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Give. Bioware. Time.


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Encountering the exact same problems you experienced now as you did when the game launched? What game breaking problems would those be?


Not being able to log in for days after maintenance and patching, random lag-spikes, crashes to desktop, launcher refusing to update. The list goes on!


I know some people are fortunate and have had a good game experience, but as a consumer, paying for a product that doesn't work as often as I would like and as often as it should, encountering the same issues 6 months down the line, and hearing the same tired copy and paste responses from the CS, kinda gets a little old.

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Not being able to log in for days after maintenance and patching, random lag-spikes, crashes to desktop, launcher refusing to update. The list goes on!


I know some people are fortunate and have had a good game experience, but as a consumer, paying for a product that doesn't work as often as I would like and as often as it should, encountering the same issues 6 months down the line, and hearing the same tired copy and paste responses from the CS, kinda gets a little old.

Holy crap! Telling you I have none of those issues won't help, but I definitely understand why you're so frustrated. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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Patience by all means is very necessary when it comes mmorpgs. I was there when WoW launched, LOTRO, Rift, and Champions Online. I know exactly how things go, sometimes patches go south. Sometimes you have to forgive and move on. There comes a point where you have to look at the developers and think "what the f is going on over there?" People we are not playing a game made by Funcom or Cyptic. Its not some independent game developer that usually focuses on iphone apps. This is Bioware, that name carries a lot weight. They make some truly outstanding games. Not to mention they now have EA's checkbook handy. These are professional men and women working on this game.


Hypothetical question here. Whats if your child's entire class averaged a d- on their report cards. Your son/daughter also earned a d-. Do you say oh well at least your like everyone else or do you get mad and ask him/her to try harder? Stop trying to compare this to Wow/Rift/Lotro, what they did or what they did wrong has no effect on SWTOR. What SWTOR does is the only thing that matters, that's why we are paying to play this game not another game.


So when I hear someone say "this is their first mmo!!!!" I call bunk. What did these guys not do their homework before they created SWTOR? Did they say go around the office and play heads up 7up to see who would do coding? Are they like my mother as a kid calling my playstation a nintendo instead? Its one thing to make a mistake or two but to continually make the same mistakes is unexcusable. These men and women are in this industry because of their skills. We are paying them each month for a reason. They should know what they are doing. If your going to create a Star Wars game you probably need to get it right the first time more often then not. You really can't put these patches on the PTS server and see what happens? Then again why should I be surprised, you can not copy your 50 toon over to test endgame content so putting patches on the PTS probably seems just as far fetched to them also.


To the people who are flaming each other being haterz or biodrones listen up. We all care about this game, why? Its not because Bioware has its name on it, its because its STAR WARS. Who here is not a major fan. We all want this game to be the game to end all games. The potential is enormous. Its not being capitalized on and that's we are all here "hating". "Biodrones" will vehemently defend this game no matter what for the same reasons that the haters will hate. They want this game to be amazing too, they are just either happy with this game (hey more power to you) or don't really want to see where the game is at in its current state and refuse to acknowledge it (of course that is just my opinion). I'm so tired of people saying "if you hate this game just go away!" We are all paying customers and it is our God given right to express our opinions. Deal with it!



15 days until free account is over. When you can give me a game that is worth $15 dollars a month I will be back. This turd needs some polishing in my opinion but that's for another thread..:rak_frown:


tl;dr - there is none. If you can not read pick up a R.L. Stine book and get caught up.:rod_wink_p:

Edited by pezdestroyer
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*chuckles* It always cracks me up when the spoiled children chime in about only having three raids and go back to WoW... where they will endlessly repeat the most recent three raids.


Personally, I played EverQuest back when it first started. That's a game that will teach you to enjoy the ride, not the end. I'm also enjoying leveling my fourth Empire toon, and seeing how much their different stories play off each other in subtle ways. After this, I'm leveling four Republic toons to finish building my Legacy and to try each derivation of the Advanced Classes.


