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Answer to what? His answer is dont solo anything, have a healer in your pocket.


An arsenal merc is not mobile in the slightest, you are just a statue made of glass. A pyro merc has mobility and stands a better chance on survivability, and every merc should not be alone, you will die.

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You've gone about this all wrong.


Let's start over.


Over Powered:

Marauder - Excellent damage and far too many cool downs to go with it = over powered. I don't think they are crazily over powered, they just need some tweaking. Btw, I can 1v1 these guys (not that easily, but can do it) but having so many fotm rerolls is spoiling the fun for other people I play with :)


Pyrotech - Excellent burst damage, however, lack the defenses the marauder has.


Sniper - People always think of 1v1 - in a group situation, GOOD snipers are very effective and you get good value out of supporting them with heals/guard etc.


Sorceror - still has good utility and damage, but they are vulnerable to marauders who are far too powerful at the moment.


Concealment operatives - Cludgy mechanics and too many nerfs make this guy non-threatening these days.


Tracer missile mercs are kinda like a sniper, with less damage, easier to interrupt, less resistance to CC, no burst, no interrupts and no actual purpose except as cannon fodder.



Over powered:

Operative - not vulernable to interrupts or running out of resources, can heal while moving, has lots of useful cool downs and CC = over powered. There is even a hybrid heals/dps spec that permits them to have decent damage output and still heal quite effectively.


Merc healers - still ok, but unlike the operative are still some what vulernable to interrupts (not too bad), lack mobility while healing and lack the arsenal of CC available to the operative.


Sorc healers - you focus them, they die - the end. They have good utility and healing output, but are so squishy and easy to shutdown as be clearly inferior to the other two healers, except in Huttball where that utility shines.




Assassin - I am an assassin, I know this class very well. 1v1, darkness assassin in dps gear is a very tough opponent. They are very useful in a group situation also, however, I don't think they are over powered as Marauders. Why? Assassin heavy groups fail preety badly - however, I've absolutely dominated matches where we have 6 marauders on our team lol.


"Iron Fist" hybrid powertechs - preety decent mitigation and preety decent damage, decent utility. The assassin trumps the powertech tank-wise for pvp due to simply having more ways to survive longer.


Juggernauts spec'd as tanks are inferior to the other two advanced classes - at least, I haven't SEEN an effective one for a long time now. Why? They just hit like a wet noodle, more of a nuisance than a threat.

Edited by vermura
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My pre-1.2 tier list was similar:




Post 1.2, I'd drop sorcs to 7th place because hybrid dps was nerfed and with they are just too squishy with the damage being as high as it is nowadays. Against bad groups, sorcs can sit back rack up the damage but any good group will drop them instantly or render them ineffective (i.e sprint away and heal).

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My pre-1.2 tier list was similar:




Post 1.2, I'd drop sorcs to 7th place because hybrid dps was nerfed and with they are just too squishy with the damage being as high as it is nowadays. Against bad groups, sorcs can sit back rack up the damage but any good group will drop them instantly or render them ineffective (i.e sprint away and heal).


Totally agree with comments on sorcs.

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I'm a pro Merc as either pyro or arsenal, one of the best on my server, and I totally agree with the OP. I'm not whining about being on the bottom, I'm just acknowledging a truth. Personally, I like playing a challenging class, making every win that much sweeter. At the same time, I also would like to have more to contribute to my team other than being a tanks dream target to guard and get prot points.


I do disagree about the sniper/gunslinger though. A skilled one can be very dangerous if not focused quickly. Immunity to interrupt, cc, knockbacks for an extended period is dangerous. Even more so when considering their aoe dmg potential. They are the stand your ground class that Mercs could only dream to be. Just saying.

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My ranking would go like this:


1. CC/Resolve's broken whiners

2. I hate Sentinel/Marauders whiners

3. Overall Balance is bad whiners

4. Ops are too weak whiners

6. Ops are too strong whiners

7. Premade Whiners

8. Gimme cross-server queuing tantrums

9. Whiners for unpopular/minor classes

10. Let's go to GW2 bozos

11. ... and all the rest of people who actually make informative and helpful posts, victimized by the above nincompoops polluting the PvP Forums with filth.

Edited by kweassa
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My ranking would go like this:

11. ... and all the rest of people who actually make informative and helpful posts, victimized by the above nincompoops polluting the PvP Forums with filth.


Sorry, irony just crashed my computer so I couldn't respond right away.


Welcome to team nincompoop.

