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If 1.3 comes without Ranked warzones expect another 400k unsub


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1.3 almost certainly won't have ranked WZ's. That's the group finder patch.



Look, Bioware has already stated numerous times that they had working models of ranked WZ's and all the feedback about them was that they sucked. So, would you rather have crappy ranked WZ's quickly, or wait longer for something significantly better?

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1.3 almost certainly won't have ranked WZ's. That's the group finder patch.



Look, Bioware has already stated numerous times that they had working models of ranked WZ's and all the feedback about them was that they sucked. So, would you rather have crappy ranked WZ's quickly, or wait longer for something significantly better?


They had feedback? from who? They havnt had PTS server up with any patches since 1.2 How could they get feed back? They stated 1.3 was going to have Rated Warzones when they pulled it in 1.2 We want our bloody Content. Its been over 4 weeks now.

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Title says it all, You have been ignoring PvP content and the players to long, We are paying customers which deserve our content aswell. stop ignoring us.



LOL you weren't part of the business model to begin with :rak_01:

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Blah blah blah. OP, you don't speak for me. If you are so *********** unhappy, go do something else with your free time. You people will probably just hate the next game that comes out, too. You people are never happy. You people!
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Blah blah blah. OP, you don't speak for me. If you are so *********** unhappy, go do something else with your free time. You people will probably just hate the next game that comes out, too. You people are never happy. You people!


I am unhappy that i get lied to all the time by the company that i pay my 15$ a month to, and expect to get treated the same as a PvE'r We PvP'ers expect content just the same as any PvE paying customer.


Excuse me for wanting to actually have fun playing new developed content.


1.2 Ranked warzones, Nope then they pulled it 1 hour before.

Then they said they will put ranked warzones in before 1.3 but now 1.3 is coming and..

now they are not gonna put ranked warzones in 1.3?

Edited by Overlord-
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anyone claiming pvp to be the minority playstyle in this game is delusional.


the devs have stated multiple times that more than 50% of players have participated in warzones, while barely 35% of players have participated in operations.


this game has a strong PvP community, and bioware is realizing this. their design decisions do not reflect their desire to maintain the PvP community though.


if ranked warzones do not come out before 1.3, as we were told when they were scrapped from 1.2, the 25% sub drop this past billing cycle will be nothing

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anyone claiming pvp to be the minority playstyle in this game is delusional.


the devs have stated multiple times that more than 50% of players have participated in warzones, while barely 35% of players have participated in operations.


this game has a strong PvP community, and bioware is realizing this. their design decisions do not reflect their desire to maintain the PvP community though.


if ranked warzones do not come out before 1.3, as we were told when they were scrapped from 1.2, the 25% sub drop this past billing cycle will be nothing


THANK YOU, someone with a brain.

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The more general problem is right now, the subs are dropping, this game is definitely not growing. This is happening for many reason but one of them, is bored lvl 50's. There is nothing to do besides PVP and do flashpoints/operations (but seriously, everyone knows the PVE is a joke in this game).


A group finder will not help the subs, it will not increase the amount of people playing, rated warzones will. (or should, it might be too late)

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What I do not understand is that the concept of a fully functional Ladder has been used for years and years. How come suddenly, it's so complicated to make lol. Back in the 90s, people were using Ladders in Duke Nukem 3D (competitive scene) - You're telling me that in 2012, it's complicated to come up with something simple, efficient and great for everyone to enjoy?


Tournament setups, Full Season setup have all been used for years... One glimpse at a site like http://www.teamwarefare.com and you can get a picture on what works. Not saying their using the best system but they know the basics. League Of Legends seems to be doing it properly as well... again, nothing too fancy but very efficient.


Even Starcraft 1 and 2 had it right for the most part.



At the rate this game is dying, it is pretty alarming to see that simple concepts are completely off the track. BW, in your podcast, you keep saying that each dev team had their own feature to work on. Can you please make a research team that understands the fundamentals of competitive gaming?


Will I unsub if 1.3 doesn't come out with Ranked... That will pretty much depends on how many more people keep leaving my server that used to be considered: heavy

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anyone claiming pvp to be the minority playstyle in this game is delusional.


the devs have stated multiple times that more than 50% of players have participated in warzones, while barely 35% of players have participated in operations.


this game has a strong PvP community, and bioware is realizing this. their design decisions do not reflect their desire to maintain the PvP community though.


if ranked warzones do not come out before 1.3, as we were told when they were scrapped from 1.2, the 25% sub drop this past billing cycle will be nothing


Don't forget about all the people playing out their 30 free days of play time. No rated WZs plus this will make a 400k loss of subs look small time. It's the perfect storm. I'm already ranking this game higher than AO on the fail-chart. It's unprecedented. To sore to almost 2mill and then fall so flat so fast is an accomplishment worthy of note. /golf clap And this game was the most expensive to develop ever at 200-300 mill, depending on who you believe.

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Agreed, Yet they put all this money into the game and dont develop any content to support it.


