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Can someone please answer this - Regarding Bioware & Ranked WZs


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It's not just Ranked WZs that are the problem. You're acting like that's their only mistake. RWZs were just the straw that broke the camels back.


.....Again, you act like Bioware did something wrong with Ranked Warzones, why was it a mistake? Is it a mistake to delay a feature that isn't ready for launch? Wouldn't it have been a mistake for them TO release a broken feature?


The only thing they did was stopped a broken feature from releasing. They want to take more time to work in it. Why is that bad? Why would that be the "Straw that broke the camels back"?


Please answer that.

Edited by Majestic_Jazz
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.....Again, you act like Bioware did something wrong with Ranked Warzones, why was it a mistake? Is it a mistake to delay a feature that isn't ready for launch? Wouldn't it have been a mistake for them TO release a broken feature?


The only thing they did was stopped a broken feature from releasing. They want to take more time to work in it. Why is that bad? Why would that be the "Straw that broke the camels back"?


Please answer that.


To paraphrase because i cant see the original message : He just said it WASN'T the only problem, it was just the one that tipped the scales.


WZ had many problems BEFORE they pulled the release of ranked ones. The fact that they pulled RW at the last minute was one step to far.


The pulling of RW IS NOT the issue here, its WZ as a whole.


Also i would like to know your logical basis for having faith in BW ability to deliver a good PVP product, when they have clearly failed to deliver over and over.


Even a 4 year old kid could see that!11!!11!shiftandone!!11!

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.....Again, you act like Bioware did something wrong with Ranked Warzones, why was it a mistake? Is it a mistake to delay a feature that isn't ready for launch? Wouldn't it have been a mistake for them TO release a broken feature?


The only thing they did was stopped a broken feature from releasing. They want to take more time to work in it. Why is that bad? Why would that be the "Straw that broke the camels back"?


Please answer that.


I wll answer with this very articulate post.


OP--Your original post asked a straightforward question: "why is it that some people bash Bioware for taking out Ranked Warzones in 1.2?" You received a wide range of well-articulated, nuanced, and level-headed replies--the majority of which indicated maturity and recognition of your main points. In short, people explained precisely why they were frustrated by the loss of ranked WZs.


You are not frustrated. Others are. Does that mean they are "acting like a 4-year old who isn't getting his/her way"? Their responses don't seem to show this type of petulance. They have different hopes and wants for their gaming experience, and they answered your question fairly and compassionately. Provide them with the same degree of respect.


You keep asking for answers, so I will state it as simply as possible and this will be the last time ill post here because I don't feel like you are really listening to anyone.


Is BW wrong for holding back a broken (and I still have no idea if it was indeed broken or what was wrong with it) feature? No.


Did BW deliver a feature that was promised in 1.2? No.


Will BW deliver a feature that was promised, in 1.3? Doesn't look like it.


Do customers have the right to be reasonably upset by this? Yes.


How could BW have avoided this lose/lose situation? Don't promise a product you can't deliver. Or better yet, they should have implemented 8 man WZ queuing at release, because 4 man queues make no sense! Are PvEers forced to PuG out half their OPs even if they can fill the spots themselves? Could you imagine the backlash if they were forced to do that?

Edited by NyteSabre
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#2 You have no clue what is going on or what went on in the hallways of Bioware Austin prior to 1.2. Things happen, major hiccups occur at the last minuete. Maybe you have never done this, but there have been times when I was about to print out my research paper, and put it in a folder to turn in before I noticed a mistake that needed to be fixed or else it would effect my grade. Maybe it could have been a grammar mistake, maybe I forgot to put page numbers in. Who knows, but it was a last minuete adjustment that NEEDED to be adjusted. So instead of leaving the library at 12:15PM to goto the 12:30PM class, I am leaving at 12:25PM to fix this mistake and then rush to class. Sometimes before I turn in a math test I review everything to make sure I answered all of the questions and whatnot when I notice that an answer that was supposed to be -2 instead was 2. So I go back in and add the negative sign so I don't get it wrong.



You still turn in the paper on time right? Or maybe 5 mins late? Not a month or 2 or 3 later.

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To paraphrase because i cant see the original message : He just said it WASN'T the only problem, it was just the one that tipped the scales.


WZ had many problems BEFORE they pulled the release of ranked ones. The fact that they pulled RW at the last minute was one step to far.


