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bots hacks and cheats killing pvp


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the reason im so cynical abouyt speed hacking is cause ive been called hacks on plenty of occasions when its clearly me just using in game skills and mechanics,


Example 1: huttball, Carnage spec marauder, ball carrier had 30 stacks of fury up as well as skill to immediately give 30 stacks of fury off cd,

what happened: Popped predation at our end zone pit, leapt to guy near middle, covered 50m in a time of 4 seconds, popped predation as first one ran out was near last fire pit to score line, leapt to guy coming out of spawn

What happened after game: had 3 people log on their imperial toons to tell me that what a sad player i was for hacking and they were reporting me for speed /teleport hacks


Example 2: No reaction speed hack, again on carnage spec marauder:

Skill Name berserk: consumes 30 stacks of fury to grant 6 charges of berserk that reduces GCD of Slash and Massacre by 0.5 seconds

What happened: Killed a healer sorc in 5 seconds flat , combination of Gore(off GCD) and 5 massacres


What happened afrter game: Had him rant in fleet about how i was using no GCD hacks as my toon was attacking too fast to seem natural


Example 3: Happend to a guilde who runs a Vengance juggernaught.


Skill name: unstoppable : grants 100% cc immunity for 4 seconds after force leap

What happened: Ball carrier in huttball leaps to guy at their end zone, 2 shadows and one vanguard try and pull him off, doesn't work cause he has said buff up


What happened after: people log on their imp chars and proceed to call my guild a hacking guild because we are now using un CCable hacks



Example 4 : playing with a sorc friend of mine, again in huttball, about to score but get pulled into fire pit, sorc friend immediately life grips me away.


What happened aftrer: Teleport hacks man, i am apparently using it



So forgive me if i dont believe any of the posts in this thread.


PLEASE NOTE: for all the examples i was using vent voice chat to get key information thru , as in: "O**** IM IN THE FIRE. *********** LIFE GRIP ME BRO", would be an accurate reconstruction of said conversation.

Edited by darthnish
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This week, over several late nights a Imp guild was running premades. In one of the matches they had a team total of ONE death. Even in other matches players would get 30 to 60 kills and no deaths or maybe one. 3 or 4 enemies attacking just one, with no healer around, and could not take one down; repeated self heals while in battle. Their speed hacking was obvious but how they would not take damage, almost like god mode, was suspicious.


I normaly love PVP but the way it has been going I am starting to look at other games that are more balanced.


In any case PVP as it is can not be balanced when you have PUG groups with low gear facing premade guilds with top gear. Throw in a little cheating here and there and it becomes hard to have fun.

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Something reaaaaaly weird happened yesterday in a huttball : on two different occasion the ball carrier in our team was killed in the middle of the Pit, followed by an INSTA-SCORE for the opposing team. I mean, not a few seconds later, as a really good team could do with coordination, but just right after the kill. Can't be sure it's a teleport hack, or simply a creative new bug, though. Anyone ever witnessed that kind of weirdness ?
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In one of the matches they had a team total of ONE death.


Not really evidence of anything other than being massively outplayed. I've been beaten - and won - with ZERO deaths in randoms, without cheating, just because one team was so much better than the other. Being experienced, organised and good makes you that much better than a gang of fresh-50, undergeared newbies.


Something reaaaaaly weird happened yesterday in a huttball : on two different occasion the ball carrier in our team was killed in the middle of the Pit, followed by an INSTA-SCORE for the opposing team.


Wasn't there so hard to say. I've killed people in the pit miles from me while I stand in the endzone before - followed by me scoring a second later. Dots are fun for killing people unexpectedly. Basically, if you're getting damaged in your pit, get rid of the damn ball immediately and don't risk an enemy in a scoring position getting it when he kills you. Aside: a lot of people seem to think they need to walk the ball out of their endzone/pit when just spiking it to reset in the middle is easily better. I've spiked it, zoomed to mid (yes, there should have been people there, there weren't, it was that kind of game), and picked it up ahead of everyone else fighting behind to score before.


I've also seen a bug reported where a player scores as soon as he receives the ball - could have happened if a player with this bug got the ball when he killed your guy.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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nothing new here, I been seeing alot people jumping from one spot to another with no one there to jump, or intercede to. Seen healers take next to no damage from anything despite being attacked by multiple people and not being guarded. I seen OP and Scoundrels Assassins/shadows cloak contently in battle multiple times in less then 30 seconds.


there are hacks out there people do use them, can only hope bioware fixes the problem before pvp in this game turns into pvp from ragnarok online, that games pvp is so broke in so many different ways it makes bioware's

failures look like nothing.

