87 right now), I guess that u are playing a different game or u didn't update your game to 1.2 and u are still doing 1.1.5 warzones in some pirate servers. The expertise is scaling so bad for us, that I don't think that BW can make it worse. But thanks for the kind words, today I will play with a little smile on my face, knowing that someone out there thinks that my Sorc is op healer.


Seriously no offense guys, but do any of you knows how to read and understand the concept of sarcasm?. I know healers are not the flavor of the month, the comment was used to express in a sarcastic way my opinion regarding what I have been experiencing lately in pvp in my server.

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Seriously no offense guys, but do any of you knows how to read and understand the concept of sarcasm?. I know healers are not the flavor of the month, the comment was used to express in a sarcastic way my opinion regarding what I have been experiencing lately in pvp in my server.


You are on an internet forum. Making a ridiculous claim isn't nearly enough to tip people off that you are being sarcastic since ridiculous claims are being made all the time with total seriousness.


Suggestion: next time add :p:cool: or :rolleyes: at the end.



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PUG warzones should really have a class-sorting algorithm.



All this "chosen by random draw" garbage is irritating. Cap AC's at 3 or some such, and stop stacking 11-29 vs 30-49 teams. Can't be that tough for pros like BW to get this done? :D

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As long as queues are first come first serve (no reason to believe this isn't the case) you can't possibly do anything interesting on class selection because the first 8 guys that queue up has to be together in cross faction games. You might be able to do something more clever on same faction games be rearranging the first 16 guys, but still if 15 of those guys are DPS and 1 of them is a healer, there's got to be a team with no healer. Since there is no rated WZ yet, the game right now also has no idea how good any of the characters are so whatever optimization it did is no better than random anyway. If there are rated WZ, you might actually be able to figure out how to balance the teams.
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I play a sawbones on the harbringer server. Healers are in short supply there. I have been healing speced since day one. Here are some observations from a healers standpoint:


1. I rarely solo que because as soon as i start healing the focus fire begins. Without a guard, im beat over and over like a cheap rug. I spend more time running to stay alive then healing my teammates. Example... when i have a guard, i average 350k healing pretty easily. With no guard, i rare can top 175k. If i do que solo the first thing i look at is who my teammates are. If i dont know most of them i leave the match. It might sound harsh and unfair to new players trying to break into the pvp ranks, but honostly i just dont care anymore. Nobody likes to lose every solo match.


2. Most tanks are running dps spec because they like the big numbers or there has been a lack of healing in the past. The other night i ran 10 matchs and kept track of the tanks that could guard. In that time, we had 13 vangaurds (2 could guard), 9 knights (none could guard), and 6 shadows (all could and did guard). Not very promising unless you get shadows queing. Not just picking on tanks here, dps needs to be able to switch targets, focus fire, and peel off toons killing the healers. People get too focused on the guy in front of them, it blinds them. Yeah you finally beat down that jug but in the process your healer died because 4 toons were beating on him and now you get steamrolled; but hey good job on killing one guy but losing the match. People on my server scream for healers but are very rarely willing to support them. Big numbers dont win matches, few deaths do. Premades know this and thats why they are successfull. The premade i run in consists of a shadow, sawbones, sage (dps spec) and a sent. That group hits the trifecta. I get guard, and have burst dps to peel off toons beating on me and everybody get the maximum time to put up dps. Thats the real story, you cant dps if your dead or locked behind the door.


3. People really need to dive into their classes and learn them inside and out. PvP is not the same as lvling from 1-50 (pushing the same 3 skills and not worring about positioning or resolve). Nothing is more frustrating than somebody filling up a resolve bar when its not called for. Often times, snare or roots work much better to control toons than stuns but here comes the cryo gernade anyway and there goes the resolve bar.. How about ae taunts when a bunch of melee are focus firing the healer? Stuff like that is what im talking about. Causual players often dont hone the skills they need to to be successful in pvp so they get frustrated when they get steamrolled over and over. Newsflash, more often than not, gear is not causing the steamroll, player skill and reaction times were. To prove this, i removed all of my BM and WH gear and PvPed for 3 days with my blackhole/rakata raid gear. I didnt see alot of difference. I took a little more damage, and heals were a little weaker, but i offset this with better use of power stims, cooldowns and heal pots. It made my point. Think outside the box.


So how do we fix this?


1. Break up players by valor score and lvl. Somebody with 10 valor ranks will most likely be at a severe disadvantage against a valor 60 toon. And, through no fault of their own, that valor rank 10 player will drag down the rest of his teammates because their inabilty to contribute.


2. Get the raided WZs finshed so premades have a place to play other than against solo que.


3. Stop whining about this class or that class is OP and learn to play what you have. You may be surprised and that sorc is not as op as you once thought they were. There are great pvp guides on builds, rotations, and tactics all over the internet. Most of the great PvP players (like tolgrum...SP?) have builds and suggestions on youtube. Heck, they have live streams where you can watch them play lol.


4. Practice makes perfect. If you cant get practice in WZs because of the fast pace, take a buddy and go out to the smugglers den on tatoonine. Work on it there. The investment you put into yourself now will pay dividens in the future. You will become a much better player.


Just my 2 credits from a healers viewpoint on pvp.

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