The pulling of RW IS NOT the issue here, its WZ as a whole.


Also i would like to know your logical basis for having faith in BW ability to deliver a good PVP product, when they have clearly failed to deliver over and over.


Even a 4 year old kid could see that!11!!11!shiftandone!!11!


I admit, as a whole there are problems with WZs, but how does that justify people getting upset at Bioware for pulling a WZ feature to work on it more?


I mean, if they added in Ranked Warzones in it's state and it was broken, wouldn't that only add more problems to WZs? Wouldn't it make sense that if you are really dedicated to improving WZs is to make sure that a major feature such as Ranked Warzones is properly implemented and not rushed?



How could BW have avoided this lose/lose situation? Don't promise a product you can't deliver



First off, please give me a link to a quote from EA/Bioware when they used the word "we promise" or "I promise" in regards to having Ranked Warzones in 1.2.


But anyways,


Thank you for bringing this up because I wanted to mention it, but I did not because nobody did so and I didn't want to come across as putting words into people's mouth.


See, this is why as a developer, it is best to just remain quiet on things until they are released because stuff like this happens. The ironic thing is, people are still expecting BIoware to fill them in on whats going on and critizing them from remaining quiet. Well damn! After reading what you just said, I wouldn't want to speak out on something that wasn't 100% ready.


You want to know why Bioware is quiet about Space combat, your comment explains why. I am sure they are working on some great things regarding Space Combat. I am sure that their fingers are itching to tell us what it is, but at the same time, they know that nothing is guarenteed and what might be in today, might be out by the end of the month. So Bioware won't come out and say "For the improved Space Combat, we are doing this, we are doing that, we are adding this and we are adding that." because things happen and the things they wanted to do, might not be possible atm as they found out with further internal testing. If that happened, people like you would talk about Bioware breaking promises and so on. So yeah, why wouldn't they remain quiet?

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.....Again, you act like Bioware did something wrong with Ranked Warzones, why was it a mistake? Is it a mistake to delay a feature that isn't ready for launch? Wouldn't it have been a mistake for them TO release a broken feature?


The only thing they did was stopped a broken feature from releasing. They want to take more time to work in it. Why is that bad? Why would that be the "Straw that broke the camels back"?


Please answer that.

I freakin' answered it.

You're a disrespectful kid. Even if you aren't a kid, you have the mentality of one. You want everyone to read every word you write, but can't do the same.

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You still turn in the paper on time right? Or maybe 5 mins late? Not a month or 2 or 3 later.


I really hope you were joking with this, I really do, seriously.


My analogy was pointing out the fact that sometimes problems happen at the last minuete which requires us to make adjustments which at times could throw us off balance. I can fix a problem on my math test within 5-10 minutes, it doesn't take 2-3 months to correct that mistake. But in the realm of game development where things take months just to get up and running, it isn't crazy to wait 2-3 months later to release something because it needed to be fixed. Unlike the math test, it will not take 5-10 minutes to redo code or something similar. It would take weeks to do so and probably more weeks later to test it internally.


I can't believe I just responded to that but I did.

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I admit, as a whole there are problems with WZs, but how does that justify people getting upset at Bioware for pulling a WZ feature to work on it more?


I mean, if they added in Ranked Warzones in it's state and it was broken, wouldn't that only add more problems to WZs? Wouldn't it make sense that if you are really dedicated to improving WZs is to make sure that a major feature such as Ranked Warzones is properly implemented and not rushed?


Well done, you have just shown that you have no intention of listening to anyone and are now spouting your own dogma.




I suggest no one else waste their time posting.

Edited by MightyRoy
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I freakin' answered it.

You're a disrespectful kid. Even if you aren't a kid, you have the mentality of one. You want everyone to read every word you write, but can't do the same.


Here are your two quotes:


For someone who complains about people not listening to him, you sure don't listen to other people....

I think you need to reconsider your definition of listening, it doesn't mean "read what I write and believe every word of it, and share my viewpoint."


It's not just Ranked WZs that are the problem. You're acting like that's their only mistake. RWZs were just the straw that broke the camels back.


Um, I doubt you're going to get a "bigger and better version." You'll most likely to get a working version, and even then I bet it'll be pretty buggy.


For you second point that I quoted, that's exactly what they did. They removed them about 8 hours before the patch. They knew that it wouldn't be ready, most likely, weeks before it was scheduled, yet they still kept advertising it for 1.2 They essentially pressed the "sike button at the last minute"


The only thing CLOSE to an answer was the idea that you believe they falsely advertised RWZs as coming to 1.2 but pulled it at the last second.