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You can jump to a stealthed teammate.


this this this, best thing ever to do in ranked HB match. get ball, leap to guy near acid pit, force push him into pit, leap to him again, intercede to stealth, scored in the time frame of 4 GCDs hilarious **** man.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Example 2: No reaction speed hack, again on carnage spec marauder:

Skill Name berserk: consumes 30 stacks of fury to grant 6 charges of berserk that reduces GCD of Slash and Massacre by 0.5 seconds

What happened: Killed a healer sorc in 5 seconds flat , combination of Gore(off GCD) and 5 massacres


What happened afrter game: Had him rant in fleet about how i was using no GCD hacks as my toon was attacking too fast to seem natural



It's funny because I never heard people say anything about this until yesterday. First time I saw a guy call a Carnage spec marauder a speed hacker, and that he was attacking faster than possible. Later that I night I tried out Carnage spec and had a guy call me a speed hacker as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
its called a parser. if you're going to bring complaints to the forums do your homework, otherwise stick to tickets. its your job to do the work to back up your claim if you're going to make it to the rest of us, and if you don't we're going to tear you a new one for being lazy.
He doesn't have to prove anything to you . He has a right to state his opinion . Who do you think you are ? Your nobody . If you don't like his opinion say so . But nobody has to prove anything to you .
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Are you referring to the time it takes to report during a Warzone (presumably while in the spawn area)? If there is another issue causing your removal while reporting, please let us know.


We definitely want people reporting players they suspect are using any kind of cheat. Security is extremely important to us, and while we (obviously) can't go into details about our methods, shutting down any cheaters or hackers (and their methods) is something we take very seriously.


I don't think Bioware takes this very seriously at all... and I won't until we actually see them get this issue addressed.

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Most people's bets are the fact when this thing becomes free to play and considering most of the failures here I would consider making the game open source. The hackers might have more luck at repairing things then the current paid for game developers that exists here. Considering they could barely write an acceptable ending for Mass Effect 3 how do you think future progress on this game will help?




This! +1000

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  • 5 weeks later...

People who say that theres no hacks / exploits in pvp are blind or in denial lol

dont pvp alot or are hackers themselves.

ive been pvping since beta alot and have together on all my chars probably over 300 valor

and people are hacking in pvp its obvious..

To the point where pvp almost is no fun anymore.

even a blind man can see the stuff happening these days in pvp.

just google and open your eyes in pvp instead of posting a comment saying theres no hakcs / exploits.

there have been bots made for it even before the game came out ...

why do people get banned for hacking if theres no hacks :rak_02:

the time u take to write a comment "doh theres no hackers" u can google also

and become more informed about whats really going on..

100 % certainty there are exploits / bots / hacks , mainly obvious in pvp

there are big forums where people exchange the info, tools etc...

people who hack / cheat whatever bots in mmos are rightfully banned,

these people need to find a new hobby instead of ruining the games

Edited by ODTONE
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Nice necro.




Been on Nightmare Lands/Red Eclipse since April, in all that time I may possibly have seen one glitchy speed hacker, or lagged guy who disconnected quite quickly anyway.


Bad players scream hacks far too often, probably on a 100 cries to 1 possible hacker ratio, maybe higher ratio than that.


The old adage "L2P" is suitable here.

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Nice necro.




Been on Nightmare Lands/Red Eclipse since April, in all that time I may possibly have seen one glitchy speed hacker, or lagged guy who disconnected quite quickly anyway.


Bad players scream hacks far too often, probably on a 100 cries to 1 possible hacker ratio, maybe higher ratio than that.


The old adage "L2P" is suitable here.


So everyone who reports a hack now is a bad player?

its way to simple to say that

a hack is not dying or so a hack us seeing a player run form one end to the map in 1 sec

and do u think the hackers always make it obvious for you?

a good hacker knows how not to get caught and spoted..

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People who don't understand basic game mechanics are the bad players.


has nothing to do with mechanics its software,

there are bots out there that can fight like a player

there are event bots that can answer a tell to fake a player.

wake up amazing player

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Everyone who reports a hack without significant evidence is, yes, a bad player.


I've seen a few hacks, but again, only a few over the course of entire SWTOR service. Even in those moments where I couldn't believe my eyes, there is always a possibility something happened prior to that moment I did not witness, and it is always difficult to truly determine whether something is a hack or not.


rOfcourse, on the contrary, I see a horde of clueless idiots that choose to call anything they don't understand as a "hack".


There could be hacks. Yes --- but on average, my guess is more than 99% of 'cheat/hack' claims reported on these boards are simply a result of people who don't have a clue.


A word to the wise:



"Pics/Evidence, or it didn't happen."

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Can't say I've seen anything blatant since my return 6 weeks ago 2 characters to 50 valor since then and aside 2 instances of players being in voidstars doors (something which I believe is totally accidental) then I haven't seen anything to make me think someones camping, been accused of it once by getting a voidstar defuse in amongst a curtain of AOE was just in that 1 lucky spot where no AOE was hitting pure fluke.


Only thing that's really been wrong with it is certain abilities not the class as such you know the 4k crit to a shielded PT at level 40 pvp lolsmash I'm talking about :) which has apparantly been going on for a while now which I find quite strange cosnidering how fast mando's (mines retired) and operatives/scoundrels got nerfed when they could put out the kind of numbers lolsmashers can.

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