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Once u leave a MMO do u come back?


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I have 4 day left on my initial 30 days from purchasing SW, i decided to give it some time before starting to give the game time to settle out,.


I started the day before 1.2 came out and after patching and playing for 6 hours the game went bonkers due to 1.2 release.

I understood the 1.2 issues and figured it was just poor timing on my part.

It took me 2 weeks to solo to 50 ...really?

once 50 it took 4 days to get my full BM set(even being Rep on a dead server)...

Ive done 3 groups and of these 40% was fighting and 60% was waiting for script(really how many people talk to the person they plan on killing 10 times on the trip to kill them ?)

I have 15 title i didn't know i was earning....call me anything you want i don't feel as if i have earned any of it

all this in less than 30 days... why pay now ...i feel as if i have seen enough of this game to base a decent $ value on it. Yes it was worth the purchase of the game(well worth). However the game is just way too easy to have any longevity and without a working pvp system(have started 60% of all WZ at least 1 man down) no rankings or open pvp. and only 8 man raiding content... how is this an MMORPG ...


If this game is hopeing for new subscribers to save it....um i was one and im not paying a monthly fee for this.


I love Star War.. and i might come back if this game makes it to the first sold expansion.

after all EQ really didnt get good until Kunark...but until then im not paying to wait for stuff it seems people on these forums have been screaming about since day one.

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I have 4 day left on my initial 30 days from purchasing SW, i decided to give it some time before starting to give the game time to settle out,.


I started the day before 1.2 came out and after patching and playing for 6 hours the game went bonkers due to 1.2 release.

I understood the 1.2 issues and figured it was just poor timing on my part.

It took me 2 weeks to solo to 50 ...really?

once 50 it took 4 days to get my full BM set(even being Rep on a dead server)...

Ive done 3 groups and of these 40% was fighting and 60% was waiting for script(really how many people talk to the person they plan on killing 10 times on the trip to kill them ?)

I have 15 title i didn't know i was earning....call me anything you want i don't feel as if i have earned any of it

all this in less than 30 days... why pay now ...i feel as if i have seen enough of this game to base a decent $ value on it. Yes it was worth the purchase of the game(well worth). However the game is just way too easy to have any longevity and without a working pvp system(have started 60% of all WZ at least 1 man down) no rankings or open pvp. and only 8 man raiding content... how is this an MMORPG ...


If this game is hopeing for new subscribers to save it....um i was one and im not paying a monthly fee for this.


I love Star War.. and i might come back if this game makes it to the first sold expansion.

after all EQ really didnt get good until Kunark...but until then im not paying to wait for stuff it seems people on these forums have been screaming about since day one.


You realize that the people you see on the forums are the minority, albeit very vocal minority. People only take the time time to write something when it's to complain. Also, there are 16 man raids.

Edited by Typeslice
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LOTRO and DDO I'm done and gone forever. Turbine's "free to play" policy removed content from the game that players purchased in expansions and their efforts to non-stop nickel-and-dime their playerbase to death disgust me.



Turbine is the reason i cringe when i hear Life Time Sub brought up anywhere involving MMOs

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Turbine is the reason i cringe when i hear Life Time Sub brought up anywhere involving MMOs

My brother doesn't regret his life time sub for LOTRO at all. It was paid for long long before that game went Free to Play. 13 months after the release of the game, he was playing the game for free, he paid $200 for the Life time sub at launch, at $15 a month that is 13 months. It was little over 3 years after launch when it became free to play. So yeah, my brother was playing LOTRO for free for a little over 2 years. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a great deal to me.

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eve online - after 3 years of major pvp could not go back far to stressfull

wow - went back for a bit but never felt as good as it did in bc

star trek - never went back

aion - dam grind never went back

rift - maybe someday(god i hate the gear)

conan - dont miss anything but being topless

world of tanks - free so go back often

city of vill - loved the events/holidays but never went back

dc online- wish i got a refund

warhammer - had fun joined late server died -never go back


btw these are in no order, and have been playing this stuff since the 90s(im sure i forgot some)

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I have to say after 13+ years of MMo gameing, there is only a few games i went back to after i guit.

1. swg quit a few times came back, but when the NGE came that was it.

2. DAOC quit 2 times, went back until TOA came that was the AX for me

3.WOW quit that game probably 3-4 times always went back.

4.Warhammer never went back

5Aoc never will go back

6. Rift never go back

7. EQ1 and EQ 2 never go back

8.city of heroes never go back

9.And all the rest of the games like Darkfall ect, to lame to name

10 UO forgot that, tramel ruined that one forever.


So swg and WOW the only ones i ever went back 2.



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The only games I've gone back to are SWG cause I wanted to fly again in my x-wing, no other reason and only stuck around for a few weeks and WoW cause of an expansion, Catalyst which I quickly left again and haven't been back since.


I only leave a game that I've invested in if there is a core problem that is either never fixed or introduced with an expansion or some such.


Stuff like Warhammers completely worthless crafting system. Engine grinding to a halt in mass PvP. PvP turned into a grind too fast which lead to people playing for RR, not RvR, resulting in lame tactics and boring pairing hopping to AVOID a fight.


In WoW, it became evident that they care more about pets and other complete nonsense like that than the actual game part of the game, so I no longer wished to play it. We also got LK down on heroic so was nothing to do quite early on. Cata was just a bore all around.


