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PvP Food Chain


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Snipers are going to get more complaining as more marauders appear, even though they are not getting stronger. They are good vs. 1 melee (if that melee is not stealth), but worse than most classes vs. 2, especially if there's any sort of coordination. Cover is now huge because of the melee domination in the game which probably pushes snipers up to the top ranged dps. Not because of overall performance, but because melee are just too good and being able to not get dogpiled instantly gives them a leg up. Snipers also fulfill the kill role. DPS sorcs are good for CC and pressure roles, but snipers will stand out more for the kills/burst. Mercs would be a kill role, but they're too easy to shut down and don't have the sustained aoe or utility for pressure/lockdown. Edited by durvas
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I'm just going to say I don't think people here value CC / utility enough. Sins have the best utility in the game. I don't care if they don't do as much dmg as Mara / PT, it's the CC and utility that wins games. They can taunt, guard, knock back, pull, mez, stun, and knock down. They also get some self heals, speed boost, CC immunity, and most importantly they get stealth. Those abilities do more to take nodes, defend nodes, carry the ball, prevent a score, etc. They have to be number 1 in any list.


I also think everyone is ranking DPS Ops too low. They have a 4 sec stun on a 30 sec CD. They also get a knock down, an AOE mez, and a stealth mez. IMO when coordinated teams face each other, it's much more about the CC and utility than it is about raw dmg / healing numbers.


I would take a team of Sins & Ops over a team of Maras any day.


You're 100% right, but bad pvpers can't get their heads around anything but straight damage numbers. Like the guy who posted the 800k damage 100ki healing marauder pic. I get 100k healing with 400k damage, but he's probablyb eating up on a ton of undergeared opponents, Im on a small server and everyone is geared.


Anyone who doesn't think a Darkness Assassin is number one is nuts. I don't think any of them have problems, but if you absolutely have to make a list and don't put a darkness assassin on top not sure what to say.

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In order from highest to lowest:


1. Marauders - Best defensive cooldowns in the game make up for lack of immediate burst; back-end damage rivals or superior to any class in the game.


2. Powertechs (Pyro) - Highest Melee DPS output in the game, amazing burst, lacking the cooldowns of the Marauder though.


3. Assasins (Hybrid) - Almost like a marauder with less impressive cooldowns, the assasin can whip out a ton of damage toward the back-end of a fight while also (when specced correctly) being arguably the tankiest DPS in the game. Having a DoT only sorcs and Operative healers can dispell helps too.


4. Sorcerers (DPS) - Ah yes... the sorcerer. Not overpowered anymore (no more perma-cc Hybrid spec) yet still in possession of the best CC and knockback in the game. Infinitely versatile, in the hands of the right player the Sorcerer is one of the best PvP classes in the game. In the hands of the wrong player, he's cannon fodder for the above classes however.


5. Operative (Healer) - It's hard to rank a healer I suppose, and one could arguably put operative healers ahead of sorcerers and assasisns, but at the same time it isn't as if a healer is going to kill either of those classes anyway. Operative healers, with their instant no-cooldown heals, decent CC and vanish are one of the most durable healers in the game, perfect for PvP.


6. Operative (Concealment) - Poor concealment operatives... nobody liked them at launch, and now they find themselves in limbo. Still possesing tremendous burst, they lack the cooldowns or sustained damage potential to really contribute to a team in a unique way not done better by one of the above classes. They can initiate a tremendous gank, but not much else.


7. Juggernauts (Any) - Probably the best ballhandler in Huttball, but recent nerfs have limited the rage tree to a gimmick spec and rendered these guys as purely support runners (aoe cc is great, lots of slow) in objectives.


8. Sorcerer / Mercenary Healers - Tons of interrupts in this game, these guys don't have the instant heals an operative can toss out. Just lack the durability to succeeed consistently, NEED a guard to be effective.


9. Mercenary (DPS) / Sniper - These poor non-force using ranged dps classes... at least the sniper has an interrupt. Could use a complete revamp for PvP viability.


I'd say the balance is somewhere in the middle with sorcerer and operative healers... if we can buff/nerf everything to that level the game would be significantly better. Feel free to share thoughts/opinions.


Let me fix this for you.


1) Assassin (darkness spec). I play this class and after using many different characters finally I'll admit this spec/adv class combo using dps gear needs be toned down and have the other trees become viable. It can heal itself for large amounts, dish out fairly high-end dps, has invulnerability cooldowns, has stealth + in-combat stealth, and can do all of this while tanking and taunting. I can 1v1 any class in the game and win or tie (i tie very good op healers where we both make no progress in 30 minutes and just quit, its actually quite funny) unless its another tank assassin.


