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Allowing characters in PvE servers to transfer to PvP serves - Bioware PLEASE READ

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Considering that this is my first MMO, I wanted my initial experience to be a smooth one. So because I was a "noob" and in some way still a noob, I did not want to start off by playing on a PvP server and having to be ganked while I am trying to enjoy my story or explore the worlds. Now after getting 1 character to level 43 and another to level 50, both on a PvE server [The Shadowlands] I feel like I have enough experience and whatnot to play on a PvP server. In fact, I would rather play on a PvP server because it just seems more....realistic. Example, I remember when I was on Corellia with my lvl 50 character [Empire]. On the much later parts of the planet, I kept seeing this one level 15 Trooper Vanguard running around on our [Empire] side collecting crafting material. It was open shop for him because #1 He is on a PvE server with his PvP flag off so it wasn't like anyone could have attacked him. #2 The way the planet was set up, on our side, the mobs were Republic aligned so they wouldn't attack him. So yeah, he was just free to run about farming materials while the mobs didn't attack him and we couldn't attack him. For some reason this really irked me and I figure that this type of stuff probably does not go on in a PvP server.....you know.....a level 15 running around a level 50 area.


Also there are some dead points while questing where it sort of gets.....dull just questing and I wouldn't mind the occasional fight from another action. But on PvE servers, 99.9999999% of the time, people would deny my request to duel them.


Now that I see that server transfers are coming, I really want to transfer from a PvE server to a PvP server. HOWEVER, word on the street says that normally in MMOs, the developers do not allow you to transfer from PvE servers to PvP servers or transfer from PvP servers to PvE servers. Meaning that in my current situation, I would only be able to transfer my 2 characters to another PvE server! :(


With that said, I really hope that BIoware considers the ability for us to transfer to PvE to PvP or PvP to PvE servers. Why? I really don't care about losing a character, but I just don't want to lose all of the legacy levels [Level 14] that I have gained since playing way back last December when the game came out. I can play on a PvP server, but I would only be able to do that by starting a new character on a PvP server which means that the character one come in with the same legacy bonuses as the other characters on the PvE server.


So yeah, what do you guys think about this? Perhaps Bioware could just allow a one time only transfer from a PvE server to PvP or a PvP server to a PvE and after that you're locked in and can only transfer to the same server play style that you already selected.





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I really doubt there is going to be restrictions on where you can go if their is paid transfers. By the way, don't get your hopes up about world PVP. I have been on a PVP server since release, and the chances of engaging in world PVP is very slim to none. The pub/imp bases and quest way points are too segregated on planets. Only the recent plague event brought to life some faction battles. There really is no difference in PVP and PVE servers at the moment. Edited by evohawaii
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I really doubt there is going to be restrictions on where you can go if their is paid transfers. By the way, don't get your hopes up about world PVP. I have been on a PVP server since release, and the chances of engaging in world PVP is very slim to none. Only the recent plague event brought to life some faction battles. There really is no difference in PVP and PVE servers at the moment.


#1 I really hope you're right about the paid transfers. At this point, I am desperate enough to pay a fee or whatever to transfer to a PvP server from a PvE server.


#2 I respect your opinion on PvP servers, but anything is better than what goes on in PvE servers. Going back to my example of Corellia, at least on a PvP server, I would have been able to attack that level 15 Trooper Vanguard running around our side farming crafting materials because he knew the mobs weren't going to attack him because the mobs were Republic and he knew we couldn't attack him because it was a PvE server and his PvP flag was turned off.

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Considering that this is my first MMO, I wanted my initial experience to be a smooth one. So because I was a "noob" and in some way still a noob, I did not want to start off by playing on a PvP server and having to be ganked while I am trying to enjoy my story or explore the worlds. Now after getting 1 character to level 43 and another to level 50, both on a PvE server [The Shadowlands] I feel like I have enough experience and whatnot to play on a PvP server. In fact, I would rather play on a PvP server because it just seems more....realistic. Example, I remember when I was on Corellia with my lvl 50 character [Empire]. On the much later parts of the planet, I kept seeing this one level 15 Trooper Vanguard running around on our [Empire] side collecting crafting material. It was open shop for him because #1 He is on a PvE server with his PvP flag off so it wasn't like anyone could have attacked him. #2 The way the planet was set up, on our side, the mobs were Republic aligned so they wouldn't attack him. So yeah, he was just free to run about farming materials while the mobs didn't attack him and we couldn't attack him. For some reason this really irked me and I figure that this type of stuff probably does not go on in a PvP server.....you know.....a level 15 running around a level 50 area.


Also there are some dead points while questing where it sort of gets.....dull just questing and I wouldn't mind the occasional fight from another action. But on PvE servers, 99.9999999% of the time, people would deny my request to duel them.


