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Powertech PVP - Damage Video


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This isn't me, but here's just one of the ones you can find:



Haven't seen that post before, but I'll take your word for it. The highest I have heard of was from a guy that hit for 6.2k or so. I played a ton of pvp and with 150 wins after the first week of 1.2 my highest crit was around 5.6k or so if i recall. I was already full BM geared by 1.2 and had 1k/1k for war hero gear, so I definatly had an expertise edge on quite a few folks and still didn't hit over 5.6k. Thats even with a 23% damage increase against other new ungeared 50s.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Flameburst=reset CD on railshot, so I can see how this could be accurate. FB will run the heat up though in a raid environment. Not as bad in pvp with a few second DPS break here and there to help bring heat down. I usually only over heat a few times in pvp honestly.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling P-Tech's overpowered. They're managable right now (very difficult to counter a good powertech right now, but at least there are ways), and it usually comes down to playing a class that deals heavy internal/elemental burst damage capability - turns into a race of dps. Only class I feel that needs a CHANGE happens to be assassin/shadow (mostly tank-specs).

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Haven't seen that post before, but I'll take your word for it. The highest I have heard of was from a guy that hit for 6.2k or so. I played a ton of pvp and with 150 wins after the first week of 1.2 my highest crit was around 5.6k or so if i recall. I was already full BM geared by 1.2 and had 1k/1k for war hero gear, so I definatly had an expertise edge on quite a few folks and still didn't hit over 5.6k. Thats even with a 23% damage increase against other new ungeared 50s.


Having BM/WH gear doesn't make you perform optimally. It's once you've remodded everything and stack all the best stats that compliment your class/spec that you really begin to shine - in fact I've noticed significant decreases in dps and/or survival on all my toons as I've traded up from BM gear into WH gear (even with augments). But... once I've completed my gear grind (including the additional WH gear grinds to optimize stats) I should be back on pace.

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Mers are a poor class - Bioware should allow all of them to become powertechs


It's really simple - attacks that require cast time/channels should do more dmg then instants.

Edited by Serpieri
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I roll fully geared shadow tank in pvp and PT's hurt like crazy. The only class that puts out close to that much dmg on me is a skilled Mara. Even mediocre PT's just crap dps. And on my server the word is out and the fotm is established. I get 4-5 PT's in plenty of wz's and it's not a class that suffers from being stacked.


As for the OP yeah tracer/grav round spec is dead. You can basically ignore them in wz's even the good ones.

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Mers are a poor class - Bioware should allow all of them to become powertechs


It's really simple - attacks that require cast time/channels should do more dmg then instants.


Then bioware should allow Sorcerers/Sages to become Assassins/Shadows, Ops/Scounds to become Snipers/Gunslingers, and Juggs/Guardians to become Marauders/Sentinels. Seriously...

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Pyro tech, as i stated after patch 1.2 by posting here a topic about OP damage they put, kill ppl in few seconds. They crit 5k+ easy over and over having full mobility . And they do that very very fast. other classes crit same but not one after another and not that fast. I guess some of us need weeks to wake up. They are Kings of the dmg atm in any WZ among with marauders.


PS>: After 1.2 sorcs/sages heal 40% more then before! What a NERF INDEED!

Bioware is all about you!

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I'd love to see you fight some real players.


My operative stops Pyrotechs burst in it's tracks with one button. 5k-6k doesn't even happen on any target in battlemasters or higher. Even with adrenals.


Soooo much wrong with this video, yet sooooooo many people are gawking over it.

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My operative stops Pyrotechs burst in it's tracks with one button. 5k-6k doesn't even happen on any target in battlemasters or higher. Even with adrenals.


You must have some poorly geared Powertechs on your server if they can't break 5K on geared targets.


In a nutshell:


Light Armor users (that are not tankasins). 5K+ is effortless. 5.5k+ even on WH Geared is pretty common for me (4.5K with no adrenals at times).

Medium Armor Users, in WH Gear. 4.8K - 5.4K

Heavy Armor users in WH Gear: 4.8K - 5.4K (No clue why I get the same ranged between Heavy and Medium)

Tanks - 4.5K - 5Kish.

Edited by exphryl
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You must have some poorly geared Powertechs on your server if they can't break 5K on geared targets.


Not at all.


My PT has half BM/Half Warhero and against any decent/geared players it becomes a massive heat management battle. I get 5k-6k crits on fresh 50's, or people in half BM gear with adrenals going. Other than that? I'm lucky to see over 4.2k.


A good operative or healing mercenary just stops the initial burst forcing you into a heat management battle. Cleanse does wonders against PTs, especially spammy ones.


I'm sorry you server is full of PvE geared, fresh 50s that you get to run over. Mine has an incredibly active PvP community where even if they are fresh to 50, they are full BM and a piece of warhero in a day or two at most.

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Not at all.


My PT has half BM/Half Warhero and against any decent/geared players it becomes a massive heat management battle. I get 5k-6k crits on fresh 50's, or people in half BM gear with adrenals going. Other than that? I'm lucky to see over 4.2k.


A good operative or healing mercenary just stops the initial burst forcing you into a heat management battle. Cleanse does wonders against PTs, especially spammy ones.


I'm sorry you server is full of PvE geared, fresh 50s that you get to run over. Mine has an incredibly active PvP community where even if they are fresh to 50, they are full BM and a piece of warhero in a day or two at most.


The fact you struggle with healing mercenaries, says a lot for your playstyle.

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The fact you struggle with healing mercenaries, says a lot for your playstyle.


I don't struggle against healing mercenaries. I said it puts a heat management battle on my hands.