2) Operative (heal spec). I play this class as well (since the concealment spec I enjoyed is sub par on all fronts in team play) and the operative heals are brokenly overpowered. This is the only class that can toe-to-toe with assassins regularly (not kill them but tie them in a stalemate) and has retarded amounts of utility for a healer that has the highest output.


3) Marauders (annihilation spec if 1v1). This class has scary dps, as it should that is not the problem as that is the purpose of this class, but combined with a large array of defensive cooldowns (some of which return damage) and a low cooldown charge-stun, along with the well-known undying rage cooldown (99% damage reduction for 6 seconds) and a useful vanish it is scary strong versus any class and can put the hurt on even assassins, usually resulting in close matches depending on skill levels. The only reason this class is above pyro powertech and snipers are due to its undying rage + vanish cooldowns that when used properly provide massive advantages. (did i mention they can use medpacs/get healed during undying invulnerability? Yeah..) All in all though this class isn't ultra-OP like the #1 and #2.


4) Sorcerer/Mercenary (heal spec). These two classes are pretty much tied in terms of class power. They are healers and as has been the case since day 1, healer classes have had unfettered advantage in the pvp setting. Although they can be beaten (usually by 2+ dps) and rarely in 1v1 (a very good #1 or #3) they usually result in stalemates or victories and are only below marauders due to the marauder being the only class capable of managing a totally equal grounds victory (instead of tie) against these two. The sorcerer heal spec provides good heals but also provides bubble protection which is a huge asset to any match and can mean the different between life or death; to add to this they have sprint which allows for quick positioning or escaping as well as force pull for those lovely huttball matches. Merc healers have less mobility but have great single target healing along with the defense given by heavy armor, essentially trading their mobility for toughness; in addition they have great knockbacks that allow for a dps break on top of a nice cc shield.


5) Sniper (any spec depending on situation). The most underestimated class in this game its nearly tied with marauders but was placed below solely for the strong "oh crap" cooldowns available to marauders, of which the sniper has few. In terms of damage, they are only out done by a marauder or powertech left to wail on a target freely, but in most situations out perform due to their ranged (ability to constantly be attacking instead of chasing kiters). With marksmanship they have massive burst potential and fair knockbacks using cover, but are weak if jumped on top of, using engineering spec they provide LARGE amounts of dps with minimal burst but with better group control and aoe, and finally using lethality they have fairly high burst (lower than marksmanship) but with much better mobility, able to move and shoot instead of cover spam. If they catch you from range, you are almost guaranteed to lose.


6) Powertech (pryo spec). Virtually the equivalent level of snipers and on similar grounds as #3 and #4, powertechs using pyro spec dish out inSANE amounts of burst, but their weakness is in utility and survivability. They have a couple nice stuns, and a neat knockback, but they lack in strong cooldowns or the ability to use distance as defense. They are in effect, the game's true glass cannons. When specced into tanking they suddenly become much tougher to kill but take a large hit to dps/burst capabilities.


7) Juggernauts (rage spec or immortal spec depending on situation). This class can use a little love, and #7 and beyond is more of the underpowered region of the adv classes. Juggernauts are great for pve, and great for huttball carrying, force charge and intercede are both very useful abilities for moving the ball across the map at high speed, however this is only 1 pvp map, and their usefulness strongly declines in the other 3 maps. The immortal spec is good for doing just that: protecting your healer or ball carrying, while the rage spec is a fairly viable (especially post 1.2) dps spec that uses choke, smash, and ravage as decent burst but in actuality this class lacks in a lot of areas compared to others.


8) DPS operatives/mercs/sorcs. All in all these are the lowest of the low, of which nit picking which is worse than which is not worth the trouble since having any of these on a team is actually detrimental in most cases. The burst of the operative is outdone by several other classes that have higher survivability and utility, making this whole class role (stealth burst class) obsolete. Merc dps is a stationary turret that is easily interruptable, or a copy of pyro PT without the extra bit of tankiness/extra stun and grapple hook utility. And DPS sorcs are nice range filler dps for a raid maybe, but provide nearly 0 burst and are easily stunned and outgunned by virtually any class.

Edited by MrXen
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You've gone about this all wrong.


Let's start over.