Now that I see that server transfers are coming, I really want to transfer from a PvE server to a PvP server. HOWEVER, word on the street says that normally in MMOs, the developers do not allow you to transfer from PvE servers to PvP servers or transfer from PvP servers to PvE servers. Meaning that in my current situation, I would only be able to transfer my 2 characters to another PvE server! :(


With that said, I really hope that BIoware considers the ability for us to transfer to PvE to PvP or PvP to PvE servers. Why? I really don't care about losing a character, but I just don't want to lose all of the legacy levels [Level 14] that I have gained since playing way back last December when the game came out. I can play on a PvP server, but I would only be able to do that by starting a new character on a PvP server which means that the character one come in with the same legacy bonuses as the other characters on the PvE server.


So yeah, what do you guys think about this? Perhaps Bioware could just allow a one time only transfer from a PvE server to PvP or a PvP server to a PvE and after that you're locked in and can only transfer to the same server play style that you already selected.






Sounds a lot like " I wanted to level up in peace, but now that I'm 50, I want to gank the lowbies."


I certainly hope they do NOT allow PVE to PVP transfers. I am fine with PVP to PVE transfers, but not PVE to PVP. I have played on both types of servers, and I would hate to have spent the time and extra aggravation of dealing with the random ganking while leveling on a PVP server only to have someone transfer to transfer to my server after having leveled up on a PVE server and then start ganking lowbies.


If you want to play on a PVP server, be my guest. Roll a toon on any PVP server you wish. As far as your legacy levels go, that is a choice you must make. The same choice every one of us has to make if we consider re-rolling to another server.

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SWTOR does not have pvp servers. They have some marked as pvp but the distinction is meaningless.




EDIT: Quoted the wrong person. lol

Edited by ironix
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I doubt they'd allow PvE to PvP transfers. Too easy to gear up on PvE then transfer into PvP. The other direction, PvP to PvE shouldn't be a problem.


I've leveled on both, the pvp server was actually easier to gear up because of the higher population.

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MMORPG's almost never allow PvE>PvP transfers for the reason you state in your OP.


People level up (and gear up) on PvE servers then go to "pwn" on PvP servers only once they have levelled and geared up (which isn't fair to those levelling and gearing ON the PvP servers).




Just level up on a PvP server, it's really benign in SWTOR anyway.

Edited by Goretzu
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SWTOR does not have pvp servers. They have some marked as pvp but the distinction is meaningless.

Mostly this. I doubt there will be any restrictions. The last PvP server character I leveled I only saw two republic the entire way to 50. The typical reason to disallow cross transfers, because PvP leveling and gearing is much more difficult, isn't an issue here, at all.

Edited by XavinNydek
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I really doubt there is going to be restrictions on where you can go if their is paid transfers. By the way, don't get your hopes up about world PVP. I have been on a PVP server since release, and the chances of engaging in world PVP is very slim to none. The pub/imp bases and quest way points are too segregated on planets. Only the recent plague event brought to life some faction battles. There really is no difference in PVP and PVE servers at the moment.



so very true

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SWTOR does not have pvp servers. They have some marked as pvp but the distinction is meaningless.


This is probably the same reason WoW changed their policy on it. Its really not much harder to level in PvP. There is not "level in peace" difference between the two server type anymore. Even in a more popular game like WoW.

Edited by MasterKayote
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dude there is no difference between the servers. PVP outside warzones just doesn't happen. I have leveled 3 different 50s on 3 different pvp servers and have never had any pvp happen outside a warzone once.


Then it should be easy for the OP or anyone else who wants to have a high level toon on a PVP server to get one to 50. The fact that some individuals may or may not have experienced any open world PVP does not preclude the possibility. Individual results may vary. When I leveled on a PVP server, I was ganked at least once a day.

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dude there is no difference between the servers. PVP outside warzones just doesn't happen. I have leveled 3 different 50s on 3 different pvp servers and have never had any pvp happen outside a warzone once.


You must be leveling on dead servers then. I'll admit there is not much cross faction encounters on pvp servers at low level, but once you hit tatooine i have always encountered the bad guys in the "shared" part of the map that both factions run missions in. I think it's the greatest thing about pvp servers. It has been this way since day 1. As a shadow usually playing solo I regularly pick off the lone imperial. Occasionaly I get jumped too, but it's pretty hard to kill a shadow/assassin if they don't want to engage. I love the "danger" element of solo missioning and seeing red players about.

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Okay, I have a question to ask because something is not adding up.


People say that it is easier to level on a PvE server than a PvP. Why? I do not know, I am assuming that because on PvP servers, you can get ganked and ambushed by the opposing faction when trying to level versus on PvE servers, that can't happen. Okay, I respect that.