I guess the IP cost 100 Million, Voice acting cost: 150 Mill. Then 50mill for content? Which i doubt was even 50mill because other games who start iwth 50mill budget do more content at launch then this.

Edited by Overlord-
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Yet SWG had a 8 1/2 year run. Not to bad really. :rolleyes:


It was licensed to run.


And I didn't see that game winning any praises or "Game of the Year" awards ever since it came out.

Edited by AMKSED
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They ignored PvPers by giving them another Warzone? Ok, champ.


Pay attention to what happened with rateds before you comment. Rated WZs received TERRIBLE remarks on the PTS, and instead of giving us a ****** broke ***** system... they held back. TO me, this speaks of developers that actually LISTEN to their subscribers. IF you want to be heard, get on the PTS servers and constructively contribute there.

Edited by Notannos
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Agreed, Yet they put all this money into the game and dont develop any content to support it.


I guess the IP cost 100 Million, Voice acting cost: 150 Mill. Then 50mill for content? Which i doubt was even 50mill because other games who start iwth 50mill budget do more content at launch then this.


I've heard two numbers. $200 million, that's direct from EA. Some claim $300 million though. Either way it's the most expensive MMO to date. Massive failure, lol.

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Blah blah blah. OP, you don't speak for me. If you are so *********** unhappy, go do something else with your free time. You people will probably just hate the next game that comes out, too. You people are never happy. You people!


If a restaurant promised to deliver food you ordered and then didn't and you complained, would it be reasonable to tell you to shut up, stop whining, if you're unhappy go somewhere else?


Ranked WZ were promised with 1.2. They said they would be there. The OP and anyone else unhappy with this failure has a valid reason to be angry. Every single day they don't deliver they are letting the player's down. BW will lose subscribers and they deserve it. That's what incompetence and failure bring you in business - decreased revenue.

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If a restaurant promised to deliver food you ordered and then didn't and you complained, would it be reasonable to tell you to shut up, stop whining, if you're unhappy go somewhere else?


Ranked WZ were promised with 1.2. They said they would be there. The OP and anyone else unhappy with this failure has a valid reason to be angry. Every single day they don't deliver they are letting the player's down. BW will lose subscribers and they deserve it. That's what incompetence and failure bring you in business - decreased revenue.


Awesome, another person who had a brain! I guess we are all getting home from work to put the Kiddies in line.

Edited by Overlord-
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LOL you weren't part of the business model to begin with :rak_01:


It's short sighted people like you who come to the a PvP forum and say uneducated things like this.


More subs = more money into the game, regardless if it's from a PvPer or a PvEer.


Regardless of the random number pulled out by the OP, myself and my friends are absolutely sick and tired of having more than 8 friends willing to WZ, and not being able to group together. Instead we are forced to play with subpar randoms who most of the time don't know what they are doing.


The current state of WZ's atm is it's not the team with the most skilled players wins, it's the team with the least noobs wins. All you need is one noob who doesn't ditch the ball while on the goal line, or a noob who doesn't call an inc, or a noob that doesn't watch a door. At the end of the day, it's unfair that we have players doing their best, while others don't. This is not a PvP vs a PvE thing, or even a rated's thing, I just want to be able to group with my friends, play our best, if we win or lose, thats ok, but at least we had fun doing it together.


We expected being able to group together with 1.2, then 1.3, frankly im getting tired of waiting as grinding the 250 odd hours for our WH gear is getting really dull with 4 man groups. I will seriously be thinking about pulling my sub, and this is coming from someone who is happy to having their sub ticking away even if they haven't played for a couple of months.

Edited by NyteSabre
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It was licensed to run.


And I didn't see that game winning any praises or "Game of the Year" awards ever since it came out.


Licensed to run yes. It also still had paid subscriptions through out that time. Not winning an award does not mean it is a doomed project. So many said that game was dead. LA decided when to pull the plug. Not SOE. It was stated that if SWG had dropped to a certain amount of subs then LA would have shut it down.


No matter what anyone thinks, LA will keep this title up and running even on a sub-par 200k paid subs a month. What will then take place is EA/BW will just cut the support staff down to compensate for the lack of subscriptions. Not having RWZ will not place this game in shut down. Sorry to say, but that is true. Not having RWZ's is also not the reason for the nearly 400k in subscription loss. It had a lot to do with the end of the initial 30 days of free time as well as a combination of expectations from the gaming community over all on what they thought, was going to be in the game.


Now, playing a bit of a devils advocate here, the title clearly states that if 1.3 comes out without the RWZ mechanic, then the OP expects another exudes to take place. I personally think that something more important needs to take place before 1.3 and before RWZ's are even implemented. That is simply server merges. Biggest issue right now is the population being spread to thin across far to many servers. Once that takes place, they need to then implement the RWZ before 1.3.


Lets face it, Bio-Ware has more on its plate then WoW has subscriptions. I think that much we can all agree on. There is a lot of work ahead of them. The main issues, as it seems, is the lack of prioritization from the team itself.

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