Over Powered:

Marauder - Excellent damage and far too many cool downs to go with it = over powered. I don't think they are crazily over powered, they just need some tweaking. Btw, I can 1v1 these guys (not that easily, but can do it) but having so many fotm rerolls is spoiling the fun for other people I play with :)


Pyrotech - Excellent burst damage, however, lack the defenses the marauder has.


Sniper - People always think of 1v1 - in a group situation, GOOD snipers are very effective and you get good value out of supporting them with heals/guard etc.


Sorceror - still has good utility and damage, but they are vulnerable to marauders who are far too powerful at the moment.


Concealment operatives - Cludgy mechanics and too many nerfs make this guy non-threatening these days.


Tracer missile mercs are kinda like a sniper, with less damage, easier to interrupt, less resistance to CC, no burst, no interrupts and no actual purpose except as cannon fodder.



Over powered:

Operative - not vulernable to interrupts or running out of resources, can heal while moving, has lots of useful cool downs and CC = over powered. There is even a hybrid heals/dps spec that permits them to have decent damage output and still heal quite effectively.


Merc healers - still ok, but unlike the operative are still some what vulernable to interrupts (not too bad), lack mobility while healing and lack the arsenal of CC available to the operative.


Sorc healers - you focus them, they die - the end. They have good utility and healing output, but are so squishy and easy to shutdown as be clearly inferior to the other two healers, except in Huttball where that utility shines.




Assassin - I am an assassin, I know this class very well. 1v1, darkness assassin in dps gear is a very tough opponent. They are very useful in a group situation also, however, I don't think they are over powered as Marauders. Why? Assassin heavy groups fail preety badly - however, I've absolutely dominated matches where we have 6 marauders on our team lol.


"Iron Fist" hybrid powertechs - preety decent mitigation and preety decent damage, decent utility. The assassin trumps the powertech tank-wise for pvp due to simply having more ways to survive longer.


Juggernauts spec'd as tanks are inferior to the other two advanced classes - at least, I haven't SEEN an effective one for a long time now. Why? They just hit like a wet noodle, more of a nuisance than a threat.


I agree 99% with this list. The only things i would change is pyrotech to overpowered, their dps and burst is just to high... regardless of their survivability. You have merc healers as 'good', but IMO they are average at best.

Edited by JKingu
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Everyone keeps quoting this and I find it hysterial. If you think the classes in this game are remotely balanced to where skill > class limitation you are delusional (or play a maurader more likely.)


Yes, if you are playing bads it doesn't matter what class you are, you will beat them. If however, you are a competitive player against an equally competitive player, you will lose to class mechanics. There is no reason, for example, why ANYONE should EVER lose to a Mercenary for example. This is not a balanced mmo, probably one of the worst balanced since early WoW.


Ironically I think this game was more balanced pre-1.2 than post 1.2.


Fixed for you.

Edited by Phrase
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Let me fix this for you.


1) Assassin (darkness spec). I play this class and after using many different characters finally I'll admit this spec/adv class combo using dps gear needs be toned down and have the other trees become viable. It can heal itself for large amounts, dish out fairly high-end dps, has invulnerability cooldowns, has stealth + in-combat stealth, and can do all of this while tanking and taunting. I can 1v1 any class in the game and win or tie (i tie very good op healers where we both make no progress in 30 minutes and just quit, its actually quite funny) unless its another tank assassin.


2) Operative (heal spec). I play this class as well (since the concealment spec I enjoyed is sub par on all fronts in team play) and the operative heals are brokenly overpowered. This is the only class that can toe-to-toe with assassins regularly (not kill them but tie them in a stalemate) and has retarded amounts of utility for a healer that has the highest output.


3) Marauders (annihilation spec if 1v1). This class has scary dps, as it should that is not the problem as that is the purpose of this class, but combined with a large array of defensive cooldowns (some of which return damage) and a low cooldown charge-stun, along with the well-known undying rage cooldown (99% damage reduction for 6 seconds) and a useful vanish it is scary strong versus any class and can put the hurt on even assassins, usually resulting in close matches depending on skill levels. The only reason this class is above pyro powertech and snipers are due to its undying rage + vanish cooldowns that when used properly provide massive advantages. (did i mention they can use medpacs/get healed during undying invulnerability? Yeah..) All in all though this class isn't ultra-OP like the #1 and #2.