My love is the storyline, and I think that's why I've been enjoying the game more than others. It's a lot more immersive if you let yourself get caught up in your character, their story... it's like living inside one of the Star Wars books.


Don't get me wrong. I am in an aggressive raiding guild, running heroic modes every week. I enjoy that as well, but if you're playing Spacebar Hero all the time, and get to the end too fast, it's entirely your fault.

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Patience by all means is very necessary when it comes mmorpgs. I was there when WoW launched, LOTRO, Rift, and Champions Online. I know exactly how things go, sometimes patches go south. Sometimes you have to forgive and move on. There comes a point where you have to look at the developers and think "what the f is going on over there?" People we are not playing a game made by Funcom or Cyptic. Its not some independent game developer that usually focuses on iphone apps. This is Bioware, that name carries a lot weight. They make some truly outstanding games. Not to mention they now have EA's checkbook handy. These are professional men and women working on this game.


Hypothetical question here. Whats if your child's entire class averaged a d- on their report cards. Your son/daughter also earned a d-. Do you say oh well at least your like everyone else or do you get mad and ask him/her to try harder? Stop trying to compare this to Wow/Rift/Lotro, what they did or what they did wrong has no effect on SWTOR. What SWTOR does is the only thing that matters, that's why we are paying to play this game not another game.


So when I hear someone say "this is their first mmo!!!!" I call bunk. What did these guys not do their homework before they created SWTOR? Did they say go around the office and play heads up 7up to see who would do coding? Are they like my mother as a kid calling my playstation a nintendo instead? Its one thing to make a mistake or two but to continually make the same mistakes is unexcusable. These men and women are in this industry because of their skills. We are paying them each month for a reason. They should know what they are doing. If your going to create a Star Wars game you probably need to get it right the first time more often then not. You really can't put these patches on the PTS server and see what happens? Then again why should I be surprised, you can not copy your 50 toon over to test endgame content so putting patches on the PTS probably seems just as far fetched to them also.


To the people who are flaming each other being haterz or biodrones listen up. We all care about this game, why? Its not because Bioware has its name on it, its because its STAR WARS. Who here is not a major fan. We all want this game to be the game to end all games. The potential is enormous. Its not being capitalized on and that's we are all here "hating". "Biodrones" will vehemently defend this game no matter what for the same reasons that the haters will hate. They want this game to be amazing too, they are just either happy with this game (hey more power to you) or don't really want to see where the game is at in its current state and refuse to acknowledge it (of course that is just my opinion). I'm so tired of people saying "if you hate this game just go away!" We are all paying customers and it is our God given right to express our opinions. Deal with it!



15 days until free account is over. When you can give me a game that is worth $15 dollars a month I will be back. This turd needs some polishing in my opinion but that's for another thread..:rak_frown:


tl;dr - there is none. If you can not read pick up a R.L. Stine book and get caught up.:rod_wink_p:


Holy love of pizza. I enjoy your passion. But you need to cut it back. No one will read all that friend.

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KOTOR II isn't a prequel then....XD. KOTOR II was set after Revan was gone. I paid close attention to that story. It was a sequel. And yes, I love it over KOTOR. It had better characters and story development.


Normally, I don't criticize statements like this, since I respect people's opinions. Opinions often cannot be right or wrong. But this is an exception. Your opinion is wrong.

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Holy love of pizza. I enjoy your passion. But you need to cut it back. No one will read all that friend.


haha well some people just drive me mad. Its not a problem if they don't read it, my opinion is out there its on them to skip over it or not. I can tell you read it thanks! :sul_grin:

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I don't understant why people who do not play Star Wars come here and spew bile for the game. I really can't find a reason for that.


The game is great, it has 1.3 million subscribers and yes they will lose some more but it has already been 6 months. You seriously expect the game to keep losing subscribers for a long time? Most of the people who would leave have already left and i expect some of them to come back at some point because the game (i repeat) is great.


They do need to implement server transfers ASAP (free for light servers).

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I don't understant why people who do not play Star Wars come here and spew bile for the game. I really can't find a reason for that.