SWG... well I doubt I need to go into that. I will say though that when a company makes you grind months and months just to get a class, then grind that class to max with a xp death penalty and forced pvp, then tells you to go **** yourself... that's something that makes you never touch another product from that company. SOE can burn for all I care.


I don't know if they ever intend to address the constriction problems in this game, not for current content at least but that really irks me. Also, if they intend to keep pushing out worthless pets that no one cares about after 20 seconds, pointless mounts that people outside the fleet never even see because they are completely impractical and annoying and rainbow coloured colour crystal I will leave and not come back because I don't want support that direction. I want to play a game, not a dog show.

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I go back to a lot of games i played before...not just mmorpgs


Same here. Thinking about playing FFXIV again for a month really. Its looking pretty good now.

Edited by Kelenae
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Once u leave a MMO do u come back?


Not usually. 90% of the ones I've quit, I've quit for good. Although sometimes I have taken a break to play another MMORPG without actually "quitting" a prior one.

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Depends I guess


NWN (original game remake of the first NeverWinter Nights game on AOL circa 1991) Ive returned to many times as so many good memories from the first MMO ever


Realms and DSO I never returned to


UO I left but did retry 10 years later breifly


SWG I went back to on 3 or 4 occations praying they finally fixed game but they never did


DAoC I returned to couple of times as was just so much fun early on but TOA and RAs and new frountiers killed that game beyond return.


Otherwise its been 1 and done for games.


With TOR, I could see myself retrying game a year + after leaving (like with SWG) to see if the devs ever clued in and addressed the real issues of the game.


If your asking in general though.


Generally speaking people dont return after they quit.

Its a fairy tale many fanbois like to throw out there when they say "people will come back once they see their issues addressed". Thats wrong. Most people, once they leave they find something else to fill their time with and dont even look back out of memories, they just go forward.


The old but true saying is true to this day "you only have one oppertunity to make a good first impression"


Id be surprised (shocked really) if 10% of the cancellations returned to try again. Not because GW2 or Tera or that sandbox game that just shut down production (Dominion) are better games. Just because people dont tend to look backwards once they make a choice and act on it.

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When I left WoW the first time, it was to see what else was out there. Champions Online kept my interest for about a month and EVE kept my interest for 2 hours before I returned to WoW. The second time I left WoW it was for good. Every other MMO I tried, when I left it was for good. SWTOR? Who knows. I'm still enjoying leveling my alts so we'll see what happens in the mean time. If I finish all 8 of the class storylines and xserver LFG still isn't out, then there's a good chance I'll be gone. Whether I come back or not, depends upon what gets added that might catch my eye. It's also possible there could be changes between now and when I finish those class stories that could make me change my mind as well. I don't believe a same server tool plus transfers/mergers will fix much in the long run, but we'll see.
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I NEVER come back to an MMO. Why should I? If I was pissed enough to cancel my sub or bored enough to stop playing, what will change my attitude? There are too many MMOs on the market and in development to go back to a failed game.
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Went back to Eve a few times, but that's obviously a different type of MMO than these others. Since no skills or equipment go out of date (however much people might like to whine about the great Gallente nerf and so forth), and all the expansions are free, you can pretty much go back whenever you want and see what's happening.


(I'll echo the earlier poster's comment about PVP being stressful lol. Even if it's just goofy run and gun pirate stuff in low sec space, it makes PVP in games like SWTOR seem silly by comparison).


WoW I'd try, except I have to pay 50 bucks to see the new content, and... I just don't care quite that much.


Don't think I ever tried anything else for more than a week, so there's no going back to those really.

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1 .i quit several mmo's, started in 2005 with WOW, i took 2 breaks from WOW then finally quit a few months after cata came out, i just could not stand that game anymore. never went back.

2. quit AOC never went back.

3. quit Hell Gate london before the servers went off line for good.

4. quit Aion, i just wasn't into koren mmo's

5. quit rift, it wasnt a bad game at all it was beutifully done, and trion was a great company, however i was just burned out on high fantasy mmo's.


i will not quit SWTOR, i have been a KOTOR fan since the first game originally came out. been waiting for this game to come out since BW first anounced it was making this game. it has its ups and downs but i feel this game is for me. i am really excited knowing that this game can only get better over time.


one thing i would like BW to do and that is this:

they really do need to find a work around for the legacy names so it will allow server consolidations / free xfers from very low pop servers. i was lucky to have my main on lord Adrass on the empire side. though i rolled republic on the server kath hound and that server is really dead, at least as far as the republic faction goes. i might if i am lucky will see one player on a planet every few hours or so on kath hound, unlike what i see on lord adraas. on Lord adrass at peak times on the empire side of things, there will be around 120 - 130 players on the fleet station.


on kath hound at peak times on the republic side the most ive seen on the fleet station is 60 and that was only once.


very low pop servers will certainly give new players the wrong impression about the game. there are plenty of players, there are just too many servers at the moment.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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First impressions are quite important but when I play an mmo I see the potential in it and that will decide whether or not I return.


I've quit WoW about 30times but usually end up playing it again for a couple of weeks to see what's new. I played WAR for ages despite the fact that it never realised its potential. In other mmos like AoC, I could quickly tell that I would never enjoy that kind of game.

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Depends on what is out and what I feel the game offers.


I've quit and went back to WoW multiple times and have returned to games like CO, APB, UO etc but usually not for long.


I actually quit this game and came back for 1.2.


Changes that happen like 1.2 are why I just give up.

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