That might be your answer but that sure as hell isn't a logical one. I mean, how do you know what was going on in those 8 hours before launch. Were you there? Do you have exclusive insider information that we don't have? Hell, do you work for Bioware? I mean if that is your answer I'll take it, but it is a very speculative one. I already said that in the world of programming [i know] things come up at the last minuete which requires you to completely delay a compile or process. Maybe what they found in those 8 hours, they didn't see before. Haven't you ever done something in life or were about to do something and at the LAST minute/hour found out that you were missing/forgetting something?


I don't know if you ever programmed or were involved in anything to do with game development. But everything isn't as simple as you think. Things can't be fixed within 5-10 minutes. If so, it would have weeks for game development, not years.

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December 2011 - I am promised balanced PvP, free for all PvP zones, World PvP and the jewel in the crown, Ilum.


May 2012 - I have unbalanced attention deficit disorder WoW style pvp, no world PvP, the gates of Ilum are shut and have a big for sale sign on them.


6 months, still huge problems.


April 2012 - Guild Wars 2, not star wars BUT some of the most enjoyable PvP I've had in years... and it's a beta.


If Bioware was able (or allowed by EA) to make things better then why haven't they done so? All that's happened here is th Star Wars ip has been used to mug fans yet again. This is why people are angry with Bioware and EA. Promised the earth and delivered mud.

Edited by Vanash
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That might be your answer but that sure as hell isn't a logical one.


Newsflash: Customer not getting what was promised and being upset about it is illogical, read all about it.


That about sums up this thread.



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BW needs to get Cross-Server WZ Queues implemented before launching RWZs. Launching RWZs without cross-server queues would be a total joke.


this ... or massive merge ... but this is not pvp game, its story based, i guess when gw2 come they close the whole pvp section on forum :p

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Well done, you have just shown that you have no intention of listening to anyone and are now spouting your own dogma.




I suggest no one else waste their time posting.


I've listened and I keep asking for a response because the ones I'm getting aren't logical. From what I have gathered, this is why people are bashing Bioware for not releasing a broken feature:


#1 It happened at the last minuete. If something was wrong/broken, Bioware should have told us this way before 1.2 launch, not right before. However as I explained, in the world of game development things happen at the last minuete. Not ever problem/bug presents itself at a convenient time.


#2 People were already upset with WZs in it's current state so by holding back RWZs, it just really lit the fire. While that may be the case, you can't blame Bioware for holding back a feature to make it better. I bet the reason why many are upset at the current state of WZs is because the current state of warzones is crap. So you're implying that if Bioware released a crappy new feature for WZs, that it would change the current state of warzones? I am sure that Bioware understands the PvPers frustrations with WZs which is why they probably did not want to release something now that could only add fuel to the fire.


#3 It was a promise that they didn't keep. First off, please pull me a quote where Bioware literally promised us that RWZs would be in 1.2. The plan was for RWZ to be in 1.2 but it was never a promise! Bioware hasn't promised us anything.


#4 People are upset at Bioware for non-WZ reasons and they just want to find something else to attack Bioware on and the whole RWZs issue is the trendy issue at the time. Once RWZs are released, people would move onto something else to bash Bioware on.


Am I missing something?

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150+ Views and yet nobody has really answered my question.


Had Bioware released Ranked Warzones in it's current state and it turned out to be a disaster, people would be flaming Bioware for not listening to the community and how they continue to release broken content. So instead of allowing that to happen, they LISTENED to the community and decided to hold off on releasing Ranked Warzones. Yes, it was the day before 1.2 released but that isn't the point as it doesn't matter. This decision was probably a last minute decision that they thought long and hard about which is why it was probably at the last minute instead of....a week before 1.2. Also this nonsense about BW should have at least given the community a hint that Ranked WZs might get the axe is just stupid and borderline "self-entitled".


Again, Bioware can't win either way I guess. They don't listen and release broken content, they get hammered for not listening and continuing to release broken content. They do listen and hold off on content to polish/refine/rebuild it because they listened to the community and they get hammered.