Obviously though, you play against healers who aren't guarded and get to run all over them. This says much about how bad the PvPers are on your server. Nevermind the fact that healing is weak, and killing a guarded healer is still doable. You will just use WAY more resources as a pyrotech than any other spec in the game right now trying to do so.


Except maybe concealment operatives.

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I don't struggle against healing mercenaries. I said it puts a heat management battle on my hands.


Obviously though, you play against healers who aren't guarded and get to run all over them. This says much about how bad the PvPers are on your server. Nevermind the fact that healing is weak, and killing a guarded healer is still doable. You will just use WAY more resources as a pyrotech than any other spec in the game right now trying to do so.


Except maybe concealment operatives.


You make assumptions. Yet you can't break 4.2K. Seems kind of weird. Perhaps go back to learning how to mod your gear correclty? Would fix a bunch of your issues. Maybe spec is wrong?


Guard is also a mechanic that can be easily nullified by anybody that's a high dps with half a brain.

Edited by exphryl
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You make assumptions. Yet you can't break 4.2K. Seems kind of weird. Perhaps go back to learning how to mod your gear correclty? Would fix a bunch of your issues. Maybe spec is wrong?


Guard is also a mechanic that can be easily nullified by anybody high dps with half a brain.


No substance, no counter argument. You are basically some bad who gets ran over by pyrotechs. No, I don't believe your signature.


My gear is perfectly fine, by the way. Fully modded out for power/surge even in the augmentable slots I have right now. You aren't doing 5k-6k rail shots against geared players, even clothed ones. You aren't gibbing tank/healer combos in one burst DPS rotation by yourself. You aren't soloing any tank assassin/Marauder that isn't dead at the keyboard.


Please, more hyperbole from bad players.

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Lol at all the people claiming its biochem buff / buff stacking that makes it happend, a certain class did the same thing with buff stacking and even when people were told all classes could do it they ignored it and still the class got nerfed over and over.


Powertech as they are keep em, its already turned into tank heal wars and having a class that can actually do something about it might be better, also serves as a reminder to just how horrible the patch balance process in the game has been going and how awesome their metric data is.

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I just saw this on youtube. Man I wish Mercs were even remotely close to this in DPS. Whats also crazy is all of the DPS is while being fully mobile, while the merc is an interuptable turret with hideous DPS.



That's because you're playing the wrong spec for PvP.


Play a pyro merc and I guarantee you you will be on par with pyrotech damage. There's a pyro merc on my server who consistently has higher numbers then pyrotechs in warzones.


Now, I'm not saying he does more dps but it's probably comparable. The higher numbers end up being from a different play style. A pyrotech will still try to taunt and AoE taunt, run the ball (not very well but better than a merc), pull people around the map and peel etc. A merc pyro can be a merc pyro and just focus on dps, hence the higher numbers.

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You aren't soloing any tank assassin/Marauder that isn't dead at the keyboard.


Please, more hyperbole from bad players.


Ah. You are on the "I can't learn how to beat another class" train. Nice. Funny you say that and then say "bad players".


I needed the laugh before dinner. Thanks.

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lol, he's the freaking guy showcased in the vid ffs!


It's pretty obvious, as he said it himself that he is using adrenals/stims/relics and is fighting mostly undergeared targets.


I've gotten crits much higher than he has on undergeared targets with all that going too. Almost 7k actually, on a sorcerer though. He literally just hit 50 and was wearing all level 40 modded gear. Then my juggernaut friend (my roommate) crit the same guy for 9.5k.



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Ah. You are on the "I can't learn how to beat another class" train. Nice. Funny you say that and then say "bad players".


I needed the laugh before dinner. Thanks.


My operative, as concealment runs over powertechs like you. And operatives are the bottom of the barrel. I'm sorry there is no skilled assassins/marauders on your server.


Clearly, I need to start labeling my videos I post here "Look at how OP I am!", then have people go 'whaaaaat, real fights against real players with real gear?!'



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It's pretty obvious, as he said it himself that he is using adrenals/stims/relics and is fighting mostly undergeared targets.



Actually since reading comprehension seems to not be your thing, the thread that I initially started (in the PT forums) states


Yes some players may be only moderately geared (others are decently geared).


Some != Mostly all.


My operative, as concealment runs over powertechs like you. And operatives are the bottom of the barrel. I'm sorry there is no skilled assassins/marauders on your server.


You continue to throw this out because you feel it's a good argument. But all it is telling me is you are bad at playing a Powertech.


PS: I've broken 7.5K on a fresh Sorc if you want to start throwing out numbers. But it's nothing to brag about since well, a fresh 50 sorc is laughable when trying to show damage and not replicable in actual practice.

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Feel free to show proof of your 7.5k on a fresh sorcerer. I'd love to see it.


Until then, continue to feed the trolls campaigning to get your class nerfed to the ground cause of bad videos show casing burst on terribly-moderately geared players. In the mean time, I'll continue to trounce powertechs like yourself, and even more so after they get nerfed again.

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I have a sniper, but it's not my thing honestly. I'm not crazy about the sniper play style even though it owns face. I truly dont think people realize how bad commandos/mercs are atm. They are easily the worst AC in the game.


The only viable dps spec for mercs/commandos is the weaker version of the spec this powertech is using.


The true red headed stepchild is concealment or lethality spec'd operatives. Any spec for operatives high in the healing tree, however, is over powered right now in the hands of any non-retard.

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The only viable dps spec for mercs/commandos is the weaker version of the spec this powertech is using.


The true red headed stepchild is concealment or lethality spec'd operatives. Any spec for operatives high in the healing tree, however, is over powered right now in the hands of any non-retard.


I absolutely love medical probes/cull spec. It is insane how much utility and staying power I get. But don't go telling everyone about this stuff! :p

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