4) Sorcerer/Mercenary (heal spec). These two classes are pretty much tied in terms of class power. They are healers and as has been the case since day 1, healer classes have had unfettered advantage in the pvp setting. Although they can be beaten (usually by 2+ dps) and rarely in 1v1 (a very good #1 or #3) they usually result in stalemates or victories and are only below marauders due to the marauder being the only class capable of managing a totally equal grounds victory (instead of tie) against these two. The sorcerer heal spec provides good heals but also provides bubble protection which is a huge asset to any match and can mean the different between life or death; to add to this they have sprint which allows for quick positioning or escaping as well as force pull for those lovely huttball matches. Merc healers have less mobility but have great single target healing along with the defense given by heavy armor, essentially trading their mobility for toughness; in addition they have great knockbacks that allow for a dps break on top of a nice cc shield.


5) Sniper (any spec depending on situation). The most underestimated class in this game its nearly tied with marauders but was placed below solely for the strong "oh crap" cooldowns available to marauders, of which the sniper has few. In terms of damage, they are only out done by a marauder or powertech left to wail on a target freely, but in most situations out perform due to their ranged (ability to constantly be attacking instead of chasing kiters). With marksmanship they have massive burst potential and fair knockbacks using cover, but are weak if jumped on top of, using engineering spec they provide LARGE amounts of dps with minimal burst but with better group control and aoe, and finally using lethality they have fairly high burst (lower than marksmanship) but with much better mobility, able to move and shoot instead of cover spam. If they catch you from range, you are almost guaranteed to lose.


6) Powertech (pryo spec). Virtually the equivalent level of snipers and on similar grounds as #3 and #4, powertechs using pyro spec dish out inSANE amounts of burst, but their weakness is in utility and survivability. They have a couple nice stuns, and a neat knockback, but they lack in strong cooldowns or the ability to use distance as defense. They are in effect, the game's true glass cannons. When specced into tanking they suddenly become much tougher to kill but take a large hit to dps/burst capabilities.


7) Juggernauts (rage spec or immortal spec depending on situation). This class can use a little love, and #7 and beyond is more of the underpowered region of the adv classes. Juggernauts are great for pve, and great for huttball carrying, force charge and intercede are both very useful abilities for moving the ball across the map at high speed, however this is only 1 pvp map, and their usefulness strongly declines in the other 3 maps. The immortal spec is good for doing just that: protecting your healer or ball carrying, while the rage spec is a fairly viable (especially post 1.2) dps spec that uses choke, smash, and ravage as decent burst but in actuality this class lacks in a lot of areas compared to others.


8) DPS operatives/mercs/sorcs. All in all these are the lowest of the low, of which nit picking which is worse than which is not worth the trouble since having any of these on a team is actually detrimental in most cases. The burst of the operative is outdone by several other classes that have higher survivability and utility, making this whole class role (stealth burst class) obsolete. Merc dps is a stationary turret that is easily interruptable, or a copy of pyro PT without the extra bit of tankiness/extra stun and grapple hook utility. And DPS sorcs are nice range filler dps for a raid maybe, but provide nearly 0 burst and are easily stunned and outgunned by virtually any class.


Powertechs do not have knockbacks... mercs do though...

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Snipers are going to get more complaining as more marauders appear, even though they are not getting stronger. They are good vs. 1 melee (if that melee is not stealth), but worse than most classes vs. 2, especially if there's any sort of coordination. Cover is now huge because of the melee domination in the game which probably pushes snipers up to the top ranged dps. Not because of overall performance, but because melee are just too good and being able to not get dogpiled instantly gives them a leg up. Snipers also fulfill the kill role. DPS sorcs are good for CC and pressure roles, but snipers will stand out more for the kills/burst. Mercs would be a kill role, but they're too easy to shut down and don't have the sustained aoe or utility for pressure/lockdown.


Finally someone that gets it regarding snipers. Cover nullifies force leap, but a stealth operative or assassin getting the opener on a sniper = dead sniper. Snipers do fantastic DPS if left alone, but if focused our lack of defensive CDs and no self heals makes us a quick kill for the other team.

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Powertechs do not have knockbacks... mercs do though...


Since you most of the time only get attacked by sentinels or shadows. Knockback only serves to give sentinels a free leap + interupt, shadows just forcesprint back.

Sadly enough, i kill more players in huttball knockbacking players into fire then i do using my attack skills..as a stationay merc, people just sprint/leap/stealth away as soon as they get a bit hurt. I made an epic knockback of 5 players into the fire once..thats my best memory from Forceball..