Every game out there will take heat from people. It is impossile to please everyone and BW knows this. No matter what happens people will be mad for one reason or another. What has been irritating me more than anything is the lack of response from the devs about anything they are working on for pvp. Last two weeks of Q&A's had only one questioin about vp and it was about adding in a day/night feature to the WZ's. I think that is what is really making eople mad... no communication. Tell us what you are working on and if we can expect some of the content before the end of the year.

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December 2011 - I am promised balanced PvP, free for all PvP zones, World PvP and the jewel in the crown, Ilum.


May 2012 - I have unbalanced attention deficit disorder WoW style pvp, no world PvP, the gates of Ilum are shut and have a big for sale sign on them.


6 months, still huge problems.


April 2012 - Guild Wars 2, not star wars BUT some of the most enjoyable PvP I've had in years... and it's a beta.


If Bioware was able (or allowed by EA) to make things better then why haven't they done so? All that's happened here is th Star Wars ip has been used to mug fans yet again. This is why people are angry with Bioware and EA. Promised the earth and delivered mud.


And how do you know that Bioware isn't working their azzes off to make PvP a viable feature in SWTOR? Okay, yeah, I admit that after 6 months of release PvP is still an issue, so does that mean Bioware gave up? For all you know, they could be cooking up something great for us for a later patch.


You act or talk as if Bioware isnt trying to make things better when you really do not know what is going on in the hallways of Bioware Austin. You are just sitting at your PC throwing out opinions based on emotion.


A car company tries to release a line of cars that are fuel efficient and they fail, hard! But does that mean that they cannot go back to the drawing board to create something that isn't a failure?

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#3 It was a promise that they didn't keep. First off, please pull me a quote where Bioware literally promised us that RWZs would be in 1.2. The plan was for RWZ to be in 1.2 but it was never a promise! Bioware hasn't promised us anything.


Am I missing something?


I'm just going to assume you are a troll now.


Why does a dev now have to use the word "promise" for a feature to be expected by the community. If a dev says we are planning to roll out RWZ in 1.2, are you suggesting that it is unreasonable for the community to expect RWZ in 1.2 because the word "promised" wasn't used? You have got to be kidding me.....


And yes, you are missing something.

Edited by NyteSabre
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And how do you know that Bioware isn't working their azzes off to make PvP a viable feature in SWTOR? Okay, yeah, I admit that after 6 months of release PvP is still an issue, so does that mean Bioware gave up? For all you know, they could be cooking up something great for us for a later patch.


You act or talk as if Bioware isnt trying to make things better when you really do not know what is going on in the hallways of Bioware Austin. You are just sitting at your PC throwing out opinions based on emotion.


A car company tries to release a line of cars that are fuel efficient and they fail, hard! But does that mean that they cannot go back to the drawing board to create something that isn't a failure?


It doesn't matter whether you are working around the clock to make something happen or get it done in 5 minutes flat, what matters is the result of your efforts. In this case the result of BW efforts is badly broken PvP that was made much worse than before by 1.2 patch. It wasn't perfect to begin with, but instead of fixing it they broke it completely. Worst part is that they had ample feedback from PTS, knew for a fact that it got broken, but released the patch anyway.


Regarding rated WZs, the issue is not the "rated" part - it's just a scoreboard after all. The issue is that WZ queue should have allowed people to queue with full 8-player group from the beginning, but it's still not there after 6 months...and it is a very easy fix to make - can be done in about a week or so (without working one's azz off).


This is what really gets people upset - stuff that should have been there at launch, that people have been complaining about since launch, but it is still not fixed half a year later. Instead of the fixes we get more and more things broken with practically every patch and those new problems are not getting fixed either. I mean, seriously, they have a list of problems longer than one's arm and instead of fixing things, they worked on legacy? For real?

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Allow people to queue 8 man WZ's and BW can take all the time in the world with RW. I think this is main issue people have about the delay.


BW should have allowed full group queuing from day one and developed a robust matching system, that would match where possible, premades with premades and PuG's with PuG's. This should have been a very standard feature of a next generation MMO.


Instead we are waiting patch after patch. To keep themselves busy, people have gone through most of the game content in the meantime, and now they are just sitting and waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more.


