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If 1.3 comes without Ranked warzones expect another 400k unsub


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Will I unsub if 1.3 doesn't come out with Ranked... That will pretty much depends on how many more people keep leaving my server that used to be considered: heavy


This is rather how I feel also. I was angry at not getting rated WZ and 8-man queues with 1.2, but I was going to stick it out because I like the WZ and the gameplay. But the rate at which this game is bleeding PvPers is just alarming. If GW2 launches before Bioware has released some significant competition-directed pvp content, then this game will probably become a ghost town for PvP, and I'll just move on.


I'm not even that excited about GW2, but --- on the other hand --- I just want some good competitive PvP. I was hoping I could get that in this game, but it seems as if Bioware is confused about what they want this game to be. The perfect example of this is the 4-man limit on premades. The solo casuals are going to be upset with any premades, and so they aren't happy (as evidenced by the daily thread complaining about this on the forums), while the players trying to put together competitive teams can't stand the fact that this makes WZs all but meaningless from this standpoint: if you beat another good premade with four random pugs forced on them, so what? Bioware is trying to have it both ways, and so is just making everyone angry. Is this a competitive PvP game or just a PvE game with some casual PvP thrown in? If it's the latter, or anything less than the former, then this is not the game for me. At the moment, though, Bioware seems to be trying for some sort of middle ground, and it's just not working at all.

Edited by blackdots
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Rated WZs received TERRIBLE remarks on the PTS, and instead of giving us a ****** broke ***** system... they held back.


This is just false. The devs post on the PTS forum asking for feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Bioware didn't hold back RWZ because of negative player feedback. This is some strange myth that's been making the rounds among PvErs (who seem to actually want PvP in ToR to die) for some reason.

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I really want to know who played PTS and determined that it was so bad, that ranked warzones were just that absolutely pitiful that they had to pull it 24 hours before launch. How bad was it, that even after a month they're still not ready?
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This is just false. The devs post on the PTS forum asking for feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Bioware didn't hold back RWZ because of negative player feedback. This is some strange myth that's been making the rounds among PvErs (who seem to actually want PvP in ToR to die) for some reason.


I was under the impression it was pulled because of population issues. The cross server grouping system was not ready for primetime & thus putting in ranked warzones would be an ultimate fail just watching 2-4 teams(I'm being generous for the majority of servers) play each other all the time. Ironically this is what is killing this game atm, from a PvP perspective that is, with average pop servers having unbelievable wait times on off peak hours.


The solution as I see it is to properly integrate cross server queuing to ensure someone a playable experience at almost any time of the day. You also need to have server merges, the extremely low pop servers need to be integrated into other low pop servers. This might mean several servers equal only one, meh so be it, a MMO with no one to play with doesn't last long. And like it or not, fail or not, I guarantee free to play has been bandied about in meetings. Love it or hate it, it will increase the player base even if those players do not stick around for extended periods of time.

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Bioware is trying to have it both ways, and so is just making everyone angry. Is this a competitive PvP game or just a PvE game with some casual PvP thrown in? If it's the latter, or anything less than the former, then this is not the game for me. At the moment, though, Bioware seems to be trying for some sort of middle ground, and it's just not working at all.


lol yep. I posted this exact thing in beta, that compromising between two sides just makes nobody satisfied.


The simple solution was 8 man queuing vs. solo queuing. If you can't get 7 other people together then you have to go solo. It should be no problem to get a group of 8 because any active PVP guild will have at least that many. Then you just ramp up rewards a bit to balance out less queue pops, and put in a ranking system that is visible to everyone that clicks on warzone and then clicks on group queue (which is as I wrote only 8 man).


The only people that will ***** about that are the people that can only get 2 or 3 people together, but those people can just solo queue since that's such a small group anyway. The vast majority of PVPers fall into either solo or 8 man groups, anything in between doesn't really make any sense anyway.


But the 8 man queue should always have been cross server, that way you actually get a true ranking, plus it would rank the servers, and then the guilds in each server. Say one server had 3 of the top 5 PVP premade groups, now all of a sudden arguing on the forums when your server doesn't even have a top 30 makes you just look stupid.


Solo queue should have always just been for the server only. Then when you wanted the rank and to expand your horizons you take the players you've become familiar with and move into the 8 man xserver PVP.


I proposed this way back in beta and got shot down. I still believe this would have worked. GW2 has solo and premade queues separated, I know that much.

