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Give. Bioware. Time.


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Opinion or not, give me what you are smoking. I am a game God and take your thoughts as blasphemy. I have played horrible Star Wars licenses, and this is NOT one. You want to play a bad game I have more than a few suggestions.


Ya but its one thing to play a bad game that was made with a smal budget its another to play a game with the biggest budget ever and still not have fundamental things in game. If not at launch 6 monhs later. Plus its not like we have these items in the game yet we are hoping we get them. Of the main issues sever pop, ranked wz, lfg, transfers, etc all we really are getting before the fall is a lfg tool that isnt even xserver its server specific. We dont even know what the patch notes are yet. Seriously what is it that would make anyone at this point care to stay subbed? I mean we dont even have any content to look forward to in 1.3. That means whatever raid you hve been clearing will be all u get until 1.4 and whatever pvp ur doing will be all u get until 1.4.


Sure the game is playable and decent but thats what every game u dont pay monthly for is. We pay monthly to get progress and were still paying to maybe get what should have been at launch. 1.2 gave us what 1.0 should have had and guess what 1.3 is doing the same. Oh nvm a new warzone u cant que for and a new OP u cant get a group for. Even LFG only makesit so u can do flashpoints that no one needs to do anymore since the lack of groups and players has made most players pvp and if u got atleast BM gear u already outgear anything u can get from doing a flashpoint.


Were still catching up to start trying to catch up to what we should have already caught up too. At best everone who played since launch or even for 2 to 3 months ago will have nothing to do or look forward to for a long time. At least ranked warzones gave people an oppurtunity to keep replaying content and test their skills and value as a pvper until more content could be added. Plus of all times to have a game not work they choose summer? I mean really summer the time most mmos cant keep subs growing even if they just released content. Summer? The same summer multiple mmos launch and the same summer that leads to the release of MoP? Seriously has bioware never heard of a business plan to maybe model and tell the players what we can look forward too? Even a movie that says coming soon has atleast a general season it will release since coming soon is usually followed by this july or this september or this december.


All weve had since launch is coming soon. *** is coming soon and *** does coming soon mean release wise?


I hope when EA fired Stephen Reid and he asked about his next paycheck they told him coming soon.

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I cant help wondering if when the OP tries a new restraunt and they screw up his order 5 times in a row, if he sits there saying,


"Thats ok, they are new and learning, no reason for me to expect to get what I ordered and will pay for"


Baffles me these "their new, accept the mistakes" attitude. MMORPGs been around for 21 years, there is NO REASON for most of these mistakes made.


Bugs dont bother me personally and I rarely complaint about them, I just send feedback to who ever when I find one and move on.


But the design mistakes that were more then predictable, those bother me to no end and

NO, its not ok.

NO, you dont get a free pass because its your first MMORPG (which again its really not as they had Mythic with them for the entire journey so they had kowledge from DAoC and Warhammer games to draw from.


Why is it so bad to expect top level production from a gaming company? You demand it from restraunts, you demand it from mechanics, you demand it from everyone else in your lives. But come to a game and


"ahhhh well, its ok you didnt get it right the first time, heres my money anyways, take your time, ill wait"


Yeah sorry dont buy that for a sec.

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Bioware had their chance, 1.2 was supposed to be the Jesus patch. It was hyped as the patch that would fix many of the problems the game had. It was supposed to add meaningful PvP end game, It was supposed to add new more challenging PvE content, and lastly with the new dailies it was supposed have content to do solo. What we got was a boring "new" war zone, a massive PvP gear gind. another uninspired enrage timer operation, and a new daily grind that's not really worth the time or effort to do. Add to that Georg Zoeller's absolute contempt and outright condescension when addressing the player base after the poorly thought out and widely criticized class re-balancing you had a recipe for disaster.


1.2 was supposed to show players that the game was heading in a positive direction, and that SWTOR would get better over time. Instead 1.2 made it perfectly clear to many people that Bioware is incapable of righting the ship. That they don't have any new or exciting ideas that haven't been done a million times before and been done million times better by someone else. That Bioware cant release features in a timely manor. Bioware could have bought itself some much need time with 1.2, instead it became the final straw for many people.

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Not my fault they released the game a year early. I sure as hell am not going to pay them to fix a broken product.

They did not release the game too early.


In fact they made the wrong choices thinking story >> anything else.

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the OP reminds me of the people who used to say we can't blame MS for how poorly made the Xbox is (the original) because it's their first console. i guess those kinds of people would just accept if the tires on their Daewoo automobile fell off on the freeway because hey, we just gotta give Daewoo time to figure out how to make cars that don't do this. so i was pretty ready to dismiss the whole post, but then i read this:






good god man. do you prefer the prequels, too?


I lolled *so* hard.

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Bioware had their chance, 1.2 was supposed to be the Jesus patch. It was hyped as the patch that would fix many of the problems the game had. It was supposed to add meaningful PvP end game, It was supposed to add new more challenging PvE content, and lastly with the new dailies it was supposed have content to do solo. What we got was a boring "new" war zone, a massive PvP gear gind. another uninspired enrage timer operation, and a new daily grind that's not really worth the time or effort to do. Add to that Georg Zoeller's absolute contempt and outright condescension when addressing the player base after the poorly thought out and widely criticized class re-balancing you had a recipe for disaster.


