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what is the best pvp class


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Classes should be balanced.


True PvP'ers aren't 'on the look for the OP class'

Only noobs do. (Yes i use the term noobs, don't take it personal)


Simply put. Noobs feel bad for not owning, instead of working on their skills they try to look out for the OP class. Wich gives them that great feeling when they kill someone. Though, even the baddest class with a true PvP'er will still own 'the noob with the OP class'.


True PvP'er gets the best out of every class.

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In SWTOR you can do well in PvP as any class.


I think this game has about the most skill-based PvP system I've played and the foundation of that statement is my observation from beta PvP that the classes are very well balanced.


BW did an amazing job here - and as PvP takes more hold people will begin to realise this: in SWTOR PvP it's not the class, it's the player.



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I personally haven't played this game yet at high level, so I can't comment on the balance in this game on high level PvP. That being said, I played WoW pvp on a high level and there are loads of comments and opinions about balance in this thread that are plain naive. Saying this game is perfectly balanced in PvP is not only too early too tell, but not likely to be true even if its better balanced than most mmo's out there. Some classes will excell in certain areas more than others, yes, but in the end there will be a class that will average higher than any other overall in theory. Thats just how it is.


About skillcap in this game. Again, I haven't played this game at high level, but there are some issues already that would put this game behind WoW in my opinion. People saying WoW is so unbalanced and is only about comp vs comp are only half right. The top players are time and time again playing seemingly useless comps at 2.6k for the lols of it while only at the highest level of play comp would really pan out (And ofc it did, as it wasn't even close to perfectly balanced). Infact, if you couldn't break 2.2k in WoW you couldn't blame comps, couse ANY comp was able to do this with ease if player skills were even decent.


The amounts of CC in this game seems a little out of controll, IMO, considering how balance would go. Operatives seems to get ALOT of CC, but one HS will also fill up the cc meter alone. While sometimes in WZ's you seems to be chained in a CC forever before you die. With this amount of CC avalible to the classes it will be hard to achieve balance.


The "smoothness" of this engine is not comparable to WoW in it's current state, and as long as its not running smooth enough, balance would always favour classes less dependant on that (see.range) in most scenarios. Also reactive playstyles will loose efficiency. (see. interupts, fake-casting, melee-kiting, chaining, counter-reaction)


The healing...I can't wait till "end-game" PvP to see how the PvP healing pans out in terms of balance, but this will also be hard to balance.


I don't this an MMO with a class system will achieve PERFECT balance ever. Not a chance. Will this be better balanced than say WoW for PvP? So far it sure seems so, but saying it doesn't matter as its balanced is still naive. Fun is individual, and there are ofc going to be players dominating with each class, and most likely each spec aswell it seems.


PvP vs PvE. What will this game be balanced around? I don't belive we can have both in a long run. This game will be balanced around both, and yet again, balancing a game around two completly different cores will always provide a huge challenge.


That said, I can't wait to play this game for PvP in full 50 vs 50 when I get there, and I'm having a blast so far with everything I've tried. I think EVERY class is viable from what i've read, but perfectly balanced....? Aint...Gonna....Happen...

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anyone that looks for the "best" anything will always be a bad player, they have it set in their mind already they need a crutch to lean on rather then their own skill.


Play what you enjoy playing and you will get better results then playing what someone "claims" as the best






SEPT FOR HOLY PALYs and DKs, I don't care how bad you are at PVP you can slam you face into the keys over and over and get atleast a couple kills in BGs...


Too early to tell, no balance at low levels! I say play what you like and hope it doesn't turn out to be a 3.0 sham!



So many WOW ref, I know you all love that!

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Bounty Huntards - in fact al the ranged classes are the easiest to start with since the player doesn't need to bother about positioning and can just pick fights from range so they can run away easily. Melee classes require more skill - being able to read the terrain, and anticipate how people will move (as classes like the bh can just kite a melee to death easily if the melee doesn't close the gap before they can react.)


I play Sith Assassin - was hard going at low levels, as the most useful combat skills are not available (sprint, restealth in combat, and stun without breaking stealth) It seems very strong now at 25 though so I'm glad I stuck with it. Still needs a player who can make use of a lot of skills during a fight. I doubt BH's even need to keybind ;-)

Edited by Scerion
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Sorc/Sage: they're the best healers, the best damage dealers, have the best CC (multiple ranged instant hardstun/mezes, AoE pushback with no setup, basic cast is a channeled slow even with no talents), a nearly endless mechanic pool* and have the best survivability tools.