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LOL this is a ridiculous post. On my concealment operative, even after all the nerfs, I can burn down any healer. Yes, I said ANY healer. I've killed 2 very well geared/skilled healers by myself while trying to heal each other. In a competitive weekly dueling tournament on my server, I killed a geared trooper healer BEFORE HE WAS ABLE TO USE 1 ABILITY. He didn't hit me once, and didn't heal himself once. I can stand toe-to-toe with marauder/sent, assassin/shadow, pretty much anybody actually.


On my sniper, I have achieved top DPS about 75% of the time. If you think snipers are at the bottom of the food chain, even after all the buffs they have received after 1.2, then either you don't have a PvP geared sniper, or all of the snipers on your server are absolutely atrocious. I've killed some of the best maras/sents, assassin/shadows on my server having about 70% of my health remaining. Kind of difficult for a melee class to hit a sniper who know what he's doing.


This whole post I think is ridiculous. I've seen awesome duelists in EVERY SINGLE CLASS on my server. In my opinion, I think the classes in this game are fairly well balanced. There are issues. But to call attention to this "food chain" is straight up ridiculous. Anybody that knows how to play their class with skill can melt face in WZ's.

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Shenanigans. Two healers and NEITHER one bothered to CC you more than once and heal up? You MIGHT have gotten one if you were able to vanish +opening rotation again and the other one was busy picking his nose or had been sleep darted with a significant period left on his break CC move but they obviously weren't on their game. Either that or you significantly out gear them.
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Shenanigans. Two healers and NEITHER one bothered to CC you more than once and heal up? You MIGHT have gotten one if you were able to vanish +opening rotation again and the other one was busy picking his nose or had been sleep darted with a significant period left on his break CC move but they obviously weren't on their game. Either that or you significantly out gear them.


I cc'd one when their cc breaker was on cooldown - burned the other down - then focused the second one.

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Rock, Paper, Scissors


Paper:::In the cir of SWTOR in imp terms ---- Assassin kills --- Sniper kills--- marauder kills skraps, including assassin kills ---- sniper..... get the picture



Scissors :::Operative kill dumb people.......

Operative Healers are the best at saving dumb people........


Rock :::::Teamwork beats all




PT don’t be sad you were good.



Edited by IronScarlet
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....Anyone who thinks a Sniper is remotely close to Tankassassin/Marauder/Pyro Powertech in power is an idiot..


A Sniper is great if you're not being attacked and people are ignoring ya, The second people pay attention to you, They'll stomp you into the ground.


I do it all the time on my Pyro Powertech, Esp Marksmanship Snipers, which are basically the easiest class in the game to counter in a 1v1.


Now I know some people are going to say "Well you just haven't seen a good sniper"


I have a full BM/War Hero Sniper, i know exactly how it plays.... I was recruited to the major PvP guild on my server because of my play on both the Pyro and Sniper... but given a Premade, I'd much rather have a Pyro or Marauder over a Sniper in PVP.


Esp Pyro's, our guild runs 4 man Pyro Powertech groups, and honestly, you don't even need heals half the time, you'll lose on objective base missions if you have moronic team mates of course like Nova and Civil War, but Huttball and Voidstar are freakin blood baths.


You have a 4 Man Pyro assist train and it's just silly, as anytime you eat a Flameburst, you eat 4 Railshots instantly right after it.

Edited by Xsorus
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This is pretty darn close to the mark, though I think Tankassins share the same water with the current alpha predator (Marauders) when played correctly.



You forgot to add...except have stealth, more gankability (group burst is sick to the point of instagibness when popping 2 vs 1 from stealth) more mobility and better sustained tankability especially if they work in groups and make clever use of CC and Guard switching.


If you want to WIN warzones you bring lots and lots of tankasins and shadows along with operative healers, not marauders, sorcs, powertechs, jugs, snipers or mercs.


Assassins need far fewer skills and are much more effective even when played by less skilled players than marauders. The main difference is STEALTH has no effective counter (effective would be 75% or better chance to destealth any nearby stealthers... stealth probes hit rate is under 1%, probably much worse, AOE's arent practical) STEALTH makes it easy to assault and capture weakly defended objectives, AND defend them via stalling and CC. Assassins have mobility, tank skills, tank pull, tank resists, and BURST enough to be lethal in pairs.

Operatives are the best PVP healers because they can avoid being focused (stealth/cloak screen) and they can heal while remaining mobile, they are also the best ball carrier support in huttball due to mobile healing + flashbang + snare/immobilise..