1.2 was supposed to show players that the game was heading in a positive direction, and that SWTOR would get better over time. Instead 1.2 made it perfectly clear to many people that Bioware is incapable of righting the ship. That they don't have any new or exciting ideas that haven't been done a million times before and been done million times better by someone else. That Bioware cant release features in a timely manor. Bioware could have bought itself some much need time with 1.2, instead it became the final straw for many people.




Also, it was a jesus patch. Not a /hallelujah, more like a "jesus" /facepalm

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I cant help wondering if when the OP tries a new restraunt and they screw up his order 5 times in a row, if he sits there saying,


"Thats ok, they are new and learning, no reason for me to expect to get what I ordered and will pay for"


Baffles me these "their new, accept the mistakes" attitude. MMORPGs been around for 21 years, there is NO REASON for most of these mistakes made.


Bugs dont bother me personally and I rarely complaint about them, I just send feedback to who ever when I find one and move on.


But the design mistakes that were more then predictable, those bother me to no end and

NO, its not ok.

NO, you dont get a free pass because its your first MMORPG (which again its really not as they had Mythic with them for the entire journey so they had kowledge from DAoC and Warhammer games to draw from.


Why is it so bad to expect top level production from a gaming company? You demand it from restraunts, you demand it from mechanics, you demand it from everyone else in your lives. But come to a game and


"ahhhh well, its ok you didnt get it right the first time, heres my money anyways, take your time, ill wait"


Yeah sorry dont buy that for a sec.


^^^^^This...THIS THIS THIS...... Thank gawd there are other people who think and feel this way. I see nothing wrong with holding supposed professionals to the same standard as their peers.

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Funny thing as well:

Bioware is not new. Sure they haven't released a MMO under their name, but Mythic is a part of this and have both DAoC and Warhammer Online under their belt. (and therefore especially with the latter knows about server mergers and transfers)

And Ibe danged sure; a number of developers on this game have worked on other MMOs as well.


Just because it's the first Bioware labelled MMO, does not mean they didn't have experience enough within the genre to begin with.

Edited by xandax
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Likely Bioware won't get much more time from me if things do not improve over the summer. I'm not quite sure right now if I'll be keeping up a sub after August. There's lots of other good games to play, and good MMOs.
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The vultures are out and they're circling overhead. Doesn't mean SWTOR is going to die, it happens for every online game. Hell, Diablo 3 isn't even an MMO and take a look at how the General Forums are there. Apparently it's a bigger failure than SWTOR. That still doesn't mean people aren't going to play and find enjoyment in it.


It seems that game forums have become the Roman Colosseum of the internet, everybody can't wait to give the thumbs down and see the product get axed. Time, there is no time anymore on the internet.

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The vultures are out and they're circling overhead. Doesn't mean SWTOR is going to die, it happens for every online game. Hell, Diablo 3 isn't even an MMO and take a look at how the General Forums are there. Apparently it's a bigger failure than SWTOR. That still doesn't mean people aren't going to play and find enjoyment in it.


It seems that game forums have become the Roman Colosseum of the internet, everybody can't wait to give the thumbs down and see the product get axed. Time, there is no time anymore on the internet.


Especially when a company releases a game that is mediocre at its best and riddled with problems.

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Honestly they don't have time and they know it. Fair or unfair they have to stop the bleeding, entice people back, merge servers, add lots of lvl 50 content (both PvP and PvE), optimize the engine and fix all the dang bugs. The MMO market is a crowded space and you cannot push out a product and figure you have 6 months to a year to get it squared away. I have really enjoyed playing but this game is in serious trouble.


I agree, By the time they get things sorted out most people will have moved on to other games, A certain RP game that came out recently has certainly stolen away alot of players, I haven't unsubbed (yet) but i'll be honest i haven't played in more than a month, The population on my server (Mask of Nihlius) has certainly gone down in the last month (average night around 35 people on the fleet, only half that during the day), Sadly this game is going down the same road that Warhammer Online (R.I.P.) did, If any of you played that game then you know what i'm talking about:(

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Yea, I'm with the people who're disagreeing with the OP.


I understand people're emotionally invested in the game.. but end all, be all, we're all paying for a service and we all get to decide if the service is CURRENTLY worth our cash. Whether it will be or not in future is a different matter, and if Bioware loses people and is unable to get them back because they released a game without even a bleeding /lfg channel.. well, nobody's fault but their own.

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I cant help wondering if when the OP tries a new restraunt and they screw up his order 5 times in a row, if he sits there saying,


"Thats ok, they are new and learning, no reason for me to expect to get what I ordered and will pay for"


Baffles me these "their new, accept the mistakes" attitude. MMORPGs been around for 21 years, there is NO REASON for most of these mistakes made.


Bugs dont bother me personally and I rarely complaint about them, I just send feedback to who ever when I find one and move on.


But the design mistakes that were more then predictable, those bother me to no end and

NO, its not ok.

NO, you dont get a free pass because its your first MMORPG (which again its really not as they had Mythic with them for the entire journey so they had kowledge from DAoC and Warhammer games to draw from.


Why is it so bad to expect top level production from a gaming company? You demand it from restraunts, you demand it from mechanics, you demand it from everyone else in your lives. But come to a game and


"ahhhh well, its ok you didnt get it right the first time, heres my money anyways, take your time, ill wait"


Yeah sorry dont buy that for a sec.


A fine arguement, but expect to be called 'entitled' at some point by a portion of your fellow gamers. Bioware is not just a service provider after all, it's our friend.

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