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Nerf Marauder? Marauder can't do this:


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http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/51371630.jpg/ - Screenshot of Tankasin dealing 7k+ energized shock.

- Vid of Pyro Powertech with sustained damage being more than most burst dps's burst.


So, yeah. Pyro P-tech easily out damages maras/sents burst damage with their sustained damage cycles (lol). Tankasin/Shadowtanks can get off 3 recklessness induced energized procs - only takes 2 of these to deal as much (or more if target is squishy) damage as a carnage marauder's gore procced ravage does from a full cycle.


Still think maras/sents are #1 on the list to need some changing?


EDIT: I am not requesting a nerf to any class - I'm trying to increase awareness that Marauders aren't the only ones pushing out huge damage metrics. Ops/Scounds (melee - and yes, even post 1.2), Assassins/Shadows (all specs, though tank and middle tree being the most frequent), Snipers/Gunslingers (all specs), and the 7/3/31 VG/P-Tech spec are all dishing out similar or more damage metrics compared to Maras/Sents.


The issue behind what's causing all this is expertise values having much more significant impact on abilities with high base damage values (which further get compounded when combined with talents that improve the damage values and/or grant bonuses to these values such as armor penetration/auto-crit/cooldown reset/crit damage value). So please stop QQ about any one specific class when every class (with 2 exceptions) is equally capable of similar effects.

Edited by SinnedWill
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I dont play a Pyro, but these videos are usless, any equipped class can put up those numbers aginst any poorly equipped players, I bet if you actually played a Pyro you would sing a different QQ song about some other class.


Pyros are way squishy and are only useful if they go unchecked just like sorcs, the real pains are the AoE spamming Troppers get three of those guys on the other side and you feel the hurt.

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I'm not scared. Just showing that rail shot + flame burst spam cycles leads to more damage (in shorter time window with less counterability) than maras dish out via burst. Not all of his targets are undergeared. Hell, in my opinion he could change some of his gear (he's still not even fully WH geared, mind you) and skill points to get even more out of it. And yes, I'm aware he's using relics/adrenals for his damage, my point was that not even a carnage marauder (with relics/adrenals) can out-burst a good pyro powertech even with a gore-procced ravage (which gets the most QQ) that runs for its entire channel-time. I'm only attempting to enlighten people.


And LOL about the whole Eclipse pvp thing - I can assure you you never even faced me to be making statements like that.

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http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/51371630.jpg/ - Screenshot of Tankasin dealing 7k+ energized shock.

- Vid of Pyro Powertech with sustained damage being more than most burst dps's burst.


So, yeah. Pyro P-tech easily out damages maras/sents burst damage with their sustained damage cycles (lol). Tankasin/Shadowtanks can get off 3 recklessness induced energized procs - only takes 2 of these to deal as much (or more if target is squishy) damage as a carnage marauder's gore procced ravage does from a full cycle.


Still think maras/sents are #1 on the list to need some changing?


That PT damage is not sustainable. Watch his bars and you can see that's a compilation of single target burst mostly, when 3-4 buffs are hit. That's a setup that can happen on one person every 2 minutes. Not at all different from other classes. Deception sin can set himself up for burst similar to that every 75 seconds.


On top of that, some targets are around 12k-13k health, meaning not even wearing Recruit gear.


And the pyro is ALWAYS in a pre-made, so it's also possible there are other damage boosts or debuffs present most of the time.


Pyro burst is AMAZING... but it is NOT sustainable.



Edit: On the other hand, look at focus/rage warriors/knights. They can do crits other classes can only dream about and can set that up a few times a minute. They don't even need to pop any cool downs to get crits higher than that pyro, but when they do their dps is INSANELY higher than what a pyro, operative or an assassin is capable of.

Edited by Monterone
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Oh no, a whole whopping 7k against a fresh 50 with no PvP gear (notice his 11k health). Whatever will we do?


Nice try, though.


Tanks shouldn't be criting for 7k. Or out damaging pure dps specs in warzones, which they do all the time without much effort.


Nice try though.


Anyways, the nerf order list goes as:


Tanksin (been long enough)

Mara (your class takes no skill to face roll)

Pyro tech (your class takes no skill to face roll)

Edited by TheLakers
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I dont play a Pyro, but these videos are usless, any equipped class can put up those numbers aginst any poorly equipped players, I bet if you actually played a Pyro you would sing a different QQ song about some other class.


Pyros are way squishy and are only useful if they go unchecked just like sorcs, the real pains are the AoE spamming Troppers get three of those guys on the other side and you feel the hurt.


Please, I would love to see you make any class other than pyro p-tech dish out the same damage in 3 GCD's trinketed and untrinketed (sure sins/shadows and ops/scounds can come close, but they can't spam like this - tankasin/shadtank being the closest thing to an exception). Furthermore I consider that sustained damage since I'm referring to the abilities (railshot CD resets on flame bursts/rocket punches, thus there is no real downtime unless you overheat). I have a Pyro P-Tech myself, though it's only 27 and I'm well aware of how easily it can overheat. I also have a Carnage Marauder (50 with BM/WH gear), Tankasin (50 with recruit/BM/WH gear), MM Sniper (32, and thinking of going lethality at 50), and Madness Sorc (50 with 3 pieces missing from full WH gear). Again, just pointing out facts to show people that there are other things to QQ about than Marauders.

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A 7K crit on one target isn't that special when you consider one thermal grenade can do 10K, smash or force sweep can do up to 25K or more, obital strike/xs flyby can do 80K. I think about those times when I drop xs flyby and break 75K after 20 seconds in Void Star.
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Tanks shouldn't be criting for 7k. Or out damaging pure dps specs in warzones, which they do all the time without much effort.