Thats the key difference and why 8 marauders or any non stealth class will lose to 5 tank assassins/3 healer operatives in all 4 warzones. The stealthers will always know where the non stealthers are and where to hit, the non stelather have to guess and are at a huge tactical disadvantage vs stealthers.. this is nothing new its just been amplified in 1.2 because assassin burst is high enough to easily deal with defenders in a 2vs2 situation.


A bit about marauders.

Marauders are *only* truely good once geared and in the hands of players who can handle 20+ cooldowns and not get frustrated, thats less than 5% of the marauders you see, youll see 48 bad ones for every 2-3 good ones.

Carnage and Rage spec are both easier to play but FAR inferior to Annihilation if the Annihilation marauder is one of those in the sub 5% category.

Yes a Crit/Smash rage spec can put up impressive numbers, but a well player annihilation can equal or better thsoe numbers, but do so using SINGLE TARGET damage, not AOE.... which means Crit/Smash is for show and looks pretty, but annihilation is what impacts warzones because its the one actually removing players from objectives and killing healers.


Because of this FOTM marauders will all be rerolling assassin next month because assassin doesnt need to manage as many cooldowns, is more or less a 4 button class and is a LOT simpler to play by the same players who rolled tracer spamming merc healer hybrids and sorcs since 1.0 who thought marauder would be lolEZmode...but found they cant hit even 50% of the numbers a good one does.


Basically, OP got it all wrong, actually playing warzones premade vs premade in 1.2 will teach you what dominates.


Holding/Capturing objectives



Tank DPS






Huttball Defence and, Carrier guarding and Goal Scoring:



Huttball ball carrier healing



I predict a large BUFF to Anti-Stealth and Stealth detection powers is coming soon, then the FOTM assassins and ops will all go back to playing sorcs and powertechs ;)

Edited by blackadda
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The problem is that the game is too simple. Every time people roll fotm they get too rewarded because, well, it's **** easy to play this game in PvP.


The lack of meta game is laughable.


Weird that fotm Pyro's has success when they basically have to bind 4 buttons and walk forward to beat 90% of the other players. Four instant buttons (LOL).


I bet my *** that any Pyro can simply bind Thermal, Flame Burst, Rail and Rocket punch and beat most people. All instant attacks.


Throw in some more delicate mechanics please so people can start trying to play mind games that really matter.

Edited by TapSumBatt
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....Anyone who thinks a Sniper is remotely close to Tankassassin/Marauder/Pyro Powertech in power is an idiot..


A Sniper is great if you're not being attacked and people are ignoring ya, The second people pay attention to you, They'll stomp you into the ground.


I do it all the time on my Pyro Powertech, Esp Marksmanship Snipers, which are basically the easiest class in the game to counter in a 1v1.


Now I know some people are going to say "Well you just haven't seen a good sniper"


I have a full BM/War Hero Sniper, i know exactly how it plays.... I was recruited to the major PvP guild on my server because of my play on both the Pyro and Sniper... but given a Premade, I'd much rather have a Pyro or Marauder over a Sniper in PVP.


Esp Pyro's, our guild runs 4 man Pyro Powertech groups, and honestly, you don't even need heals half the time, you'll lose on objective base missions if you have moronic team mates of course like Nova and Civil War, but Huttball and Voidstar are freakin blood baths.


You have a 4 Man Pyro assist train and it's just silly, as anytime you eat a Flameburst, you eat 4 Railshots instantly right after it.


Meh, some of us like to push more than 4 buttons.


I play a MM sniper in PvP. Scoundrels used to own me until I got PvP gear, now I can't think of a single class that kills me every time guaranteed. Playing a sniper well is about intelligence, positioning, use of cool downs, use of CC. Playing all of these tools in tune like a musician and a sniper will own. Especially if you have friends that throw you a heal here or there.


Come to my server, I'll show you how to play one. I'm first or second in damage dealt and killing blows for my team in every game I play pretty much guaranteed.

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If characters are evaluated solely on offense and defensive potential there might be some that can be argued as tie with Tankasin.


Problem is Tankasin have pretty much the highest utility in the game too. The best scenario you can hope for against a Tankasin is that you can cancel him out, but even when I"m 100% occupied on fighting one guy, I can still throw out my AE taunt and guard. Wither/Dark Charge still hits eveyrone in AE range and applying a significant debuff.

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