The game is great, it has 1.3 million subscribers and yes they will lose some more but it has already been 6 months. You seriously expect the game to keep losing subscribers for a long time? Most of the people who would leave have already left and i expect some of them to come back at some point because the game (i repeat) is great.


They do need to implement server transfers ASAP (free for light servers).

Check what happened to Warhammer Online, same thing will happen to SWTOR, only difference here will be the millions of dollars lost.

Same mistakes, different games.

This game is a hell for new level 50 PvPer, same **** happend in WHO, hmm i wonder why?

And that auto-face option you cant turn off, aaaaa so irritating!!!!

Biofailware has waitied for too long to act and im glad this game will be their money sink, they deserve it.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt the first year in almost every MMO always like this?
Difficult to quantify. Probably the most jacked up MMO I played at release was Anarchy Online; I gave it a month and bailed, but years later I heard it was baller.


I will say this. EQ, DAoC, WoW---these games all felt amazing right out of the box, and with none of them did I feel as though the devs were behind the eight-ball madly scrambling to keep subs and introduce systems after release. They felt solid. I didn't get to max level on any of them and feel as though I'd run out of interesting things to do.


Am I jaded or spoiled now compared to then? I don't know. I don't think so. My expectations might be higher, I guess.

Edited by RolyartNala
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Nope, sorry.


BW has had over 6 years working on this game and has had all the money in the world to include SIMPLE and NECESSARY features for every mmo.


I'm sorry but, it's BW shooting themselves in the foot over and over, not us.


^ just this. CEO/CFO/whatever made so many mistakes. it starts with the engine. it ends with ilum/RWZ disaster. just a bunch of incompetent people @austin.

Edited by Rikeryo
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I have given them time. I am a consumer of gaming products. I have been for 35+ years. I'm not about to subject myself to un-enjoyable entertainment. SWTOR just isn't fun. The long load times (even with SSD and a ridiculously OP gaming system), the FPS in high populated areas, the bugs, the bugs that are still apparent since beta on final boss encounters, glitches, and now lack of population on the 3 servers I played on. Don't even get me started on the catastrophe that is known as Ilum.


I purchased Tera Online thinking that it would completely suck, but would be better than dealing with the issues that surround SWTOR. To my pleasant surprise, the game is an absolute blast.


I may come back when server transfers open up, but something is telling me they'll screw that up too. Which is very unfortunate because I absolutely loved this game in beta and though that they would have things figured out and fixed by now. They need to tighten up!

Edited by Alkiii
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When will people realize that this game was made by Mythic and not BioWare? Mythic has made MMOs before and failed to deliver 50% of the time (not including SWTOR for arguments' sake). The Austin team is just a gutted Mythic team.


Some of the writers from BioWare wrote the story, which is pretty good depending on your class, and emotionally flat and monotonous the rest of the time. That back handed compliment aside, it is the only good thing going for the game. Everything else is average. The story ends and you are left with slow, boring, and often unresponsive combat/gameplay (unresponsive controls plagued WAR as anyone will tell you). That would not be so bad if there was anything really compelling to do when it did, but there is not. There are no sandbox or community systems in place anywhere to let players impact a persistent world (because there isn't one), or cooperate/compete in meaningful challenges or RVR. Even flashpoints feels as pointless as WAR dungeons.


It is clear the ex-Mythic devs do not learn from their mistakes, and just don't have the balls or imagination to create satisfying or compelling gameplay. There's no positive reinforcement to be found in the gameplay here that rewards a well placed cast, for example.


You could have all the story in the world and it will never make up for poor controls and weak play.


Furthermore, putting so much focus on solo content in an online game just completely ignores everything good that can be accomplished by linking people together on the internet, and weakens the single player component as well. The whole game segregates you from other people by design so you never step on each others toes, because that would be sacrilege or something. The class stories aren't even linked in any way. The other people may not even exist. They could have done something awesome if class stories intersected and you had to recruit a real person to do a mission together with wildly different objectives for each person simultaneously.

Edited by Gungan
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