*They can use their spammed basic skills four times as long as any of the other classes (25 Force out of 500 for Force Lightning vs 20 Energy out of 100 for Snipe).


It's nearly impossible to die on a Sorc/Sage unless you're absolutely terrible or run into an assist train. If you manage to lose a 1v1 duel against any other class type, go ahead and quit PvP: it's not for you.



In organized PvP, again, Sorc and Sage are #1. Second is Shadow/Assassin. Yep, the other Inqui/Consular AC. Why? They're the fastest class in the game, again with multiple long-duration hard CCs, huge burst and endless mechanic pool.

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Bounty Hunter and Trooper destroy everything. Hands down. I saw a level 50 BH do 500k damage in a match, everyone else was sub 100k. So much for Bolster...


This is what we call "meter padding", and you get it by spamming AoEs into bunched up players.


Every class seems to have a spammable AoE. If the enemy team is dumb enough to keep bunching up (i.e.- heavily melee and trying to assist train, or cowering in a cuddle pile), just spam your AoEs into them to rack up 5k+ dps.


Throw a frag grenade, hit 5 people? 5k damage on the board. Enemy stands in a longcast channeled AoE (rockets, spray, etc.), 25k on the board.


It's far too easy to pad numbers through AoE; anecdotal "such and such had X damage dealt" doesn't mean anything besides that the other team was braindead and kept dry-humping each other in mass without bothering the people spamming AoEs onto them.


And since he likely also had expertise (and you didn't), he's going to be picking up 50% or more above those numbers.

Edited by PuppetSoul
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There is no 'best class' for anything. Plain simple and true since, well, since PVP exists in any game.


Which may change of course, as soon as macros are allowed that require the hammering of one button only and the 'macro' selects the best choice depending on the situation.


this is a typical PvP macro from WoW.



/cast [stance:1, target=focus, modifier:alt] Skull Bash(Bear Form): [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form)

/cast [stance:3, target=focus, modifier:alt] Skull Bash(Cat Form): [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form)


nobody and I mean NOBODY who does anything even remotely high rated uses any type of /castsequence macro... why? because they don't work beyond 1200 (hell, be surprised if they even worked there)


The 'macro' you are talking about doesn't exist.

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this is a typical PvP macro from WoW.



/cast [stance:1, target=focus, modifier:alt] Skull Bash(Bear Form): [stance:1] Skull Bash(Bear Form)

/cast [stance:3, target=focus, modifier:alt] Skull Bash(Cat Form): [stance:3] Skull Bash(Cat Form)



I use this macro!


Can you even make macros in this game?

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PVP is team based and that's exactly the reason why there is no "best class" for PVP.


You need every class to be succesful. If you only got ranged classes, you won't win anything. If you play melee, you have to play smart and don't charge into the 5 enemies finishing of 1 guy from your team.

As a marauder, I can really pick my targets and I prefer the stupid guys chilling in the back, thinking they can free cast on anything. If you jump into their face and circle them while shoving your lightsaber up their arse, they usually don't know what to do. I really enjoy the Marauder and I was nearly always top 3 in damage and objectives even tho everyone says, that the class is gimped.


I think if u only had ranged u own up the other team purdy fast specialy if u focused fire

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Best class might be strong but id say sorc/sage is pretty dam powerful and user friendly. lighting/rockthrow things to death, shield to absorb alot of damage, and use sprint/heal if you manage to lose a fight. Not to mention the Crowd controls and the pushback of catwalk dominance.
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This is what we call "meter padding", and you get it by spamming AoEs into bunched up players.


Every class seems to have a spammable AoE. If the enemy team is dumb enough to keep bunching up (i.e.- heavily melee and trying to assist train, or cowering in a cuddle pile), just spam your AoEs into them to rack up 5k+ dps.


Throw a frag grenade, hit 5 people? 5k damage on the board. Enemy stands in a longcast channeled AoE (rockets, spray, etc.), 25k on the board.


It's far too easy to pad numbers through AoE; anecdotal "such and such had X damage dealt" doesn't mean anything besides that the other team was braindead and kept dry-humping each other in mass without bothering the people spamming AoEs onto them.


And since he likely also had expertise (and you didn't), he's going to be picking up 50% or more above those numbers.


Exactly ! Very good words ......


It doesnt matter if you top the dmg charts or not, this doesnt describe if a class is good in pvp. Especially if you just throw around your dmg to the masses....whats count is how is your class capable in a 1v1 situation especially. How do you succeed if you get attacked by another player !



All this shoutings about top dmg charts or top healing or whatever is just showy and doesnt define if the class is excellent for pvp.

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