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I really want to know who played PTS and determined that it was so bad, that ranked warzones were just that absolutely pitiful that they had to pull it 24 hours before launch. How bad was it, that even after a month they're still not ready?


Pts was a joke i leveled to 50 not one time did i ever get a 8v8 que. It took between 3 to 7 days to even get a que to pop and 99% of the time the warzone didnt even complete due to unbalanced teams. The 1% i finished a game was 8v6 8v5 7v4. Bioware are liars. Everyone is disppointed in them. Not only couldnt u get a warzone to pop but even if it did no one was in equal gear. So not only were ranked warzones never tested but pvp was never tested or class hanges with a controled group.


Bioware is in over their heads. They cant even make whats in game work or be tested properly nontheless wht thy pretend to test.


Bioware dint only make the worst mmo ever in history but they also took mmos back a decade. Its one thing to ruin a star wars mmo its another to ruin mmos in general for all players who decided to play TOR as their first mmo. Bioware lied in beta, bioware lied after launch, bioware lied at the guild summit, bioware wil, wont, hasnt and will never make the subs go up from this point on. Bioware even has lied to investors by charging players a month before applying their free month just to act like only 25% of players were lost since 1.2. I guarantee that more hardcore fanbois have lifesize jar jar binks statues then are logged in right now on every server.


Personally if i was george lucas i d punch james ohlesen in the face. Almost 40 years of a harcore fanbase destroyed because of the worst development team in gaming history. Dont beleive me then u show me what bioware did for mmos except destroy them.


bioware should rename the company to brewster millions cause its just a way to waste 300 million because u have it not because u know what to do with it.

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LOL you weren't part of the business model to begin with :rak_01:


This is the type of **** that leads to raiders and pvpers not getting along. They claimed to be a triple a mmo title at release, which means you are aiming to deliver for all types of players. PvPers arent such a minority you all seem to believe we are. Alot of us just quit games because people seem to treat us like second class citizens. Remember warhammer? All the raiders quit that game because they werent being catered to. Same freaking thing.

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Wait a sec who stil pves? U cant do FPs since there are no groups and most pvers skip them ntirely since pvp gear is better and easier to obtain. Plus unless u just started playing 2 weeks ago no self respcting raider or guild took more then 3 weeks to clear every raid and all modes. Anyon who can play blindfolded clears all raids and hardest modes in 4 hours. So what do you think people do the rest of the week waiting on reset? Thats right pvp.


The people who take raiding seriously left the game even before 1.1 came out because it was extremely easy and the hardest mechanics werent what bioware designed but the bugs they didnt fix. People who raid now and know how to play need all of a couple hours to do all content.


Bioware just released a statement a couple weeks ago saying how they are now turning resources to pvp because it is what the majority of players do with their time online. I would say and with confidence the best guilds on any server spend 90% of their time in pvp and 10% of their time clearing raids.


This game is really a pvp game now and you can simply read the forums. Even u who says pvp isnt a focus is in the pvp forum posting since theres nothing going on in the fp/ops forum other then bug reports.


Full rakata in a Operation > Full battlemaster in an Operation.


Expertise does not factor in to PvE content. never has.


This game is not a PvP game. It never has been a PvP game. It was advertised and hyped on its storytelling ability NOT its PvP. If PvP was the focus there would have been more than 3 warzones at launch as well as a more in depth open world PvP mechanic.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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Full rakata in a Operation > Full battlemaster in an Operation.


Expertise does not factor in to PvE content. never has.


This game is not a PvP game. It never has been a PvP game. It was advertised and hyped on its storytelling ability NOT its PvP. If PvP was the focus there would have been more than 3 warzones at launch as well as a more in depth open world PvP mechanic.


You're right.


BTW, how's that working out for SWTOR?


Once Ilum went poof this game has been going down faster than a bucket of chicken at Oprah's.

Edited by booshido
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There won't be a 400k drop in subs if we don't get WZ in 1.3. Why? Because all the real pvp'ers already left. Some left when 1.15 released, the rest when 1.2 dropped. So you see, it's unlikely that there's even 400k dedicated pvper's left playing this game.


My entire pvp only guild is completely gone. At our peak, we had 80 members on during prime time each night, and they all left because the pvp is horrid in this game. I haven't run a single WZ since the day after 1.2, because all my friends are gone. I'm only here because of free time plus a 6 month sub. 34 days and I'll be gone too.