Then other people here turn around and say that on PvP servers [in SWTOR], there is no difference between PvE as even on PvP servers, there is little to no open world PvP.




Those two statements do not add up! If PvP servers in SWTOR aren't "true" PvP as people claim, then why do you say it is harder to level on a PvP server?

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Okay, I have a question to ask because something is not adding up.


People say that it is easier to level on a PvE server than a PvP. Why? I do not know, I am assuming that because on PvP servers, you can get ganked and ambushed by the opposing faction when trying to level versus on PvE servers, that can't happen. Okay, I respect that.




Then other people here turn around and say that on PvP servers [in SWTOR], there is no difference between PvE as even on PvP servers, there is little to no open world PvP.




Those two statements do not add up! If PvP servers in SWTOR aren't "true" PvP as people claim, then why do you say it is harder to level on a PvP server?


Because people just like to spout off at the mouth because they have nothing better to do. For the most part PvPers are a bit miffed because they didn't do their research into the game and expected some awsome PvP messiah when that was distinctly not the kind of game BW was creating. That being said, a better PvP system is needed in this game, and part of the problem is that there's seems to be little incentive for general open world PvP at the moment (low pop servers or skewed faction ratios are partly to blame). As far as I know, the game doesn't play any differently on any of the servers, be it PvE, PVP, RP for both, and I see no reason why BW would limit the type of server we can transfer too, with the exception of the high pop ones, and taking into consideration to leave enough of each type active in order to have healthy pops without ques.


Once the subscriber population stabilizes and the transfers tightens up the individual server pops, then we might see a bit more action on those servers - but until the system is revamped, it will have to be player-driven, so then it's up to the community to do those types of things.



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So why do people say that it is harder to level on a PvP server?


I don't know that it's harder here, or any other game for that matter.


But I do know that back when I played WoW and they were talking about server transfers, a lot of the people on PvP servers did not want PvE carebares moving over to their server because it was supposed to be easier on PvE servers to level up and gear up.

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Okay, I have a question to ask because something is not adding up.


People say that it is easier to level on a PvE server than a PvP. Why? I do not know, I am assuming that because on PvP servers, you can get ganked and ambushed by the opposing faction when trying to level versus on PvE servers, that can't happen. Okay, I respect that.




Then other people here turn around and say that on PvP servers [in SWTOR], there is no difference between PvE as even on PvP servers, there is little to no open world PvP.




Those two statements do not add up! If PvP servers in SWTOR aren't "true" PvP as people claim, then why do you say it is harder to level on a PvP server?



There isn't much OPvP in SWTOR due to how it's designed, there isn't absolutely none however.


You're still at a significant advantage being able to level up and gear up on a PvE server and then transfer over - which is why almost no MMORPGs allow it (WoW may be the exception these days, but then WoW would sell it's Granny for a $ these days).


It's effectively "cheating", which is how most people that actually levelled on a PvP server would likely see it.

Edited by Goretzu
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Because people just like to spout off at the mouth because they have nothing better to do. For the most part PvPers are a bit miffed because they didn't do their research into the game and expected some awsome PvP messiah when that was distinctly not the kind of game BW was creating. That being said, a better PvP system is needed in this game, and part of the problem is that there's seems to be little incentive for general open world PvP at the moment (low pop servers or skewed faction ratios are partly to blame). As far as I know, the game doesn't play any differently on any of the servers, be it PvE, PVP, RP for both, and I see no reason why BW would limit the type of server we can transfer too, with the exception of the high pop ones, and taking into consideration to leave enough of each type active in order to have healthy pops without ques.


Once the subscriber population stabilizes and the transfers tightens up the individual server pops, then we might see a bit more action on those servers - but until the system is revamped, it will have to be player-driven, so then it's up to the community to do those types of things.




Thanks for your informative response! While there might not be any real incentive to open world PvP even on the PvP servers, I would still like to transfer to one because in the event that Bioware does revamp Open-World PvP, I want to be there when it happens and not left out because I wanted to stay on a PvE server.

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So why do people say that it is harder to level on a PvP server?


Because you will be ganked. Even in SWTOR (except maybe on the lowest pop servers).


Being ganked isn't "difficult" or "harder" (although it might be if they do it just as you're about loot a chest one 10% just after you've killed the elite guarding it, and then the ganker loots it :)), but it still is.

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Thanks for your informative response! While there might not be any real incentive to open world PvP even on the PvP servers, I would still like to transfer to one because in the event that Bioware does revamp Open-World PvP, I want to be there when it happens and not left out because I wanted to stay on a PvE server.


If they re-do/do RvR it'll be in specific zones in all server, I cannot see them doing something PvP server specific.

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