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merc doesnt need a guard, and it functions perfectly well in premades. i find it odd that nobody has ever seen a good merc......


ps: http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f84/redsoxfanatic08/swtor2012-05-0300-01-41-38.png


this was against a premade. there is nothing wrong with merc


Awww so cute, 350K in voidstar? anyone can pull that on any class.


How about 690K dmg + 88K healing?




Or maybe 756K dmg + 111K healing?




Thought so. :rak_04:

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Overall there is Tankasin and there's everyone else.


Marauder is on top if you restrict to only DPS.


For healer, Operative is at top against normal or lower teams. Merc is best against a strong team, because basically every healer dies against a strong team but the Merc can last longer due to cooldowns + interrupt immunity


Mercs DPS is probably on the weak side but they're surprisingly good at harassing Tankasins. No you're never going to beat it, but it is actually pretty painful to defeat one since Tankasins hate armor debuffs.


The class that needs the most help is the Sorc, in that their presence counters Operative healer, as in having one on your side counters your own healer, because what's going to happen is every DPS will focus fire the Sorc. If you heal the Sorc you can't keep up with the DPS and come out behind. If you don't heal the Sorc he dies immediately and you're still behind. While the class isn't necessarily the weakest, they have the lowest mitigation which means good team will always attack them first to see how disciplined your healers are.

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For healer, Operative is at top against normal or lower teams. Merc is best against a strong team, because basically every healer dies against a strong team but the Merc can last longer due to cooldowns + interrupt immunity



agree. operatives healer don't win you games. merc heal does.

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In order from highest to lowest:


1. Marauders - Best defensive cooldowns in the game make up for lack of immediate burst; back-end damage rivals or superior to any class in the game.


I'd say the balance is somewhere in the middle with sorcerer and operative healers... if we can buff/nerf everything to that level the game would be significantly better. Feel free to share thoughts/opinions.


There are different types of marauders. The one you describe is annihlation. Maybe more details about the specific class type would be appropriate instead of homogenizing.

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Awww so cute, 350K in voidstar? anyone can pull that on any class.


How about 690K dmg + 88K healing?




Or maybe 756K dmg + 111K healing?




Thought so. :rak_04:


Yeah I laughed when I saw his SS too. But 756k is crazy high. My highest was a low 600k. Are these numbers post 1.2?


Edit: oh nvm I thought this was as a commando/merc, yeah skilled Marauders do that from time to time... is messed.

Edited by Sybaris
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Written from the perspective of Scoundrel healer:


1. Pyro Powertech/Assault Specialist Vanguard - insane burst, almost impossible to heal through combined with a pretty decent survivability. Dispell the fire dot? OH WAIT, Pyro PTs can instantly re-apply it.


2. Darkness Assassins/Kinetic Combat Shadows - bloody difficult to throw them off if they decide to kite you + considerable dps output to make me burn down all my defensive CDs and try fake casting/stun/cc in order to survive the encounter and get away.


3. Annihilation/Rage Marauders and Watchman/Focus Sentinels - super-high damage, great utility and even dot dispelling (if Watch/Anni) doesn't help much... but kiteable. Use the surroundings to your advantage and you should be fine for long enough to distract them from butchering your teammates or the help to arrive.

I rarely meet Carnage/Combat spec, but most of the time you can faceroll outheal or outdps them (as a dps class)


4. Concealment Operative/Scrapper Scoundrel - only a handful remains on my server and all of them are skilled players. That's what makes them scary enough - you never know when they gonna pop out of stealth on you.


5. Lethality Snipers/Dirty Fighting Gunslingers - well, LoS is your best friend here. Also, good players can easily break through your healing and this spec's dots are bloody annoying. For me Leths are more of a nuisance than an actual threat, but I still try to avoid them just in case they begin focusing me.


All other classes are a walk in the park.

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OP needs to do some serious studying, he's missing a lot of specs and grouping up specs as all being OP for some classes when only one is truly epic (I won't say OP because I feel a skilled class with excellent return on investment of the time to learn it is how EVERY class should be).
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Not sure i agree with the mercenary :p

And it is a difrence if the mercenary is arsenal or pyrotech....

I love the pyrotech build i have.

It is a bit difrent from the powertechs build, but there is lots of the same stuff in their pyrotech tree.

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1. Remarkable players

2. Outstanding players

3. Great players

4. Good players

5. Average players

6. Below average players

7. Bad players

8. Scrubs


lol I posted something similar in this thread (gear & skill level) & not only was my post deleted, but also any post that quoted mine.

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Putting Sorcs at 4th place means you are judging mostly by pug-matches, when all what people do is fighting with the closest in melee range opponent.


