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Who is Anakin Skywalkers father?


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Now I know it was never officially said who Anakins father was but I just wanted to make some educated guesses.


It seems to me that for him to be as powerful as he was with the force, that the majority of that power had to have come from his father. It just seems to me that anyone as powerful as him had to be a direct decendant of a very powerful force user.


Now I have a theory that I just wanted to see whether or not people agree it is feasible. If we agree that his father was a very powerful force user, who could it be? The only one powerful enough would be the most powerful Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. Now I doubt that any of the highest, wisest Jedi masters would betray the strict rules of the Jedi Council and have children. This makes me think it had to have been a sith lord. I'm pretty sure that Plaeguis would be far too old. I also doubt it would be Palpatine, even though it theoretically seems feasible, I also think he would be too old. But what about Count Dooku? He was a very powerful sith lord, was the right age group, and also that would mean that Annakin killed his father when Palpatine told him to kill him and when He gave that choice to Luke Skywalker, he refused to let the dark side of the force take him over and refused. That to me seems like the most common answer to who is father is.



What do you guys think? Does that seem possible? If not, let me know who you think it was, I'm very interested. :D

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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....
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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


You sound like a kid yourself. :rolleyes:


Also George Lucas is Anikans father.

Edited by Insert-name-here
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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


I don't recall them ever explicitly stated, but Palpatine's inference was that Plagueis used his ability to create life with the Force to impregnate Padme.


Which differs somewhat from what Lucas seemed to be originally shooting for when it was brought up in Episode 1, as Shmi said that he was a virgin birth. It turned from a Jesus analogy, into something that was never detailed enough to draw conclusions from.

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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not....

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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


This has been debunked. Plagueis was going to attempt to create the perfect force sensitive so Sidious killed him. I believe it was Leland Chee who stated that Anakin was NOT created by Plagueis. Although, I'll admit I can't remember a source.

Edited by Rhyltran
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True fans shun the EU. If it's not in the movies it didn't happen. I don't care what GL says... he's become crazy as a sithhouse rat.


Sorry for double post, but GL has nothing to do with the EU


"However, it should be made clear that as far as George Lucas is concerned, the story ends with Return of the Jedi with the Sith destroyed and the Force in balance. "But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story."



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wow......i was hopeing for tru fans on here.....i was wrong......ok kids here we go..he is made from pure mediclorions by darthplagues who could manipulate them and he did so to replace palpatine but when he found out he killed his master in his sleep but unknowing that his masters new apprentice was already being made...........read the books....


lol /5chars

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True fans shun the EU. If it's not in the movies it didn't happen. I don't care what GL says... he's become crazy as a sithhouse rat.



actually this is where GL agrees with you.



The way he has it set up it's two realities. You have the Movies and The movies + the EU.



However in the Movies +EU if anything in the EU contradicts something from the Movies then it doesn't exist.


Like Boba Fett. GL has sated many times that Boba Fett is dead so the stories about him crawling out of the sarlac pit did not happen.

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Now I know it was never officially said who Anakins father was but I just wanted to make some educated guesses.


It seems to me that for him to be as powerful as he was with the force, that the majority of that power had to have come from his father. It just seems to me that anyone as powerful as him had to be a direct decendant of a very powerful force user.


Now I have a theory that I just wanted to see whether or not people agree it is feasible. If we agree that his father was a very powerful force user, who could it be? The only one powerful enough would be the most powerful Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. Now I doubt that any of the highest, wisest Jedi masters would betray the strict rules of the Jedi Council and have children. This makes me think it had to have been a sith lord. I'm pretty sure that Plaeguis would be far too old. I also doubt it would be Palpatine, even though it theoretically seems feasible, I also think he would be too old. But what about Count Dooku? He was a very powerful sith lord, was the right age group, and also that would mean that Annakin killed his father when Palpatine told him to kill him and when He gave that choice to Luke Skywalker, he refused to let the dark side of the force take him over and refused. That to me seems like the most common answer to who is father is.



What do you guys think? Does that seem possible? If not, let me know who you think it was, I'm very interested. :D


The truth is, his mom was a bit of a lush. One night when she was at the local cantina, some guy spiked her"punch" and had his way with her. In order to hide the shame of what happened, she made up that bogus story about him not having a father.

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guys, i realize that you want to cling to the expanded universe side stories and what not but lets just be very clear here.


george lucas is the final word.


george lucas has officially stated that anakin is the chosen one as was detailed in the prophecy.


the ONLY logical conclusion from that statement is that anakin was conceived by midichrolians aka THE FORCE and thus he is an all powerful being.


now like i said, a lot of you are fans of the extra books blah blah blah, but its just not reliable enough. in fact GL said that there is no story after epVI. i can find the quotes if you want, he said it back in 2008.


GL just discredited all of the EU stuff, how reliable do you think the darth plagieus stuff is?


anakin is the chosen one from the prophecy. he had a virgin mother birth. there is no father, they made that VERY clear in epI. and the movies (which is synonymous with George Lucas) are THE final authority.

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