I do enjoy watching the fanboys and haters banter on the forums thouhgh. It's actually more fun that the game. :p

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Title says it all, You have been ignoring PvP content and the players to long, We are paying customers which deserve our content aswell. stop ignoring us.


I am well aware that a small minorty of players is waiting for ranked warzones more than anything else. But the problem is not the lack of ranked warzones. The problem is endgame all together, which makes servers empty, queues empty, etc..etc...


Ranked warzones, if implemented today, would be a disaster, as the queue time for both ranked and un-ranked would then go through the roof, eventually making people leave queueing...spiralling down to close to 0 activity, as most servers already are at today pvp wise.


You are a minority, those wishing for ranked warzones, and you will always be, as SWTOR is essentially designed for solo play, with pvp on top.

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Since they lost the majority of pure PvP'ers with 1.2, they won't lose 400k over this. All the expiring "free 30 days" though is going to kill them, because I think a lot of folks in general have quit pending server mergers.


They can't implement ranked WZ's without first handling the population issues. Being the #4 PvP'er on your server doesn't mean much when only 8 people are ranked ;-)

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Full rakata in a Operation > Full battlemaster in an Operation.


Expertise does not factor in to PvE content. never has.


This game is not a PvP game. It never has been a PvP game. It was advertised and hyped on its storytelling ability NOT its PvP. If PvP was the focus there would have been more than 3 warzones at launch as well as a more in depth open world PvP mechanic.


Yea but u dont get rakate in a fp u get it in a op. So much easier to skip the fps and get the bm gear then do an op for rakata. Either way all content is easily cleared in bm gear we dont bother even changing into our rakata anymore except for tanks and to mak sure dps is a little closer to hit cap as clearing the raids in nm for the old ones and hm for the new one is nothing more then a few hours not spent in que for our guild. No one thats even a half *** raider needs more time then that a week even if ur lazy maybe 2 nights.


The raids areso easy that it doesnt matter if you have expertise on your gear in a raid. Raids are easier then wow 5 mans. All themechanics can be healed or outdpsed and there is no challenge in it whatsoever. Even if the game says its focused on pve doesnt mean that bioware was able to create a decent pve end game. Pve is more dead then pvp right now atleast pvp has a vibrant community and is here waiting for ranked wzs and cross server. The pve focused guilds that actually are strictly focused on pve and competetive end game raiding left a long long time ago. Sure there a are good guilds left but not any can sustain a memebership or future of GOOD MMO pleayers by simply waiting for every tuesday to clear childs play content.

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I am well aware that a small minorty of players is waiting for ranked warzones more than anything else. But the problem is not the lack of ranked warzones. The problem is endgame all together, which makes servers empty, queues empty, etc..etc...


Ranked warzones, if implemented today, would be a disaster, as the queue time for both ranked and un-ranked would then go through the roof, eventually making people leave queueing...spiralling down to close to 0 activity, as most servers already are at today pvp wise.


You are a minority, those wishing for ranked warzones, and you will always be, as SWTOR is essentially designed for solo play, with pvp on top.



I agree here more then that swtor is a raiders game. This game really is all about solo play leveling then pvp between alts. Raiding is just weak imo.


They def need to fix populations before any ranked wzs are introduced for this guys reasoning. With 2 ques on already dead servers all u do is make it so a que never pops instead of popping once a day. Thts why BW doesnt have a wz debuff since one or two people with it would make queing longer, cant seperate ques due to team comp or rank or gear due to making ques longer. Servers need merged and shut down to under about 30 or so for entire game. Bioware needs to fix the legacy and toon names by allowing a capital letter or something so that people can keep theirs or if they transfer and ur name is taken then u be allowed to go elsewhere so its players choice if they want to give up their names.


This game as much as i play and love it is a good 3 to 4 years at this pace away from becoming playable to the point of more then 3 month spurts. This was supposed to be my home mmo i waited a long time for but all it did was make me know what i want to make sure my home mmo isnt like. I mean this game made me thankful for blizzard and i blame myself for ever complaining to them about anything i learned to appreciate what i had because of this game even thou tor was supposed to revolutionize mmos and likeive said before really just took the entire industry back a decade.


Atleast we know blizzard is there we cant even get communication from biowa4re and imo the lack of communication is as much to blame for the loss of subs as everything else wrong with the game. Cmmunication like in raiding or pvp or arena or you marriage is what makes a good team bo communication ruins all of the above as we all see happening with swtor.

Edited by Masturomenos
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