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You seem to be obsessed with gear. I said nothing about wanting things to be more difficult to obtain. I do however have a problem with people being rewarded for participation rather than effort and skill.


This change effects the regular wzs. When the ranked wzs finally arrive, they will reward you for your effort and skill.

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The only thing you can do with your reward is buy gear... therefore your whole point revolves around gear. I'm just bringing that underlying narrative to light.


I actually hate the fact that gear exists in PvP. Everyone should always have even stats.


wrong. i spend tokens on healing stims. also you're " Scepter is just protecting his gear" debate is lame considering i'm in BM gear.

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wrong. i spend tokens on healing stims. also you're " Scepter is just protecting his gear" debate is lame considering i'm in BM gear.


If you aren't trying to protect a gear advantage what possible reason do you have for opposing this change?


I should also point out that since stim provide a statistical advantage to players who have them over players who don't they act in the exact same manner as gear. Their on-use functionality means that they do have a degree of player skill involved, however the accumulation of them is gated through commendations and therefore they are an advantage.

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First off, since December of last year I have not seen one person "standing around". Everyone in every warzone I've been in has at least been pulling a trigger or swinging a lightsaber. I have not seen or heard anything that makes me believe "standing around" is rampant. My view of the world so far only extends to two servers, so YMMV. If there is a metric to test the significance of this problem, I would like to see it.


Second, no punishment will be severe enough to gain participation compliance. People will participate if they are having fun. People will participate if they believe their effort is being rewarded, even in a losing cause. People will participate regularly and reliably only with positive reinforcement. That does not mean the designers should not protect against non-participation, but let us make sure we have a significant problem before we ask them to waste resources fixing something that is not broken.


We need to promote PvP within each of our servers by showing new players you can have fun, particularly in the end game by grouping up with some friends, old or new, and having a knockdown dragout fight. We do not need to run people off either in design by giving no reward for a player's effort, or by being elitist snobs because someone is not geared or as committed to PvP as some of us might be. If they are new, help them out, do not berate them. If we do not grow the PvP community we well be equally responsible for the long queues some of you are finding on your servers. It is in all of our interest to promote PvP to new players. Regardless of design we are our own worst enemies and cut our own throats when we do not help new players get involved.


This change is a positive step in promoting PvP to those who might not otherwise want to get involved. We can point to participation in warzones as a way to have fun and progress.

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I have 8 characters on the same server and they are from both factions. If my team keeps losing I just have to switch factions and suddenly I keep winning.


I can spend days on my 'win 1' in the 10-49 bracket on a Republic character. I'm all for anything that does not punish people for playing the underdog.

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I would have prefered a penalty for quitters instead.


There is one already = they don't get win credit nor comms for the match and if they are on a low to mid pop server and reque instantly they are back in the same match. I'd call having to wait 30+ min to get another match (like on my server) penalty enough.

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I would have prefered a penalty for quitters instead.


I do not think this is the best solution. Do not punish, rather reward participation, and make success lucrative. Long term success is about wanting to be there, not in avoiding punishment.

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It doesn't FIX the quitter problem. Now they simply stand around and do nothing in your match guaranteeing a loss that way.




I have no illusions that people will start leaving WZs once they complete daily but still, few matches in a row without ppl quitting was a nice thing. TBH can anyone blame ppl (except premade freaks ofc) for leaving WZs when they are not fun? MAYBE it will calm down when more people will be able to gear up a bit, maybe.

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Why didn't they have both? Sigh


I liked having both "win 3 warzones" and the ilum daily which ended up working to being "Play 10 warzones". It resulted in more people playing more warzones each day, since many would play on to meet their 10 wz quota.

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Why didn't they have both? Sigh


I liked having both "win 3 warzones" and the ilum daily which ended up working to being "Play 10 warzones". It resulted in more people playing more warzones each day, since many would play on to meet their 10 wz quota.


Oooh, I like that idea! I'm all for having more PvP dailies!