Since you just can't resist to put your biggest hit in match on that super-squishy almost nodefence and zero damage reduction Sorc (as soon, as he have spint on CD). And if he bubbled, well, bad for you - you need to press two big damaging skills instead of one :).


I would put Sorcs in "competentive patch 1.2 PvP" a little over Mercs, just because Mercs even did't have some kind of sprint.


Anyway, let's see hows ranked warzones will go, i think we will clearly see full PvP-food-chain within a month of rankeds.

Edited by Wikar
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You've gone about this all wrong.


Let's start over.


Over Powered:

Marauder - Excellent damage and far too many cool downs to go with it = over powered. I don't think they are crazily over powered, they just need some tweaking. Btw, I can 1v1 these guys (not that easily, but can do it) but having so many fotm rerolls is spoiling the fun for other people I play with :)


Pyrotech - Excellent burst damage, however, lack the defenses the marauder has.


Sniper - People always think of 1v1 - in a group situation, GOOD snipers are very effective and you get good value out of supporting them with heals/guard etc.


Sorceror - still has good utility and damage, but they are vulnerable to marauders who are far too powerful at the moment.


Concealment operatives - Cludgy mechanics and too many nerfs make this guy non-threatening these days.


Tracer missile mercs are kinda like a sniper, with less damage, easier to interrupt, less resistance to CC, no burst, no interrupts and no actual purpose except as cannon fodder.



Over powered:

Operative - not vulernable to interrupts or running out of resources, can heal while moving, has lots of useful cool downs and CC = over powered. There is even a hybrid heals/dps spec that permits them to have decent damage output and still heal quite effectively.


Merc healers - still ok, but unlike the operative are still some what vulernable to interrupts (not too bad), lack mobility while healing and lack the arsenal of CC available to the operative.


Sorc healers - you focus them, they die - the end. They have good utility and healing output, but are so squishy and easy to shutdown as be clearly inferior to the other two healers, except in Huttball where that utility shines.




Assassin - I am an assassin, I know this class very well. 1v1, darkness assassin in dps gear is a very tough opponent. They are very useful in a group situation also, however, I don't think they are over powered as Marauders. Why? Assassin heavy groups fail preety badly - however, I've absolutely dominated matches where we have 6 marauders on our team lol.


"Iron Fist" hybrid powertechs - preety decent mitigation and preety decent damage, decent utility. The assassin trumps the powertech tank-wise for pvp due to simply having more ways to survive longer.


Juggernauts spec'd as tanks are inferior to the other two advanced classes - at least, I haven't SEEN an effective one for a long time now. Why? They just hit like a wet noodle, more of a nuisance than a threat.


I approve of this list; less lazy version of my own.


I would however still say that Sorcerers are better (more useful perhaps?) than Snipers when specced correctly. Best knockback and CC in the game imo, the only ranged class with a real ability to kite (not marauder but they are broken anyway) although it may also be a case of having no good snipers on my server specifically.

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About right.


I'd split sorcs into lightning and madness. Lightning considerably lower and madness arguably swapped with pyros.


And one thing the concealment ops DO do well is gank those unkillable op healers. Still situational use, but in that situation they are invaluable.

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1. Remarkable players

2. Outstanding players

3. Great players

4. Good players

5. Average players

6. Below average players

7. Bad players

8. Scrubs


Everyone keeps quoting this and I find it hysterial. If you think the classes in this game are remotely balanced to where skill > class limitation you are delusional (or play a maurader more likely.)


Yes, if you are playing bads it doesn't matter what class you are, you will beat them. If however, you are a competitive player against an equally competitive player, you will lose to class mechanics. There is no reason, for example, why a Marauder should EVER lose to a Mercenary for example. This is not a balanced mmo, probably one of the worst balanced since early WoW.


Ironically I think this game was more balanced pre-1.2 than post 1.2.

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Alls I know is;


Scoundrel is greebly 79 valor (dont play as much cuz imp needed more players i felt)

PT tank is greebly 65ish Valor - dont play much but when i do, he does very good and wonder why I didnt stay with

Operative is greebly 55ish Valor (working it up there with a greebly guild but got alt-itis)

Sorc madness is VERY greebly 41 valor 41 levels

Guardian is greebly too; 17 valor 17 level


800ish hours pvp logged since dec 15th. I do not think a mmo has ever got me this interested this long in 14+ years.


Then there is all those trade skill - thats where ive been messing lately. Yay for Legacy sending between faction.


One thing I HATE is the weekly downtimes LOL.

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