Do you have any idea how long the queues would be if they forced premade vs premade and pug vs pug? At least on my server Pub side I'd sit around all day waiting for that crap. Unless they had it so that it would pair up premade vs pug which would put us back in a much worse position than we are now 4man premade vs pug is bad enough can you imagine 8 man premades? lol Yes yes i can hear it now, "L2P and make a premade of your own". Some of us don't have time or enough good player friends to do that, and some just flat out don't want to do that. Thats like the ppl who say if you hate sents/mara make one of your own. Uhh, I prefer to play the class I think is fun and engaging in pvp. Not the flavor of the month. People shouldn't be forced to play in premades or have a really **** day if they don't. Just like they shouldn't be forced to play a specific class just to be any good. Hence the constant balancing act of mmo's.


So, in a very round-about way, all I'm saying is 8 man queues would be **** at this point due to (1) extremely long queues while ppl wait for other premades/pugs to fight againtst their premade/pug (2) Assuming they make the system for (1) more lenient to allow pug v 8man premades it would make life absolute hell for ppl who queue solo or only with a couple friends who play classes they enjoy rather than three other power-rollers they know.

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Okay, so Ranked Warzones was supposed to be part of the big 1.2 patch. However, Bioware LISTENED to community feedback [through the 1.2 PTS] regarding Ranked WZs and how broken it was and so on. So Bioware LISTENED and decided that they did not want to release crap, so they took it out so they can refine and and better it and release it at a later date.


So while we did not get Ranked WZs in 1.2 when we were lead to believe so, at least we will get it later on with a bigger and better version.


So my question is this.....why is it that some people bash Bioware for taking out Ranked Warzones in 1.2? It isn't like they trolled us and pressed the "SIKE!" button at the last minute. Considering what they got from player feedback, they decided that 1.2 was not the best time to release ranked warzones and that they need to further work on it and release it at a later time, sometime this year probably. However, people still bash Bioware!?!!? I mean one common theme that I hear is how Bioware did not listen to the beta testers or ignored them and this is why SWTOR had a "bad" launch, because they failed to listen to their testers. So finally Bioware DOES LISTEN to their testers and they catch flack for it!?!?!? Damn if you do and damn if you don't I guess.


Now dig this, if Bioware released ranked warzones in it's broken state in 1.2, the same people who are bashing Bioware for taking it out of 1.2 would be bashing Bioware for releasing a broken feature/mode and would go on talking about how Bioware should have foreseen this and how BIoware needs to fix Ranked WZs or else the PvP community will "leave in droves". But wait! Bioware did not release Ranked Warzones in it's broken state! Instead, they want to refine it more so that when they do release it, there shouldn't be any problems. So guess what, does the community applaud Bioware for listening to their testers? No!, instead, people want to bash Bioware for taking it out!


So yeah, can someone please answer this?


you do not understand the chain of events.


1.2, and the ranked warzone system, was on PTS for over a month. in that time, almost ZERO feedback was given to the devs regarding the ranked warzone system because there was not enough players on PTS to test it. the devs chose 1 day near the end of 1.2 being on PTS to focus on ranked warzones, but they did not got enough participation because of the massive lack of players.


in the 2 weeks leading up to 1.2s release, the devs hyped the crap out of ranked warzones. there was a huge dev feature written on the system, and it was highlighted in every mentioning of 1.2. approximately 8 hours before the release of 1.2, DE told us that we would get no ranked warzones in 1.2. the phrase "bait and switch" could not apply better in this situation.


In regards to Bioware listening to feedback, they do not. A ton of feedback was given on 1.2 while it was on PTS. the devs ignored everything. if you look at the patch notes that went onto PTS and the ones that went on live, they are nearly identical. bioware simply used PTS as a beta server so people could preview content; they did not use it to get player feedback on balance or to address a number of bugs.


why on earth would anyone applaud bioware for the "testing" theyve done? the patch they just released had a MAJOR bug in it that was completely un-addressed by testing. if bioware does any testing at all, they have a terrible QA team. if they want to stop bleeding subs, the first step is to actually start DEVELOPING content, rather than just insta-patching it onto live because it looks like it will work on paper.


so yeah, bioware did troll us and pressed the "sike!" button right at the last minute.

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Do you have any idea how long the queues would be if they forced premade vs premade and pug vs pug? At least on my server Pub side I'd sit around all day waiting for that crap. Unless they had it so that it would pair up premade vs pug which would put us back in a much worse position than we are now 4man premade vs pug is bad enough can you imagine 8 man premades? lol Yes yes i can hear it now, "L2P and make a premade of your own". Some of us don't have time or enough good player friends to do that, and some just flat out don't want to do that. Thats like the ppl who say if you hate sents/mara make one of your own. Uhh, I prefer to play the class I think is fun and engaging in pvp. Not the flavor of the month. People shouldn't be forced to play in premades or have a really **** day if they don't. Just like they shouldn't be forced to play a specific class just to be any good. Hence the constant balancing act of mmo's.