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Why didn't they have both? Sigh


I liked having both "win 3 warzones" and the ilum daily which ended up working to being "Play 10 warzones". It resulted in more people playing more warzones each day, since many would play on to meet their 10 wz quota.


I liked it too. It was one of the driving incentives for me to do a bunch of matches even as a new PvPer getting stomped into peanut butter.


Good idea. Reward people for completing matches = people have incentive to play matches. I like the math.

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you people talk like you have earned something.


until ladder system where skill = gear





Nothing you have done up till this piont requires SKILL. It's all time played.


So stop talking like you good or better then.


Until a ladder system is in, WE ARE ALL SCURBS.

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Thanks for doing this, on my server it was really pain to complete the pvp daily. Sometimes it took 20 matches to do it (no i am no exagurating) and sometime i couldnt even complete it before closing the game. Problem came from playing against pre-made teams, and its very slim chance to beat a group of 4 with the pug group you have =P Rince and repeat for 20 matches and you get really pissed off. I really wanted win senario to change into participation instead and it happened finally. Again thanks for doing this!
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If you win matches, you can still finish your daily in three. This just provides a mobility path for individuals who might be utterly outclasses for one reason or another. Often, this is not always in their control.
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Let's face it most servers have some form of faction imbalance..mine is pub dominated and I feel bad for some of the Imps that are good players but can't overcome green geared pugs. Going 10-15 matches and not finishing the daily sucks nuts for them...great change.


I do find it amusing when 2-3 greenies try and take a point from me and I swat them like flies but it's short lived enjoyment...the real fun/excitement is playing against and beating good teams/players.

Edited by Zekeiele
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I can see both sides of this. I'm rep side on an Imp heavy server that will frequently have Imp premades. I queue solo all of the time so it is certainly a grind to get my daily at times but I don't think that there has been one day where I didn't get it and I usually knock out the weekly in 2 days. I think they should have added an additional daily for playing 6 matches instead of removing the 3 win daily so that there is still a reason to grind out those 3 wins.


The funny thing is though, everyone complains about not enough people in WZ's and BW gives them incentive to at least play more matches...then everyone complains about that.

Edited by Hyryu
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People just need to stop the "entitlement" attitude...


1. Its a Game

2. People pay the same money you do

3. If you are "winning" who cares

4. Your time is not more valuable than their time

5. You still gain more for winning than losing.

6. Who really cares?

7. Do you need a game to feel superior over people you are winning against?

8. Grow up.

9. PVP is not a members only club.



Stop being such Richards...

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Please people. This nets a player 99/99 rated/regular comms. Stop creating drama where there isn't any. The same people who weren't caring about contributing beforehand still won't care after, and those who were trying will still be trying. This patch is not going to turn contributers into oxygen thieves.
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I was at 2/3 wins for the daily. Now I'm at 2/6. They essentially took a win away. I want my win back. How hard would it be to put in an equation that 2/3=4/6...pretty sure I learned that in the 4th grade...
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I read MOST of this thread not all, so excuse me if I repeat something already said.


But I think this is a great change to the PvP daily. Why? Well if you didn't notice there are no ranked warzones yet!! Which means we are still stuck with 4 PUGs. And if you keep going up 1 premade vs 2, good chance you're gonna get rolled. You should be able to progress in your mission since we got jibbed the 8 man queue. Another thing I'd like to point out is that on many servers people are NOT playing anymore. Even good PvPers are quitting. Some of us lost our good premade. If you're a good PvPer you should be able to complete the daily even if your team is sucky and you can't pull a win with them.

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I'm just curious as to who thought this was a great idea to make them for participation and not actually attempting to win? Carebear Wars here we are.


It's actually a great combination if you give it some thought. It encourages players to PvP since now the Daily is easily within reach for most regardless of their playstyle, Premade or PUG.


And since the Weekly is still Win based, players will still do their best to Win the match so they can finish the quest. It's actually perfect in many ways, encourage peeps to play more and play to win, something PvP in this game really needs right now.

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