Nice try though.


Yeah, I've done 8k with my Juggernaut without even using Relic/Adrenal on a fresh 50 once, and I'm DPS spec. There's no imbalance here. Anyone can smash a fresh 50 for huge numbers, it doesn't mean a damn thing.


If your tanks are outdamaging your DPS, you either have bad DPS or good healers who only heal the tank.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Every single clip, he pops relic and adrenal. Anyone's burst would be massive with that kind of power stackage.


Carnage Marauder relic/adrenaled gore procced ravage takes 2-3 GCD's + 3s Ravage channel time (which is easily countered) and deals a total of ~ 8-10k if stars align, every hit (including off-hands actually landing and critting - in actuality, it tends to deal a total of 4-6k with partial completion or 1-2k if you're facing someone that knows when/how best to counter it). This (carnage mara's gore-procced ravage) burst-damage cycle is the biggest source of forum QQ right now.

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Okay, you do have to realize that that compilation was if all the stars line up. Yes, a PT/Vanguard with all cooldowns up can get a string of crits and absolutely destroy the other player. Guess what? Lots of other classes can do that too. Shadows/Assassins, Scoundrels/Operatives, Gunslingers/Shadows, and Sentinels/Marauders can all do massive damage in a couple of seconds if everything goes right. That requires a relic, adrenal, all cooldowns up, and several crits in a row, but almost every class can do it. Doesn't make PT/Vanguards OP.
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I hate pyros. I'll admit it. But, something else I'll admit is the reason I hate them. Because when I first started warzones, my gear wasn't as good as those pyros that were burning me up. Now that the gear is levelled a bit, I'm finding that those same pyros that I used to never beat, and learned to hate, really aren't THAT strong.


I'm not going to say learn to play, but that's part of it. Another part, a bigger part, is gear.

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Carnage Marauder relic/adrenaled gore procced ravage takes 2-3 GCD's + 3s Ravage channel time (which is easily countered) and deals a total of ~ 8-10k if stars align, every hit (including off-hands actually landing and critting - in actuality, it tends to deal a total of 4-6k with partial completion or 1-2k if you're facing someone that knows when/how best to counter it). This (carnage mara's gore-procced ravage) burst-damage cycle is the biggest source of forum QQ right now.


Good for them. I've done that kind of damage (8-10k) with Ravage as Vengeance, no adrenal, and as a plus, I get to spam Ravage again in a few seconds because my rotation resets its cooldown, and then I get to blast them with a 5k Vicious Throw that automatically crits. Keep the Marauder QQ coming, it amuses me - the more time passes, the more it's starting to seem like everyone's damage is overpowered.


Things I've heard QQs about post 1.2:










The only people I've missed are Mercenaries, and that's because the arsenal spec is utter, certifiable garbage in PvP, and everyone refuses to go Pyro Merc, and they are only off the list now because Arsenal has been nerfed since 1.2. Other than that, that's everybody!

Edited by Vid-szhite
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That PT damage is not sustainable. Watch his bars and you can see that's a compilation of single target burst mostly, when 3-4 buffs are hit. That's a setup that can happen on one person every 2 minutes. Not at all different from other classes. Deception sin can set himself up for burst similar to that every 75 seconds.

On top of that, some targets are around 12k-13k health, meaning not even wearing Recruit gear.

And the pyro is ALWAYS in a pre-made, so it's also possible there are other damage boosts or debuffs present most of the time.

Pyro burst is AMAZING... but it is NOT sustainable.

Edit: On the other hand, look at focus/rage warriors/knights. They can do crits other classes can only dream about and can set that up a few times a minute. They don't even need to pop any cool downs to get crits higher than that pyro, but when they do their dps is INSANELY higher than what a pyro, operative or an assassin is capable of.


I only call it sustainable due to the fact that Rail Shot (biggest hit, has 15s CD) gets reset by Flame Burst (spammable and deals ~2k crits without trinkets) - Rail Shot (without power relic/expertise adrenal) still tends to crit for 3.5-5.2k. Thus, the cycle can be used until overheated (and lets be honest, with all the slows/roots/stuns being applied in group combat, it's very easy to spam that cycle until death due to the skill tree). Yes, deception sins are nasty right now, but they really have more down-time to set up their burst damage assaults.

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Good for them. I've done that kind of damage (8-10k) with Ravage as Vengeance, no adrenal, and as a plus, I get to spam Ravage again in a few seconds because my rotation resets its cooldown, and then I get to blast them with a 5k Vicious Throw that automatically crits. Keep the Marauder QQ coming, it amuses me - the more time passes, the more it's starting to seem like everyone's damage is overpowered.


Things I've heard QQs about post 1.2:










The only people I've missed are Mercenaries, and that's because the arsenal spec is utter, certifiable garbage in PvP, and everyone refuses to go Pyro Merc, and they are only off the list now because Arsenal has been nerfed since 1.2. Other than that, that's everybody!


Agreed - TTK is FUBAR'd right now due to expertise's damage bonus having more significant impact on any class with skills that have high base damage values. Only hoping to show others that marauders really aren't the issue.

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Burst of a pyro is great, what is more impressive is how much damage you can do while kiting a melee. It's a fun spec to play. You are like a Mara or Sent but not in melee range unless you want to go in for a stock strike.


Sniper is more like Mara/Sent than anything. Similar burst-style, easy to play, difficult to perfect.

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