So, in a very round-about way, all I'm saying is 8 man queues would be **** at this point due to (1) extremely long queues while ppl wait for other premades/pugs to fight againtst their premade/pug (2) Assuming they make the system for (1) more lenient to allow pug v 8man premades it would make life absolute hell for ppl who queue solo or only with a couple friends who play classes they enjoy rather than three other power-rollers they know.


You missed the "robust match making system" and "where possible" for low population servers.


Tell me why I shouldn't be able to group with my friends. PvEer's are allowed to group 8 and 16 man, why are PvPer's limited to 4? Seems like your reasoning for me not being able to group with my friends is because you don't want to get into a premade yourself, or work with the team you have been randomly assigned, or join a premade formed over fleet general.


Do I condone you not being able to group with your friends just because it might be personally advantageous to me? Because that is exactly what you are doing here.

Edited by NyteSabre
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Every game out there will take heat from people. It is impossile to please everyone and BW knows this. No matter what happens people will be mad for one reason or another. What has been irritating me more than anything is the lack of response from the devs about anything they are working on for pvp. Last two weeks of Q&A's had only one questioin about vp and it was about adding in a day/night feature to the WZ's. I think that is what is really making eople mad... no communication. Tell us what you are working on and if we can expect some of the content before the end of the year.


Phinion, thanks for your reponse.


I agree with you, Bioware does seem to not really want to talk about PvP. In most of their Q&As and such, most of the talk has been about stuff that leans more towards the PvE side of things such as Legacy. There has been other talk, but very few and I mean VERY FEW of it has been geared towards easing the concerns of the PvP crowd. Hell, there seems to be more talk from Bioware regarding Crafting than there is PvP.


However, I agree and I disagree with your statement about Bioware telling us what they are working on. I agree that I wouldn't mind be kept in the loop about what they are working on, how it will be implemented and possibly an ETA on the release. HOWEVER, that could create problems because what happens if Bioware has to delay such stuff or just scrap it completely? Just imagine the outcry if Bioware said to the Crafting Community "We plan on adding XYZ feature to the GTN so that crafters can have a better idea of the server economy". This would create joy in the crafting community and even bring back some subs of those crafters who un-subbed because crafting/GTN in SWTOR was a joke. Now imagine if something happened and they found out that it will not be possible to release XYZ feature in the way they explained. Then you would have people claiming that Bioware cannot keep promises and so on and so fourth.


Its a tough position to be in.

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Phinion, thanks for your reponse.


I agree with you, Bioware does seem to not really want to talk about PvP. In most of their Q&As and such, most of the talk has been about stuff that leans more towards the PvE side of things such as Legacy. There has been other talk, but very few and I mean VERY FEW of it has been geared towards easing the concerns of the PvP crowd. Hell, there seems to be more talk from Bioware regarding Crafting than there is PvP.


However, I agree and I disagree with your statement about Bioware telling us what they are working on. I agree that I wouldn't mind be kept in the loop about what they are working on, how it will be implemented and possibly an ETA on the release. HOWEVER, that could create problems because what happens if Bioware has to delay such stuff or just scrap it completely? Just imagine the outcry if Bioware said to the Crafting Community "We plan on adding XYZ feature to the GTN so that crafters can have a better idea of the server economy". This would create joy in the crafting community and even bring back some subs of those crafters who un-subbed because crafting/GTN in SWTOR was a joke. Now imagine if something happened and they found out that it will not be possible to release XYZ feature in the way they explained. Then you would have people claiming that Bioware cannot keep promises and so on and so fourth.


Its a tough position to be in.


its actually not that tough. when ideas are in the very initial phases of development, you keep them under wraps. but as soon as you know an idea will actually work within the game, you should give your playerbase a heads-up on what youre working on. you dont need to give a release date or even an ETA for the content, just a "hey look at this cool stuff we're working on!" statement would get the job done.


bioware is bi-polar as far as dispersing information goes. theyre either saying absolutely nothing, or theyre giving you a sensory overload with all the hype they put out for their content. that just doesnt work with keeping people interested in the game.

Edited by cashogy
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